Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 711 Knowing the Truth

Chapter 711 Knowing the Truth
Although the Juggernaut and the Grand Magister arrived in time, the damage was still caused.When everything calmed down, the originally quiet and peaceful village had disappeared. Besides the corpses of monsters, there were also many human limbs and broken arms on the ground. His hands are not calm, and the image is a little shaken.

And the white mist that was still fighting in the distance finally subsided a lot. Finally, the corpse of the monster leader fell out of it with many thorns, and Lin Beck was captured by a man wearing blue gloves and a man with long silver hair. The man flew down with support, his face was covered with blood.Many people finally recognized the two men, who are also very famous people in recent years, young talents who are considered to be talented and have unlimited potential in the future, sky warrior Nangong Feng with three elemental physiques and ice elemental elf physique Xueyue, a magister who cultivates both magic and martial arts!
"Beck, you're being reckless!" Several sword masters rushed forward to catch up with Lin Beck and put him on the ground.

"How? Let's see!" Douglas anxiously pushed away several sword masters, who didn't mind. In terms of healing ability, Douglas must be number one in the world.

"It's too late, his eyes..." Nangongfeng covered his face, unable to continue.

Xueyue on the side even slammed the floor hard.

"No! Let me see!" Douglas hastily gathered a white light in his hand and covered Lin Beck's face.

And the image shook more violently here, and finally went out.

This video, which was transmitted synchronously through the various magic circles across the continent, ended here, and the whole continent fell into endless silence after watching it.They suddenly understood that perhaps the title of the new era "Holy Light" given by the emperor of the human race might have other meanings.

"These are the minions of the Chaos Lord who traveled from other worlds. These are just the vanguard of the opponent. The time of appearance is unknown, and the location of appearance is unknown. The destruction you have seen has happened once before, and it was destroyed The great magister of Livia found out and quelled it desperately, but he was worried that everyone would cause unnecessary panic, so he has not disclosed it to the public. However, in the face of the terrifying attack of destroying the world, everyone can't just rely on the sword masters and great magisters, we also We must have the ability to protect ourselves, so we announced this big crisis! Everyone remember, once you encounter a strange monster attack, don’t panic, calmly take the elderly and children to escape, and ignore your luggage and belongings..."

The figure of Athena suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes, explaining with a reassuring smile, teaching what to do in case of danger.Her voice seemed to have magical powers, calming everyone's panic.

"We will face difficulties together, because once the mortal world falls, no one can escape. To live, to live together; to die, to die together, so we don't need to be afraid, we don't need to be afraid!"

"That's right!" "There's nothing to be afraid of death! At worst, we'll die together!" "Come on, damn monster!"

Ya Longjing looked at the atmosphere of the people sent from all over the place, and silently sighed that Athena's affinity is indeed unmatched. It is great to have such a reliable sister at this time.

But in a blink of an eye, his face darkened again. The battle happened three days ago, and Lin Beck's eyes, even Douglas couldn't save them, it was really sad.

The residence of the Jagged Mercenary Corps, Lin Beck was lying in his bedroom with a red scarf on his eyes.This red scarf has always been stuffed in the chest pocket of the leather jacket by Lin Beck as a decoration, but he did not expect that it has been upgraded now and has become an ornament on his face.

Now that he walks out the door, no one will see that he is a member of the Jagged Mercenary Corps, right?
"What do you mean by staying here one or two? It's very busy, right?" Lin Beck finished laughing at himself in his heart, and immediately said to the people beside the bed.

Li Keke and Poli glanced at each other. They had been with Lin Beck for so many years, and of course they knew that Lin Beck didn't like this kind of mother-in-law's hypocrisy, so they had to leave quickly.

"Are you two busy too?"

Lin Beck raised his eyebrows, but it was a pity that no one else could see it because it was blocked by the red scarf.

But they could see that the sarcasm of Lin Beck's raised eyebrows when they were in the "Inhuman House" appeared in their eyes. They knew that this expression had not changed, and it was hidden under the red scarf, except that a pair of bright eyes were missing. God's eyeballs.

"It's very idle." Nangongfeng glanced at his bandaged left arm. He was also seriously injured when he defeated the opponent's monster leader that day. If it wasn't for Xueyue's quick eyes and quick hands to rescue him, his hand might also be gone. "I'm also a wounded person, can't I just rest here for a few days? Let me tell you, you took care of us for so many days in the inhuman house, now it's your turn to take care of us!"

"You treat my house as a refugee camp?" Lin Beck said.

"Facts have proved that fighting alone is not enough. Let's stay and act together, at least we can take care of each other next time we meet those monsters."

Xueyue sat by the bed like a statue and didn't speak for a long time, but when she spoke, Lin Beck was at a loss for words.After all, what he said made sense.

"That's right, if you go up first next time, I'm afraid it's not just the eyes that are missing." Although he was persuaded, Lin Beck still sneered sarcastically.

"When Yuan Feiwu comes back, he should have a way to heal your eyes." Hearing Lin Beck raised his eyes, Nangong Feng sighed heartbroken.

"It doesn't matter, the great magister, do you still need to see things with your eyes?" Lin Beck was right, he sensed everything around him with mental power more accurately and clearly than with his eyes. He stretched out his index finger and pointed at the table next to him. After ticking, a yellow light thread composed of earth elemental spirits rolled over an orange fruit on the table, and took a bite arrogantly, "Besides, when I practice to become a holy man, I will cut through the void and become a god. Can't I fucking turn out a pair of eyes? I want to turn out a pair of eyeballs that are bigger and darker than Yuan Feiwu's, so as to soak up all the beauties, lest those beauties be harmed by his tree!"

"Let me be objective, the difference in appearance between you can definitely not be solved just by changing a pair of eyeballs..." Nangong Feng said firmly, "Speaking of Fei Wu, I don't know what happened to Fei Wu with the demons. Not being entangled by weird perverts again."

"Even if there is, he can solve it."

Xue Yue wasn't too worried about Yuan Feiwu, he was more worried about Ophelia and the others, Yuan Feiwu's fake death was enough for them to be sad.But they can't tell them what Yuan Feiwu is going to do, some things must be known by as few people as possible.

"I don't know if there are any beauties over there who can open up Yuan Feiwu."

Nangongfeng lay down lazily, just lying on the corner of Lin Beck's big bed.

A lazy person is indeed a lazy person, carrying the representative of the lazy belief - the bed is big and comfortable, but whoever is in the corner knows that it is not ordinary.

"Actually, it's not difficult to enlighten Yuan Feiwu. In fact, Yuan Feiwu has a fatal weakness, which can be solved within minutes."

Lin Beck finished eating the orange fruit in his hand in three or two bites, and wiped the juice on Xueyue's body without any hassle.Xueyue is a bit of a clean freak, and she would have slapped her earlier, but this time she saw that Lin Beck was a disabled person and she could bear it.

"What weakness?!" Nangongfeng was very interested in listening to Lin Beck's analysis of Yuan Feiwu for the first time, and also directly analyzed the weakness.


"What do you need to say? Xueyue, cover his mouth and don't let him scream, I'll just break his feet too! Let you choose, which leg do you want to break?"

"Listen to me, why panic?" Lin Beck said calmly.

Nangong Feng rolled his eyes, is he panicking?He is excited and angry!
"Yuan Feiwu's biggest weakness is actually the word 'love'. He may forget things that are bad for him in a blink of an eye, but as long as he shows kindness to him once, he will always remember them and put you in his heart." In my heart." Lin Beck said with a smile.

"That guy does, so what?"

"That's why I said that he harmed others! That love is not this kind of love. He is always gentle and considerate to others, even though his brain is not clear, how can those girls bear it?"

"What you said is very reasonable, but what is the necessary connection with weakness?" Nangong Feng lay down again, stretched his waist, expressing the meaning of "you continue to talk and I will lie down and listen".

(End of this chapter)

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