Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 700 Waiting for your long hair to reach your waist, I wish I happened to be home

Chapter 700 Waiting for your long hair to reach your waist, I wish I happened to be home

Although the spirit returned to the spirit, Ophelia was still steadfast and never departed from the source.

As for Yuan Feiwu's appearance problem, they have already solved it well.

"We're staying in a hotel, please give me two rooms." Ophelia yelled at the boss after eating and drinking in the restaurant.

"You two sisters still need to live in two rooms? Wouldn't it be more cost-effective to live together with a caretaker?" The boss came over to pay the bill and suggested to Ophelia.

"Oh, that, my sister is really too cute, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it, ah ha ha ha..."

Amid Ophelia's idiotic laughter, Yuan Feiwu said quite calmly, "Boss, two rooms, thank you."

"See, my sister is shy, and she is not clinging to her when she grows up. But she is still super cute! Super cute!"

Ophelia hammered the table a little excitedly, so frightened that the boss didn't dare to ask any more questions, and immediately ran back to the counter to check in.

Ophelia's excitement was not without reason. Since she was a child, to be more precise, it should be from the moment of misogyny, she very much hoped to have a cute younger sister.Now that her wish has been fulfilled, and she is also a sister who can make her evaluate her as the most beautiful girl in the universe without hesitation, can she not be excited!

Yuan Feiwu looked at Ophelia's big sparkling eyes looking at him, and there was no wave in his heart.Ever since Ophelia said she had a good idea the day before yesterday, he knew it would turn out like this. With mental preparation and the strong psychological quality of the devil, he would not take this kind of result to heart, although it was not very like.

On that day, Ophelia, who has never had anything to do with ingenuity, used the hair cut from her own head to make a super realistic red wig.

Originally, Ophelia still felt a little bit distressed that she had long hair that she had grown for many years and her hair was shortened, but when Yuan Feiwu put on that long red hair and combed her flat bangs, she instantly felt like she was going to melt!Then put on a suit of neutral clothes that fits casually. If you don't walk with your head down, a bunch of stinky men will look at you wherever you go!
Look at me, dare to hit my sister's idea, you want to die, don't you!When my younger sister was very young, she said delicately, "Sister, I only want to marry you when I grow up." Okay!Such a lovely little sister, of course only belongs to me!

Well, that's right, even Ophelia's memories are starting to intertwine strangely with fantasies.

"Sister! You will be my sister, okay?" Ophelia raised her hands trembling uncontrollably, and every time she looked at this "sister", she would forcefully reach out and press him hard The urge to ravage in my arms, because it is so cute, "Tsk tsk, unfortunately, black hair looks better. Compared with your original hair color, this red hair is a piece of shit."

"Be sober, Miss Ophelia, if you do this again, I will call the police? Also, have you ever thought that your speech is equivalent to saying that you also have a pile of shit on your head?" Yuan Feiwu smiled gently, What was said was a disgraceful thing.

"Oh, stop acting like a baby, many people are watching, of course I only love you, my sister..." Ophelia put her hands on her face, her smile became more and more weird, and her eyes had become hollow.

Well, Yuan Feiwu was sure that this person would not be able to wake up for a while, so he had to go to the boss to get the room key, and dragged this person to find the room.

For several days in a row, they didn't know whether they were fleeing or traveling, and wandered all the way towards the Great Abyss of Stonlead, traveling in mountains and rivers without missing a beat.Yuan Feiwu has always been in such a leisurely tone, but Ophelia intentionally delays the parting that will come sooner or later.

It's different from parting for a long vacation, and different from graduation, Yuan Feiwu is going to the devil world.No matter how farewell she is on the Star Luo Continent, Ophelia knows that she will meet again one day; but after going to the Demon Realm, it is a place where human beings are instilled as a terrifying wild world since childhood, even if Yuan Feiwu can become Fallen angel, can he come back alive after going there?

But parting will always come, the difference is only one day later, or a few days later.

When the two came to the gate of Ropa City, only separated from the Great Abyss of Stonley from the south to the north of the city, even Ophelia couldn't bring herself to appreciate her temporary sister.The mottled high wall severely shattered her fantasy and pulled her back to the reality she had to face.

They were so upright, each with bright red hair, passing through the strict investigation at the city gate undisguisedly.Ophelia's identity is quite easy to use. Those who handle the city gate here are already relatively elite soldiers, and some even have seen Ophelia's soldiers, so they were put into the city without much questioning.The captain was also worried because he was worried that two overly beautiful beauties would come to this famous city of criminals, and asked if it was necessary to send two soldiers to follow and protect.

"No need, we'll go back after only one day." Ophelia shook her newly cut short hair handsomely, and disappeared into their sight with Yuan Feiwu.

"See, you can't even enter the door without me! Don't mention the word flying to me anymore, you fly here to see if Odin Achis Juggernaut will catch you back!" Ophelia was determined. To highlight one's own sense of existence.

"Yes, thank you very much. After you get here, you can go back, and I can go to the Great Abyss of Stonley by myself." Yuan Feiwu smiled softly, turned around and thanked Ophelia earnestly.

Finally got the approval of this person, but what ushered in was parting.Perhaps it was the time of parting that he admitted that he wanted to satisfy his vanity and be happy once.This person's gentleness is sometimes so low-key, but it silently moistens everything like a silent drizzle.

"Let's go tomorrow, it's already dark, and the defenses in the north of the city should be tighter. Even I would be suspected if I took you across Stanley in the middle of the night. Wait until tomorrow morning, let me try to see if I can take you through that road It's the last line of defense, please... No, can you just push through again?" Ophelia lowered her head, it was the first time she was so afraid of hearing Yuan Feiwu's rejection.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you..."

She knew that this man was so gentle.

So, in the early morning of the second day, when Yuan Feiwu knocked on the door of his room, he sighed helplessly.

Ophelia didn't rest at all, and kept watch outside his door all night.

It is because he knows how gentle this person is, so he will choose a way to make himself feel better even when parting.

But she disagreed.

She hated leaving without saying goodbye.

In the last three years of campus life at Landis Magic Academy, she spent almost every day under such worries, but she didn't expect to be caught by her this time.

"If you do this, you might as well just ask for a room, don't waste your money!"

"Who wants to sleep in the same room as you!"

"Don't sleep in the same room, anyway, you have to stand outside all night..."


Ophelia knew that this person would not cooperate with her and say something nice!After a long time, it seemed that she had done something wrong, obviously he wanted to leave without saying goodbye!
Being caught, Yuan Feiwu didn't hesitate to talk nonsense, and came to the gate of the north of the city with Ophelia.

Even Ophelia couldn't help her heart pounding when she cleared this level, because this last level, needless to say, must be the most severe, and she might meet Odin Achis, the sword saint.The fallen angel escaped, and he had to come to this place that must pass through to the demons anyway. It's no wonder he didn't come to guard it.So even if she bears the name of the daughter of the head of the First Legion, it is impossible for her to pass casually.

However, they were really let go.

The captain of the guard also saluted Ophelia: "Miss Ophelia and your friends, please come back immediately after sightseeing. It is not appropriate to stay in a place of right and wrong."


Ophelia couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, and Yuan Feiwu hadn't realized it after walking a long way, the Great Abyss of Ston Lide was already visible to the naked eye.

Damn, it passed so easily?She suddenly felt a little contemptuous of the armed forces being a little watery!

"Okay, that's it for now, thank you Miss Ophelia for taking care of me along the way."

Yuan Feiwu stood still suddenly, turned around and nodded to Ophelia, took off the wig and returned it to Ophelia.

"I suddenly remembered a famous farewell poem in my hometown. I modified it and sent it to you: When your hair grows to your waist, the peach blossoms will welcome the east wind again; the heroic spirit will not diminish in the past, and you will smile with pity. Yesterday the old picks up the bright moon, and today is new Send Baiyun; wait for your long hair to reach your waist, I hope I will return by chance."

"What do you mean?" Ophelia's eyes widened.

"Probably I hope that I can come back the day your long hair grows back to your waist." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Wait, say it again, I, I want to recite it! Also, don't you have anything more important to say?"

Ophelia suddenly found that the distance between herself and Yuan Feiwu had been pulled far away when she was listening to him reciting something with long hair up to his waist, and hurriedly chased after him.

Wouldn't this guy ask jokingly if he would like to go to the Demon Race with him?Maybe he would agree jokingly?Can't we say a few more words before leaving?
"Don't come here again, otherwise, it will be too cruel for you."

The wings on Yuan Feiwu's back spread out suddenly, and he floated tens of meters away.The flying distance wasn't that far, but the gust of wind seemed to evacuate Ophelia's heart.

Ophelia gritted her teeth, she should have understood that this kind of joke would definitely not come from Yuan Feiwu's mouth, so let her start it: "Hey, I was just joking, listen carefully, put I also bring..."

A huge green tornado drowned out Ophelia's voice, and also drowned Yuan Feiwu's figure, and plowed a spiral-shaped deep pit on the ground that extended far away.

"Yeah, everyone knows it's cruel to you, and you still want to come over to witness all this?"

A voice sounded suddenly, Ophelia turned her head in horror, and saw Sabo standing not far behind her!

Behind him stood two other great human leaders, Veblen, and her father, Marens looking at her with a gloomy face.

"You... why are you here!"

(End of this chapter)

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