Chapter 697 We Are Allies

"This is a memorial signed by hundreds of people, and it was Sabo who presented it. In principle, this thing cannot be seen by outsiders, so don't go around talking about it."

When Martina heard that the melody was actually related to Sabo, she quickly opened it to read it.

She hasn't read carefully what is written on it, but the square signature at the top is scary enough!The names of the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters are all listed!The signatures of the great magisters and sword masters are all listed, which shows how serious this memorial is!

Seeing that Martina's mood fluctuated violently, and she couldn't concentrate on reading the content, Ya Longjing simply told her the key points.

"Do you know why there are only the signatures of the four great magisters? It is obvious that Livia has become the fifth great magister, shouldn't it be the signature of the five great magisters?"

"Arnold's name is missing!" Martina said immediately.

"That's right. Sabo's memorial is the news that the Great Magister Arnold has been killed."

"He's dead?!" Martina was taken aback, and stared at the content carefully.

"Arnold's magister died, which coincides with the time when Yuan Feiwu was discovered as a fallen angel. In addition to the timing and location when the guard stopped him, it is almost certain that Arnold's magister was killed by Yuan Feiwu Sabo quietly consulted with the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters. Regardless of whether the great magisters and sword masters have friendship with Yuan Feiwu or not, they must handle it impartially. The murder of the great magister is beyond my ability. The scope of control, I can't let the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters hide this secret for Yuan Feiwu, you know, he killed the great magister, one of the greatest existences on the Star Luo Continent."

"Arnold died in the royal tomb of the Tost royal family, all the tombs were stained with blood..." Martina suddenly put down the melody and shed two lines of tears.

"I know what you came to me for. You want to intercede with Yuan Feiwu and let me release Yuan Feiwu secretly, right? A fallen angel who killed the great magister, tell me, how can I release him? Xing Luo Is there a place for him in the mainland? It’s not as safe as the palace prison.”

"No! He killed Arnold at my instigation, and he cannot be blamed! Blame me if you want to, and kill me to avenge Arnold!"

Martina didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to actually kill Arnold for revenge for the Tost royal family. She was even more moved by Yuan Feiwu's kindness and righteousness, and hurriedly got up to kneel. , Gently pressed Martina back on the sofa, not aggressive but making her unable to break free.

"It's useless even if someone believes it. The fact that Arnold was killed will not change, especially with such a sensitive identity as a fallen angel. Star Luo Continent also happens to need to kill a powerful foreign race to open a great chapter for the new era."

"What to do! I can't watch my benefactor die to avenge Tost with my own eyes. Obviously he can continue to hide his identity as a fallen angel and be his general!" Martina owed such a big favor, It made her extremely flustered.

Although she has a strong temper, she is also a person who knows how to repay her kindness. Not only did Yuan Feiwu save her and the child in her womb, but she also avenged their Tost royal family. She didn't know how to repay this kindness , but also caused him to be imprisoned. At this time, he was in a panic.

"All you can do is cooperate with me." Ya Longjing squatted down and said to Martina very seriously, "You should know that Arnold is not the only murderer who killed the royal family of Tost, right? Same as Yuan Feiwu , he is just the knife that kills, and the mastermind is someone else."

"So what do you mean?"

"Just like what you said at the beginning, I need you and the child in your womb to empty the forces that still obey the orders of the Fengfeng Empire. When he loses those supports, it will be the moment when you really get your revenge. So what if you kill your enemies with your own hands?"

Martina looked at the face squatting in front of her, and suddenly shuddered. Although this face was smiling gently, it looked extremely chilling.At this moment, what this person is still thinking about is how to use her and the child in her womb to gain power?

"I really want revenge, but now I want to save Yuan Feiwu even more. I won't be blinded by hatred! But if you can rescue Yuan Feiwu, then I and my child will do whatever you say." Martina said coldly.

"It is you who want to save Yuan Feiwu. Yuan Feiwu killed Arnold for you. You know the reason better than everyone else, right? I will find ways to obtain the clues and evidence that Arnold killed the Tost royal family, but this Things have to be convincing when you speak out. When you and your child have authority, it will be the day when you can help Yuan Feiwu clean up. So I said, we are good allies who fight side by side. Is that right? "

It dawned on Martina that although the man still wanted to use her in general, this last piece of advice was worthwhile.

In the end, Yuan Feiwu's life is still in her and her child's hands, and Martina knows that she can't give up her and her child's life yet!
"Allies? Just use each other. I'm leaving, I hope you can keep your promise and save Yuan Feiwu's life." Martina got up, she didn't want to stay in this study to face this cold-blooded king of the human race.

Even if their interests do complement each other and are bound together.

"I can't guarantee his life." Ya Rongjing stood up and said expressionlessly.

Martina got angry again when she heard this, but Yanongjing continued: "The four great magisters and the seven great sword masters came to ask for someone from me, do you think I can stop me even if I have the title of king of the human race? "

Martina wilted as soon as she heard it.

What Ya Nongjing said is absolutely correct, this matter involves the level of a great magister, and even the king of the human race has no right to speak.They are existences above all human beings!

"But even if Yuan Feiwu dies, you won't let him bear this dirty name forever after death, will you?" Ya Rongjing sneered.

"You caught my dead spot very well, I'm sure you're an ally!" Martina said after gritting her teeth, then turned and left.

What Ya Rongjing said was ugly, but there was nothing wrong with it. Even if she failed to save her benefactor's life, Martina couldn't let her benefactor still bear a dirty name after her death!
"Send the supplements to my room! Help me call the imperial doctor. I was a little emotional just now, and I may need to check..." Martina walked out of the study, and while ordering the servant who just delivered the supplements, she said to herself Walking into the room, he covered his stomach with his hands like covering some baby, "Baby, for the sake of the Tost family, for our benefactor, none of us can do anything..."

Now, she has a full desire to survive!Before Yuan Feiwu's reputation is cleared, she and her child must not die!

Ya Nongjing looked at the more messy study room, and after sitting back on the desk, he suddenly raised his head and wanted to say something to his side, then he was startled.

He's the only one here, what do you want to say?
When he slumped on the chair in annoyance, looking to the left, Nangong Feng was leaning his head over eagerly to be a dog-headed military adviser; Yuan Feiwu on the right was leaning on the back of the expressionless Xueyue, turning his head and giving him a challenge It feels like a smile that can be cut with a knife...

This was what he had imagined at the beginning, the scene after he became the king, and the brothers talked and laughed to solve all the state affairs, family affairs and world affairs, and they were at ease.

Only now, the image of Nangong Feng on the left fades and disappears.The two people on the right disappeared even earlier.

In the end, he was still the only one left... If he was the former him, he might not be able to hold on to this kind of loneliness.

(End of this chapter)

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