Chapter 695

"You are innocent, don't embarrass me, the matter of the fallen angels will be discussed later. Also, there is no such person as General Yuan in our team." Ya Nongjing said in an unhurried voice.

When the generals heard this voice, their hearts suddenly turned cold.

They all knew how good the relationship between Ya Longjing and Yuan Feiwu used to be.But now Yalongjing has even given up the title, which shows his attitude of wanting to draw a line with Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu's situation is not good!
"Everyone has just come back and worked hard, because you have made too many achievements. These will be the beginning history of the new era of Xingluo Continent. It needs to be sorted out and summarized slowly, so it has not been sorted out yet. Please go home and reunite with your family first. Two days later, when the Unification Ceremony begins, we will announce your achievements to the people of the entire Star Luo Continent one by one, and you will be rewarded for your achievements! Marens, Veblen, you two legion commanders have been appointed as the deputy commanders of the human race. Support Sabo's work well, and take more care of him. All the armies in the Star Luo Continent need you to take over and understand. Rodney, if you haven't finished proofreading the merits of each army tomorrow, resign yourself, and don't give it to Star Luo. The new chapter after the reunification of the mainland will be smeared in black as soon as it is opened!"

"Yes!" In addition to the kneeling generals answering loudly, Rodney's ministers who were in charge of counting achievements also knelt down tremblingly.

They guessed that the legion commanders would definitely annoy Ya Longjing when they mentioned Yuan Feiwu at this time, but they didn't expect Ya Longjing's torch to light their side too!They really want to go back to catch up the materials now!They are fighting the unification war, and every detail must be recorded. The amount of data is frightening. Although the sorting has been completed early, the correction will not be completed in a short time!To be dismissed tomorrow for not being able to hand in the job, that would really leave a strong mark in the history of the New Era!
The first person to be fired after the establishment of the Northway Empire, this stroke is bright enough!

"If you understand, let's all go down."

Ya Nongjing waved his hand, and the officials who were about to attend the meeting quickly retreated, leaving only the kneeling generals on the ground looking at each other.

They exchanged glances, knowing that this matter must be difficult to handle now, and Ya Nongjing had already come down to help them in person, so they had to get up first before talking.

"Coleridge, what's the matter with you?" Yanongjing suddenly walked quickly behind them, holding Coleridge's shoulder.

After the brutal baptism of war, Coleridge's face lost a bit of immaturity when he first came out of school and became a bit more resolute.But now that resolute face was crying out of breath, trying to hold back the volume, and his face turned into a liver color.

"The king mentioned going home to see his family, and I couldn't help but think, it's just...just... Silas said he would come back to get married after the war, I pulled him in, but I couldn't bring him back, I don't know how to face my siblings and his parents!"

The faces of all the generals froze, and they didn't know that Silas and his fiancee were waiting for him to come back.It's not surprising that Coleridge and Silas knew about this because they were very close, probably because they were worried that everyone would be more sad and kept silent.

Now Ya Nongjing kindly cared for everyone to go back to reunite with their families first, which stimulated Coleridge's weakness, and Coleridge couldn't hold back anymore.

Yes, Silas is a young man in his prime, why is it so strange to have a fiancée?
After asking, everyone gradually learned that Silas and his fiancée have been in love since they were studying in the Landis Academy of Magic. If the war did not break out suddenly, they would not have been separated until now. Lovesickness.

Now they understand better why Silas is just a fledgling kid, but he hates war especially, and he still has that unyielding momentum.Because this person always has the determination to end the war as soon as possible and protect his death with all his might!
"I know... Scarlet Moon, who works in the Magic Association, is very cute and kind... We were busy with the research and development of guard equipment in those few days, and Silas also told me a lot about her thoughts... Yanongjing sighed, and the circles of his eyes turned red, "But this matter still has to be left to you, so that Silas' family members can ask for any needs, there is no upper limit. I know you are very sad, but you If you don’t face it, it will become a hurdle that you can’t get over. You are helping me, the king of the human race, helping all our soldiers who fought together, and helping our entire Northway Empire, sending our apology And compensation. I will go with you, but not in the name of the king, but in the name of a good brother..."

"Let's all go." The other generals gathered around and patted Coleridge on the shoulder to express their opinion.

The three legion generals who met each other and ridiculed each other in the past have become different now. Some accidents and some sacrifices worth remembering made them twist into a thick rope, relying on and helping each other.

In the evening of that day, rumors spread among the people that the king of the human race and dozens of generals disguised themselves and came to a magic association in a certain city to find a staff member. Everyone cried silently for 10 minutes.Afterwards, they rushed to a suburban home in a certain city. It was said that it was the home of Silas, the great hero of the Northwest Era.

The day before the Unification Ceremony.

All the things and materials have been arranged properly, especially the rewards and achievements of all meritorious people. Ya Longjing has personally reviewed all of them, and he is relieved that there is no problem.

It's just that he couldn't help kicking his depressed mood. On his huge desk, the mountain-high materials on the left side are all kinds of materials from the Unification Ceremony, and the mountain-high materials on the right side are all kinds of materials flying around the source. playing table.Of course, this kick was on the play sheets, and suddenly a large pile of play sheets flew around, lying on the ground in a mess, and slowly floating in the air.

"King! What's going on... Oh, come on, clean up."

Every day, a captain of the imperial guards is responsible for personally protecting the king of the human race. These days, the third captain Kelsen is on duty. He and the deputy captain are waiting outside the study in person, gathering [-] points to pay attention to everything nearby. movement.

Suddenly hearing a "crash" in the study, Kelsen was so frightened that he rushed into the study without knocking on the door, fearing that something might happen to the king of the human race.Because the whole continent has just been unified, it is not at all surprising that there are radical opponents at this time, or that ambitious relatives of the royal family from the two old countries engage in assassinations.

As soon as Kelsen came in, he saw that the clocks were flying all over the sky, and before they all floated down, he figured out what happened, and asked the servant outside the door to come in and clean it up.

Kelsen, as the royal guard, of course cannot interfere in politics, but he has been on duty for the past few days, and he has come in the study several times, so he understands it somewhat.I don't know anything else, but there are two large piles of frighteningly high materials that he can't help but want to know. These are the focus of the king's busy work recently.One pile is all the materials of the Unification Ceremony, and the other pile is those guys who did not have much merit in the Unification War. They are afraid that they will not be honored. All kinds of conspiracies and tricks aimed at analyzing that fallen angel can be analyzed according to how terrible it is. How terrifying, it seemed that he valued the world and the Northway empire, and it seemed that he could count it as a meritorious service by persuading the king to kill the fallen angel.

They are all idle and have nothing to do, their brains are sick!

Seeing the pile of melodies flying around, Kelsen immediately understood that there was nothing going on in the study, and was even a little happy.At least Yalongjing still has a preference for Yuan Feiwu.

"You don't need to clean up, it's more comfortable to look at me like this." Ya Nongjing waved his hand, and let the servant who came in to clean up go out again.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, another soldier hurried over to report.

"Report to the King, Prince Field and Prince Leicester, Prince Richardson and Miss Tarena, Deputy Commander Marrence and Miss Adam, Miss Ophelia, please see me!"

(End of this chapter)

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