Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 718 Demon King, You Will Lose This Lord of the Flies

Chapter 718 Demon King, You Will Lose This Lord of the Flies
The two powerful auras under the abyss of Stonley flashed past, and both Lu Xiaoling and Lucia were taken aback.

What Lu Xiaoling was stunned was that the synchronization rate of these two breaths was very high, it should be from the twins Partridge and Patreon, but why did they disappear so quickly.If the opponent is dying, then there is no need to do it with all your strength; since you have to do it with all your strength, it means that there will be a fierce fight, so how can it be fleeting?

Of course, Lucia's daze was more mixed with anger and worry, because it is impossible to collect a strong force just to collect the soil below, right?
"Did they encounter any danger down there? For your safety, Lucia, why don't we leave first, and I'll send another person to investigate?" Lu Xiaoling knew that Lucia must have doubts in his heart, so he covered it up in advance.

"What dangers can there be under the Great Abyss of Stonley?" Lucia suppressed her anger and said, if there is any accident down there, can she separate herself from Lu Xiaoling?
"It's hard to say, there is a poisonous miasma down there, no one has ever been willing to go to that ghostly place, who knows if there are some ferocious ancient monsters hiding in it." Lu Xiaoling opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"We should go down and rescue them up." Lucia said firmly.

"Lucia, you are a prince, how can you put yourself in danger. I will send you to a nearby station first, and I will take people down to meet them in a while."

Lu Xiaoling smiled and went up to hold Lucia's hand, pushed his back and took him away without any explanation.Lucia was even angrier in his heart, but Lu Xiaoling did everything right. Even if he complained to his father or Lu Likai, they would only think that Lu Xiaoling's arrangement was correct!

Just as Lucia was thinking about getting rough with his cousin for the first time, a powerful aura came from afar.

Lu Xiaoling, who was originally smiling, immediately turned cold, and let go of Lucia and drew out his sword.The other member of the Fallen Angel Elite Team had already flown into the air, glaring into the distance.

"Odin Achis, it's fine to spy on the great Demon Continent with ghosts and ghosts, but now he ran out to look around, isn't it a bit too crazy?" Lu Xiaoling's heart skipped a beat, he understood that it was under the great abyss of Stonled The powerful aura that suddenly flashed just now alarmed Odin Arches, but he still pretended to be nonchalant on the surface.

If Odin Arches discovers that the key resources for the revival of the demons are actually under the Great Abyss of Stonley, he will definitely send someone to stop them. Then it will not be so easy for the demons to get the fertile soil they need so easily, then he will be a sinner through the ages !

Odin Arches didn't speak, he didn't plan to reply to Lu Xiaoling's words, why did he have to explain to the fallen angel opposite him what he wanted to do?

Paying attention to any movement in the Demon Race Continent is something he regards as part of his job. Although they have recently learned of the existence of the Lord of Chaos, the strategy for targeting the Demon Race and the Beast Race is biased towards peace, but the brutal image of the Demon Race is still in the hands of human beings. It is deeply ingrained in his heart, and Odin Achis will not let his guard down.As soon as he came over, he saw three demons with purple pupils wandering here, which was enough reason for him to wait and see here.

When Lu Xiaoling saw that Odin Achis was silent, he stopped talking, and brought a little Jiujiu who was looking at Odin Achis across the wide Stonled abyss, and whispering to each other. .

And Lucia just took this opportunity to get rid of Lu Xiaoling's entanglement, looking at the edge of the cliff, with complicated thoughts.

"Beelzebub, didn't you say you're not full? It's a coincidence that Brother Lucifer bought you some more." Yuan Feiwu patted Beelzebub who was stunned, with a concerned smile on his face.

What a wonderful Lord Demon King!At this time, he did not forget to care about the food and clothing of his subordinates. If the timing was not suitable, Beelzebub would have been moved to tears!

Lord Demon King, can you stop which pot and carry which pot!Didn't you see that Lucifer is already angry and still fanning the flames here, do you need to borrow another plantain fan for you!
"Okay, let me see if I can burst your stomach." Lucifer looked down at Beelzebub and sneered.

"Don't act recklessly, it's not because you came from the real body and I came from only a part of the primordial spirit, so I'm afraid of you, but because I'm helping the Lord Demon King, who will help the Lord Demon King dig the soil when I die? Don't tell me you want Lord Demon King to do such a low-value job of digging the soil himself!"

Beelzebub returned to its original form, and could see a big fly with a green liquid dripping from its mouth, one of which had its hands on its waist, with an appearance of defying power.

If it hadn't been hiding behind Yuan Feiwu and posing like this, it might have made Partridge and Patreon, who were struggling to climb out of the cliff, respect it a little.This monster is a complete coward!He said he was not afraid, but his body was quite honest!
But... Lucifer?

They heard the name that no one in the entire demon clan would be insensitive to, and they all looked at the man who had just shot them into the cliff like a fly.

There is a statue of Lucifer at the gate of the Demon Palace, but it was built by later generations, and no one is sure whether it is exactly the same as the real one.But now I slowly looked at the outline of the man, and it was at least [-]% similar to that statue!

But without seeing the representative of Lucifer's identity - three pairs of black wings, they would not believe that Lucifer appeared here!

"Don't worry..." Yuan Feiwu turned around and patted the trembling Beelzebub.

Beelzebub was stunned for a moment, looking at Yuan Feiwu's clear eyes, suddenly the mesh-like insect eyes were a little moist.

Sure enough, Lord Demon King is still on his side, and stand up for him at this time... Come on, be angry at Lucifer for your most important subordinate, the gluttonous demon god Beelzebub!Let me see the heroic figure of you, Demon King, who is crazy about me!I, Beelzebub, will definitely die for you in the future...

"Go with peace of mind! Even if you're not here, I should be able to control the little flies you transformed." Yuan Feiwu moved his fingers while talking, and the two flies immediately put down their work and flew to his hands. His limbs were stiff and soulless, dancing wildly, as if being controlled by something.

Oh my God!Hey, Yaoyaoling, someone TM took away the control of the things that my body differentiated, it's so scary!Could it be that if Lord Demon King has the heart, he can make himself commit suicide!No wonder the Lord Demon King disdained to sign the master-servant contract they presented!

Beelzebub finally came to his senses after shedding a few drops of cold sweat. Now is not the time to be amazed at the supernatural powers of the Lord Demon King, but the Lord Demon King just now did not stand up for him, but another gasp that broke his heart!Can you finish speaking in one breath? I can't chat with you in such a rhythm all day long!
What do you mean go with ease!Can't you be a peacemaker for a while, and you must watch yourself go to death!You will lose this Lord of the Flies if you do this again!
"Stop making trouble with Lucifer, I am too busy to play with you. By the way, what are you doing here?" Beelzebub could only pretend not to care, and then changed the subject abruptly.

That blunt person who even has nothing to do with the twins feels blushing, but the person involved... the fly in question doesn't seem to feel it at all, which shows how thick-skinned it is.

"Master Demon King, under the control of Yalongjing, Xingluo Continent has successfully entered an atmosphere where the whole people are wholeheartedly resisting the ruler of chaos. Do you think the demons need to speed up a bit? This subordinate feels that as long as this subordinate comes forward, it will It can solve the problem of the Demon Race, and guarantee that it will not violate the rule that demon gods are not allowed to use divine power in the mortal world, so that the Lord Demon King will not have to bother and waste time." Lucifer was too lazy to talk nonsense with Beelzebub, and floated respectfully in front of Yuan Feiwu Said.

He couldn't bear Yuan Feiwu's life in the demon clan playing mud in the corner every day. He was obviously the king of a world, and this kind of life was too much for the demon king.

But what he didn't know was that this kind of day was the day Yuan Feiwu yearned for the most.

Quietly enjoying the tranquility, enjoying the ordinary... Ever since he came to another world, the things he cared about have not decreased but increased, and the corner of Lucia's yard is like a safe haven for him to temporarily put aside everything.But it seems that he can no longer return to the days when he had no distracting thoughts. Even if he lives in the ordinary life he expects, there are too many people and things that he cares about.

"From the moment you revealed your identity, you have already violated the Three Realms Treaty!" Yuan Feiwu looked at Lucifer and smiled, "Besides, what we want now is not conquest, but cooperation. Regarding the Mortal Realm, we shouldn't treat them as As a low-ranking person who takes whatever they want, we should treat them as an ally and respect all life in the mortal world. They have their own rules of life, and we have our own rules of life. Since they do not interfere with each other, who is stronger and who is weaker So what? Otherwise, what is the difference between us and the Lord of Chaos? If you think they are wasting their own time by not listening to my advice and continuing to do nothing, then the best punishment is to make them regret when the Lord of Chaos comes. , so don’t worry, let them decide their future choices, and I’m just an advisor.”

"That's right!" Beelzebub echoed by flying wildly behind him.

In fact, he didn't understand what Yuan Feiwu said at all. For him, because he is strong, the mortal world should listen to him, otherwise he will disappear for Lao Tzu, just like what he did in the demon world.But now Yuan Feiwu is his boss, what the boss says can only be what he says!What's more, what's the point of Lucifer's life if he was trained not to take the opportunity to make trouble?
"Your subordinate understands." Lucifer glanced at Beelzebub, frightened it with a murderous look that almost threw its head into the wall, and then replied.

"Let them want to unite and fight against foreign enemies from the bottom of their hearts. That's what I want to do. By the way, recently I will guide some of the Chaos Lord's minions who fell into the mortal world to the Demon Realm, and only leave out the weaker ones." Falling into the Mortal Realm to warm them up, so Brother Lucifer, the Demon Realm will be handed over to you during this time."

"No problem." Lucifer nodded. After speaking, he looked at the twins who were embedded in the wall in amazement and forgot to crawl out. "But it's okay for the subordinates to leave two errands for Lord Demon King?"

(End of this chapter)

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