Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 704 The Script Shouldn't Be Acted Like This

Chapter 704 The Script Shouldn't Be Acted Like This

"It's okay, these two bastards won't disturb everyone, don't worry about us, you go ahead." Kimbrough showed his trademark simple and honest smile to the few people in the air, as if there was only a small episode happening here.

Everyone thought this smile was fake, but Odin Arches and Pauline withdrew their attention here, and Pullman put away his staff.

Although the attack was a little heavy, but in the end it was actually saving these two people.If these three can solve this matter, it will be a great help.

"My life has belonged to you since you saved my father."

Suddenly, another person rushed out with a magic staff exuding the magic power of the earth element, but her staggering steps under the pressure of the sword masters and great magisters made it clear to everyone that her strength was not outstanding.

At least not outstanding here.

"Ta... why is she here too? She shouldn't have come to this muddy water!" Douglas frowned.

The people who rushed out were all dressed in black, but they couldn't hide their good figures, and their faces were covered with a thick black veil.However, Douglas Mullens and others recognized who she was at a glance, and it is not surprising that she will appear here. It is not too difficult to know the ambush here as her identity, and his relationship with Yuan Feiwu is also very close. close.But since the other party was wearing a veil, he naturally didn't want to reveal his identity, and Douglas and the others wisely kept it secret.

Marrence was even ready to go up and stop her, and he couldn't help but see that she was also involved in this matter.It's just that he didn't expect someone to be faster than him, rushing over with a ball of fire.

"Anyone who meddles in their own business will die!"

Mullens was surprised when he saw clearly that it was Sabo!He raised his hands forward, and a spear that looked like molten lava was pushed out after he ran a few steps, stabbing straight at the man in black.

How could the man in black be able to dodge the spear with his faltering pace!Marens wanted to rescue him, but it was obvious that the magister Sabo's move was not something he, a land warrior, could stop, not to mention that he was already a beat behind, watching the lava spear like a comet, with a long The long flame tail flew away.


The spear pierced the side ribs of an obviously thin but inexplicably stalwart figure, and the high temperature made a creepy burning sound on his body.

He was already in a mess, but in order to rush over, one of his wings was broken, and there were three bloodstains on his back with deep bone visible.

No one would lament the wound on his back, because everyone knew that if he dared to show his back to Gagaya, he would have to pay a painful price.

"No! Flying dance, no!"

The woman in black was embraced by him, and was taken a few steps back by his momentum, and was blocked by the lava spear that would take his life when he was about to strike.

But now she regretted it, and her tears burst out. If she had known that such a result would be caused by her appearance, she would rather not appear here, and would not appear here even if she died.

He wiped away the tears of the woman in black with both hands, buried his head in her ear and said something, then pushed the woman in black away heavily, turned around and flew back to meet the rushing Gagaya.

Seeing this, Marens and Veblen quickly protected the woman behind them and told her to leave quickly.

Sabo suddenly sat down on the ground, because the moment he turned around, Sabo saw his eyes, the murderous eyes that penetrated into his heart.At that moment, he thought he was going to die soon, and the panic transmitted from his instinct made him fall limply to the ground.

However, he quickly recovered from the panic, because the guy who showed that look was being severely beaten by Gagaya.

The reason why fallen angels are fast and strong has a lot to do with their wings.The pair of black fallen wings can not only be the injector when they start, the shield to protect themselves, and the regulator when flying, but also an energy absorbing device, which can continuously absorb dark elements from the surroundings to supply them with energy, so that they can compare Ordinary humans who practice fighting qi magic practice faster and fight longer.

If a wing is broken, the natural strength will be greatly reduced.Coupled with the back injury, and the side ribs pierced by the lava spear in order to save people, he is already at the end of his strength.

Facing Jagaya's still smooth offensive, he was a little nervous at the beginning, and now he couldn't stand it anymore. He was cut and wounded one after another. Seeing that Marens and others couldn't bear to look directly, they turned their eyes away.

"Teacher, the situation is not right. If this continues, he will die." Livia pulled out the Burning Flame, tears flickering in his eyes.

"No... Even if he dies, we can't take action. You have to remember that the Star Luo Continent is now unified, and there should be no more trouble. He is the one who is now in trouble..."


"And I believe in him, I believe in him no matter what."

Douglas rolled his eyes as he spoke.Douglas, who was used to seeing all kinds of bloody things in the world, couldn't bear to see everything in front of him now.

Livia gritted her teeth and stopped talking, because she saw that Douglas' hands were already covered with blood from clenching his fists too tightly.

She understood that the teacher suffered no less than she did.Perhaps because he didn't want to suffer this kind of suffering, Lin Beck found a ridiculous reason not to come here?He is still so smart, full of melancholy smart.

This bitter trick is too bitter, and even if you fail, you have the determination to continue acting.Livia forced herself to stare at everything in front of her, and she wanted to take it all into her heart, which was her respect for the person who was carrying out his mission at the cost of his own life.

The man showed his back to Jagaya again, and after paying the price of being hacked out again, he exhausted his last strength and decided to break through from Odin Achis in a last-ditch effort.

In the most beautiful script, he should break through the siege of the sword masters and great magisters in this way, escape into the demon clan with some injuries, and gain the trust of the demon clan.

The beginning of the script is also interpreted in this way.

He managed to get rid of Jagaya.

However, unlike the script, Gajaya himself gave up the pursuit, and he had already put down his two swords.

Looking at Yuan Feiwu's unstable figure like a moth to a flame, he knew that there was no need to chase him anymore.

Odin Achis has never been soft on fallen angels, and it won't be this time.Facing Yuan Feiwu who was rushing towards him, he raised his long sword forward, and his first move was a killer move.

The long sword sank into Yuan Feiwu's chest like a cross, and now the dying fallen angel's movements were too slow, so slow that Odin Achis had not fully raised his small black dagger after finishing his moves. block.

Odin Arches didn't pursue him anymore, nor did all the Juggernauts and Grand Magisters pursue him anymore, because they could all see that the fallen angel with long hair floating and smiling like rose petals was poignant and beautiful, his The eyes have lost their luster of vitality.

The ending of the script is not satisfactory.

But they have the humanitarianism to stop the pursuit, and some don't.

Sabo took the opportunity to fly into the air, and slammed the fireball at the fallen fallen angel.

Fireballs hit him again and again, making him writhe, burning and making an unpleasant hissing sound.

"Enough! He is a respectable opponent, no matter how much hatred you have, restrain yourself." Pollen shouted.

He didn't know Yuan Feiwu well, but at least the moment when this fallen angel sacrificed his life to save someone was enough to make him stand in awe.He is very clear that that person is a human being and not a demon, and allowing him to do this shows that he is affectionate and righteous.

It's such a pity that they are opposites, otherwise Pauline would like to drink and talk with such a real man.

Sabo took a deep breath and spat downward before flying away.Let him lose face in front of the goddess, let him become a dishonest villain in front of the world, and let him lose his great magister and master backer, this person is the person he hates the most, bar none!For him to lose his composure in front of the Juggernaut Grand Magisters, he also felt that it was okay!
Now watching Yuan Feiwu's corpse fall towards the abyss of Stonled, he suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart.This man became a street mouse, trying every means to escape to the Demon Race, but in the end he died in the Great Abyss of Stonley, which was one step away from the Demon Race. What a perfect ending!
"The corpse has to be brought back. It would be troublesome to let him fall down. Then I don't want to go down." Pullman flew over, waving his staff and preparing to use a wind magic to roll Yuan Feiwu up.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter, and those sword masters and great magisters who were all sobbing were startled, and all drew their weapons and stood ready.

Pullman quickly retreated behind Bo Lianze.

It's not that he is afraid of death, but that he understands that as a crispy magician, he should hide behind the melee to exert his maximum combat effectiveness.

Pullman was so scared that he thought about how to exert the strongest combat power, which showed how terrifying the person was.

"That kid is not bad. The two-winged angel has so many masters of the human race to dispatch together, and he has more face than me. When I troubled you last time, how many of you came to greet me? Three? Or four?" The person who came was floating on the other side of the Great Abyss of Stonley, laughing and laughing across the thousand-meter-wide canyon of the Great Abyss of Stonley. Just looking at the two pairs of black wings made people feel a lot of pressure.

"Lulikai...he has become stronger again, and the coercion he exudes is so powerful, even if he told me that he was going to try to cut through the void, I would believe it."

Douglas floated in front of everyone at some point, looking at each other with a pair of sharp eyes, without giving in.

When the others heard what Douglas said, their expressions became even more gloomy.


one good news one bad news
The good news is that the author will travel tomorrow, about ten days
The bad news is that it will stop updating tomorrow, about ten days
I hope the author will remember how to write after he comes back (smile)...

(End of this chapter)

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