Chapter 707 Dream?
"How can you say that what you are playing with in the corpse control technique is also the corpse of the descendants of Brother Zhenshan. I think you should get rid of him here, or Brother Zhenshan will have a problem with me."

After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he flicked the fingers of his left hand, and several black energy filaments popped out suddenly, tearing the old king into pieces, and his body fell into the abyss below the gray mist.

When Lulikai saw that this valuable corpse was destroyed like this, he was so angry that he slapped Yuan Feiwu on the mountain wall.

Immediately he regretted it again, the corpse will be broken if it breaks, so there is no such thing as this kid worth looking forward to, right?Quickly reaching out to grab it, the dark element magic energy swept out and pulled Yuan Feiwu back, carried it on his shoulder and floated away.There was some movement again, I don't know if it will alarm those sword masters who haven't gone far!

In the basement where Yuan Feiwu was closed, Rodney slapped the table in front of him hard. (Have any readers noticed a detail? The Grand Master knows very well that Yuan Feiwu’s black sword is very special. Jiawen immediately found out that it was Yuan Feiwu’s saber when he carried it on his body, and he was very sure that it was Yuan Feiwu’s saber. In the early days, Yuan Feiwu pretended to be dizzy and was locked in Rodney’s basement , Rodney failed to see the depth of the sword. He wanted to study the sword carefully, so he was very impressed with the humble sword. This is just a small detail that reveals the identity of the Great Master. If you find it, you can There is a feeling of being connected! Of course, if you can guess from these many details that the Great Master belongs to Rodney, there will be no rewards, and those who want to add more will give up.-.-)

As Lulikai said, this old king's corpse is still of great use value, especially now that the human race is unified in the Northway Empire, he can still be of great use!When Douglas and the others realized that the old king's body was being used and severely cracked down on it, he spent a lot of thought, deceit and concealment to preserve it.It was so irritating to be ruined by that kid so accidentally.

But what was the meaning of Yuan Feiwu's last words, Rodney sat on the chair with a sullen face and thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

The descendants of Big Brother Zhenshan?This Zhenshan is talking about Zhenshan Nuo Siwei?The founder of the Northway Empire who disappeared for nearly a thousand years, who pierced the void or died silently?
Also "big brother"?
This kid shouldn't have delusions, right?
The human race has just been unified, and many things need to be dealt with by the deputy commander of the human race, Marens.But Yanong Jing granted his leave and asked him to stay at home, and his affairs were handled by Veblen Swinburne.Of course, Veblen understood Marens' mood, and patted his chest to shoulder the burden that Marens dropped.

This must have been impossible in the past. The two army commanders, now the two deputy commanders, actually help each other intimately.

reason?Of course it was because of that inexplicable kid.

That kid, Marrence, doesn't know whether to mention it or not. It is because of that kid that his daughter has been lying on the bed for five days and five nights without waking up.

He stayed at home on leave, just staying at the bedside with his wife to take care of their precious daughter.The eldest son was sent by him to help Veblen to share the work. After all, Adam was going to take over the burden of the deputy commander of the other clan in the future, so he had to train harder.

In the past few days, he invited many famous doctors to see him, and they all said that no cause was found.In fact, Marrence also knew that her daughter was not sick.

But his wife said yes, it's called lovesickness, and once she gets sick, her heart aches... It's not that he doesn't understand the reason why his daughter has been in a coma for so many days, and he doesn't want to see this good marriage broken like this, but the truth is sometimes so helpless .

Suddenly, the girl on the bed slowly opened her eyes, which were a little dazed and a little scared.After turning around and seeing Marens and Ilsa, the panic calmed down a bit.Marrence and Ilsa were very excited when they saw the woman finally woke up after fainting that day, but they didn't dare to show it, for fear of scaring their daughter.

"Father, mother. I had a nightmare. It was a long nightmare. In the dream, there was a man who could only laugh. He cooked deliciously, danced very well, and could do everything. The most special thing was that he had a very beautiful face. He was more beautiful than I had ever seen. Everyone who lived was good-looking..." Ophelia tried her best to recall her dream, and the more she talked about Marrence and Ilsa, the more worried she became, "We have experienced a lot of things that make people angry and happy , but he was just a fallen angel, and he was intercepted by everyone at the Great Abyss of Stonley and killed... Fortunately, it was just a dream, how could there be such a perfect and illusory person in reality."

"Yes, it was just a dream." Ilsa was relieved after hearing Ophelia's murmur.

It would be nice to end up like this, and it would be better to end it as a nightmare than to let Ophelia never forget it for the rest of her life.She has already started to think about going to all the friends Ophelia knows, and turning that person into a dream of Ophelia...

"Is there any medicine hidden in the dark compartment under your bed?" Ophelia asked suddenly.

"Ah? That... that's your father's... old wound medicine, don't use it anymore, you don't feel well, I'll ask the doctor to prescribe another medicine for you..." Marlons didn't expect that his daughter just woke up. There was such a question out of nowhere, she opened her mouth and didn't know what to answer, but Ilsa blushed and hesitated to explain.

"There is medicine...then all this is not a dream. I really want to treat it as a nightmare, but I can't." Ophelia's fiery red eyes slipped two huge teardrops without warning. After reaching out to wipe it off, he turned over the quilt, jumped up, and ran out of his bedroom, "Last time he ate this embarrassing thing like his father and came back to life, and he will definitely be able to do it this time!"


Marens comforted the terrified Ilsa before chasing after her anxiously. When she walked out of the corridor, she saw Tarena, who was wearing a veil, blocking Ophelia, so she sighed and closed the door silently.

This stubborn daughter refuses to be soft and hard, and the two of them really don't know how to deal with it. Maybe it's better for them young people to solve it.

"He fell under the Great Abyss of Stonley, and even the Juggernaut and the Great Magisters failed to retrieve him. Where do you go to feed him medicine?" Ta Lena looked at Ao Fei with complicated emotions. Leah said.

If Yuan Feiwu hadn't been so kind, if Yuan Feiwu had been more resolute, maybe he wouldn't have been involved by Ophelia and besieged by all the sword masters and great magisters.Blame this Ophelia!She hates this Ophelia!

But Ta Lena also understands that Ophelia's mood towards Yuan Feiwu is no worse than her own. It is conceivable that doing something wrong with good intentions will make her feel uncomfortable, just like Yuan Feiwu was pierced in the waist to save him before , that kind of pain is worse than piercing your own body.Thinking of this, she couldn't hate her.

In fact, not only can't hate it, but she is also very worried about Ophelia, otherwise why would she come here?

"Then go down and find him." Ophelia said firmly, "Don't tell me he's dead, he's not dead."

"He is indeed not dead, I firmly believe." Tarena raised her head and said, her tone revealing an irrefutable firmness.

The kind of firmness that no one would defile suddenly overwhelmed Ophelia's pretending to be strong. Ophelia was stunned, but this kind of firmness made him unable to deceive himself, and broke down and cried: "He's dead! He's dead!" ! Why did you kill him! It's all my fault! I exposed his whereabouts!"

"He's not dead, he's definitely not dead." Tarena hugged Ophelia distressedly, "Before he left, he whispered in my ear that he would come back... the agreement he made with me, I have never broken my promise. This is also for you. "

Ophelia cried in Tarena's arms even more when she heard Tarena's words.This person is in such a desperate situation, and he still thinks about worrying about their sadness. This person is really...

But anyway, as long as he said it, Ophelia had a belief, a belief that he was not dead, a belief that he would come back.

Tarena looked at Ophelia crying, with indescribable envy in her heart.She really wanted to cry wantonly, but if she cried, wouldn't it show that she didn't trust Yuan Feiwu?Do not believe, he will come back?

In the past few days, she has been warning her tears like this.She didn't feel even a little better than Ophelia, and she forced herself to be strong, which was very tiring.But she knew that she would be able to persevere, because there was nothing she couldn't do for him.Moreover, if she doesn't persevere, she doesn't know what will become of herself.

She began to understand that her father became crazy and unreasonable after losing her mother. Maybe their family has the gene of this "heart" madness.Without the "heart" in your life, what else is there to value?

"Damn Sabo! I'm going to kill him!"

Ophelia suddenly thought that when she didn't want to wake up from the lethargy, the most heart-piercing scene appeared in her mind over and over again, the scene of Sabo pushing out the flame spear to pierce Yuan Feiwu.The Juggernaut and the great magisters obviously both released water, intending to capture Yuan Feiwu alive, if it wasn't for Sabo's blow...

"His fame is only temporary, and it is impossible not to avenge this revenge." Hearing Sabo's name, Tarena couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly, wishing to eat his flesh alive.

The outside world celebrated the day when the Juggernauts and Magisters successfully wiped out the escaped fallen angels. In the corridor outside the bedroom of the Marrence Mansion, two girls gritted their teeth and formed a small Avengers alliance.

Let's add a little flower arrangement, and it wasn't long afterwards that Lester was also choking up to join this little revenge alliance and was uglyly rejected and sadly despised.But it has to be said that with their full efforts to stir up, Saab's original power was eroded a lot faster.

(End of this chapter)

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