Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 692 A Nice Accident

Chapter 692 A Nice Accident

"Ya Longjing was forced by the general situation, and Yuan Feiwu was imprisoned in the prison of the Northway Palace, and made public. The excitement of the people in many places was persuaded, but the strange thing is that most of the people in the Fengshou Empire are very concerned about Yuan Feiwu. Feiwu was very resistant to being arrested, it is said that it was because Yuan Feiwu promoted a new planting technology in the local area..." Lu Xiaoling reported carefully, looking at the black shadow in the corner from time to time to see what expression he had.

The Great Master moved to a new place, which was the basement of one of his mansions.The place where he met with Arnold and Jiawen had been abandoned by him. Now that the situation has developed, he no longer needs to contact them. It is the smartest way to continue to hide himself.

"New planting technology? This guy is really... boring enough. You have to fight hard." The Great Master hid in his cloak, only showing a pair of unpredictable eyes.

"Great Master, although the purpose is similar to what we want, Yuan Feiwu's identity as a fallen angel has been exposed, but this time it doesn't seem to be the effect of our ambush trap..."

"Isn't that good? Jiawen, I can't believe it. The relationship between her and Yuan Feiwu is extraordinary, and Yuan Feiwu has so many evil ideas. Even if Jiawen leads people into our trap and achieves our goal, I can't believe it. This This time is more like an accident, it seems that Jiawen didn't have time to participate in it, so it's more believable. I asked you to find out why Yuan Feiwu exposed his identity, did you find any clues?"

Lu Xiaoling sneered in his heart. At the beginning, he told himself that it would be fine to take Jiawen with him or not as long as he could accomplish his goal, but he kept half of it to himself.He didn't believe it even if he accomplished his goal!This man is extremely suspicious!
"Yes, Arnold's body was found in the Imperial Mausoleum of the Fengshou Empire that day, and the news was blocked by Sabo. The magic energy fluctuates, and Yuan Feiwu was caught in the state of a fallen angel that day, Sabo suspected that Arnold was murdered by Yuan Feiwu." Lu Xiaoling said.

"Haha, I have received some news that Arnold and Yuan Feiwu have a feud. I used to come to find trouble with Yuan Feiwu, but was tossed by the three old ghost masters of Nangongfeng. Liang Zi must have grown up. I didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to also It’s quite ruthless, to actually kill a great magister, it’s okay, it’s a great thing for our demons, hahaha..."

There is a great magister on Xingluo Continent, which is really something that the demons should be happy about.

"But Yuan Feiwu, I don't think he has the strength to kill the great magister."

Lu Xiaoling's face was full of disdain. He is the fallen angel with the purest bloodline in the demon clan. He is not yet Arnold's opponent, so why can Yuan Feiwu kill Arnold?
"He can survive your father, can you?" The master's gloomy eyes looked at Lu Xiaoling strangely.

In the past, he used to call Lu Likai by his first name in front of Lu Xiaoling, but this was the first time he called Lu Likai in this way.

That's right, Lu Xiaoling is the son of Lu Likai, the younger brother of the Emperor of the Demon Clan, and of course he is a fallen angel with the purest lineage in the Demon Clan.

"My father saw that he was also a fallen angel, so let him go." Lu Xiaoling figured it out this time, and was not bluffed again.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoling hadn't been provoked, the great master sneered quietly.

"That kid is very ghostly, so he can't come up with any tricks to sneak attack Arnold? If you get close to the unprepared Arnold within three meters, you are sure to kill him, right?" the Great Master retracted his hazy eyes and said.

"That's not a problem." Lu Xiaoling said, "Maybe he killed it with a conspiracy."

"What's the latest news? Northway and the mercenaries should continue to attack, right?"

"Yes, Northway on the border started a tentative attack, intending to increase containment efforts; the mercenary side also began to speed up the progress, making it difficult for the Fengshou Empire to be attacked by the enemy. Livia accepted the latest Magic Association test and officially announced It broke through to the level of a great magister, and everyone still doesn't know the news of Arnold's death, saying that they now have five great magisters in the Star Luo Continent."

"Very good, continue to lie to your own people. Human beings' stupidity and self-deception are their bad habits, and they can't be changed! Sometimes I can't understand Sabo's chess. If the news of Arnold's death is announced in time, Yuan Feiwu will In terms of relationship, even if Yuan Feiwu doesn’t die, his skin will peel off, and it’s not so easy for Nuo Siwei to get out of this reputation crisis with just a few announcements.” The Great Master shook his head, and began to wonder if he shouldn’t have supported this idiot back then.

At the beginning, it was because of his ambition and a strong master that he took the initiative to instigate him to help him take over the Fengshou Empire. How could he have guessed that such a large country would be finished by him in less than half a year?This person, it really is not enough to have a glamorous appearance and a flattering mouth, he must also have a brain.

"The big backer that I've been relying on has collapsed, have you felt guilty for a while?" Lu Xiaoling also sneered, he could understand Sabo's thoughts, just like the son of a big landlord whose family suddenly went bankrupt but didn't dare to tell any friends , maintaining the same bluff as before, and lost even the chance to ask for help.

What a ridiculous psychology.

"Just these news, gone?" asked the Great Master.

"Also, I heard that many generals in Northway's army pleaded for Yuan Feiwu, but Ya Longjing threw away all the letters without even reading them on the grounds of concentrating on war. For this reason, Yuan Feiwu's two buddies Xueyue and Yuan Feiwu Nangong Feng, in order to intercede with Yuan Feiwu, rushed back to the palace to meet Ya Nongjing in private, and later fell out with Ya Nongjing, and both of them resigned from the military."

"Oh? Is there any news like this?"

The Grand Master's eyes widened a lot when he heard the last news.

Lu Xiaoling was very curious, he was not so interested in Arnold's death before, but why did he value the unimportant information later?

"Is this news important? Grand Master."

Lu Xiaoling was very concerned about what the Great Master taught before, but now he just asked casually on the surface, making people feel that it doesn't matter if the Great Master answers or not.

This is the way of not letting others know your inner thoughts, not revealing your true desires, and everything has a way out.

"Of course, it would be unreasonable if no one pleads for mercy. Even if Yuan Feiwu is a fallen angel, he is still very prestigious and popular in the army, and more or less people will say please for him. More importantly, his two buddies , Their actions are extremely critical. Judging from the fact that Northway has resigned from military service at such an important time to contain the main force of the Fengshou Empire, it is true that they have fallen out with Yalongjing. More importantly, Yalongjing did not take this When the matter is made public, all the ministers in the court don't know that Xueyue Nangong Fengqi has escaped!"

"So?" Lu Xiaoling raised his eyebrows.

"So, Yuan Feiwu's exposure of his identity this time is enough to convince me." The Grand Master waved his hand, "I want to be alone and think about how to force Yuan Feiwu to betray all relatives and return to our demon clan."

Lu Xiaoling nodded and left, his heart once again refreshed how deep the great master's scheming was.

Before Dare, he said that the accidental exposure of Yuan Feiwu's strength is much more credible than the exposure of entering their trap, and it hasn't reached the point where he can really be trusted!Combined with the news later, it can be seen from the uncontrollable micro-expressions on his face that this is truly believed.The same is true of Jiawen's matter. He still has [-]% of his heart buried in the result of telling him how credible it is.

Lu Xiaoling secretly reminded himself that in the future, he must be wary of what this person says.

(End of this chapter)

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