Chapter 712

"People are not ruthless than grass and trees. Do you think Feiwu is not interesting to those chicks? It's just that I don't know how to feel ignorant and insecure about it, so I deliberately keep my distance. If, what I said is If, to use an analogy, a woman treats him very well but pretends to be a man and gets close to Fei Wu, maybe she can have a chance to pry his wooden fish head open. He doesn't have that kind of guard against men, after a long time of emotional harmony The ties are also matched, and finally there will be an Overlord Qiang bow..."

Nangongfeng and Xueyue looked at Lin Beck together, obviously a door to a new world was opened by Lin Beck's novel statement.Moreover, what the hell is the Ba Wang Qiang bowing at the end with a sudden change in painting style!It's not hard to do it for a long time!It's better to be stronger from the beginning, how easy it is!

"How come I haven't noticed that your thoughts are so perverted? Besides, can Yuan Feiwu not tell if it's a man or a woman?" Nangongfeng really didn't know how Lin Beck came up with such a detailed plan, and he was terrified after thinking carefully.

"You, the first person to know Yuan Feiwu, but unexpectedly, you are the one who doesn't know Yuan Feiwu the least." Lin Beck looked contemptuously at Nangongfeng shaking his index finger, seeing Nangongfeng furious, "Of course he can see that , but he has a special respect for people, that is, he treats you not by your gender, but by your attitude. If you want to live as a girl, he will definitely treat you as a girl You don't need to cut off the third leg. For example, Yuan Feiwu really treated me as a sissy when I played the sissy at your Nangong's house, and didn't even give me a chance to be alone. ..."

"Please don't give such a disgusting example with such a proud expression... Also, the reason why you don't want to be alone is because you looked really hot at the time, right?" Thinking of Lin Beck's sissy look, Nan Gongfeng's anger dissipated, and he couldn't help it. I can't get angry, and I feel like vomiting.

"This trick...may be effective." It took Xueyue a long time to say that, "With Jiawen's character, maybe I can try it."

"Ophelia should be very heroic in dressing up as a man, let Ophelia try it." Nangongfeng originally rejected Lin Beck's idea, but listening to it, he felt a little persuaded, and felt a little reliable.

Just imagine, from hooking shoulders with each other and slowly turning into an ignorant feeling that men and women are different, this kind of routine may be really suitable for dealing with wood like Yuan Feiwu as Lin Beck said! "Love" is really a big weakness of Yuan Feiwu!
"Hey, of course I will use the trick I want first. I'm sorry, but unfortunately I am a staunch supporter of the 'Royal Sister School' Tarena. If you want to try it, let Tarena try it first. Go away!"

"You share your ideas, why can you only use them first? Of course, everyone has a share!" "Everyone depends on their ability, I have confidence in Jiawen."

"Fuck, you are blatantly plagiarizing my intellectual property..."

When they were arguing endlessly, they didn't know that in the Demon Continent, someone had unintentionally practiced Lin Beck's idea of ​​nonsense.

A snow-white and slender carcass is slowly wrapping itself with white ribbons round after round, filling up the unevenness of the body.After finishing all these meticulously, the figure subconsciously glanced at the mirror, staring blankly at the beautiful face inside.He never cared about his appearance before, but recently, for some reason, he always wanted to see if his appearance was neat and tidy.

After he put on other clothes again, he took out his slender long hair from the clothes, brushed it gently, and then walked out of the room.

"Prince Lucia, good morning!"

The maid waiting outside the door immediately greeted the person who walked out, her face flushed.Bathed in the beauty of Prince Lucia early in the morning, it is really indescribable happiness.

"What about him?" Lucia was used to lowering her voice, but after lowering it, there was still a neutral magnetism.

"At the edge of the yard." The maid replied immediately.

The maids who work in Prince Lucia's mansion feel that they really don't know what kind of shit luck they have had in the past two years. Besides being able to serve Prince Lucia, the most handsome prince in the entire demon clan, there is actually another handsome black-haired guy Living here, I heard that this handsome black-haired guy is the most handsome in the entire human race!Speaking of that handsome black-haired guy, he can also make people so happy that they can't extricate themselves. It's okay to have a beauty that makes all girls feel inferior, but he is also full of friendly smiles every day, and those demon royals who like noses to the sky very different.Each of the maids took a chance to look at him basically every day, letting his smile fuel their work for the rest of the day.

The first thing Prince Lucia wakes up every day is to ask where the handsome black-haired guy is. All the maids are always paying attention to the handsome black-haired guy, so this maid can answer Lucia's question without needing to say anything.

There again.

Lucia walked slowly, he would go there at least once a day, he was very familiar with that place.

Soon, a black-haired man in black clothes and pants appeared in Lucia's eyes, squatting in the corner of the yard, looking like a wimp.

"I've said it many times, the noble fallen angel is not allowed to lower his noble head." Lucia said unhappy.

Recently, the Grand Master has sent a lot of information about Star Luo Continent, which makes them puzzled by the demons.Talking about a master of chaos, a foreign enemy from another world, sounds extremely illusory.They discussed it many times, but they didn't understand what human beings wanted to do.The more reliable answer is that their ruler intends to create an inexplicable imaginary enemy to make the emperor's rule more stable.

If that's what they're aiming for, there's no question that it works out pretty well.The news from the Great National Teacher many times let them know that the human race is now unprecedentedly united, and the Great National Teacher failed to instigate behind the scenes several times.The only breakthrough, the so-called great leader of the human race, has also been emptied of power and turned into an empty shelf.

It is said that the good deeds he and the dead backer Arnold, the great magister, had been found by the emperor of the human race to prove that he was going to get him down.Usually, when a person of this status is removed from power, the ending will be very sad, and the emperor of the human race will not give him any chance to stand up.This is politics.

At that time, even this breakthrough will be lost. It has to be said that the human race is likely to reach a new height that has never been reached before, which is very difficult.

But they obviously got a person who was supposed to be a good helper, but he was useless at all.

Lucia was talking about the guy in front of him who was still squatting on the ground and ignored his words.

The last time they took him to participate in their top-secret meeting of the demons to discuss the human plan, they had already prepared the idea that this guy would not make good plans, but they didn't expect him to do so.He said at the meeting that what the emperor of the human race said was true, the three races should take this opportunity to meet and unite against foreign enemies, and the human race would definitely cooperate.

The Xingluo Continent mentioned seems to be his home, and he can decide whether to open the door or not.He is obviously just a lost dog who was kicked out of Star Luo Continent!
Hmph... At the meeting, Lu Kaiser, Lu Likai and Lu Xiaoling all had the same sneer as Lucia was showing now.

"The research you made on the Star Luo Continent is too disappointing to us. Heavy cavalry, grafting, refinement of arms, farming system, and reform of the army establishment... can't be seen at all on our side, or you are here. The confession is all false? You kept everything?" Lucia continued.

"If it's true or not, you can ask the Grand Master. What's more, what is suitable for Star Luo Continent may not be suitable for you. Your soldiers are better at fighting alone, and most of them are affected by the dark element physique, and their temperaments are unpredictable. You originally designed The subordination system is very suitable, the weak submit to the strong, all respect the strong and the soldiers are obedient, there is no need for reform. As for the heavy cavalry, it seems that you don't even have war horses here, how can you strengthen your strength?" Yuan Feiwu laughed She smiled and said, "By the way, what kind of flowers do you like?"

"Flowers?" Lucia raised his eyebrows. He was talking about business when he suddenly asked what flowers he likes?

He tried to hold back his anger, anyway, since the second day he came, he began to endure the anger of this man who broke everything that the fallen angels were proud of.He mingles with the servants and doesn't pay attention to his identity at all. He squats on the ground all day long and doesn't know what it is. At night, he falls on the bed confidently and confidently. Can you get angry?All the pride that a fallen angel should have that he yearns for, this guy ignores it!

"I don't like the one I like, so I'll just pick it for you. Pick a flower that looks more like you." Yuan Feiwu continued talking to himself.

"Like me? What kind of flower looks like me?" Lucia was inexplicably aroused.

(End of this chapter)

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