Chapter 706
"Jiejiejie... Ever since you were able to leave like a shadow in the crowd with the red-haired chick after dancing in Baihua Castle, I know that you have a particularly high understanding of hiding the aura, and you even put the fallen angel The heart method is about holding your breath. A genius is always a genius. No matter how you try to keep a low profile, you still can’t hide your own light. And the strong will always be surrounded, admired, and relied on by the weak. Don’t think that you If you don’t want to show your strength, they won’t pester you. Hugging your thighs is everyone’s inferiority. I’m talking about everyone including beasts and demons... If you want to keep a low profile among humans, it’s better to go back to your world and do whatever you want ?” The rickety figure suddenly murmured to himself in his hoarse and low voice.

"If I can't fool you from the eyes of the Seven Great Sword Saints and the Four Great Magisters, wouldn't you be disappointed?" The fallen angel with one wing missing silently raised his head, his bloody body had been baptized by magic and fighting spirit. It was riddled with holes, but the black eyeballs that had been devoid of vitality had regained their brilliance.

"Death in the eyes of the Seven Great Juggernauts and the Four Great Magisters is the best result for you. Find a place to hide your name and live a good life. As I said, you can't hide your light, always One day, it becomes a scene of being spurned and hunted down by all mankind, no matter how much you have contributed to mankind. And even if you die, I will not be disappointed. How can I be disappointed if mankind lacks a strong support? It’s still unknown whether it’s good or bad for you to go back.” The hunched figure suddenly stopped on a mountain wall, turned back to look at the seriously injured fallen angel, and there was no vitality at all on his withered face.

"I'm actually not as great as you said, I just don't want to see this beautiful world destroyed."


Bowed and speechless, is this what he meant just now?Is it meant to praise his greatness?Absolutely not!It's just mocking him for being stupid!

"Anyway, Xingluo Continent has already abandoned you, why not bring your talent and strength to the demons, and make Xingluo Continent look good in the future, and avenge you?"

"Demons, humans, orcs, I think, in the near future, it will no longer be a life-and-death relationship."

"A joke!" The rickety figure found that he could not understand this fallen angel, and the words he said in one breath were terribly firm. The things I am proud of make myself calm down, "In the near future, there will only be one race of demons! With me, the unity of mankind will not last long. Even you can't uproot my power. Who else Can you? You, I am playing in the palm of your hand; and me, you don’t even know who it is, aren’t you afraid?”

"Of course you are a master of dark magic as a master of the great country, but your identity in Northway is also a wind element magister. Are you a person with a dual-element physique?"


The crooked figure was speechless, and it was not easy for the atmosphere to suddenly become awkward in such a strange place surrounded by gray fog and strange shapes of cliffs.Because although the other party didn't reveal his identity, he revealed the secret of his dual-element physique that he had hidden for so many years, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Ignorant child, you continue to guess wildly, Jie Jie Jie..." The voice of the rickety figure raised a bit.

"I didn't know who you were at first, but you left a relatively large opening, which allowed me to confirm your identity." The seriously injured fallen angel looked weak, and his spirit was a little sluggish, but his mind was still quite clear , can be seen from his pair of black and deep eyes.

"Jie Jie Jie, I would like to hear about it."

"That year, I took the graduation practice exam at Landis Academy of Magic, and I was in a group with Princess Northway, the daughter of the head of the First Legion, the son of the prince, and other distinguished people, and I caught you in the bandit camp. The ambush, almost even the great magister Linbeck confessed to it. Coupled with the costume of the Tost Empire guards left at that time, if you succeed that time, I am afraid that the three empires will enter an era of chaotic wars in advance .The timing was not ripe at that time, and if there was a fight, I am not sure that the war will end in a short time." The seriously injured fallen angel said angrily, "Perhaps everyone will think that this incident is the result of the great master you received. The news was arranged temporarily. But I know it’s not. Waiting for many important figures to gather together, what are the chances of such an opportunity appearing? Judging from your performance in the past, you prefer to create opportunities rather than wait for them. Can you make this happen? A great opportunity presented itself, and not many people made it, only three."

"You can determine which of these three people is the great master based on their likes and dislikes?" The bent figure sneered, but he knew in his heart that this was indeed a big flaw that he didn't expect.

He thought about it carefully, and it was true that there were only three people who could make this event happen.

"Douglas happened to be busy with important matters, and Livia pushed the finer details to you... So you started to investigate the location and conditions suitable for doing it early. With your thinking, of course you want to do it to the extreme, so you thought If you get rid of that bandit, you can also drag Lynbeck into the water... After the arrangements are made, you have made a good arrangement for the graduation practice and put it on Douglas's desk. All the prominent students and me who are highly valued by Douglas It is impossible for Douglas not to accept your suggestion. Am I right, Vice President Rodney? Or call you the Grand Master?"

"Your speculation is quite wild, you continue." After hearing the fallen angel's name, the crooked figure became as calm as water.

"Athena didn't know when an imperceptible breath was injected into her body to restrict her practice. The out-of-control Earth Bear who suddenly appeared and attacked Leicester and Ophelia, The attack arrangement of the Demon Summoning Formation in the Hundred Flowers Forest, Tarena's mother was poisoned by the blood cocoa flower that is only found in the Demon Race area and died, almost driving Prince Richardson crazy... and so on. Everything makes sense for the black hands of the Secretary of the Interior under the double pivotal status. If you want evidence, it is very simple. Ask Douglas to examine your body carefully. What kind of confinement should you do? Douglas's cultivation should be enough to find out what's wrong. Your corpse control technique is indeed impeccable. You used the corpse of the old king to lurk under the eyes of the seven great sword masters and three great magisters to the abyss of Stonley No one found a trace of breath."

"Jie Jie Jie..." The rickety figure suddenly raised his head and laughed, his wrinkled and lifeless face looked even more terrifying, "I didn't expect that I would underestimate you, Yuan Feiwu. The genius magister Lin Beck is also worthy of being called a genius? He is still being played by me in the applause! And you are different, the title of genius is not enough to praise you! But don't be self-righteous, you can reach today's cultivation level, do you know that I secretly promoted it? "

"My cultivation was promoted by you?" Yuan Feiwu spread his signature smile, but his heart was churning.

He received the divine power of the ancient demon god and became the demon king here. Could all the fate be caused by this great master of the demon clan?

"Did you think that on the top floor of the library of the Landis School of Magic, there is a fallen angel's training formula for you to practice?" The hunched figure had an expression of regaining control of the initiative, wanting to see Yuan Feiwu's frightened face.

He saw it and was proud of it.

Yuan Feiwu frowned slightly, to be honest he wasn't frightened, it was just pure bewilderment.

"I don't understand you."

"You are a dark element elf envoy that is rarely seen in the demons. The moment I knew it, I had a bold idea. If you, a human who has no demon royal blood but has the talent of a dark element elf envoy, learn to degenerate The angel practiced the law, so what would happen? So on the third day after you went to the top floor of the library to study by yourself, I lured Douglas away and could not monitor the magic circle, and when you were doing chores on other floors, I used the excuse of office Entered the fifth floor of the library, and quietly placed the unnamed book that taught you to become a fallen angel..."

The crooked figure became more and more complacent as he talked, but Yuan Feiwu couldn't help but find it funny.For a long time, I would have misunderstood it. How could my acceptance of the ancient demon god's divine power be related to this person?The level of strength cannot be compared at all.

The reason for the wrong meaning is that here, Yuan Feiwu really didn't notice that Rodney secretly hid a copy of the Fallen Angel's cultivation method in the library where he taught himself.Recalling that Rodney went up to the top floor of the library that day, a vice-principal of course had the right to enter the forbidden area on the upper floors of the library. This Fallen Angel Technique!

And Yuan Feiwu used his mental power to read all the books and recorded them in his consciousness from the first day, but he never read those books again, so naturally he didn't know such a thing until now.

Well, it looks like Rodney misunderstood why he became a fallen angel.But this is also good, lest I have to die in the devil world to explain how I am a fallen angel.Thinking about what he said earlier that he had a pair of black wings that made Livia so angry that he was cultivating for no reason, it is really reasonable to prove it from the side of Rodney's actions!Hmm, smiling face.

"Great Master, you laugh so arrogantly, aren't you afraid that the hypocrites of human beings will find out?" A guy who talked about other people's arrogance but couldn't control his volume flew over, "This kid can still hold on to such a serious injury. Be tough, I admire you!"

"Lulikai, take people away when you come, don't make a lot of noise and call them back. Those guys are ruthless enough, this kid is half alive." The crooked figure was a little annoyed Lulikai came to beat him Judging that he was showing off in front of Yuan Feiwu, his tone was full of impatience.

"Don't worry, as long as the fallen angel is still alive, he won't die easily."

Lulikai said so, but he looked at Yuan Feiwu with worry.

It's really hard for this guy to survive such serious injuries, but even if he dies suddenly in the next second, Lulikai will not be surprised.


I'm back, with two more chapters

Stop cursing the author, is it easy to travel? -
(End of this chapter)

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