Chapter 710 Holy Mount
"Listen, no one is allowed to enter my other courtyard to disturb me today, especially the west guest room."

After Lu Xiaoling left, Lucia sent a guard to give a new order.Who knows who will suddenly rush in after a while?

Obviously tonight is the most critical time, the critical time to determine whether he can survive.

Lucia looked worriedly at the sleeping face on the bed, feeling inexplicably depressed.

After giving the order, he didn't know what to do for a moment, he hesitated for a while, and then sat gently on the side of the bed.

Lucia's apricot eyes and peach eyebrows, although the eyeballs of all the fallen angels are the same evil purple, in order to maintain the majesty of the prince, she deliberately frowns with a straight face, but after she relaxes, you can see that the eyes and eyebrows are full of blood. If you have agility, you will know that it is extraordinary at a glance.

He suddenly pointed at Yuan Feiwu's waist with his finger, and lightly drew circles on the edge of the wound and said with a sneer: "This medicine is a plaster made by the demon royal family. It matches the physique of fallen angels. External injuries will heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and your injury has not recovered at all, it is impossible. Let me see how long you can pretend."

After hearing this, Yuan Feiwu really squinted his eyes and opened his eyes a little bit. Seeing Lucia looking at him with the expression of "I know you are a treacherous villain", he grinned: "This is the first time I pretended to be dizzy and was caught." expose."

Seeing this smile that was consistent with the lingering image in his mind, Lucia suddenly felt that his mood was much brighter, and all the depression just now was left behind.

"It seems that you are not as godlike as the great master said? You are lying, if the injuries caused by fighting qi magic can be quickly recovered, wouldn't this be a life-saving medicine? Thinking that you are a treacherous person, I plan to test it out. It turned out to be a real test." Lucia looked at Yuan Feiwu proudly, and inadvertently spread a smile that could dim all the stars.

Originally, the first sentence that Lucia had planned in advance was disdain, but the situation was different from what he had imagined, and the conversation became less domineering.But that's all, anyway, now he has defeated him once, which is enough to satisfy him.

Yuan Feiwu really stumbled this time. He thought that the injury on his body would take ten days and a half months to get better on the side of the demons, but he didn't expect that Lucia would be idle and tell a lie to test he.However, he doesn't know if the Demon Continent really has this kind of medicine, and it's not surprising that there is. After all, he has to develop a lot of medicine to treat such wounds in the Demon Realm. Who knows if the Demon Continent has similar effects? Spirit Grass.

This was found out, so Yuan Feiwu admitted generously, right? Unexpectedly, he was devastated.

If Mr. Yuan saw him deflated once, he would probably laugh until his bones became weak.

However, Yuan Feiwu has never been a competitive person, and he faced it calmly when he was exposed. At the same time, he was deeply impressed by Lucia's intelligence.

After all, it's the first time in more than 20 years that he's deflated.

"I'm cunning? It's okay, I've always thought that I'm actually quite honest." Yuan Feiwu retorted seriously.

"Hmph." Lucia sneered, a guy who has been pretending to be dizzy said he was honest, isn't it ridiculous, "So honest, tell me, since when did you start to pretend to be dizzy?"

"It's probably since...'Who hurt him like this!'." Yuan Feiwu repeated in the same tone as Lucia was when he lost his temper.

"Ahem..." Lucia covered her mouth and coughed violently, suddenly wanting to find a hole to drill!
Unexpectedly, this guy was already awake when he said this!
This is going to be misunderstood as if he attaches great importance to this guy's life and death!He just felt that this person was his prisoner, that is, his own person, and he was beaten to a serious injury.

After being so stimulated, Lucia quickly found a reasonable reason for her anger when she saw Yuan Feiwu was seriously injured and unconscious.

"Since you won't die for a while, don't worry about me." Yuan Feiwu's answer still caused a lot of psychological damage to Lucia, causing him to get up and want to leave, but just as he was about to lift his legs, he felt anxious again. Reluctantly, he sat down and said, "Chat with me tonight."

"We don't have anything to talk about, do we?"

Seeing the disgust under Yuan Feiwu's smile, Lucia really wanted to find her own sword and stab him right through!
"You are now my prisoner, this is an order!"

"When I was brought here, it seemed that I was invited to join the demon clan to contribute my meager strength. Why did I suddenly become a prisoner again? If words and deeds are different, you can't attract outstanding talents..."

In fact, Lucia recovered from the previous embarrassment after these few conversations. He was not so easy to deal with when he recovered naturally, and immediately retorted, "Don't you have a lot of nonsense to talk about? Anyway, you are not allowed to shut up tonight." Eyes."

The two of them really just had a conversation like this, talking nonsense, and spent a not-so-long night.

At dawn the next day, Lucia left without saying a word.When he left, his face was radiant and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Because of this night, I survived.That person can survive.

After the unification of the Star Luo Continent, the Great Northway Empire announced that it has entered a new year, titled "Holy Mount".Everyone thought they understood the meaning of the title of the new year after the unification of the mainland, because it is said that the Creator God created the world from chaos, and when the first ray of light penetrated into the chaos, the chaos began to dissipate.Now the Star Luo Continent is ending the melee of the previous three empires, and the newly unified empire is like the holy light that ended the chaos.

In the next six months, people from all over the world gradually got used to the days when the whole continent was united into one big family, and even those extremists who wanted to restore the country because of sticking to their own country were gradually eliminated.In addition, Yalongjing has continuously introduced various new treaties that benefit the people, and the living standards of people everywhere have been improved to varying degrees.This is actually thanks to the many decisions that Yuan Feiwu quietly left behind for Yalongjing, but everyone credits the new king with all the credit, and they support Yalongjing even more.

So far, Yalongjing's position has become unbreakable.

At the beginning of the 2nd year of "Shengmang", Yalongjing suddenly announced that the whole country has entered a state of preparation for war, and the whole people will practice martial arts, and the general's fighting spirit will be spread to every corner of the mainland.

In the middle of the 2nd year of "Holy Mount", the seven great sword masters and the four great magisters appeared together, declaring that the most urgent enemy that the people of the whole continent need to face at present is not the demon race, nor the beast race, but the other The master of chaos attacked by the interface.This is already a struggle outside the world plane. At that time, the three realms will jointly fight against foreign evil spirits, and we in the mortal world must also do our part to prevent the world from being destroyed.

This news has stirred up thousands of waves, but panic is because they are used to the peaceful and prosperous times, and more people have doubts.However, all the soldiers of the Northway Great Empire did send out military fighting spirit formulas from door to door, advising all the people to practice diligently after work, so that they have the power to protect themselves when a strong enemy comes.

At the end of the 2nd year of "Protecting the World", the Great Northway Empire announced a reflection circle. The reflection in it started from chaos, and many monsters with pointed heads emerged from a boulder that fell down at an unknown time. , destroying and killing human beings everywhere.Because that area was within the territory of the former Bagal Empire, the first to arrive to confront it were the heads and captains of the Jagged Mercenary Corps.

The strength of the monsters should not be underestimated. The genius magister Lin Beck confronted a monster leader inside, and he fell to the disadvantage in less than a moment. The captains wanted to support but couldn't get away, which shows how strong the monsters are. tough.

The people saw more and more scars on Lin Beck, and became more and more worried. Just when Lin Beck was about to lose, two figures, one green and one white, rushed over, and immediately Lin Beck was covered by a large cloud of white mist. , making people unable to see clearly the situation inside the white mist.

Just as the people watching the impact were anxious because of the unknown situation on the other side, suddenly more and more people appeared in the video, as if the gods descended from the sky!
Celestial Sword Saint Gagaya!The Sword of Earth, Saint Kimbro!Gale Magister Pullman!Douglas, the great magister of light!

People who were famous all over the world rushed to the scene, and the scene of their attack was finally slowly brought under control. Those monsters were involved in all kinds of manic grudges and magic, broken and exciting!
(End of this chapter)

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