Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 703 The Future Is Yours

Chapter 703 The Future Is Yours

On the other hand, Bo Lian's expression was still calm, and there was not even a trace of wave in those blue eyes like the sea.

The movement of the right hand, which seemed to strike Nangongfeng hard, swung it in the air, and then quickly turned to swing towards Nangongfeng's head, and the hand that was holding in the air was suddenly filled with blue long hair. sword!

This sword was condensed by him with fighting energy, but Nangongfeng didn't notice it!The ability to freely retract and release the fighting spirit is too exaggerated!
But now that he knew all about the fight, Nangongfeng immediately retreated.Sure enough, Bo Lian slashed past him and slashed behind him!

Nangongfeng reacted very quickly, he raised his fists and used the earth element fighting spirit to make a blocking posture.It's good that his glove can absorb the opponent's vindictiveness, but Yuan Feiwu told him when he gave the glove, in order not to let the glove absorb his vindictiveness and turn it into a double-edged sword that hurts both the enemy and himself, so I did it After making some adjustments, the power he can absorb is directly proportional to his own power, and anything beyond his ability will be invalid.In the future, the stronger his ability is, the more he will be able to exert the power of these gloves.

So Bo Lian didn't dare to underestimate this sword strike.

Then the menacing blue sword played a joke with Nangongfeng again, and the moment it touched Nangongfeng's glove, it turned into a little bit of fighting energy like water droplets and disappeared.

But Bo Lian swung the severed hand without stopping, as if she still had a sword in her hand, and slashed her hand to the extreme.

Nangongfeng didn't understand what Bo Lianze meant, but in the distance, the three sword masters of Tuo Tuo Mu Lei Deng Jin Bro had already covered their eyes.

In the next second, Nangongfeng felt that his feet were entangled by something, and with a burst of force, he was thrown down hard, hitting the ground and creating a deep hole.

At the moment when he was thrown away, Nangongfeng could see clearly. He didn't know when a blue long whip appeared in Bo Lianze's empty hand, and he was thrown out by the long whip wrapped around his ankle. .

Among the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters, if you want to make a ranking of the opponents you least want to face, after excluding Douglas, you must definitely count Bo Lian as the first.This is something that these great magisters and sword masters know very well.Bo Lianze's battle qi strength is not necessarily the strongest among all the sword masters, but the degree of delicateness in using the battle qi is definitely the most abnormal!If it is to fight in actual combat, even a sword master with a slightly higher fighting spirit than Bolianze is not sure that he can defeat Bolianze. This is enough to show that Bolianze is terrible!
He integrated the characteristics of the water element into the use of his grudge, making his offensive routines more varied and unpredictable than the magician's magic.Even Mu Leiden, who likes to find people to compete with others the most, has never approached Bolian Zeze after two fights with Bolian Zeze. No matter how no one wants to fight with him, Bolian Zeze even Even when he came to visit him when he was itchy, he was determined not to ask him to fight.Every time I finish playing, I feel depressed to death, so fuck me!
So when they saw that Nangongfeng was actually looking for Bo Lianze as a breakthrough, Tuo Tuou and the three of them shook their heads, why did this fool find the most difficult bone.

But the sneak attack on Bo Lianze was not over yet. Almost at the same time that Nangongfeng hit the ground, several inconspicuous ice cones flew towards Bo Lianze.On the other hand, Pauline swung his whip without blinking. A normal person might appreciate his beautiful masterpiece against the enemy, but it is a pity that Pauline would not even be distracted.

The blue whip sprang out without rhythm, like a blind snake, without any sense of beauty.

But it was this kind of scurrying, but it precisely crushed all the ice cones, and at the same time ran towards the attacking Xueyue in white.

The white mist surrounding Xueyue suddenly doubled in size, and its concentration also increased instantly. Even if the fighting spirit whip from the sword master entered the domain of Xueyue's ice element spirit, it was affected and slowed down to some extent. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xueyue's sword in the stick brought out a gleam of white light, quickly slashed a few times, cut off the long snake-like whip, and rushed towards Bo Lianze all the way.

"Oh?" Bo Lianze's face finally fluctuated a little, and his eyebrows were raised slightly, "I didn't expect that there are people in the world whose talent is to restrain me."

On the other hand, Pauline's soft words caused all the audience around to click their tongues.Although they were surprised, they knew that Pauline was telling the truth!
After his long whip entered Xueyue's area, it couldn't shatter and disappear with his will, it could only be cut off piece by piece.After all, the fighting spirit of the water element still has the characteristics of the water element. Under the influence of the extremely frozen magic power, it is difficult to exert the invisible meaning of cutting the water with a knife and making the water flow more.Although what was cut off was only the whip formed by Bo Lianze's fighting spirit, and did not cause any substantial attack on Bo Lianze, but the fact of restraining Bo Lianze was obvious enough.

On the other hand, Bo Lian didn't panic when she saw Xueyue rushing to the front. She gave up her long whip, stretched out her hand and saw a blue long sword in her hand, and slashed vertically with one hand, which is an understatement.

But different from Nangongfeng's result, that slash was easily blocked by Xueyue.

Sure enough, restraint!The water-like long sword can't be used at all, as if solidified by Xueyue, it can't play tricks!
He even slashed sword to sword with Bo Lianze!
How many sword masters yearn for sword to sword encounter with Bolian Zeze!But Bo Lianze's battles are unpredictable, they don't fight you hard at all, they play you around and blow you up.It's like looking for a one-on-one fight with someone with strong muscles. If you can't play with him, you are embarrassed to cry and complain about being bullied in public. Do you want to complain about him standing still and being refused to be punched by you?How embarrassing to say it.

Xue Yueneng and Bolian slashed at each other with this sword, which can be said to make many sword masters feel emotional, especially those who like head-to-head confrontation.

"It's true that you restrained me very much. His three lines of grudge are also very good. The future belongs to you. But now, it's still far away."

A burst of strong fighting spirit erupted, and Bo Lian's long sword, which had been blocked, suddenly continued forward unstoppably, and the huge thrust sent Xueyue flying.Xueyue suddenly looked like a white shooting star, unable to control her body, she huddled next to the hole Nangongfeng made and also made a deep hole.

The strongest sword master is still the strongest sword master after all, not to mention the strongest sword master, even the military sword master Odin Achis, nor can Nangongfeng and Xueyue, the two strongest heroes in modern times, challenge him.This is where the gap between the Juggernaut and the Sky Warrior is so great that even Jean Bolian can't even take a half step back.Well, I have to say, if it is Odin Arches or other Juggernauts, it should still be possible to make them take a half step back.

As Pauline said, the future is theirs, but now, it is still far away.

"Okay, you two calm down!" A bell-like shout seemed to come from the sky and spread into everyone's heart, "Strike of the earth!"

But in fact, the sound was only coming from the ground. Kimbro's chubby figure was like a large meteorite, with a faint yellow light, hitting the ground between two deep pits.

The hard ground suddenly looked like it was made of tofu. Jinbro smashed it down with fighting spirit, and the ground disintegrated into powder. It didn't stop until the halo of light he brought hit Xueyue and Nangongfeng in the pit. .At this time, the ground was already in disrepair, and the two deep pits turned into a huge pit. Kimbro's buttocks actually made the ground look terrible as if it had been hit by a meteorite from the sky.

Nangongfeng and Xueyue vomited a mouthful of blood after being hit by this blow, and the battle qi in their protective body was shattered to pieces.

Nangongfeng had used this Strike of the Earth before in the college exchange competition, but compared with the one performed by the Juggernaut, the power is simply vastly different!
On the other hand, Bo Lian glanced at Kimbro, and without saying anything, refocused on the fight between Yuan Feiwu and Gagaya in the middle of the field.

Bo Lianze's attitude was a statement. He didn't kill Nangongfeng and Xueyue, but only slightly punished him. He meant to turn a blind eye to their helping the fallen angels and give them another chance. Chance.The other great magisters and sword masters will not say much, this is out of their love for talents, after all, these two are not fallen angels, and they are also great future pillars in the Star Luo Continent, but if they come to entangle them again Clear, then we have to discuss the crime together.After all, there were people like Sabo who represented the Northway Empire present, and it was unreasonable to be too partial.

And Kimbrough's doing this is actually a statement, meaning that the two people will be handed over to him to dismiss them, so that they will not affect the plan to round up the fallen angels.As long as they are not allowed to influence the roundup, Pauline and others can ignore the matter of their relationship with the fallen angel.Because it didn't affect the roundup at all, Sabo and the others couldn't justify it. Of course, it's better to try our best to keep the talents of the human race.

But Nangongfeng and Xueyue naturally wouldn't give in so easily, one white and one red two streams of vindictiveness seemed to spurt out, knocking away the vindictiveness that Jinbro was pressing on them.However, the two also spit out a few mouthfuls of blood because of excessive force.

"One cold and one hot to break my vindictiveness, it's okay, boys!" Kimbrough hurriedly stepped back, covered his hot butt and chilly buttocks and grinned, feeling a little embarrassed.

I don't know if it's just a coincidence or the two of them have practiced before, and they actually used the extremely aggressive ice fighting energy to attack the earth fighting energy sitting on them. Although they couldn't break through his fighting energy, it still had some effect. As soon as the fiery fire vindictive energy rushed, his vindictive energy was suddenly shattered due to the imbalance of hot and cold, and his own butt was brutally abused by his carelessness!

However, judging by the rhythm of the attack, the possibility of the latter is relatively high.Jinbro was actually a little happy to be able to break through his vindictiveness. This kind of innovation and growth is what he would like to see in his juniors.

Nangongfeng and Xueyue spurted blood in order to fight for this gap, and quickly got up to fly into the air, while Lian Bolian started to look this way again, and Pullman even raised his staff.

"Boy, it's really enough." "Just because you can't save him, why don't you help persuade him to surrender."

Two figures, one red and one blue, fell heavily at this moment. A fist as big as a red clay pot and a slender but explosive leg hit the two people who were about to get up from the left and the right, and smashed them to the ground. , embedded in the ground.

In the broken ground and gravel, blood can be seen floating out of it.

The two finally stopped struggling.

(End of this chapter)

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