Chapter 694

On the same day, Sabo read out his oath of surrender, and was immediately sent back to the palace overnight by more than a dozen sky warriors and magisters arranged by the Veblen army commander.

The commander of the Marens Legion organized personnel to occupy the city and appease the people.It took them two days just to take over the data matters of the imperial palace and the imperial treasury, not to mention appeasing the people. The four core cities are basically Sabo’s loyal team. Lance and the others were troubled.

The hard work here is not over yet, and a few days after Sabo was escorted back there, Northway announced the latest news.

The Star Luo Continent has been completely unified by the Nuo Siwei Empire, and Ya Rongjing, the king of Nuo Siwei, has officially become the emperor of the human race.

Sabo, the former king of the Fengyu Empire, Xinggan III Bagal, the former king of the Bagal Empire, and Marens, the head of the First Army of the Northway Empire, are all outstanding figures. All the troops in Xingluo Continent belong directly to the emperor of the human race, Ya Longjing.However, King Xinggan III declined the position, and Veblen, the commander of the Northway Second Army, took the position temporarily.For the rest of the officials, their official positions remain unchanged and they can work with peace of mind.The people were exempted from taxes for three months to recover the losses caused by the war.

Hearing this news, the people of Xingluo Continent were elated, and the old ministers and common people of the Bhagar Empire, the Fengshen Empire, all paid homage to Ya Longjing.Willing to reuse the original enemy leader, such a large number of human emperors is really respectable.

When the soldiers on the front line heard the news, they were all stunned. Why did Sabo become the commander-in-chief once he walked to the palace?

"This is a political trick. There are still many people in the Fengyu Empire who are fanatics who support Sabo. This person also surrendered righteously because he saw that his prestige had not been polished. Ya Longjing wanted to appease the people of the two countries who were newly surrendered. , make good use of the available ministers of the old two countries, of course this is a bad strategy. However, Xinggan III has no ambitions and knows the current affairs. It is also possible that King Yalongjing communicated with him and asked him to resign, and he did not become the great commander. In this way, although Sabo is the righteous commander, you two deputy commanders will hold him back and slowly take away his remaining power and prestige in the old Fengshou Empire. Only then can we deal with this despicable villain. You can Don't act rashly and disappoint the beautiful hand played by Yalongjing."

The soldiers who were busy on the front line were the first to call for a meeting when they received the news. Unexpectedly, it was Li Keke.

These things don't need to be explained by Lin Beck, even he can understand them.But he was worried that the three armies on Northway's side would make Sabo look bad if they refused to obey Ya Longjing's arrangement in order to avenge Silas, which would be troublesome.What Ya Longjing is doing now is Anguo; if he kills Sabo, it is selfish desire.

What Ya Longjing did was correct for the entire Star Luo Continent, but they, the soldiers who fought on the front line, valued the brotherhood of soldiers, so it was difficult to treat it rationally.

"We know, thank you for the reminder from Deputy Commander Likke." At the meeting, only generals above the rank of commander are eligible to appear here. Marens sighed and replied on behalf of everyone. Thank you for the kind reminder from the mercenary legions.

Those of them who have become high-level officials, of course know that this is a political trick, but knowing that this guy is greedy, ambitious and unscrupulous in doing things, they still have to pretend to support him as the commander-in-chief, and they feel extremely sad.

"The war is over, do you think you are done? Silas is sacrificed and everyone is very sad, but there is still one who has not been sacrificed waiting for you to save. Is it time to be depressed?" Perry looked at the big men Everyone was angry and uncomfortable, so they reminded each other.

"Yes! Commander of the Marens Legion! Commander of the Veblen Legion! Commander of the Defenk Legion! I can guarantee with the head on my neck that there is absolutely no problem with Yuan Feiwu! Today Northway has achieved a feat that has never been done before, It is also relying on him to make the foreshadowing!" Beelun reacted the fastest, and quickly ran out of his seat to plead with several legion commanders Yuan Feiwu.

It is very rare to see three legion commanders in the same column without much quarrel. When will you beg if you don't plead at this time?

"Okay, as long as you love talents, we are all bastards? A few of us wrote a pleading letter a long time ago, and King Yalongjing didn't read it all and threw it away. Let us concentrate on fighting the battle!" Marens sighed After taking a breath, he told Belun to roll back to his seat so that he would not be an eyesore.

The Tianlong Army had already told them the details, and they also felt that Yuan Feiwu was fine, and that Nuo Siwei basically relied on him to pull out the foundation for unifying the continent.Just because they think it's okay doesn't mean that people all over the world think it's okay. He has a pair of black wings, which is already a big problem!
"Yeah, this matter is too sensitive. Now, whatever the king does to him will be noticed by everyone in Star Luo Continent. I heard that Yuan Feiwu didn't say anything during the interrogation, only that he was practicing his wings. It came out on its own, and there is no way to give an explanation to the people for this kind of reason. If you can’t explain the past, you can’t let people go. At such a critical moment of unifying the mainland, you must not be smeared with the crime of having a relationship with the demons, otherwise all It's over," Veblen said.

"We understand the painstaking efforts of the king, and he has a good relationship with Yuan Feiwu, so he should be looking for a good time to deal with this matter, right? Now that our battle is over, and the pacification here is going smoothly, we may Is it time to go back and report to the king?" De Funk glanced at Marens and Veblen, and said something.

"That's right, the matter has been dealt with almost, so it's time to go back and report back." Marens patted the table and said.

"There are two human commanders here. Although they are deputy, there should still be a chance to intercede together." De Fink cheered for Marens and Veblen.

"Yes, you can try. This is the most suitable time to amnesty the world, and then we will see how we can take advantage of the situation to get him out. By the way, when Yuan Feiwu was imprisoned, all his military positions and everything will be withdrawn? It will be fair then. Compete, don't talk nonsense, you are still members of the Dragon Army, I will slap you and tell you." Veblen said.

"You still want to play with him? If you can get it out, it's good. How dare the king let him join the army? Even if he enlists in the army, he will also join our logistics force. There may be opportunities in logistics. It just so happens that our newly built combat group The leader is gone, and a replacement is needed..." De Funk said.

"Get out!" "Fuck you!"

"Oh, I shouldn't bring the topic back to Silas again, and it makes me sad again..." De Funk said gloomily, and everyone fell silent again.

Li Keke looked at them and was relatively speechless again, with a wry smile, he called Poli and went back.

Speaking of which, Silas and Yuan Feiwu are really amazing, they can unite the three legion commanders who have always been at odds. Perhaps because of this, Nuo Siwei burst out with a powerful force that he has never seen before, and gave the Star Luo Continent to the world. Let's unify.

It's easy to bend, hard to convince, but they did it.

After more than a week, Northway finally returned to the court.The people outside the city of Yangka, the capital of Nuo Siwei, had long welcomed the people, and the envoys who came out to greet them on behalf of Ya Nongjing also waited outside the city early in the morning, expressing their respect for the great heroes.

Marens, Veblen, and De Fink, together with their main subordinates, came to the palace amidst the cheers of the enthusiastic crowd, took off their helmets, walked into the palace, and met King Yalong in the hall.

After Ya Rongjing became king, she had already shed the label of being gentle and introverted, and wearing the crown made her look even more heroic and mighty.Seeing the army chiefs come in, they stood up to greet them under the eyes of other ministers.

"Please sit down, king! The general waits for someone to be a sinner, so he dare not bother the king to treat him with courtesy!" Marens and others said in unison, preventing Ya Longjing from welcoming him.

"Northville was able to unify the Xingluo Continent. You took the lead and made great contributions, so what is your fault?" Ya Nongjing was taken aback for a moment before he said.

"The situation is great. If General Yuan can pacify the Fengchu Empire within two months, it is a pity that the last general did not succeed. It took four more months, and the people of the Three Kingdoms were devastated by the flames of war for more than four months. I really dare not say that." I have credit for it!"

Twenty or thirty generals knelt down at the same time, put their helmets on the ground, and bowed down to the ground in unison.

Suddenly, the air in the hall seemed to condense.

On the other side, many civil and military officials stood separately, and on the other side of the civil officials, headed by Rodney, the Secretary of the Interior, all showed strange smiles.

There is a reason why they laugh.

It's the same in any world, civil servants and military officials mostly don't like each other, civil officials despise those barbarians who can only use hands and feet, and military officials despise those weak who can only use their pens to take care of miscellaneous things.

For the unification of Star Luo Continent this time, these legion commanders must take most of the credit. Originally, they would have to reward them for their merits when they came back this time.

Unexpectedly, this group of guys have no eyesight to the extreme, and when they come back, which pot will not be opened and which pot will be lifted.

Haven't you seen the memorials piled up like a mountain in front of the king?They were all submitted by officials from all over the Star Luo Continent level by level, expressing the uneasiness of the people everywhere that the king had not yet tried the fallen angel's conspiracy.

The Xingluo Continent is unified, the era of peace and prosperity is coming, and the period of internal strife will probably end forever, then the enemies that everyone is more concerned about will be sent far away to the orcs and demons.

Coincidentally, there is a fallen angel imprisoned in the prison of Northway Palace, which happens to attract everyone's attention.Fallen angels, they have never captured a fallen angel alive!
The name Fallen Angel is like a group of people with the highest status and the highest strength in the Demon Race. The meaning on the Human Race side is as important as the Demon Race’s attention to the actions of the Four Great Magisters and the Seven Sword Masters of the Human Race. The great magister, or a quasi-grand magister-level person was arrested by the human race, can everyone not pay attention?
Ya Nongjing was perfunctory to all the ministers regarding Yuan Feiwu's treatment, intending to make it a cold treatment, but this group of army commanders begged for mercy when they came back, and the cold treatment was not completed, but the heat became a little higher.

Isn't this obviously trying to embarrass Ya Longjing?
(End of this chapter)

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