Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 724 Make the Best Use of Everything

Chapter 724 Make the Best Use of Everything
"Your subordinates take orders!" Lu Xiaoling remained calm on the surface, but was overjoyed in his heart.

Letting him take charge of this matter is not the same as saying that he will be given this opportunity to win people's hearts!It seems that Uncle Lucesa has already made the mental preparation that if Lucia can't cultivate into a fallen angel or become the emperor of the demon clan, then he will inherit it.Otherwise, entrusting this matter to his father Lulikai, or even Uncle Lukaisa himself would be a great thing to earn people's hearts for himself, so how could it fall on him.

Lu Xiaoling was right, and Lu Kaiser did have such an idea.Firstly, he intends to punish Lucia for this matter, and secondly, he does not intend to waste it. Let Lu Xiaoling earn this level of prestige, no matter whether he becomes the emperor of the demon clan or an auxiliary minister in the future, it will only be beneficial.

"Brother, I think it's better to let Lucia go. The city lords are not familiar with Lucia. This is a good opportunity to get in touch. Lucia will become the emperor of the demons in the future, and their support will be indispensable..."

As soon as Lulikai heard it, he knew that his brother was planning to help his son establish relationships and power, and he felt a little anxious. After all, Lucia is the real prince in name now. How could he start to build up the prestige of a courtier before the prince's prestige has been established? of?At that time, Lu Xiaoling's achievements will be overwhelming, and it may be even more difficult for Lucia to get the support of the major city lords.

In this way, wouldn't Lucia's efforts and sacrifices for the status of the prince over the past few decades be in vain?

"Lulikai, you don't have to speak well of him. If he really has self-knowledge as a prince, he shouldn't act so stupidly. Of course, the demons must be led by the strong. If Lucia can't conquer even a little setback, You are not qualified to sit in this position." Lu Kaiser made up his mind.

In fact, he arranged this way to leave a way for Lucia.At the very least, if Lucia fails to develop wings, and Lu Xiaoling can control the situation, as his own nephew, he is no different from his own son, and it is not bad for him to be the emperor of the demon clan.At that time, let Lucia restore her daughter to marry him and help him well. It's better to be overthrown by others after being overwhelmed by others.If a ruling royal family is overthrown, the end will definitely be disastrous.

"Father, Uncle Lucesa, I definitely have no intention of stealing Lucia's limelight, let alone transgressing the rules, as long as Lucia..."

"It's all from my own family, regardless of these. Just like your father and I, it doesn't matter who is the emperor of the demon clan, it's just a name." Lu Kaiser patted Lu Xiaoling with a smile, and gave him a look with his eyes, after all There is still an outsider here, worried that Lu Xiaoling will accidentally leak some of Lucia's secrets.

Lu Xiaoling understood immediately, so he didn't say any more.

Just like Lulikai dotes on his children very much, Lu Kaiser also treats Lu Xiaoling as one of his own: "Do well, if you win over the city lords, you will actually be doing Le Lucia a great favor. Lucia has a stubborn temper. If you don’t give him some pain to try that he doesn’t know how to repent, it’s settled like this.”

"Yes." Seeing that Lu Kaiser had made up his mind, Lu Likai and Lu Xiaoling Lucia answered together.

"Yuan Feiwu, do you have any opinions on the arrangement of the next work?" After the matter was settled, Lu Kaiser was in a good mood, but he did not forget the great hero who made it all happen, and listening to his opinions didn't hurt. bad.

But now Yuan Feiwu's identity is only Lucia's bodyguard, and it's not easy to win over rewards in terms of meritorious deeds, because Lucia was punished, and no matter how he rewarded him as Lucia's entourage, it would damage Lucia's prestige to him. It's a pity that it can be handed over to Lucia.If Yuan Feiwu had been assigned to Lu Xiaoling according to the original idea, the culture and martial arts would complement each other. After taking shape, Lu Kaiser might immediately consider trying to break through the void and embark on a new path of practice in the Demon Realm.In the Mortal Realm, his practice has hardly seen improvement. If it wasn't for the future of the Demon Race, he could not rest assured, he could not wait to go to the Demon Realm to serve Lucifer.

However, Lucia's jumping off the abyss of Stonley seems to be to rescue Yuan Feiwu this time. Although this is irrational, it is a blessing in disguise. If this irrational thing can move Yuan Feiwu emotionally, That's earned.

"The demons want to completely solve the problem of food and clothing for the people. Obtaining fertile soil is only the beginning, and there will be a more difficult process." Yuan Feiwu has always been walking around like a melon-eating audience, and it is not surprising that he was asked suddenly. He said calmly, "There is a long way to go."

There is a long way to go... This guy came up with some sentences that people can chew carefully. Lucia's original serious expression suddenly relaxed a lot, and he slowly savored this phrase that made people feel melancholy and full of ambition .

No wonder in ancient times the literati who could recite poems and write right words were especially admired by girls. It was not without reason that they were extremely lethal to those girls with a certain level of literature.

"What's the difficulty next? The big deal is to wait for a year or so for the crops to be harvested." Lulikai questioned.

"Yuan Feiwu, don't you think I can't even do such a simple job as spreading the soil?" Lu Xiaoling laughed.

"Of course not."

After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he didn't speak any more.

Lu Kaiser originally thought that Yuan Feiwu would say something next, but it took him a long time to realize that he had really finished speaking, so what does it mean that there is a long way to go?
As the emperor of the demon clan, he also has the domineering spirit of the emperor of the demon clan. This person will not say anything, and he will not beg others to say it. Anyway, he has given this person to Lucia to tame, and Lucia will take care of it.

After discussing the matter, the few of them dispersed.

Back at Lucia's residence, Lucia did not let Yuan Feiwu go, and called him to the room, intending to ask him carefully what he meant by what he said.

Lucia's room is very large. As the future emperor of the demon clan, of course, the residence cannot be ordinary, and the interior decoration is simple and clean.On the table next to the bed, there is the beautiful pot that Yuan Feiwu sent, and the green shoots in it have grown a lot. It can be seen at a glance that Lucia has been taken care of in the past few days without Lucia.

Seeing Yuan Feiwu kept looking at the flower pot, Lucia was worried that Yuan Feiwu saw that he had been carefully cared for, as if he seemed to value this potted flower very much, how easy it would be misunderstood.In fact, he was just a little curious about what the flower that resembled him looked like.

So he immediately stood a few steps forward to block his sight, and asked, "We have obtained the most important soil, what's the problem? Here, there is no need to hide it, just discuss it with me."

"The people of the Demon Race have almost never planted crops. It would take a lot of time to let them fiddle with it, right? It's a coincidence, I know a little bit, and I don't mind going to every city to teach them." Yuan Feiwu smile slightly.

"Just like that?" Lucia felt that things were not that simple.


"Perhaps? Well, I will apply to Emperor Father tomorrow, and I will take you there."

"Are you going too? No need..."

"Do you know who you are talking to with this disgusting tone?"

"Is it that explicit?" Yuan Feiwu self-examined without any self-knowledge.

Lucia thinks it's time for this person to remember who is the prince: "The close bodyguard Yuan Feiwu listens to the order, and will stay by my side tonight to protect the safety of the prince! He will never leave!"

Yuan Feiwu shrugged his shoulders, saying that it didn't matter, he actually found it quite interesting to get together with Lucia, especially since this person could see through every word and action of him, which made Yuan Feiwu quite interested in studying Lucia.

Yuan Feiwu's indifference made Lucia snort dissatisfied, and sat on the desk beside her, flipping through the many memorials sent before.Lu Kaiser and Luli Kai had long left him to do these tedious political affairs, as a kind of training.

From time to time, when encountering difficulties, I frown and speak to myself unconsciously.Every time at this time, there would be a voice behind him, saying something that enlightened him, which made him suddenly enlightened.

With this help, Lucia became more interested, and solved all the things that he hadn't dealt with for several days in one go. Among them, he "accidentally" started to deal with some problems left over that had troubled him for a long time.

While doing all this, Lucia suddenly felt a little guilty like a student cheating on an exam.Then I thought about it, this person was the one they tried their best to get back to help the great cause of the demons, isn't it natural to help deal with these problems!What a guilty conscience!
"Hey, the content of this memorial is relatively long and it's troublesome to read. You'd better come and read it!"

After convincing her little guilt, Lucia decided not to cheat, and let's open the exam directly!
"Let me see." Yuan Feiwu leaned over obediently, and the corners of Lucia's mouth couldn't help but slightly twitch.

This feeling that someone can rely on is very strange to him, but Lucia understands, enjoys, and is fascinated by it ignorantly.

If a maid came in at this time, she would be so happy that she would faint. Two picturesque faces gathered together on a desk, looking at the documents on it seriously, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling at each other, that picture It will make people feel that even the sound of their own breathing is an existence that disturbs the beautiful scenery...

(End of this chapter)

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