Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 722 Smart and straightforward, Lord Demon King seems to be restrained

Chapter 722 Smart and straightforward, Lord Demon King seems to be restrained
When Lu Xiaoling rushed back to the station and found the big tent where Lucia was resting, he was so surprised to see the two brothers Partridge and Patreon guarding the door like two guards.

"Why are you here?" Lu Xiaoling leaned forward to transmit the voice.

When Sewell brought the news, both of them thought that the twins were dead, otherwise how could Yuan Feiwu still be alive and kicking?But now seeing that they are in good condition, their complexion is even more rosy than before, it seems that there is no problem at all!
"We assist Yuan Feiwu University... Mr. has just completed the task of excavating the soil." "So hurry back to the station to see if Yuan Feiwu University... Mister still needs assistance." The twins replied one by one.

Lu Xiaoling was stunned for a while, what is the name of this "big gentleman" Nima?What is big?According to the twins' ruddy complexion and the change in address, it's hard not to let Lu Xiaoling wonder what happened to you guys at the bottom of the Stonled abyss! ?I heard the gossip that Yuan Feiwu has an inexplicable attraction to men on the human side, and now it is really worth investigating!

In fact, nothing happened to them at the bottom of the Great Abyss of Stonlied. They just piled up the amount of soil needed by Yuan Feiwu. With the help of Beelzebub's Fly Legion, this crying job is actually very efficient.What makes Partridge and Patreon feel the most respect for Yuan Feiwu is that the several piles of dirt that are higher than the mountains disappear at once. According to Beelzebub Demon God, they were directly put into the storage space by Yuan Feiwu up.

The storage space can also be collected from such a long distance, refreshing their new understanding of storage space!Simply unheard and unseen!So what Yuan Feiwu needs to get, can't it be directly stuffed into the storage space through the air?
The twins who were very unsure about what happened to them under the Great Abyss of Stonled, now finally believe it, at least in their cognition, the storage space TM in the Mortal Realm is not used in this way!

However, Beelzebub also poured cold water on them at the right time, telling them that Lord Demon King likes to keep a low profile the most, and he is the most steadfast executor of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. It has never been so high-profile in the mortal world.

Speaking of it, it's also because of your Prince Lucia, it's not bad, there are dramas... Damn, it's cheap Lucifer, I'm a good fart here!Not my descendants!

Beelzebub just left cursing, the twins didn't understand, but they just finished the task and flew back.As for Lu Xiaoling, who was supposed to be their boss, he had long been forgotten by them.This man is a big ass, they are now protecting the Lord Demon King in the name of Lord Lucifer, if they can't say it to show off, they want to turn their noses higher than the sky.

As for what Lu Xiaoling asked them to do to Yuan Feiwu... Hehe, they won't take it seriously anymore.But without Yuan Feiwu's order, they won't have trouble with Lu Xiaoling. If Lu Xiaoling continues to secretly find trouble for Yuan Feiwu, then he can only mourn for him... Even if the entire mortal world wants to challenge Lord Demon King, It's like a mantis' arm is a car, let alone just a Lu Xiaoling?

"Is this what I asked you to do?" Lu Xiaoling asked in a low voice with a dark face.

"Captain Lu Xiaoling, we haven't found the right time. Mr. Yuan Feiwu is too vigilant." Aqis was attracted, if we do it again, we might expose our existence under the abyss."

Lu Xiaoling scolded the idiot in his heart, he was so disappointed in them!But after all, the twins and Sewell were his most outstanding subordinates. If they scolded too hard, they might alienate their relationship. If he wanted to do something in the future, he still needed to win over these people to help him.

"Forget it, get out of the way, I'll go in and see Lucia."

After Lu Xiaoling finished speaking, he was about to move his legs, but suddenly put them down again, because the twins didn't move away at all.

"Prince Lucia said." "He is tired, no one is allowed in."

"Do you listen to him, or to me?" Lu Xiaoling said coldly, with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

Lu Xiaoling didn't expect that after just one day, the twins seemed to be a different pair, and they didn't take his words seriously.

If it was before, the twins would of course follow Lu Xiaoling's lead, but now, it is obvious that they believe in the most rooted faction of the demons, because they are holding the thighs of Lord Lucifer and Lord Demon King!One is the ancestor god of the demons!One is the boss of the ancestor god of the demon race, the king of the demon world!With such backstage support, they wouldn't pay attention to Lu Xiaoling's tugging!

"What's the matter, I don't want to rest for a while?"

With a bang, the door of the big tent was thrown open, and Lucia stepped out, just blocking what the twins were about to say.

His face was a little pale, and although his hair was combed back as usual to reveal a smooth forehead, he looked more serious, but it still couldn't stop his handsomeness and heroism.

Even though she is a little weak and haggard now, Lucia's appearance is still perfect in Lu Xiaoling's heart.

Lu Xiaoling has seen more beautiful ones. Before Lucia, when she was young, she quietly dressed up as a girl once.Lu Xiaoling will never forget that scene for the rest of his life. From that day on, he swore that this woman would be his woman!
"Of course, I'm just a little worried and want to have a look at your situation. You also know that some people come to the Demon Race with ulterior motives and it's not reassuring." Lu Xiaoling said, seeing people walking inside through the open door The dark-haired figure's eyes became gloomy.

"But my life was saved by this unreliable person, so even if others are worried, I can rest assured of him." Lucia said.

"At that time, I immediately sent Sewell down to rescue you. I was confronting Odin Achis so that we could not expose our flaws. I didn't expect you to suddenly fly down the Great Abyss of Stonled, and you went down so recklessly. For what?" Lu Xiaoling quickly explained that he was afraid that Lucia would forget the heroic deeds of his confrontation with Odin Archis, and that Lucia would think that he did not take his life seriously.

"I went down to save my bodyguard, because I was worried about him." Lucia said directly, "But obviously my level needs to be improved, but my bodyguard saved me. Well, this matter That's it, today I want to have a good rest, and tomorrow morning we will set off back to the palace. Is it okay to borrow your subordinates Patrich and Patreon to help me check the door?"

"No... no problem, but as your personal bodyguard, the guy inside should come out and guard the door, right?"

What Lu Xiaoling misses most now is Yuan Feiwu who is still in the big tent.

Lucia is going to rest, what is he doing inside!
"The bodyguards, of course, have to guard me at close range. What's the problem? See you tomorrow." Lucia smiled and closed the tent door again.

He is now very satisfied with the position that his father randomly assigned to Yuan Feiwu at that time, and he feels a lot more secure when he thinks that he can tie this person upright by his side.A sense of security, Lucia didn't expect that as a dignified prince, he lacked such a thing.

"See you tomorrow." Lu Xiaoling closed the door of the tent with a smile on his face, and left without looking back.

The fact that Lucia is a daughter is only known to the four royal families, and Lucia's disguise is in place, even has an Adam's apple, and it is no problem to hide it from the entire demon clan for nearly a hundred years, so he believes that Yuan Feiwu must not know Lucia Is the body of a daughter.And Lu Xiaoling also knows that Lucia is not such a casual girl at all. She has a strong sense of mission for the demons and herself, and knows what to do and what not to do. Even if they live in a tent, it won't happen What a surprising relationship.Moreover, being in the same room with the personal guards will not make outsiders suspicious of Lucia's gender, and it will kill multiple birds with one stroke.

But even if he knew this was the case, Lu Xiaoling still couldn't help the burning jealousy in his heart!
"Prince Lucia, there was no need for you to jump down at that time. If you hadn't found out and arrived in time, your cultivation might have been eroded by the poison in the poisonous fog. Even if you were lucky enough to be seriously injured, your cultivation would be greatly reduced."

Seeing that Lucia sent Lu Xiaoling away and relieved the twins, Yuan Feiwu went to the other table and picked up the medicinal soup that he had just prepared.

"I'm afraid you will fall into their ways. Now you are mine. If I don't take care of you, who will take care of you? I was very worried about you at that time."

Yuan Feiwu just picked up the decoction in his hand and suddenly swung it gently along the plane, throwing a few drops of the decoction from the side of the bowl and falling on the ground.

If Beelzebub was here, the eyes of the flies would surely fall off, my God, Lord Demon King actually shook his hands and dropped a few drops of the soup!This is really a big deal!The Lord Demon King is the Lord Demon King. Back then, the Lord Demon King chopped off Hades' head when he saw him face to face, but he didn't see even a slight tremor in his hands, okay?Now that the concoction is shaken off a little, what a terrible thing has happened!

Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly, if what happened today happened to Ophelia: I am not trying to save you!It's just a stumble and a fall, a stumble!Or Tarena, in exchange for a simple response, and then took the initiative to change the topic.

Yuan Feiwu felt that it was easy to deal with such a reply, just laugh it off.But expressing her inner concerns so directly like Lucia made Yuan Feiwu a little unsure how to deal with it.

Because there is no escape route.

(End of this chapter)

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