Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 713 It's Not Good To Be Too Possessive

Chapter 713 It's Not Good To Be Too Possessive
"Snow lotus grows on the cliff, fighting the snow in the extreme environment where other plants cannot survive. The most special thing is its unwillingness to bow to difficulties, which makes it more lonely and fragrant on the cliff." Yuan Feiwu said , "Just like you who are lonely and blooming now."

"You can say nice things." Lucia crossed her arms, full of disdain for Yuan Feiwu's words, "I also want to know the taste of blooming, but unfortunately it's still far away..."

"You don't have to cultivate into a fallen angel to achieve a positive result. The brilliance you radiate after working hard to make the demons stronger is no worse than any fallen angel."

Lucia still snorted coldly on the surface, but the softest part of her heart seemed to be gently stroked.

That's right, day and night, the people around him are concerned about when he will break through the fallen angel. It seems that if he can't grow two black wings on his back, it is of no value.The decisions he made for the demons, the military affairs he handled, and even the gender he abandoned for the stability of his rule... are not as important as a pair of wings in his father's eyes.

This person has not been with him for a long time, and he can't even say a few words every day, but he is as close as a confidant who has known each other for many years.

"Okay, put it on your window sill?" Yuan Feiwu dug out a lump of mud and put it in a transparent round basin he made at some point.

The round basin is very special, it has different gradient colors from low to high, but the material is transparent and clear, as beautiful as crystals of various colors are perfectly blended together.

"What is this? You made it yourself?" Lucia was more interested in the round basin, and hated the mud inside.

No matter which race in that region, the pursuit of beautiful things is innate, and Lucia is no exception.

"There are a lot of spar mines on your side, and you can pick them up everywhere on the roadside. It is probably the product of the energy explosion caused by the previous battle between angels and fallen angels. Although these things do not contain any energy, they are hard in texture and beautiful in appearance. They are used to make them. The accessories are good. When you have free trade with Xingluo Continent in the future, make these things into beautiful accessories to ensure that you can get everything in exchange." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

These crystals really only serve the purpose of displaying. Naturally, no one is willing to use their brains for the demons who have not been able to solve the problem of food and clothing.If these crystals are thrown on the rich Xingluo Continent, they will be treasures. No one will dislike the crystal crystals of various colored glazes, and they will immediately become the most high-end luxury goods.

"Send your daydream." Lucia called the maid and asked her to bring the round pot into his room. Regardless of whether it was there or not, he liked this flower pot very much anyway, but he still said with a serious face, "You If you have time to do these meaningless things, it is better to think about how to make the demons stronger. Don’t forget that you have been abandoned by humans now, and it is our demons who took you in."

"I've been working hard for the demons. I've been doing it for almost two years and you still haven't found out?"

Yuan Feiwu raised his face and seemed a little dissatisfied, Lucia looked down at this face from a height and was a little lost.

But soon came back to God.

"I didn't find out at all! Is playing with mud on the edge of my yard a serious business every day?" If Yuan Feiwu's face was not so cute, Lucia would have pulled out her long wooden stick from the storage space and shot him in the head!

Only now did he realize that this person is really a bit of a ruffian, making trouble to the extreme!

"Everything has a process, and the process is also a kind of accumulation. Such a long process allows you to find out but you can't find it. It's wrong for you to only focus on the result..."

"Don't talk about the process, I didn't even find out the result! Show me the result now!" Lucia interrupted Yuan Feiwu's Dali and said angrily.

He said it as if he had seen the result!

It's the only guy who can make him lose his image and get angry like a rude person!
"Didn't I show you just now? You were the first to read it." Yuan Feiwu explained very kindly.

"That colorful pot can strengthen the demons?"

"Don't be fooled by the vain appearance, it's just a container, you have to pay attention to the inside. It's like looking at people, the inner content is the most important."

Isn't it just a lump of mud inside!Lucia really wanted to yell like that.

But Lucia has one advantage. She is stubborn and strong, but also accepts reason. If she is wrong, she will admit it, and she will never stiffen her neck and refuse to admit defeat; but if she is right, she will definitely pursue it to the end!He admitted that when he saw the basin just now, he really didn't look carefully at what was inside, and he didn't have the confidence to refute it.

Thinking of this, Lucia simply turned around and went back to the room.

Find the basin of mud in the room and look inside carefully.

Soon, he saw a little bit of green on top of the mud.

Is this the so-called "snow lotus"?When did you grow up?Is it pretty?
Because Yuan Feiwu said that the snow lotus is very similar to him, and the advantages that Yuan Feiwu said that he didn't care about but actually remembered silently, Lucia has already started to care about whether this thing is beautiful after it is in full bloom.

No... Lucia's eyes widened suddenly, and he seemed to have forgotten one very important thing - the soil in his yard could not grow any plants!So his yard has always been bare, no different from other vicissitudes of land in the Demon Continent.The life that grows from the soil is something that they cannot obtain even if they have the resources of all the demons.

Did he...

Lucia crawled and rolled, not wanting any image, rushed out the door and returned to the yard.But Yuan Feiwu was no longer there, and he went to look at the soil that Yuan Feiwu had been picking up before, and there was a row of new shoots growing on it!
"Where's Yuan Feiwu?" Lucia turned around and called a maid, asking anxiously.

"Going out..." The maid answered quickly in fright.

"I said that without my order, no one is allowed to let him out. Who let him out?"

"Lord Lulikai picked him up..."

As soon as Lucia heard this, he flew towards the palace and intercepted the two of them halfway.

"Lucia, so you are here! This kid said that he has a way to change the state of the demons, and I will come to pick him up immediately!" Lulikai saw Lucia flying, thinking that Lucia had also received good news, so he was anxious Came here.

Lucia was a little embarrassed. He was actually losing his temper, and there were many reasons for his anger.One is that this guy made such a big discovery and didn't explain it well, so he played charades with him for a long time!I was also angry that I didn't take a good look at the mud, and I didn't want to understand how important the other party said to send me a small flower. I heard that it was a flower that was very similar to me and saw the colorful flowerpot. My mind is messed up!The most annoying thing is that he actually left his yard without his consent. This is the most heinous thing!
But when he saw that it was Lulikai who picked him up, his temper was not easy to lose his temper. After all, he realized it later. He should have taken Yuan Feiwu to the palace instead of Lulikai himself.

However, issues of principle must not be ignored!

"Uncle Lulikai, he is my man, no matter what the reason is, you should at least say hello to me if you take him out of my yard?"

"I'm sorry, Prince Lucia, I was so excited that I forgot all of a sudden. This is indeed my negligence."

Lulikai showed a domineering face, and when he saw Lucia apologized kindly, it seemed that there was a strong sense of conflict in the picture.

But Lucia is used to it. This uncle spoiled him since he was a child. Every time his father Lu Kaiser was harsh on him, Lu Li Kai would rush back to speak good words for him no matter how far he found out.

When he was young, he asked Lulikai why, and Lulikai told the truth, he always wanted to have a lovely daughter, but unfortunately it is not easy for their fallen angels to have offspring, no matter how hard they try, there is only Lu Xiaoling as a male .And he and Lucia's blood is thicker than water, and his brother's daughter is his daughter. Although it's a pity that Lucia can only live as a prince for the rest of his life if he inherits the throne, Lulikai still regards Lucia as a daughter. baby to pamper.

In the final analysis, he is actually a daughter-in-law, and almost blind.

Of course, Lucia also likes his own uncle who spoils him very much, and he doesn't mean to make trouble for no reason by taking advantage of Lulikai's pampering him. He just wants to re-state his principles with Lulikai.Since the rule of not letting Yuan Feiwu walk out of the gate of his yard without his consent is set, of course he must implement it!
"Just be careful next time. I'll go to the palace with you." Seeing that Lulikai accepted his criticism readily, Lucia didn't care about it, and said in the tone of a prince when there were outsiders.

However, Lulikai's weird expression made him stop thinking about it.

From the face of a man with a beard and sighing, he has always put on an ambiguous expression of watching the show, can people not care about it!
"That... As the future emperor of the demon clan, it is not impossible to accept some people you like as a harem, but if you are too possessive, it is easy to be unbearable. Ah, you know..." and quietly came over Say something like this.

Possessive of your whole family, understand your entire account book!

Oh no, I seem to have a part in his household registration book... Is his performance so easy to make people think wrong!Shouldn't his prisoners be under his control!

More importantly, why do I feel my face is hot!

(End of this chapter)

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