Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 702 He is very low-key, yes...but he is very strong, recognized as strong

Chapter 702 He is very low-key, yes...but he is very strong, recognized as strong
"Okay, stop playing, solve it quickly to avoid long nights and dreams. Don't hold back, if it doesn't work, bring the body back." Pauline has been observing the situation, except for Douglas and Levi who take care of their mood so they don't need to take action. Ya, I also saw the trio forming a team to play soy sauce, so I said to them, "Also, when are you three going to play soy sauce?"

Bo Lian was talking about the wind sword saint Tuo Tuo, the fire sword saint Raiden, and the earth sword saint Kimbro who were sneaking aside. Although the battle had just begun, almost all of them Everyone has contributed, and the three of them are floating around like passers-by.

"Who is making soy sauce? Look at you, and Odin Arches, it's just not the same floating there watching the show!" Playing is Tuo Tuo's strong point, and he immediately opened his mouth and bit back as if he had been stepped on his tail.

"Odin Achis and I have been adjusting our positions to block the escape route of the fallen angels. Don't tell me you can't see it, I will despise you." It is Bolian who is not arrogant. People who are calm can have the patience to reason with Tuo Tuo.

"Then Joan Reid and Pullman were bluffing people in a big way at the beginning, but now they are playing soy sauce." If the dirty water can't be poured on these two people, then pour it on the other two, Tuo Tuo Ouhu's ability to talk nonsense is well-known in the industry.

"Damn it, what can I do as a great magister? Could it be that a magic used to blast Jagaya into scum?" Pullman said depressed.

Mad Saber Saint Joan Reed was not so angry to talk nonsense with Tuo Tuo, he was similar to Pullman, his moves were open and closed, Gagaya and the fallen angel were inextricably fighting, he was not easy to intervene.

"Me too, you don't think Gagaya is afraid of me with fists as big as my clay pot! Fist and feet have no eyes, if I punch Gagaya, I'll punch his guts out!" Sword Master of Fire interjected.

Not to mention Pullman rolling his eyes, even Jagaya's attack like flowing water paused when he heard this.

It's none of his business if you quarrel, one said that he was blown into scum with a magic spell, and the other said that he was beaten so hard that he couldn't take care of himself with a punch, obviously he is the hardest one here who has been doing hard work, These guys don't know how to say something nice to cheer him up!Who are these people!
"It's fine if you guys don't help, don't make trouble!" Or Pauline understood, these three old urchins don't know whether they feel embarrassed by so many people besieging a fallen angel, or think it's more fun to watch a play, in short I didn't intend to do anything.

It doesn't matter, just a two-winged fallen angel, even if it is a high-level one, Gagaya and Joan Reed are enough to win, not to mention there are so many of them.

"We really don't plan to do anything?" Kimbro is still a member of the Dawn Mercenary Group and one of the founders of the Mercenary Guild, after all, Bo Lianze still felt a little uncomfortable when he said this, as if he had done something outrageous. Bad thing, so I asked the other two in a low voice.

"I want to go to you. This kid... After all, he has kindness to Nangong Feng. When Nangong Feng broke through the sky warrior and his dharma protector, his fearless energy was very appetizing to me. I can't let go." Tuo Tuou despised Kimbrough said with a glance.

"He is not like an ordinary fallen angel. His eyes are much clearer, clearer than many human beings. I don't believe that people with such clear and flawless eyes are bad people. I don't do anything either." Mu Leiden also despised Kimbrough glanced.

"Although the death of Arnold's group is not a pity, this kid is a fallen angel. It's hard to explain it, alas..." Kimbrough was just talking, and he didn't intend to help.

The three of them could only watch the show from the sidelines without interfering. This was already the greatest support for Yuan Feiwu.

Suddenly a figure approached Bo Lianze quickly, and Tuo Tuo yelled badly when he saw it: "Oh, this idiot, why did he choose Bo Lianze as a breakthrough!"

"What a stupid decision! Didn't you tell that brat that he can trouble anyone, just don't provoke Bolian Zeze?" Mu Leiden looked depressed and said that he was about to breathe fire, and turned his head to spray Kimbro in the face.

"Me? This, shouldn't you say this? You didn't say that you are in charge of teaching common sense and brainwashing him every day. You are the most handsome sword master?" Kim Bro also turned his head, and Huoshui Dongyin looked at Tuo Tuoou.

"Eh... haven't I told him about this?" Tuo Tuo fell into very deep thinking, and finally couldn't find the relevant memory and had to say, "Then I shouldn't blame me, even if I forgot to call Don't provoke Bolian Zeze, but there should be someone in the academy who teaches that the most famous sword master among the seven sword masters is the sword master Odin Arches, this is a must, okay?"

"The academy you opened will teach this!" Although Mu Leiden was on the same front as Tuo Tuoou, Mu Leiden couldn't accept his nonsense this time.

However, although this has not been mentioned in the academy, it is common sense that Odin Arches, the military swordsman, is one of the seven great swordsmen. I was fortunate to hear that the students asked the head teacher about this matter, and the head teacher looked unlovable.

In short, both Bo Lianze and Odin Archis occupy the direction where Yuan Feiwu can escape. That figure, that is, Nan Gongfeng himself, suddenly rushed out and picked up Bo Lianze who was guarding the direction of the Stonled Abyss. as a breakthrough.The reason is as simple as that, it has nothing to do with who is strong and who is weak, he simply chose Bo Lianze, who is in a better position, not to mention who is stronger and who is weaker among the seven sword masters, he has never really learned, since they are all at the peak of humanity anyway For example, is there a big difference between a combat power of [-] and a combat power of nine thousand and nine?
Nangong Feng, as fast as a meteor, streaked across the sky, leaving a faint green afterimage. When he came to Bo Lianze, he had already adjusted his body and kicked it. The green grudge had a strong wind element , as if there was a blast of air pressure pressing heavily on Polian Zeze, threatening to push him away.

The best student in the last college exchange competition, Nangong Feng.Bo Lian didn't expect that this exchange competition was about to start, but this student had grown to the level where he dared to challenge the Juggernaut.

No one finds his appearance strange. The relationship between Nangong Feng and Yuan Feiwu has been very strong since the exchange match.Moreover, when Yuan Feiwu had an accident, Nangongfeng and Xueyue pleaded for Yuan Feiwu together, expressed their dissatisfaction and resigned from the military, which can be seen from this.

It's just such a flying kick, it's too whimsical to think of threatening a Juggernaut.Even if he just wanted to force the Juggernaut a few steps away, it would be whimsical.

Nangongfeng also knew this truth.

Bo Lianze casually stretched out his hand to block the ferocious flying kick, and Nangongfeng's follow-up attack was about to arrive. He quickly punched Bo Lianze with his left hand, hitting Bo Lianze's abdomen.

When the sound.

Nangongfeng's blue glove hit a blue long sword, and couldn't get any further.

It doesn't matter, these two blows are just a foreshadowing, the real killer is yet to come!

"The first kill of the Seven Killing Fist, the overlord comes to the world!" The fist of the right hand gathered Nangong Feng's spirit and spirit, and slammed towards the front of Bo Lianze with an indomitable momentum. Of course, Bo Lianze's sword was not slow. He had quickly parried Nangongfeng's left fist, and quickly raised it to strike at Nangongfeng's Overlord Jiangshi.

Nangongfeng laughed, he didn't believe that this full blow could not knock back Bo Lianze!With this retreat, the best escape route is immediately given up!

The moment a sword and a fist were about to collide, suddenly, the sword shattered into countless drifting blue battle qi, like drops of water, which swung away little by little and disappeared without a trace.Head-to-head?Nangongfeng thought beautifully, Nangongfeng couldn't even do such a seemingly simple thing as punching the opponent's sword!

On the other hand, Bo Lian simply tilted her head to avoid the domineering fist, causing Nangongfeng's fist to swing in the air, and a powerful red fighting spirit shot out from the fist, but hit the air.

The gap that Nangongfeng hoped to appear?

Pauline would not let it exist.

(End of this chapter)

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