Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 721 Odin Arches Is Quite Depressed

Chapter 721 Odin Arches Is Quite Depressed
Lu Xiaoling confronted Odin Arches, the sword saint, on the Great Abyss of Stonley. In order not to be discovered that their purpose of appearing here, he and his subordinates did not move for a moment, fearing that any cover-up would be ineffective. had the opposite effect.

But it's not an option to spend it like this, Lu Xiaoling considered in his heart whether he should take Lucia back to the garrison first.But just leaving like this seems to be afraid of Odin Arches. For the arrogant fallen angel, this feeling of seemingly running away is completely unacceptable, so he is also weighing carefully in his heart. He and the subordinate of the elite team Now, can you kill Odin Achis here.

It must be an interception. Defeating or repelling will bring a huge trouble to the demons.

And hurry up, the other end of the Great Abyss of Stonley is already a territory of humans, and there are many strong men stationed there. Once the rescue is in time, I am afraid that they will be caught by humans and have a bad end.

Lu Xiaoling squinted his eyes and kept looking at Odin Achis, who was fixed there like a statue in the distance. He calculated it very carefully in his heart, and felt that the chance of interception... was quite high!He alone can already compete with Odin Archis, and with the fallen angel elite team member beside him, fighting at the fastest speed regardless of damage, the chance of success in taking him down is very high!

After all, Odin Archis has discovered the information that they were strolling near the Great Abyss of Stonled. He must feel weird, and report it back to the human beings to investigate carefully, and there is no guarantee that there will be no problems.

It is more reliable to kill the mouth, so it is better to take a risk...

Just as Lu Xiaoling was concentrating on his careful thinking, suddenly the subordinate next to him shouted in panic: "Prince Lucia!"

Lu Xiaoling immediately looked back, Lucia unexpectedly touched the edge of the cliff at some point and jumped off!
Lu Xiaoling became angry when he saw it. Of course he guessed why Lucia jumped down, but is that guy who can't get along in the human race worth his risk to save?

"Sevier, go down and rescue Prince Lucia!"


The fallen angel immediately led the order to rush down the abyss of Stonled.

Now in this situation, Lu Xiaoling no longer needs to think about the issue of intercepting and killing Odin Achis. He just hopes that Odin Achis will stop causing trouble, and thank God.

In fact, the one who felt the most inexplicable was Odin Achis, who didn't understand what the demons and the royal family were doing at all.At first, they stood on the edge of the cliff like a few tourists, but after a while they pushed and pushed to take the long-haired handsome man away.When I came over, it caused them to jump up like frightened birds. What was even more puzzling was that the handsome man with long hair took advantage of this gap to jump off the cliff?Judging by their titles, it seems like he is still a prince?What kind of bloody plot is this going on?
I can't understand, I really can't understand, even if Odin Achis has ten heads, he can't understand what they are doing.

Who would have thought that the serious face of Odin Achis, whose appearance is as cold as a statue, is such a f*cking thought in his heart.

Sewell flew down to the bottom of the abyss, and happened to see a two-winged angel hugging Lucia above the thick fog, and Lucia seemed to be unable to hold on and passed out.

He flew forward and looked, his face immediately became serious, this two-winged angel is actually Yuan Feiwu... Yuan Feiwu is still alive, does that mean that Partridge and Patreon are dead?

Yuan Feiwu glanced at him, didn't say anything, turned around and flew forward, not flying back to the cliff.

Sewell hurried up to stop him: "Where do you want to take the prince?"

"Go back to the garrison. His Majesty the prince seems not to be able to resist the poisonous fog very well, and he is not in good health. It is better to take him back quickly." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, as if he was talking about a trivial matter casually.

But Sewell did not dare to relax his vigilance at all.

"Why don't you go up? Give Prince Lucia to me, and I will report back to Lord Lu Xiaoling!" Sewell said coldly.

"Odin Achis is at the top. Now that the prince is in a coma, wouldn't it be more dangerous to take him up? And what if Odin Achis's attention is diverted to the bottom and he discovers the secret here? Besides, If the fact that I'm still alive is known by the human race, I'm afraid it's not just Odin Arches that will be attracted." After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he flew deep into the depths without turning his head and hugging Lucia.

Sewell couldn't refute Yuan Feiwu's words at all, he knew that Yuan Feiwu's decision at this time was indeed the most correct, if he still insisted on his own opinion and ruined the major event of the Demon Race, he would be a sinner through the ages.

Right now, the decision he can make is to follow Yuan Feiwu, the safety of the prince and the whereabouts of this guy must be well controlled...

A day later, Lu Xiaoling, who had been confronting Odin Archis for a day and a night, turned around and punched Sewell, hammering him to the ground and making a small hole: "Is that why you didn't come back to report my situation right away! "

"My subordinates will come over and report immediately after the prince wakes up!" Sewell half-kneeled on the ground and said through a voice transmission. He felt that there was no problem with what he was doing!

He wants to supervise Yuan Feiwu to send the prince back to the station!

"Do you still need to guard the camp? Or can't you send me a voice transmission?" Lu Xiaoling was so angry that he didn't have time to pay attention to Odin Archis on the other side of the abyss, and directly yelled at Sewell.

Is this subordinate of his stupid?Although what Yuan Feiwu said is not wrong, can't he tell him what happened below in time?Everyone is gone, leaving him here alone to make trouble with Odin Arches?Tell him, let him retreat together!
"Lord Lu Xiaoling, that Yuan Feiwu has been staying by the prince's side, and his subordinates are worried about the prince's safety and dare not leave half a step. But the sound transmission will not be able to explain clearly for a while, and they are afraid that Lu Xiao who is confronting Odin Archis Lord Ling was distracted, so the subordinates came over to report in person after the prince turned the corner. If someone else is sent, it might be a bad thing to drag Lord Lu Xiaoling back..." Sewell was a little wronged, in his opinion Lu Xiaoling's confrontation with Odin Archis was completely justified, so he waited so reassuringly for the prince to wake up before rushing over to help.

When their Fallen Angel Elite Team didn't have a last resort, their proud self-esteem did not allow them to ask for help from others. It was just a mere Odin Archis, with Master Lu Xiaoling around, and there was no last resort at all. How could he be himself? Ruiyan asked the station for help in a panic.

What he didn't expect was that Lu Xiaoling was worthy of Odin Akis, but he couldn't bear the emptiness, loneliness and coldness of being abandoned here alone for a day and a night alone with Odin Akis in a daze. ah!Everyone is gone, what is he doing here to restrain Odin Arches, he is sick, does he hurt when he is idle?Going back to face Lucia's prosperous beauty and seductive eyes is not as good as staring at an uncle here in the air?
Forget it, it's useless to entangle now, Lu Xiaoling cast a sharp glance at Odin Arches, and beckoned Sewell to follow him and fly quickly to the direction of the station.

Odin Achis originally assigned himself the mission of monitoring the Demon Continent, and it was normal for him to confront a fallen angel for ten or twenty days when he was idle and bored.It's just that he wasted a day, like watching a soap opera that he couldn't understand the plot at all, and he felt quite fucked.

He thought that after seeing the ending, he should be able to understand something.

But the ending is that one of the fallen angels came back happily and was hammered aside by another fallen angel, and then left together as a good friend...

Damn who can understand this plot!He dared to bet that if the genius Lin Beck was called over, he would never understand what they were doing!
"Crazy." Odin Arches finally made his final conclusion, then scratched his head, and walked back to Ropa City.

(End of this chapter)

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