Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 693 Unify 1 Star Luo Continent

Chapter 693 Unifying Star Luo Continent
Northway's offensive against the Fengshou Empire, which had been silent for half a month, finally broke out.

The main force on the border of the Fengshou Empire retreated frantically, giving up Yonggu City and the border to Nuo Siwei.

After Nuo Siwei occupied Yonggu City without a single soldier, he moved his troops southward and officially moved the main battlefield of the Star Luo Continent's unification war to the territory of the Fengguo Empire.

"If you have any questions about the war, you can ask Silas more."

Before Yuan Feiwu was taken away by Jiawen, he left such a sentence to Bie Lun.

Of course Belun took these words to heart and conveyed them to Marens.

Marens thought and thought, and finally contacted the other legion commanders. After a meeting, he called Silas over to hear what he had to say about the upcoming battle.

"Hurry up! Everything needs to be done quickly! The purpose of the Beacon Empire is to shrink its troops. They will give up the area around the empire and give it to us for free. When we occupy it, we will need to waste time to guard and appease them. They have bought time." Back to the central government, then we can defend the attack of us and the mercenary group together, wasting our current good situation! We must hold on to this main force to give the mercenaries a chance to break into the empty capital of the Beacon Empire and force them to attack. Fight on two fronts and lose sight of the other!"

Silas didn't hide anything, and immediately expressed his thoughts and guesses to several legion leaders.

After hearing this, the three legion commanders immediately had the feeling of clearing away the clouds and mist. Their first thought was that this is indeed a war genius!
In the past, their battles were all based on experience and guesswork. When this man swiped casually on the war sand table, they immediately understood what he said.An opponent whose plan has been guessed is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out!
After the highest-level meeting in the Northway military circle, the leading task of attacking the Beacon Empire was handed over to the new battle group army of the Elk Legion, led by Silas.The three legion commanders personally led the troops into battle and obeyed any deployment of Silas.

In the next month or so, the main force of the Fengyu Empire was successfully ambushed by the three major armies of Northway, defeated several times, and their morale plummeted.

At the same time, most of the remaining domestic forces of the Fengshou Empire retreated to the capital and deployed defenses in the direction of the mercenaries. The Tianlong Army took advantage of the opportunity to attack several cities without bloodshed.Most of the captured cities were lands without food, and the Tianlong Army allocated grain supplies from the rear cities, and gave the local people seeds and technology to help them cultivate.Although the speed of their subsequent attacks was greatly affected, the people of the Fengshou Empire went out to welcome them wherever they passed, and the hearts of the people returned.

Even many local troops came to surrender with white flags, and there were messages from the left defenders in several nearby cities, asking them to go and occupy them.They also want to occupy it, but they are too busy. They only hate that there are too few people and not enough!
They won so many outstanding military exploits without a single soldier, so that the soldiers and civilians of the enemy with a strong morale are all convinced. Bielun and Adam finally understood what Yuan Feiwu said, the most powerful strategy for leading troops in war: Subdue others without fighting Soldiers!
What Yuan Feiwu had wasted time doing before, the military prestige accumulated from winning battles, and the good reputation they built for them finally paid off at this time!

It's just that Yuan Feiwu planted the fruit, but let them harvest the fruit, and they felt very uncomfortable.

The offensive of the mercenary legion was finally eased by the soldiers sent by the Fengshou Empire, but the situation of the Northway Empire was still good, and the defeat of the Fengshou Empire was already a certainty.

At this time, a piece of news that shocked the mainland suddenly spread to the palace of the Northway Empire.

The main force of Northway came up with ingenious tricks frequently, and when the main force of the Fengfeng Empire could not be rescued for a long time, Silas, who was in the tactical leadership position, led a surprise army to plan a strategic deployment, but was attacked by a team from the sky of the Fengfeng Empire. The samurai attacked, killed Silas, and left.

The Fengshou Empire used the highest combat power to torture and kill ordinary soldiers. This extremely controversial practice caused the entire Star Luo Continent to scold.In the past, they had tried to send killers and undercover agents in wars, and they were all routine methods.But no one has ever done anything to directly kill the opponent's general with the highest combat power!This kind of thing is like violating the rules and bombing other people's densely populated areas with atomic bombs, and it is appalling.

Wouldn't it be endless for others to kill your chief general like this and take revenge on each other?

The upper echelons of the Northway Empire were furious. For them, the importance of Silas was irreplaceable. The loss of Silas was an extremely heavy blow to Northway. The most important commander-in-chief!It is simply unreasonable for the despicable way of the Fengshao Empire to kill and destroy the net!
The furious Northway Empire issued an order to attack, regardless of any cost, to launch a fierce attack on the main force of the Fengshou Empire.

It's a pity that the main force of the Fengshou Empire knew better about its own terrain, and without Silas's macro-strategic vision, it was finally escaped by the Fengshou Empire with the help of the terrain at a trivial cost, and retreated to the Fengshou Empire. Among the four core cities of the empire.As the name suggests, the four core cities are the four closely connected cities of the Fengshou Empire, including the capital, which echo each other and support each other like gold.After the battle line was reduced to only the four core cities, Beike resisted the surprise attack of the Xike defense mercenary army of the Northway Empire army, and the Fengshou Empire finally got rid of the pain of the two-line battle that lasted for more than a month.

"The sacrifice of Silas is my fault."

In the city where the mercenary army was located, Lin Beck came to the front line, stood among the mercenaries, and silently lowered his head.The other mercenaries also covered their chests with their right hands and mourned with Lin Beck in silence.

With the odds of victory in their hands, Linbeck planned to end the war with a relatively low sacrifice. Like the cities they took before, they all used extremely low prices.There will be casualties in war, and he doesn't want to see the casualties of the enemy or his own people, so he has put a lot of thought into it.But if you spend more thought, you will naturally consume more time. It is precisely because of wasting more time that the Fengshou Empire has survived to this day.At that time, he was also very grateful to Northway for having Silas, a wizard, who could continue to entangle the main force of the Fenghuang Empire, allowing them more time to slowly advance.


He should have thought that with Sabo's temperament, he would definitely not be able to resist resorting to some despicable means, but he didn't expect to be so despicable to this extent.Isn't he worried that the enemy will also use this method to slaughter all their generals?Including Sabo himself, this rubbish.

Oh, he is not afraid, he has Arnold as a big backer.Arnold spoiled what kind of second ancestor?

On the second day, the mercenary legion stepped up their offensive pace. They no longer avoided some head-to-head battles before, and attacked outside the four core cities of the Fengshou Empire at the fastest speed.

Needless to say, the main force of the Northway Empire has long since approached the city.Even the Tianlong Army, with the support of the two princes, quickly rushed to join the main force. At this time, it can be said that the main forces of the Northway and Bagal Empires have all arrived.

Even so, the Fengshou Empire persisted for nearly three months.Even Linbeck has no good way to deal with this kind of defensive method of shrinking and defending, and the loss of storming regardless of the cost is too great.But the other party is just dying, and at worst, it will be more acceptable to be around for a few months than to die tens of thousands of people.

"To this day, I have understood the trend of the times. There should be no more killings, displacement of the people, and separation of the wives of the soldiers. On behalf of the Fengyu Empire, I, Sabo, declare my surrender to the Northway Empire and promote the unification of the entire Star Luo Continent. , in exchange for an era of peace!"

Another half a month later, without warning, Sabo led a group of ministers out of the city to surrender, and read out his declaration of surrender in front of his own people and in front of the armies of the enemy and us.

"More than three months ago, a general of our country made a plan to kill Northway's outstanding general Silas in an improper way. When I knew the news, I wished I could turn back time and prevent him from making such a stupid decision privately. How can the two countries ignore everything? It is a pity that time flies and cannot go back. I also deeply regret the sacrifice of General Silas. Here I offer the head of the criminal to make up for the crime. As the former lord of a country, I should not be disciplined if I am not good. Be punished and let King Yalongjing deal with it!"

Sabo read out his announcement, and when he said this, his face was full of regret and heaviness.


Adam spat in disdain, intending to draw his sword and rush forward, but his father called him back.

"Everyone is watching, what do you want to do?" Marlens' face was not good-looking, but he would not mess with Adam.

Why didn't he know that Sabo was hypocritical?

If he really had the intention of atonement, he should have ordered the beheading of the general who made the move!If you really have a heart of compassion for the world, why insist on defending the city for more than three months without giving up?
But now that Sabo went out of the city and surrendered, he made enough momentum. In addition to the two armies, there were many people watching him who listened to his reading!Those people who didn't know the inside story and were brainwashed by Sabo for many days were moved by Sabo's words. They really thought that he was forced to surrender for the sake of the common people. If Adam acted rashly at this time, it would change the matter again.

The king surrendered but was beheaded on the spot. It would be difficult to deal with the fluctuating hearts of the people of the Fengshou Empire. It took only half a year to destroy the country, but it took ten years to quell the civil unrest. That's not worth it.

"It's really shameless just to survive." Lin Beck turned and left without waiting for Sabo's announcement.

Because he knew that this person could not be killed right now.

And the Star Luo Continent was finally unified.

(End of this chapter)

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