Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 720 The Stimulation of 1 Sing and 1 Harmony

Chapter 720 The Stimulation of Singing Together
"Master Demon King, please respect yourself." Lucifer's thousand words could only be turned into a single MMP in his heart.

"Lucaesar, Lulikai, and Lucia, no wonder they all have the surname Lu, so they are descendants of Brother Lucifer... There are so many descendants, I really can't tell, it turns out that Brother Lucifer is a sullen type."

If Yuan Feiwu had the self-knowledge to understand what Lucifer meant to make him respect himself, he wouldn't make people around him feel sad about his love life.

Lucifer's eyebrows twitched, but he still respected Yuan Feiwu. All the dirty words that popped up in his heart were dedicated to Beelzebub before he calmly said: "My lord, although my name is Lucifer, but 'Lu' is not a surname..."


"Only the woman above is the descendant of the subordinate. The bloodline should be passed down from her mother. But... the bloodline from the subordinate is estimated to be very mixed in this generation. As a woman, it will be more difficult to cultivate and become degenerate. Angel." Lucifer said.

"Oh! That's why your surname is 'Lu Xi'!" Yuan Feiwu's focus seemed to be a bit far off.

"..." Lucifer felt a dull pain in his heart, and he didn't want to entangle this kind of problem with the Lord Demon King anymore, but if he was misunderstood that his surname was "Luci", Lucifer felt that he would regret it for the rest of his life, "The subordinate is called Lucifer, and there is no surname." .”

Speaking of the bloodlines of fallen angels, there are also subtle differences in the bloodlines of fallen angels, mainly affecting their descendants.If the fallen angel lineage is from a female fallen angel, then the female descendants will get better inheritance; if it is passed down from a male fallen angel, then the male descendants will get better inheritance.

Lucifer inherited Lucifer's blood. As the great demon god Lucifer, of course, he felt it immediately, but he also immediately understood that after several generations of reproduction, there was not much left of the blood, and it was very mixed. This was already mixed with other descendants of fallen angels. The few generations are relatively well preserved, otherwise it may be weaker.Of course, his Lucifer bloodline is the most domineering, obviously suppressing the bloodline of Lucia's biological father, and her father's bloodline of fallen angels also seems to be passed down from male fallen angels, which is of no help to Lucia.If Lucia's bloodline was relatively pure, it would be fine, but now it is obviously not pure... So it is unlikely that this girl will cultivate into a fallen angel as quickly as other fallen angels.

But it doesn't mean that she can't cultivate into a fallen angel. Anyone with a dark elemental physique can practice the heart formula of a fallen angel. It's just that there is a gap between understanding and talent, but the gap is exaggerated.Ordinary demons with the blood of fallen angels can generally cultivate into two-winged fallen angels within 100 years, and the fastest can develop wings at the age of 30; ordinary people with dark elemental physiques can practice fallen angels, and it is estimated that they still have the opportunity to practice in 500 years. Out of wings.The gap is quite realistic.

"It's a pity, obviously there is such a good bloodline... Isn't that a waste?" Beelzebub's eyes were rolling, and they were obviously insect mesh eyes, and he didn't know how to play him into a lizard eye style.

"It's not difficult to not waste it. Finding another close relative to marry and give birth to offspring can still maintain a relatively pure blood of fallen angels. However, it is more difficult for them with the blood of God to conceive offspring, and if the mother inherits If they are of the blood of a male fallen angel, their physique is not very good. When they give birth, they usually cannot bear the power of their children and die of dystocia. As far as I know, all mothers in the demon royal family die like this. "Since Lucifer knew that Yuan Feiwu's next plan would be implemented by the Mozu, he had done his intelligence homework on the Mozu's side in advance.

Lu Kaiser, Lu Li Kai, etc., they were all married to their cousins, and their wives died of dystocia when giving birth, as if it was their fate... This is the same as when the fallen angels gave birth to offspring related to legacy issues.It is relatively easy for male fallen angels to fall in love with human beings to make them pregnant, but it is extremely difficult for female fallen angels to fall in love with human beings to make female fallen angels pregnant. Therefore, there are very few descendants of female fallen angels remaining in the demons.The problem of the previous generations is not obvious. Many female demons who inherited the blood of male fallen angels can still inherit relatively pure blood, and can still cultivate into fallen angels. In the future, even if they have blood, female fallen angels Still less and less.

"Oh...then if the girl above can't become a fallen angel, I'm afraid she will be pressured by the royal family to marry her cousin and help her cousin become the king of the demon clan, so as to consolidate the rule of her family and prevent the demon clan from robbing her. The royal family is in chaos..." Of course Beelzebub did his homework, otherwise why would he keep yelling all the time, but analyze everyone's background to the point of closeness.

"Well, the demons have always maintained the blood of the fallen angels." Lucifer nodded and said, "There is no way, blood and love, the demons seem to have chosen blood. This is also her fate... ..."

I don't know if Yuan Feiwu has noticed that these two rivals who are not happy if they don't quarrel when they meet each other suddenly sing together.

"I'll take him away, I'll trouble you for the rest, Beelzebub." Yuan Feiwu interrupted suddenly, greeted with a smile and flew up.

Because Lucia was about to descend into the area of ​​the poisonous fog, Yuan Feiwu certainly couldn't watch Lucia die in vain, and he also knew that Lucia was actually worried about his safety when he came down.

"No problem, Lord Demon King!" Beelzebub made a knight salute with his insect feet, sending the boss away.

When the source flew away, Beelzebub immediately turned around and said, "Oh, I seem to feel a little bit of jealousy, right? It seems really exciting."

"I have been with Lord Demon King for a long time, and I can feel some fluctuations in Lord Demon King's mood. This is a good thing." Lucifer looked at Beelzebub, raised his eyebrows, and seemed a little surprised that Beelzebub actually flew towards Yuan Heart-to-heart, "Master Demon King seems to be the most ruthless, but in fact he is the most affectionate. His heart will always be on those who sincerely pay for him. It's just that he dare not touch the word love. Please stimulate it a few more times." , maybe it will be enlightened.”

"Hahaha, Lao Lu, it's the first time I agree with your opinion, hahaha... oh my god, no, that girl is your descendant! This matter has made you the old man of the devil! Mom! Dan, it turns out that you are trying to win Lord Demon King with this method, it is too insidious!" Beelzebub suddenly realized with a face full of enlightenment.

"I'll say it again, my surname is not Lu... Heh, the Lord Demon King is not here, so I just settled the score with you just now. I will not forget that a fly slandered me as a 'dead gay' just now, and I have a crush on the Lord Demon King... ..." Lucifer twisted his neck, he didn't know when he held his Morning Glory Star in his hand, his pair of ruthless crimson eyes as if looking at a dead person made Beelzebub's goosebumps stand out.

"Don't mess around. Now that the Lord Demon King is not here, no one will really control these flies if I hang them. If you miss the matter of the Lord Demon King, let's see how the Lord Demon King will deal with you! Well, let's not talk about it, I'm going to get busy. The most important thing to be a god is to be happy, and we have to drink tea together." After speaking, Beelzebub flew down to the bottom of the Stonled abyss as if fleeing for his life, and directed the flies very seriously.

It looked like he was pretending, just now he was watching himself laughing at the flies with his hands crossed, but he didn't see a trace of panic, and he commanded with a fart.Now what Lucifer is thinking is, should he wait until he finishes the work here before hacking him to death?Hacking him now, the shoveling is about to fall to him, seems to get his hands a little dirty.But now he is very upset, he can't wait to hack him to death a second later.

Well, it's so TM tangled.

"Lord Lucifer, Master Yuan Feiwu has left, what should we do? I'm afraid our storage space won't be able to take away so much soil..." Just now, the few bosses above did not dare to say anything, but now seeing They all ran away, and they didn't want to have any contact with the sneering Lord of the Flies, so they hurriedly called Lucifer to ask for instructions

"After a while, the sound transmission will ask the Lord Demon King to ask how much soil you want. You can pile it up. The Lord Demon King has supernatural powers and the storage space can take away the things here. Don't worry. Also, when the sound transmission disturbs the Lord Demon King, you must Be polite, never call the Demon King to reveal his identity without the consent of the Demon King when outsiders are around, and cooperate wholeheartedly with the work of the Demon King, if someone offends the Demon King and the Demon King feels unhappy, kill him without mercy! Lao Tzu, you can rest assured, I will cover you..."

Beelzebub stared back at Lucifer who was nagging non-stop, dumbfounded, a domineering president, he can talk so much nonsense when it comes to Lord Demon King!Why don't people suspect that you have a crush on Lord Demon King!
Forget it, stop complaining about him, it just made him forget about cutting himself.

(End of this chapter)

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