Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 719 Lucifer's new black history

Chapter 719 Lucifer's new black history
As soon as Lucifer finished speaking, before Yuan Feiwu could speak, he flew to the cliffs on both sides and took out Partridge and Patreon one by one.

As a noble fallen angel, it is unacceptable to be picked up like a chicken. Just as he was about to struggle, Lucifer snorted coldly. The two of them seemed to have been punched in the brain, and they felt dizzy. .

"Listen, in the name of the fallen angel Lucifer, I order you to serve the king of the demon world, Yuan Feiwu, in the demon clan, otherwise, you will die!"

After Lucifer finished speaking, he threw the two of them out, and when they controlled their figures, they found that they had come in front of Yuan Feiwu.

"Why do you say that you are the great Lord Lucifer!" "That's right, you dare to pretend to be the great Lucifer, we will not let you go even if we die!"

Seeing Partridge and Patreon yelling as soon as they stopped, gave Lucifer a deep headache.What made the headache even worse was the dead fly behind Yuan Feiwu, clutching its belly and laughing while hitting the wall.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha... I laughed so hard! Lucifer, your descendants of fallen angels can't recognize you as a deity, oh my god, I'm so laughing, tears are coming out, ha ha ha... Hey, you guys Two, isn't there a statue of Lucifer outside the gate of the Demon Palace? Let's compare it! Hahaha..."

I guess it was really funny, this time Lucifer glared at it fiercely but couldn't stop the dead fly, Lucifer's face suddenly became ugly.

Partridge and Patreon couldn't resist the god-level killing intent. They were drenched in cold sweat from head to toe, their bodies were completely out of their control, and they couldn't even move their fingers.

"He is really Lucifer, even if you doubt it in your heart, pretend to believe it, otherwise he will be very sad. Also, Beelzebub, you should restrain yourself, go home and close the door before laughing." Yuan Feiwu couldn't stand it anymore I had no choice but to interject.

But this interruption made Lucifer feel even more sad, and he didn't feel that he was being cared for by the Lord Demon King at all...

Pretend to believe what the hell it is!He was originally Lucifer, okay?
Especially when I said just now that I could make the demons obey as soon as I revealed my identity, now I am being slapped in the face in front of the Lord Demon King!Now I really want to strangle these two wastes. Didn't they find that their dark element demon can't perform in front of them at all?Can a person who can achieve this state be an ordinary person?

"Wait, Beelzebub? One of the seven demon gods in the demon world, the gluttonous demon god Beelzebub? It is said that its appearance is a huge fly..." The twins only realized it at this time, and began to carefully look at the appearance not far behind. The disgusted Beelzebub said in surprise, "The Great Demon God Beelzebub is here, are you really Lord Lucifer?!"

"Hahaha... I'm dying of laughter, I'm going to die of laughter! The fallen angels actually want to use me to confirm that you are Lucifer, this joke I can laugh for 1000 years! Hahaha, I must tell them when I go back Listen...well, let me be quiet, if you keep laughing, I might hang here...puhahahaha..." Beelzebub laughed so hard that his whole body stuck to the mountain wall, and he couldn't help sliding around a few times, Almost any part of the mountain wall is going to be smoothed out.

Lucifer was helpless, he really didn't want to be brought back to such a dark history by Beelzebub, and three pairs of wings grew out of his back somewhat melancholy.Of course, it only used the power of the dark element mana, and suppressed the breath, otherwise the three worlds would be alarmed, so it would not be fun.

Seeing Lucifer with six black wings, many stars appeared in the eyes of Partridge and Patreon, and they knelt down towards Lucifer in mid-air, feeling uncontrollably excited.

With six beautiful black wings, that is the supreme existence!
It's a pity that Lucifer is not at all happy to be stared at by such admiring eyes. Lucifer, the fallen angel of the majestic seven demon gods of the devil world, actually wants to spread his wings in front of two ants that can be crushed to death with one little finger in the mortal world. Two wings to prove that he is Lucifer, just thinking about it makes him feel ashamed and wants to destroy the whole world!Those two pairs of star-studded eyes were extremely uncomfortable in his eyes. He even felt a little shame under their strong gaze. What is this tm shame!

"Yeah, so handsome!" Yuan Feiwu cheered for Lucifer again.


Lucifer would rather Yuan Feiwu not say anything, this kind of perfunctory encouragement made him even more embarrassed.

"Hahaha..." Beelzebub was still laughing.

But Lucifer stopped laughing after only one sentence.

"If you laugh again, I will go to your palace and kill all the flies that appear in sight...including the humanoid ones. You know, I am back to my peak state now."

"Oh, it's just a joke, what are you really doing..." Beelzebub coughed a few times and put away his smile. It seemed that the Lord Demon King was really angry if he dared to say such harsh words in Lucifer.

Thinking back when this guy was really angry and even dared to beat Hades to death, Beelzebub thought it was better not to cause trouble for himself. It is not sure who the Lord Demon King will help when something goes wrong, after all, this guy is the first Hug on the thigh.

"If I go back to the Demon Realm and hear you gossip about other demon gods, the consequences will be the same."

"Of course, there is nothing to say about this shit, you are so thoughtful." Beelzebub floated back to Yuan Feiwu with a righteous face, and even Yuan Feiwu looked at him with distrustful eyes, but he still could Calm as water, duplicity.

Yuan Feiwu's doubts were not unreasonable. Beelzebub's real body in the demon world who said this was even on the way to spread the gossip, so he danced and danced so cheerfully.

"Lord Lucifer, you appear in the Mortal Realm this time, do you want to make the Mortal Realm a part of the list?" The twins asked reverently, not knowing how much Lucifer wanted to kill them both.

"Listen, this is Lord Yuan Feiwu, the king of the Demon Realm, the person I respect the most. You will follow his orders from now on. You are not allowed to say a word about what happened here, and don't ask about other things you shouldn't know. Lord Demon King did it Things are more noble than the inclusion of the mortal world, you should cooperate well and don't discredit the name of the fallen angel!"

Lucifer's stern face was actually very intimidating to ordinary people. The twins immediately lowered their heads and accepted the order happily.

But when they heard Lucifer's words in their hearts, they felt even more terrifying. This guy who laughed harmlessly was actually the king of the demon world?Isn't the king of the demon world Hades?Could this be Hades?But Lucifer clearly introduced this person as Yuan Feiwu!There were a lot of questions in their hearts, but they all listened to Lucifer, and they didn't ask questions that shouldn't be asked.

"If you know it, go and collect the soil under it. The Lord Demon King will take them away in a while." Lucifer waved his hand to let them go, and the twins flew away.

"What about the extra human being that popped up above? What is the sword master? Do you want me to kill him? I heard that the last time the Lord Demon King pretended to be dead, he stabbed him for the last time? Dare to stab my most respected Demon King My lord, I don’t feel well if I don’t kill him!” Beelzebub crossed his hips, and started to flatter again, and suddenly the fly’s eyes glanced up, “Hey, what is this girl doing by jumping down in the chaos? , Isn’t it a fallen angel, come down to die? No, there is the Lord Demon King, the charm of the Lord Demon King is like a firework in the dark, always attracting girls to throw themselves on the fire like moths..."

Beelzebub hugged himself with his fly legs, closed his eyes affectionately, and wanted to express romance with his body language.But in the eyes of normal people, it looks like a neurotic fly trying to strangle itself to death with its fly legs.

"Oh... I didn't expect my descendants to be passed down." Lucifer suddenly sighed.

"Oh, so it's your descendants. No wonder you can't think about it... What? Your descendants?" Beelzebub repeated Lucifer's words, and then realized something was wrong, "You have descendants? You have a wife ?”

Lucifer gave Beelzebub a look of contempt, and said coldly, "I don't have a wife, but I still have a few lovers..."

That's natural, don't look at Lucifer's domineering president's face, but there are still many girls who are fans of this type, no matter in the heavenly world or the demon world, there are more or less lovers who adjust their lives, but love It's all very shallow.

"Eh?!" Beelzebub and Yuan Feiwu looked back at Lucifer in surprise, and Beelzebub couldn't help but say something from the bottom of his heart, "Aren't you a bloody gay? Belial and the others (actually he Myself) are still saying bad things about you secretly in love with Lord Demon King behind your back!"

"Brother Lucifer, can you have a lover with this appearance?" Yuan Feiwu also showed a very surprised expression.


What does "like this" mean?
I'm sorry to say, Lord Demon King, you are the least qualified person to question other people's emotional life... Lucifer felt that this was the worst insult he had ever suffered in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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