Chapter 723
"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Yuan Feiwu brought the concoction, Lucia took it and drank it in one gulp, then lay back on the bed.

"Drink it with so much peace of mind? Maybe what I made for you is poison." Yuan Feiwu was somewhat surprised.

He can guarantee that the demons won't have this medicine, because he prepared it temporarily and fed some when Lucia was in a coma. Naturally, the medicine produced by the demon king has no effect.That was when Lucia was unconscious, and now in a waking state, facing this bowl of black and strange-smelling food, he actually drank it without any doubts. This trust was different from what Yuan Feiwu expected, after all Two years ago, in Lucia's heart, the relationship between them was still a "life and death" relationship. In the past two years, they haven't seen much familiarity, and they shouldn't have reached such a level of trust.

Yuan Feiwu took back the empty bowl and put it back on the table, that charming back made the word "virtuous" appear in Lucia's heart for a moment.Lucia quickly shook her head to get these two words out of her head. Could it be that after being a boy for a long time, even her brain becomes masculine?
Yuan Feiwu put the things away and turned back, Lucia immediately stopped, shook her head and closed her eyes, regaining her calm look.

"If you want my life, you can do it under the great abyss of Stonley, why wait until now." The reason Lucia said is very simple, but many people can't face it so calmly when they are in it. You are amazing, how did you subdue the twins?"

"They are all very reasonable children. If you show them affection and reason, let them understand that what you are doing is for the righteousness of the demons, and they will be happy to help." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"I just wanted to change my mind about you, but I didn't expect that your ability to lie is still full marks, which is shameless." Lucia opened her eyes and glanced at Yuan Feiwu, "But the words 'act with emotion and understand with reason' are very interesting and concise But it’s also impressive. Partridge and Patreon are well-known masters in the Fallen Legion, and it’s your ability to make them obey your orders, so forget it if you don’t want to say it.”

"The beautiful writing cannot be attributed to me. It is the cultural essence accumulated in my hometown for thousands of years. I am just a narrator." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile. Fascinated, he was sincerely happy to be appreciated in another world, "As for lying..."

Yuan Feiwu looked into Lucia's eyes and found that he was so determined that he couldn't speak anymore.

He is very sure that this guy really sees through his heart, it's weird.

"You forgot that you cheated Uncle Lulikai by swiping your own hand on me... that day. I could see you most clearly at close range when you lied clearly. You lied but there was an obvious trick, you Don't you know?" Lucia smiled smugly.


Yuan Feiwu's smiling face showed no signs of wavering, and Lucia felt helpless. In fact, he just had a strong intuition in his heart that this person was lying, and there was no reason.He firmly believed that his intuition was right, but he failed in trying to find out anything.

But staring at Yuan Feiwu's face, she discovered something else.

"No. But I heard that you are very popular with male friends in the human race. I found the reason why you are so attractive." Lucia reached out and touched a small black spot at the corner of Yuan Feiwu's left eye , that black dot is like a little guard guarding the eyes of the star, while setting off the shining of the eyes without making itself dim, people can't help but look at it again and again, "Didn't you draw it by yourself? Here is a This is the first time I have seen such a thing, it looks like he is winking all the time, and I can’t blame others for thinking.”

"Do you have this thing? Oh, it seems that I have never seen a mole on a person in the mortal world... It is born and not drawn by myself. The mole with this position is called a tear mole. It was not so obvious when I was young." Yuan Feiwu He touched the corners of his eyes too, but he let go of his smile and showed a little innocence, "This thing doesn't seem to be in the way, does it? Does it look like you're winking?"

Speaking of which, he hasn't looked in the mirror for a long time, isn't he too indifferent to his appearance?Or, tidy it up?
"This thing has a name? Well, it doesn't matter. I'm asleep." Lucia turned over and showed that she was sleepy.

He was afraid that if he continued talking, this person would drop that thing... It was so pretty.

On the other hand, Yuan Feiwu still touched the corners of his eyes silently. It took a long time for Mr. Yuan to figure out which of his words was true and which was false. This Lucia has pulled out her pigtails more than once. Some evil.The little trick Lucia just mentioned...couldn't be related to it, right?
The next day a few people set off to return to the palace. It took Yuan Feiwu some time to pretend to work hard to get all the soil out of the storage space, but even so, there were as many mountains as there were in the storage space. Dirt still scares many people, too.

I heard that when a few people went to dig the soil under the Great Abyss of Stonley, they were noticed by Odin Achis, but in the end they completed the task cleanly and came back within a few days. Lu Kaiser and Lu Li Kai were naturally ecstatic .

"This excavation and transportation of soil, Yuan Feiwu is both the planner and the executor, and saved Lucia's life, so it goes without saying! Lu Xiaoling calmly dealt with Odin Achis, and did not let the people find us The key plan has also made a great contribution! Lucia, on the other hand, is impulsive and not calm. If it weren't for Yuan Feiwu's quick reaction, he would almost have died. During this period of time, you should reflect on your actions in your yard, and then Lu Xiaoling will be responsible for the layout of the soil." Although Lu Kaiser was happy, he still had to distinguish between rewards and punishments.

The job of arranging the soil is actually a very good job. It can win the people's hearts and win the reputation. Originally, Lucia planned to let Lucia do it to consolidate his prestige among various forces.The prestige Lucaesar in the Fallen Angel Legion can't help him build, but the prestige of various forces is still very good.

But what Lucia did this time was outrageous. Even if something happened under the Great Abyss of Stonley, and there was Odin Arches watching from above, how could he just jump down like this?Everyone knows that the eerie place under the Great Abyss of Stonley is full of poisonous fog. Even the Juggernaut and the Great Magister on the human side are very struggling to go down.He is a magister who has not even been able to practice the first level of the two-winged fallen angel. What is the use of going down besides adding chaos?This kind of irrational behavior is particularly stupid among the demons, especially among the fallen angels who have a calm and rational head under the blessing of their unique pure heart and cold wisdom.

So no matter what, Luca Caesar had to give Lucia a little punishment.Even if Lucia is his prince, Luca Caesar will not take care of him in principle. What he needs is a king of the demons who can carry the demons after he is no longer in the demon world, not a fool who acts recklessly .

With Lucia's cleverness, he naturally knew that this was the best opportunity to consolidate his power, and Lucesa wanted to let him know that his mistake would be at the cost of losing this opportunity.

"I know, I will pay attention next time." Lucia accepted the punishment.

It was also the first time for him to do such a thing that he knew was wrong but he still had to do it. Maybe it needed a little punishment to make him sober.

(End of this chapter)

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