Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 701 This fallen angel is not simple!

Chapter 701 This fallen angel is not simple!
What made her even more frightened was that when she turned her head again to see what happened to Yuan Feiwu, she saw several people floating out in front of her.

Sword Saint Odin Arches, Sword Saint Tuo Tuo, Sword Saint Raiden Fire, Sword Saint Kimbro Earth, Sword Saint Pauline Zeze Water, Mad Sword Saint Joan Reid, Tianji Sword Saint Gajaya, Great Magister Douglas of Light, Livia, Great Magister of Flame War Soul!

And the owner who just released a terrifying tornado is slowly falling, and it turns out to be Pullman, the great magister of Gale!

In addition to Lin Beck, the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters are all here!

Shouldn't they be guarding the entire Star Luo Continent, looking for Yuan Feiwu everywhere?Ophelia thought about the possibility of encountering the sword master Odin Achis here, but she never thought that the three great magisters and the seven great sword masters would gather here!

Unless... unless they were aware of their whereabouts and their purpose early on, they could accurately set up a net here.

how come!How could they have found Yuan Feiwu's whereabouts?

Ophelia quickly thought of a terrible idea. What the other party discovered was not actually Yuan Feiwu's whereabouts, but it was almost the same as discovering Yuan Feiwu's whereabouts.

Just found her own, Ophelia's trail!

She has been using her identity as the daughter of the chief mate of the human race to avoid all checkpoints and interrogations. Her triumphant sense of superiority is the best way for everyone to know their whereabouts!
Yuan Feiwu disappeared, but she has a good relationship with Yuan Feiwu, and she suddenly appeared in a strange place, of course it is doubtful!
Marrence looked at his pale daughter, feeling a lot of pain in his heart.His daughter didn't think of the key to this, could it be that Yiyuan Feiwu's ingenuity also didn't think of it?I'm afraid Yuan Feiwu couldn't bear to puncture it and hurt Ophelia's heart.This kind of mutual consideration for each other should be a good marriage, but it is God's will that they are destined to have no good results. As a father, he feels very uncomfortable.

"Why are we here? You haven't figured it out yet! Thanks to you, if you hadn't kept telling everyone, we wouldn't know all the escape routes of that fallen angel! Hahaha... that fallen angel really How stupid, knowing that it is a pit, but still willing to be pushed into it by you!"

"I killed him?"

Ophelia fell to her knees, watching Yuan Feiwu get up from the ground in despair, surrounded by the great magisters and sword masters.The huge energy fluctuations they radiated made her unable to move, and she couldn't even go over to beg for Yuan Feiwu's mercy.

It was she who brought Yuan Feiwu into such a was her...

"That's right, you made him miserable. He doesn't want you to see such an ending in the end, and hopes that you live in the fantasy of him being saved from the demons by you. How romantic, how romantic it is! Hahaha……"

"Enough!" Mullens shouted in a deep voice.

Sabo's complacent and arrogant expression restrained a little, glanced at Marens and said nothing.He knew that his current power was far inferior to that of Marens, and it would be unwise to have a stalemate with him now.

"Douglas, I remember that he is your personal disciple. Of course, I will never think that you have anything to do with the demons. You must be a disciple who was deceived by this person. But after all, you also have a master-student relationship. Just keep watching, I'll do it for you. Livia, take care of your teacher, I'm afraid he'll be too sad." said Pullman, the dean of Xuefeng College and the great magister of Gale.

Douglas knew that this friend who was in conflict with him all day long wanted to make himself feel better, so he didn't talk nonsense, so he took Livia back a few steps, saying that he would not participate in the battle.

Douglas did not participate in the battle, but there are still many masters participating in the battle!
Before Yuan Feiwu waited for the green whirlwind to dissipate, he shot out like a black afterimage. The Stonled Abyss was not far away from him, but someone had already blocked him in that direction.

"Arrogance!" "Fallen, obediently suffer death!"

A huge and incomparably transparent Dou Qi turned into a burning sword, which was able to lock and envelop the high-speed moving Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu had no choice but to stop, a huge mass of black energy was condensed in each of his hands, and he blasted towards the giant in the air abruptly.

This bombardment shattered the grudge sword into pieces, but Yuan Feiwu was also repelled a long way away, and was a little further away from the Stonled abyss.

Joan Reed was a little surprised. He is called the Sword Master of Mad Sword. The most famous trick is naturally the crazy slash that is domineering and vindictive. He didn't expect that this two-winged fallen angel could resist forcefully. It really made him a little different. .

"Jagaya, be careful, I'm afraid it's a high-ranking two-winged fallen angel!" Joan Reed hurriedly shouted.

The strength of the high-level two-winged fallen angel can already be counted as a low-level sword master!
Blocking the way were two sword masters. When Mad Saber Sword Saint Joan Reid drank and slashed Mad Saber, Celestial Sword Saint Gajaya rushed over to fight close to each other. After all, this is the way he is good at fighting.

But he also miscalculated Yuan Feiwu's performance in response to Mad Saber Saint Joan Reed's ultimate move. Even he didn't dare to face head-to-head with Mad Saber. He didn't expect this fallen angel to dare to confront Hong in such a domineering way.So he wanted to go around behind the opponent to make a sneak attack, but it ended up being parallel to Yuan Feiwu who flew out backwards, and it was a bit awkward to look at each other face to face.

It failed after going around, but it is still possible to catch it unprepared.

Gagaya's twin swords glowed faintly, which was extremely low-key compared to the huge mad knife just now.But no one would underestimate the unpretentious dual swords of the Sword Master of Heaven!

The two swords immediately rushed towards Yuan Feiwu like flowing water, attacking wildly while Yuan Feiwu was still fighting against the mad knife!
The two swords are fast, and the fallen angel is even more gifted and agile. Immediately, the two are entangled together, making the sound of ping-pong-pong weapons colliding. Both of them are as fast as lightning, like two mixed shadows. It is difficult to distinguish you from me. .

But where did the sound of weapons come from?
Didn't that fallen angel come empty-handed?I didn't see him flashing his sword, what weapon did he use?
Several sword masters were still in the mood to distinguish what weapon Yuan Feiwu was using at this time.

Yuan Feiwu's sword of the ancient great god had already been handed over to Jiawen, so it was impossible for him to have this kind of artifact. Besides, if he used this artifact, the power would be too terrifying, and the two swords of Gajaya, the Celestial Sword Saint, would have been turned into scrap metal long ago.All he used was the shuriken that Ying sent, reinforced with his own dark element magic power.

This kind of stick-shaped shuriken is very short, almost like a short dagger, and only the sharp tip can hurt people. Compared with the double swords of the Celestial Sword Saint Gagaya, it is quite disadvantaged, so it can only be defended constantly.But being able to use such a small dagger to block all of Jagaya's attacks in a close-to-body fight is enough to amaze everyone present.

"This kid turned out to be the scariest one in the last college exchange game." Of course, the person who said this was the dean of St. Wen College who was one of the chairmen of the exchange game and watched the exchange game. Then, "It's not difficult to explain that when they had an inexplicable internal strife, he lightly escaped from Tarena's compound magic. With this kind of strength, even all the students combined could not be his opponent that day."

"Don't talk about students, it's a bit hard for you and me to go alone." Pullman responded with a dark face.

Although he is a fallen angel, Nima is also a member of Landis Magic Academy. He doesn't understand why all the powerful students are in Landis Magic Academy.

It is also a good choice to come to their Xuefeng Academy as an undercover agent!
(End of this chapter)

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