Chapter 699

"Walk with you, where are you going?" Yuan Feiwu asked.

It was still relying on Yuan Feiwu to save Ophelia from the crisis of almost having a heart attack, but her flushed face was almost as bright as her hair.

"Go to the Great Abyss of Stonley!" Although Ophelia's breathing was a little disturbed, she still did not forget her main purpose.

"Stonlied Great Abyss... Do you think I'm a demon?"

"No, I believe you didn't lie to me." Ophelia shook her head firmly, "But Martina told me that you killed Grand Magister Arnold, I don't know if you were wronged, but Before your innocence is clarified, the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters will definitely take your life. You can become a fallen angel, so go to the demons to avoid the limelight!"

"Arnold was indeed killed by me." Yuan Feiwu said, "The escape method of going to the demons was also taught by the guy who has a way to stun all the jailers?"

"Martina told me about Arnold's bad deeds. Even if he was a great magister, I wouldn't blame you for killing him." Ophelia said with a smile. It was a rare time for her to let Yuan Feiwu fully understand her Thinking in his heart, let him know that she doesn't blame him for killing a great magister at all, "Yes, he analyzed it, and he said that he is a soldier who respects you very much!"

"He's right." Yuan Feiwu looked at Ophelia when he said this.

He had already guessed that the purpose of the great master hiding in Xingluo Continent was to make him have no place to hide in Xingluo Continent.

Started with Martina, and then moved Ophelia into it. In the final analysis, Ophelia's temper is too easy to deceive.

But even if he sees it through, he can't get rid of it, otherwise the other party will have to become suspicious, wouldn't it be a failure in the end?
That's right, what he said to get rid of is...

"Come with me, I'll take you to the Great Abyss of Stonley!" Ophelia reached out and grabbed Yuan Feiwu's hand, dragging her and ran away.

Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly and dragged Ophelia into it. With her character, it would definitely end up like this. If she didn't follow, she wouldn't be Ophelia!
"I can go by myself, I'm a fallen angel, and I'll fly there in a few days." Yuan Feiwu said while running.

"You still dare to fly around! The matter here in the prison will be exposed soon, and the entire Star Luo Continent will be under martial law, and you will be exposed as soon as you fly!" Ophelia said.

"I have something to ask you to do, Feiyue must be very sad." Yuan Feiwu said.

"Yeah." Speaking of Feiyue, Ophelia certainly knew what Yuan Feiwu was talking about. She thought that Yuan Feiwu didn't know anything about Yuan Feiwu in the palace prison, "That idiot Silas, who told him to rush so fast?" What a fool! Leaving Feiyue alone, what should she do?"

Ophelia suddenly began to miss the guy who subconsciously apologized when she scolded him.Among so many people who were bullied by her, Silas was the most interesting to her.After receiving the news of Silas' death, she couldn't help crying all night. After all, Silas was a good person except for being a little stupid.

"Now take my comfort and say that Silas just went somewhere far away..."

"Okay, okay, it won't be too late to say this kind of lying to children when I come back from the Great Abyss of Stonlead! Don't try to find excuses to get rid of me!"

"Is my intention so obvious?" Yuan Feiwu's unexpected smile made Ophelia very upset.

"Don't think Miss Ben is a fool! To be honest, have you always hidden the idea of ​​treating Miss Ben as a fool under your smile? If so, your smiling face really deserves a beating!"

"Even if I do occasionally, I won't admit it."

"You've admitted it by saying that, okay! Telling a little lie can make me feel better! Talking to you is really hot!"

When the two of them were irritable and blushing, the other was smiling calmly and softly, and when the two guys who were not in the same style ran out of the palace prison together, in the far corner, Lu Xiaoling was wearing the uniform of the Royal Guards, watching with a sneer The two left.

When the two of them ran away, he turned around and disappeared into the palace, leaving only the uniform he was wearing just now on the ground.

If all the imperial guards in the palace are stunned, his identity here will also be exposed, and there is no value in staying here.In fact, he didn't have any obsession with this place, and he was even less interested in Yuan Feiwu. He didn't understand why the Great Master admired this person so much, and actually wanted to give up his current status and use it on Yuan Feiwu.In his opinion, it was enough for the demons to have him, so he didn't care about leaving this time, and what he felt was the excitement of relief.

The celebration of the unification of the Star Luo Continent lasted for three days and three nights in a row. The festive events followed one after another, making people not feel tired at all.

But at the end of the celebration, it was the announcement of bad news.

The great magister Arnold has been killed, and the murderer is the fallen angel who was arrested and imprisoned.

After hearing the news, the people of the entire Star Luo Continent were in an uproar.

But there was worse news to come.

The fallen angel was robbed on the first day of the celebration of the unification of the mainland, and his whereabouts are unknown now. The king of the human race had already secretly arranged a roundup plan in order to keep the celebration undisturbed, but unfortunately no trace of the fallen angel was found.

From now on, the whole continent wanted this fallen angel at large, and if found, he would immediately notify the police.The four great magisters and the seven great sword masters will actively participate in the hunt and resolutely prevent Arnold's great magister from dying in vain.

The issue of fallen angels has finally risen to the point where the whole people are boiling.


Three days later, Ophelia took Yuan Feiwu and arrived in a city northwest of Northway.She heard that almost everyone around her was discussing that damned fallen angel, and she couldn't help but want to catch them and justify themselves.

Why can't it be that Arnold did something bad and was killed by a fallen angel for the people?Who said that the great magister must be a good person, and the fallen angel must be a bad person?This is prejudice!
Ophelia didn't even think about it, if it was her who had never met Yuan Feiwu, she would probably be more scolded than everyone here.

As mentioned at the end of the celebration, not long after she escaped from the palace with Yuan Feiwu that day, the abnormality at the other end of the prison was quickly discovered.In fact, they also seized the opportunity of this celebration, the interior of the palace was empty, otherwise Ophelia would never have been able to bring Yuan Feiwu out so easily, even if someone helped to stun the prison and some royal guards in the palace.At least those captains are basically invulnerable to all poisons in the sky.

Ophelia is really not an idiot. Although she knows that she is not as smart as Yuan Feiwu and these guys, she is still a person with brains. It's just that when she sees Yuan Feiwu's face, her IQ will immediately become negative, so she often makes jokes.

The fallen angel escaped from prison, and the Star Luo Continent must first block the route leading north to the Great Abyss of Stonley, so Ophelia took Yuan Feiwu and took a detour, first transitioning to the west city, and slowly approaching Luo Pa city, it's safer that way.

Yuan Feiwu didn't object to this matter, so it proves that he did the right thing!Ophelia thought smugly.

But the seriousness of Yuan Feiwu's escape was much higher than what Ophelia thought. They still encountered many officers and soldiers blocking the road to check their work.Not to mention the places going out of the city and entering the city, even the remote mountain roads have checkpoints.

On the first day they escaped, Yuan Feiwu was almost discovered. There was no way, the fallen angel mentioned in the bulletin had black hair, and this appearance was too conspicuous.Moreover, Ophelia did not expect that even the mountain path would be questioned, so she was not prepared at all.

But she is not an ordinary person, she went up to reveal her identity, and made up a few excuses to hide Yuan Feiwu wearing a bad hat.

With this experience, she can show off her might in front of Yuan Feiwu!

"See, it's not that I want to follow you, but that you can't go anywhere without me! There's no other way, I'll send the Buddha to the west and accompany you to the destination! It's not that I don't want to leave, Don't get me wrong!"

"Miss Ophelia, although it is inappropriate to say it at this time, let me say it again. If you weren't here, I would have flown over..."

"Shut up! If you know it's inappropriate, don't say it!"

Depressed to death, is it so difficult to hear him say a few words of gratitude!Talking as if she was his big burden!

(End of this chapter)

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