Chapter 705
"Lu Likai, it's been a long time since you've been itchy, have you? Come over and compete with me to see if you've regressed?" He felt extremely depressed seeing a boy he liked being killed, and now he saw Lulikai running out and making sarcastic remarks, and he immediately became angry.

"You? Not qualified yet." Lulikai smiled arrogantly, and pointed to Bo Lianze, "Including the two of them together, there may be a little chance of winning."

"Okay! Then you come here and one-on-one!" Mu Leiden flew into the sky, and Bolian stood side by side, not caring at all about being despised, as if two-on-one was something glorious. Shameless Pauline felt uncomfortable.

"You humans are too cunning, haven't I suffered a lot? The aggressive method is useless to me. If you have the ability, come and fight with me." As soon as Lulikai finished speaking, more than a dozen two-winged fallen angels appeared behind him. All of them are his direct subordinates, the elite among the fallen angels in the demon clan.

The meaning is very clear, why Lulikai dared to show up alone, dare to feel that he is not alone, he came completely prepared.

These elite fallen angels may not be able to defeat any one of the opponents in a single-on-one round, but two against one is enough for the Juggernaut and the Great Magister to weigh whether they can survive.

Originally, he wondered if he could lure Lulikai over and beat him up while everyone was there.Now that Mu Leiden saw that the other party was well prepared, of course he didn't dare to provoke again.

This is already a head-to-head confrontation involving the top strengths of the human race and the demon race. If something happens accidentally, the result will be the extermination of the race.The current situation is the same as when the sky warriors and magisters were dispatched to battles between the empires before. They will not use the highest combat power unless they are forced to, because the consequences are unbearable.

Once it comes to this level of confrontation, no matter which side it is, it will be cautious, and it will not make a rash move if it is not very sure.No matter how warlike Mu Leiden is, he dare not abandon the fate of the entire race.

The seven great sword masters and the three great magisters of the human race are so cautious, and the demon Lulikai is actually the same.If they are really as confident as they appear on the surface, why don't they take the fallen angels directly across the Great Abyss of Stonley and destroy them all?
Everyone is jealous of each other.

"Since everyone doesn't want to have any friction with each other, why do you come out to be aggressive, Lulikai?" Lulikai was finally willing to straighten his head and look at the people on the human side, because Douglas, who had white hair and a white beard, flew Come out, the voice is sonorous and powerful.

"I can't see you piously leading people to encircle a noble fallen angel in a self-righteous way, and come out to show off your prestige, can't you?" Lulikai drew out a wide sword full of jagged teeth and pointed at Douglas. In his eyes, the man on the opposite side Douglas is the only one in the group who is worthy of drawing his sword in advance. This move is not a provocation, but a recognition of strength, "We will not make so many meaningless excuses. Human beings are killed if we kill them. What kind of justice or evil reason, just because we hate it. How can it be like you, with a lot of crimes and reasons, and all the masters mobilized to besiege?"

"Don't be so simple as what you say, don't you do a lot of sneaky things? Otherwise, why would you receive the news in advance and appear here, and treat us as a joke? In our eyes, your self-proclaimed is just a joke .” Bolian snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, I've never been your opponent in terms of talk. Since you don't come to show your 'justice', then we will withdraw. As for your account of killing our noble fallen angel warrior, I will write it down gone."

After Lulikai finished speaking, he floated away surrounded by fallen angels without looking back.The existence of this fallen angel of the demon race was so domineering and resounding in every move, even the back view of leaving made them feel oppressed.

"Let's go, I think this guy wanted to save this fallen angel, but he came too late, so he pretended there." Mad Sword Saint Joan Reid said disdainfully towards the back.

"No, it's gone. Odin Archis, I'll leave it to you to keep an eye on this place. If you have time, you can go down and see if you can get the body back. If you don't want to, forget it. Anyway, the dead place where you fell is estimated to be the body." The scum is all melted." The Magister Gale said, casting a glance at Douglas.

Although what he said was true, even though he and Douglas were always at odds, it did not mean that his relationship with Douglas was bad. On the contrary, they were good friends for many years. He understood that Douglas and Livia had feelings for this fallen angel. Yes, so when he said this fact, he looked at Douglas and Livia, hoping that they could mourn.

"If you don't want to go down that damn place, don't embarrass Odin Arches." Douglas didn't speak, but Pauline gave him a slap.

That's right, the bottom of the Great Abyss of Stonley is really a ghostly place, and Odin Arches was also quite repulsive. He used silence to agree with Pauline Zeze's words and rejected Pullman's suggestion.

"Well, let's go." Douglas was unexpectedly calm, flew down silently, and took the lead to go out.

It's just that under those calm steps, what is revealed is the exhaustion of being aged for a hundred years.

Looking at the back, the others were in no mood to make jokes, and all planned to go back to their respective homes.

"Wait! Are you leaving just like that? What about his accomplices?" Sabo suddenly jumped and shouted.

Everyone, who was not very happy at first, was disturbed by his sharp voice like killing a chicken, and became even more irritable. They all turned their heads to see what tricks this man was up to.

"What accomplice?" Marens was not in a good mood to face this person, and asked with a dark face.

"That masked girl who suddenly rushed out to save the fallen angel, you are right there, don't tell me you didn't see it! She is not an accomplice who is an accomplice?" Sabo's eyes were like light bulbs, and he looked at the source flying Hate has surpassed his own imagination.

Originally, he thought watching Yuan Feiwu being tortured to death would be enough to relieve his hatred, but now he found that it was not enough, he had to watch the people around him die one by one to relieve his hatred!
"I saw it, but the scene was chaotic just now, and she probably took advantage of the chaos to escape." Marens said calmly.

"There are so many soldiers surrounding us outside, how could it be possible for him to escape?" Sabo said with a look of disbelief.

"Fallen angels are quick and quick. Of course, our soldiers take the fallen angels as their first target. Putting other targets aside for the time being, it's not surprising that she escaped. That kind of small fish and shrimp escaped as soon as they escaped, so there is no danger."

"No one related to the fallen angels is a small fish or shrimp... I will personally investigate this matter." Sabo didn't know what Marens meant at this time, and said through gritted teeth.

"As the deputy leader of the human race, of course I will do my best to help you." Marens' words were already blatantly mocking.

With his "full help", it would be a ghost if Sabo could find anything!

Sabo was furious, but he didn't bother with Marens. He turned around and pointed at the two men who were picked up by Tuo Ou, the sword master of the wind, and said, "Xueyue and Nangongfeng have a lot to do with fallen angels. This time, he also attacked the Juggernaut and planned to rob the fallen angel, which is an unforgivable crime..."

"Forgive your sister, I have sinned against your whole family. Where did the two of them sin?" Of course Tuo Tuo would not take Sabo seriously. The order from the two juniors was to attack that bastard Bo Lianze, and I would teach me a unique move if I hit him with a punch. They picked a chance that Bo Lianze would be more likely to get out of the way to attack. There was a mistake. Is it? And the opportunity they chose is so easy to be branded as being related to fallen angels, but they are still determined to complete the mission I have given. This kind of noble sentiment is worth learning from and remembering by everyone..."

Sabo couldn't stand Tuo Tuo's nonsense, so he just walked away.For the first time, Bo Lian was secretly scolded by Tuo Tuo'ou as a bastard and did not refute, and even wanted to like it a little bit.Speaking of talking, Lulikai is still very self-aware. Among them, there are many people who can make you vomit blood with their mouths.

What else can Sabo do if he doesn't leave?Although he now bears the title of a great leader of the human race, he knows that his current status is not even one tenth of that of Arnold's direct disciple in the past!Now Tuo Tuo is talking nonsense to protect his shortcomings, he is very familiar with this feeling, he has enjoyed it a lot before!

Now without Arnold, can he compete with Tuo Tuo?

Thinking of this, he became even angrier. If his big backer hadn't been killed by Yuan Feiwu, he would be so aggrieved?He is still full of hatred for a dead person...

This time the encirclement and suppression of the Juggernaut and the Great Magister came to an end.The news of the victory was subsequently notified to various places through King Yarongjing, and received unanimous praise.

At this time, under the Great Abyss of Stonley, an area near the bottom was filled with a faint gray mist. These gray fogs rose from the bottom of the Great Abyss of Stonley. any living organism exists.

At this time, above the thick fog, a crooked figure was moving quickly, and behind him was a fallen angel who was bound by several strands of dark magic power, and was dragged forward by him.Even he didn't want to touch those thick fogs, he just acted on top of them.

If the royal family of Northway were here, they would definitely recognize who this crooked figure is...

Alexander's father, Yalongjing's grandfather, the former King Northway who should have died long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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