Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 708 The Dilemma of the Demon Race

Chapter 708 The Dilemma of the Demon Race

The Demon Continent, the vast landmass, looks bigger than the Xingluo Continent.In fact, the lands of the three races are all about the same size, but the Xingluo Continent is divided by the long Stonled Great Abyss, and the Xingluo Continent is slightly smaller in comparison.

On the other side of the Great Abyss of Stonley, it is jointly dominated by the Orcs and the Demons, with the West and the East each occupying half.

There is no obvious dividing line between them as profound and obvious as the Great Abyss of Stonley, so the two places often determine the size of their respective territories by the end of the latest battle, and the dividing line may be hastily inserted by one or two signs That's it.

In the end, no one really cared about the boundary line that the two sides fought desperately for.

This is also normal. The land near the boundary of the domain is the poorest place in the entire Orc and Demon Race continent. In addition, the two races often break out in wars.Over time, even ordinary people are unwilling to live near the border, and the desolation is frightening.

With such a poor land, who cares if there is an inch more or less?The war between the two clans is for such a small place?

Of course not, what everyone wants is only the core and best interests of the other race, which is the benefit that can only be won in a war of extermination, but no one has succeeded.

However, in recent years, the two clans have seldom fought each other. Everyone knows that the real rich place is on the opposite side of the abyss.So a verbal alliance was formed to jointly target the Star Luo Continent.There was also a rivalry between each other. The king of the demon race, Lu Caesar, and the king of the beast race, Beamon King Flonge, had a one-on-one match. It is said that the emperor of the demon race beat Flonge so badly. He couldn't even admit it, so he was forced to consider himself a subordinate existence in this cooperative alliance, with the demon clan as the leader, and the history of the two clans' war has since come to an end.

Even if there is no more war, the poverty of the Demon Continent has not been changed. This poverty is not caused by race, but has something to do with land.

Legend has it that after the fallen angels were kicked out of the heavens, they recuperated and recuperated in the Demon Race Continent. At that time, there were already humans living in the Demon Race Continent.They are just sinners or prisoners of war exiled here from the Star Luo Continent. Without any conditions, their life in the dangerous land of the Demon Continent cannot be called life, but can only be called "survival".

The arrival of the fallen angels has brought them a lot of help. For the fallen angels, the short time is the whole life of human beings. In the short time for the fallen angels, they have fallen angels and fallen angels. A fallen angel fell in love with a local human.Falling in love with ordinary people is completely impossible for angels in the heavens. Their pride in their pure blood is unmatched.But the fallen angels have degenerated into dark divine powers, and their minds have changed drastically from those of the angels. Although they have not changed their pride, they pay more attention to freedom and casualness, and have fewer constraints on themselves.

Whether it is the union between fallen angels or human beings, the offspring they give birth to are extremely powerful existences for the mortal world.

Later, the battle angel Michael led the angel legion to attack the habitat of the fallen angels in the mortal world. The fallen angel legion led by Lucifer left without warning and fell into the devil world. After leaving, he was left in the Demon Race Continent, and became the fallen angel later.The fallen angels of the king of the demon clan are the bloodlines born among the purest fallen angels, and they are also trying their best to maintain the purity of their bloodlines.And the Demon Continent experienced a god-level battle and was affected by powerful divine power, causing most of the land to be barren and barren as if it had been cursed.

Agriculture in the Orc Continent is also relatively backward, but at least there are wild grasses all over the mountains and plains, which can be used to raise animals for a living.The crops planted by the demons are basically useless, and only a few places can support the tenacious fruit trees.Animal husbandry is even more out of the question. The main food of the local Mozu people is the fat rats running around and the occasional monsters hunted. It can be seen that the living conditions of the Mozu people are much more difficult than those of the Orcs.

But even so, the life of the royal family with fallen angel blood is still very nourishing, because they enjoy the resources of the entire demon clan.

The polarization between the rich and the poor is extremely serious, and this is also inextricably related to the fallen angel's temperament of being superior to others.

In the northernmost part of the Demon Continent, there is a majestic imperial palace.It is said that this palace used to be the palace of Lucifer, the ancestor of the fallen angels, when he was in the mortal world, and now it is the palace of the demon royal family.Even so, both fallen angels and demon civilians still regard this palace as an extremely solemn existence.Because the fallen angel Lucifer not only drove away the monsters for the people here, but also gave them basic fighting skills, and even passed down the cultivation rules of fallen angels to them.Therefore, their worship of Lucifer is more devout than that of the creator god.

Above the palace, Caesar, the emperor of the demon clan, is tall and majestic, with neat short gray hair, and a pair of purple eyes that seem to have the magic power to seduce people's hearts and souls.

Lulikai laughed and rushed in. The two were at least [-]% similar in appearance, but Lulikai was more domineering and outgoing, while Lulikai gave people a sense of stability, like Mount Tai.

"How?" Lu Kaiser stood up in person and stepped forward to greet his own brother. Behind him, the black cloak that symbolized the identity of the emperor of the demon clan unfolded like a dark cloud, undulating up and down with his steps.

"Bringing him back, I didn't see how exciting it was without you being there. You actually dispatched seven sword masters and three great magisters to encircle and suppress him. I don't think he can go back even if he is sent back to the Star Luo Continent." Lu Li Kay laughed.

In his eyes, how shameless it is for so many people to besiege a fallen angel. At the same time, he is proud that the fallen angel can attract so many masters to besiege him, even though the fallen angel was not born from the demon clan.

"That's right, self-taught and able to attract almost all the masters in the Star Luo Continent, he is indeed a talent." Lu Kaiser also felt a little emotional after hearing this.

Even when he and Lulikai joined forces, they were not "taken care of" by so many masters. It can be said that this time is already a record, the record for the largest number of fallen angels being besieged by human masters.

"Hmph, sinister villain, of course more experts are needed." Following Lukaiser, the prince of the demon royal family, Lucia, came down to meet Lulikai.

Against the backdrop of long, smooth gray hair, his eyes were like two clear purple ambers, his skin was fair and smooth, and his small and straight nose snorted coldly at that person.He still couldn't forget the despicable act of taking himself as a hostage when he joined forces with Lulikai to fight against their group last time.

"Oh, Lucia, do you still hold grudges about this? To be honest, he was actually quite a gentleman at the time. You forgot that when he threatened me with you, he drew his own blood. I appreciate it just because of this. This guy, it means that he did it out of helplessness and he didn’t want to hurt you. If I were holding hostages, it would be strange if I didn’t leave an arm or a leg.” Lulikai laughed.

"That's not what I'm talking about. His hands and feet are very irregular... Forget it, there's nothing to say." Lucia hesitated to speak, her face blushed silently, but she turned to the other side with an unconvinced expression.

"All right, if you hate this guy, I'll let him disappear. Anyway, I admire this kid, and I'll put him in my team, so you won't be able to see him..."

"No!" Lucia anxiously interrupted Lulikai's words. As soon as the words came out, she also found herself a little abrupt, and quickly continued, "I said that when we meet again, he will become my prisoner! Things that have offended me , I won’t forget about it.”

"You are the future emperor of the demon clan, you should be more broad-minded. Like me, I said before that when we meet again, I will smash him into thousands of pieces! But watching him fight with the seven great sword masters and three great magisters of mankind, Don't give in half a step, the more I look at it, the more I like it, what's the point?" Lulikai scratched his head and said.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill him, but I just fulfilled what I said." There was no outsider in Lucia and he didn't put on airs of a prince, and the tone of his speech to Lulikai was more like please.

"Okay, you want you to take it, it's time for you to form your own forces, let this kid assist you. But listen, if you can subdue this kid, it will be like a tiger with wings; if you can't subdue it, I'm afraid it will It's a catastrophe for the demons." Lulikai has spoiled this nephew since he was a child, so there's no way he won't let it go, "I've sent someone to send him to your house through sound transmission, you can arrange it as you like."

"Thank you, Uncle Lulikai!"

Hearing this, Lucia couldn't bear it any longer, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only Lucia shaking his head helplessly.His prince is not steady enough.

"Remember to find someone to heal him well, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you when you die!" Lulikai yelled again worriedly.

Everyone ran away and disappeared, and I don't know if I heard it or not.Forget it, if you die, you will die, just an unorthodox fallen angel, don't bother to care about it, the two brothers still have business to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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