Chapter 696
"Tsk tsk, this formation is really amazing." Ya Nongjing sighed, the two princes and the deputy commander were dispatched, even the king of other clans felt a sense of oppression.

But they found out what they were talking about, and they knew it without asking.

Sometimes he also feels very envious. If he is the one who becomes a prisoner, will there be so many people pleading for him?Even, do not die?
"No. It means that tomorrow is the first big celebration of the reunification of the Star Luo Continent. I have a lot of work to do and I have a lot of things to prepare for. After a few days, I will come to visit one by one after I finish my work."

Two princes of the father's generation plus a deputy commander, such a big battle, if you can't see it, you won't see it, without even frowning. Not everyone has this kind of courage.Kelsen can be regarded as an old imperial guard who grew up watching Athena and Yalongjing. He was the most surprised by the change of Yalongjing's character!
Gentle and gentle, indecisive and indecisive, he doesn't know how to refuse, and now he is decisive and resolute, and his every move reveals an unconcealable kingly style. Kelsen doesn't know whether Yalongjing's change is good or not.

For the entire human race, it is good to have such a king; for Ya Longjing, it is cruel to change his temperament abruptly.

Everyone only sees the growth of Ya Longjing, but no one knows and understands the cruelty in the growth.

But what Kelsen didn't know was that the growth of Yalongjing was assisted by Yuan Feiwu and others, and the process was much easier. This was his happiness.What's more, he also knows how important his mission is. Fate is choosing him, and he is also choosing fate at the same time. He can choose to give up, but he finally chose to shoulder this important task and voluntarily become the decisive king of today!
"King, Uncle Kelsen knows that some things are inappropriate to talk too much at this time, but he still can't help it. That brat is sometimes independent, but I believe that his nature should not be bad. Don't listen to those who are just looking for trouble. His status as a fallen angel should have some difficulties..."

"I almost forgot that you have a relationship. I think you don't have to follow me during this time. I'll let you go on vacation for a while, just to enjoy the family happiness with your daughter." Ya Longjing waved his hand, Cut off Kelsen's words, "Is the stability of the entire continent more important, or his life and death? You can think about it carefully during the holiday."

Kelsen, who was full of energy all the time, suddenly darkened his face. If he could get such a free vacation in the past, he would be so happy.But now that the Xingluo Continent has just been unified, and tomorrow there will be a grand reunification ceremony for the entire continent to celebrate, the royal guards are all extremely busy, wishing everyone had a few more hands to work on.Not to mention him as the team leader, I really hope that he can cut a few paragraphs and go around to help, but at this time, I would rather let him have a long vacation than listen to his nagging, which shows that Yuan Feiwu's matter is not easy to handle.

"Yes." Kelsen was a sensible person, and he stopped talking nonsense to provoke others. He sighed, turned around, and retreated, silently closing the door for the study.

It happened that when I came out, I saw the deputy captain and several royal guards circled around a woman with a big belly, for fear of hurting her, but didn't let her approach, sweat was all over her head and face from anxiety.

This woman, Kelsen, knew her details. The princess of Tost, the royal family of Tost was exterminated and escaped with the little remaining blood of the Tost royal family, and was rescued by Yuan Feiwu back to the palace.

Well, it's no wonder that Ya Longjing is so irritable, because every day, he is surrounded by people who have a relationship with that stinky boy, and they open and shut their mouths just to beg for mercy. Maybe it would be a little annoying for me, right?

"Come here, I have something to say." Kelsen shouted suddenly.

"Captain! The king said he wouldn't see her, but she insisted on breaking in..." The vice-captain was already overwhelmed, but he didn't expect Kelsen to let them pass, so what about this woman?

"I was ordered by the king to take paid leave, and it was immediately. Do you think it is more important to hand over work with me or to play peek-a-boo with others?" Kelsen shouted.

"Ah? Captain, you are on vacation suddenly? What's going on!" The vice-captain hurriedly brought back the Royal Guards when he heard that. Of course, now is not the time to stop the woman.

The captain will be on vacation immediately, and it will take time to find other captains to come over to perform duties immediately. The vacuum period without the guard of the captain is quite dangerous, so we can't be kidding!
"Yeah, the king was upset and was given a holiday. If it weren't for the imminent unlucky unification ceremony, he might have been fired..."

Kelsen quietly raised his eyebrows at the woman. Why didn't the woman know what happened, and broke into the study room where Ya Longjing was still with a big belly.

"King Yalongjing, what do you mean by avoiding me? Are you guilty of being a thief?" The woman said fiercely as soon as the door was pushed open.

"Princess Martina, please sit down first. I'll send someone a special cup of anti-abortion tonic. Don't be angry. It's you and not me who regret it if you have fetal gas." Martina's tone was not good, but she was already a human race Ya Longjing at the top didn't fight with Martina, he lifted a sofa and put it behind Martina, then walked to the door and opened the door and poked his head out, "Bring me a cup of anti-abortion supplements! Also, Kelsen's leave was unpaid! Salary is withheld!"

At the end, the royal guards who were listening to Kelsen's handover were full of black lines. Why do you feel that the situation where the captain and the king are at odds is like two children bickering?There is no need to talk about such small issues as whether to deduct salary in such a solemn manner, right?Nothing serious.

As Kelsen muttered "Smoothie" in a low voice, Yan Longjing closed the door and returned to his seat.

What a Kelsen. After being kicked out, he still wants to put a difficult guy in, and wants to take a paid vacation?no way!I also don't know how to sympathize with my pain being drowned out by pleas.

"I'm the only one who regrets it? Don't think I don't know. You are so lucky to entertain me to raise a baby in the palace. You just hope to use the last bit of Tost's blood to help you consolidate the power of the Tost Empire. Although Tost's This piece of land was once changed into the Fengyu Empire, but most of the old officials there still have feelings for the Tost royal family. If a person with the orthodox blood of the Tost Empire appears, it will be easy to make them obedient? So I know , What's wrong with my child, you are more worried than me!"

Martina has always been a shrew among the nobles, and she used to restrain herself and pay attention to her image. Now that her lover is gone, the entire royal family is gone, and her child cares more about her than she does. What else is she afraid of?
In fact, she was even more entangled in how her child would be used by the king of the human race when he was born. His special status was destined to prevent him from growing up like an ordinary child. It's better not to give birth to him at all.Now, for her own sense of justice, she will not feel sad even if she gets angry with this person and gets killed, so she should go down early to accompany Eddie.

"That's right, I'm very worried, so you must give birth to the baby properly. The baby is eight months old, right? It's not appropriate to run around." Ya Rongjing said with a smile, not denying Martina's love statement.

"Although you took care of me with ulterior motives, I also want to thank you for taking care of me. At least I don't have to worry about being chased and killed day and night. But I just want to say that since Yuanyuan flew a piece of letter paper and let you take me in as a down-and-out royal widow, it means The relationship between you is not simple. Now it is just that Yuan Feiwu exposed the identity of the fallen angel. In order to sit well as the king of your human race, you have drawn a clear line and turned your face against others? No matter what his identity is, he is the person he has come into contact with. Who doesn't know? You just have the heart to sacrifice him for your own selfish desire? Let the people around you feel cold?"

"It's true that more and more people are chilling me. But you can't, we are good allies who want to fight side by side." Ya Rongjing took a deep breath and stood up, Martina suddenly felt a little nervous.

Although she said she was not afraid of death, she would still instinctively fear the moment when death came.

As a result, Ya Nongjing just ran to look through the scattered melodies for a while, took out a copy and handed it to Martina, without any intention of hurting her, which made her confused.

(End of this chapter)

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