Chapter 725

Half a month later, Lucia in long clothes stood outside the gate of Mutoya City, the most northeastern city.

This place is located in the northeast of the Mozu Continent. Compared with the central area of ​​the Mozu, it is much more desolate, with a vast land and very few people.

Lucia turned her head, her purple eyes looked at Yuan Feiwu behind her with doubts.

The demons really lack technical talents in planting. A long time ago, people who were exiled from the Star Luo Continent may know planting techniques. Unfortunately, since the war between gods and demons, the land here has become unbalanced and cannot be cultivated. All these techniques have been lost.

Planting is not that simple. If you think that planting crops can be solved simply by watering, you are wrong. If you have technical guidance, you will avoid many detours.Not to mention Lucia, even Lucas and others who only know how to practice understand this simple truth.For this reason, Lucia is willing to recommend Yuan Feiwu to spread technology to Lucasa, which is also a judgment made after careful consideration of this issue. Otherwise, how could it be possible to let Yuan Feiwu go out to do some trivial things to waste talents.Of course, Lucas also happily approved.

This is easy to say, but it is not as easy as imagined.

On the side of the Demon Race, the city lords of each city are very powerful, and their concepts are actually different from those of the city lords on the other side of the Star Luo Continent.These city lords are actually a branch of the royal family with royal blood. The places under their jurisdiction are actually the land bestowed on them by the previous demon kings, and they have full authority to manage them. The demon kings have nothing special and rarely ask. .However, Yuan Feiwu has no power, power or status in the Demon Race. If he wants to carry out farming teaching in various places, he may have to get the consent of the city lords. Without Lucia, he may encounter big troubles.

Don't look at farming teaching and dissemination is a good thing, but the Demon Race is a place that values ​​status and status, and those city lords who are usually used to dragging them may not necessarily give face to them.The strong are respected, if there is a fallout, Yuan Feiwu can't take advantage of it, and he may be arrested as Mrs. Yazhai in minutes... Ah bah, in short, a fallen angel without a number and background, in a powerful place... In the eyes of the other fallen angels, they are Xiangmomo who are vying to conquer.Even if they are not fallen angels, they would still want to catch and raise talents with farming skills. Besides, they will be a precious asset no matter what. They don't care whether other cities will not be taught farming skills because of it. .

If this happens, then Lukaiser or Lulikai will have to come over to scoop up people, which is really troublesome.

Although he, Lucia, wants to win people, these city lords may not give face, but he brings people here, which is equivalent to imprinting his own label on this person. No matter how arrogant those city lords are, they will not rob people in front of the prince, so Keeping the source of Feiwu is still no problem.

So he has to come.

It's just that he didn't understand why he was brought here by Yuan Feiwu in the end.

What I don't even understand is why these two people are here!Lucia looked at the big man next to Yuan Feiwu on one left and one on the right. Yuan Feiwu smiled brightly in the middle, and some nameless fire was burning in his heart.

They were two handsome blond guys with exactly the same appearance, with purple pupils shining brightly above the bridge of their noses, and hearty smiles showing white and neat teeth, plus two handsome guys with the same appearance, one plus one is completely greater than two Fantastic magic, it is really eye-catching.

Then the two of them stuck to Yuan Feiwu's side from the beginning to the end, making it seem like Yuan Feiwu was the prince, protected by two tall bodyguards, but he was an outsider.It has to be said that Lucia found these two people sticking to Yuan Feiwu's side with reverence several times, and found it very annoying. Many things seemed to be separated by two mountains if she wanted to discuss with Yuan Feiwu.

Just follow along, can you get out of the way a little bit?

"We've arrived at our destination, you two, Patridge and Patreon, can go back and report back."

Lucia endured all the way, and was curious about why he came here for a long time, but he never had the chance to ask, but finally he had the chance. His first sentence was not to ask Yuan Feiwu why, but to let the two go immediately. It can be seen that he is right now. How much they hate each other.

"How can I do that?" "Yuan Feiwu... Mister may need our help."

The twins raised their eyebrows in surprise from left to right, and gave Lucia the feeling of being rejected by the 180-degree wide-angle stereo version. The feeling was as uncomfortable as eating shit.

What drug did Yuan Feiwu feed these two people to make them forget that the one they detested was the prince of the demon clan?Who is their future boss?
The most puzzling thing is, what the hell is Mr. Big? !It's hard for him to think about it with this title with a dragging sound!Is it possible to be more straightforward, he would rather know some dirty relationships than give him a space to imagine all the time, you must know that people's imagination is terrible!

"Actually, there is nothing that needs your assistance. You listen to the prince's words and return to your command after the task is completed."

Yuan Feiwu patted the twins on the shoulder. To be honest, he didn't want these two to follow along. Of course, the appearance of these two is not as good as Lucia, but the advantage is that they are twins. Don't try to keep a low profile anywhere, passers-by wherever you pass will definitely look at it like a star.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, don't drive us away." "Actually, we still have other tasks to complete. Captain Lu Xiaoling sent us to monitor you. If you don't complete them, you won't be able to return." The twins heard Yuan Feiwu wanted to drive them away, but immediately drooped his face, completely two puppies who were about to lose their masters, miserable.

"So that's the case, then you should follow along, and the task must be completed properly."

"Yes!" "Thank you, Mr. Yuan Feiwu!" The twins' sagging faces immediately became energetic.

Lucia was speechless for a moment, did the twins have brain problems?It should be a secret mission for Lu Xiaoling to let them monitor Yuan Feiwu. Is it really okay to tell the Lord honestly?What's more problematic is Yuan Feiwu, what do you mean by agreeing!Lucia is about to collapse!
"I'm more curious about what the title of Mr. Big means?" Yuan Feiwu continued to ask.

This is embarrassing!For a long time, even Yuan Feiwu didn't know what this title meant!I have been thinking about it for several days, what is the reason for Nima, who is blushing all day long!Even the master didn't know what those two twin fools were shouting about!Lucia found that she was getting more and more broken, even more broken than the author's failure to win Beng Beng Beng.

"As a show of respect, I always blurted out to call my lord..." "But it didn't seem suitable, so I hurriedly stopped the respect that blurted out, and called sir, so it changed like this." The twins touched their heads together, with embarrassed expressions on their faces .

I'm really sorry, after all, it's not a simple thing to be able to make mistakes every time and always have the same rhythm!
Lucia was also drunk. This pair of twins in the Fallen Angel Elite Team were known to be ruthless and extremely aggressive. Except for Lu Kaiser and Lu Likai, Lu Xiaoling was the only one who could give them a little face.

He has not yet become a fallen angel, and has never been qualified to have a good relationship with the fallen angel elite team. He has never known the twins well, but he has met several times, and he has never found out that these two are actually a funny pair. ah!Where is the arrogance and ruthlessness that was always on her face before?Not identical twins at all!
"You can call me by my name from now on, no need to use honorific titles." Yuan Feiwu said to the twins, patted Lucia, and brought Lucia back to his senses, "Lucia, why are you still in a daze, you have to get down to business."

After Lucia regained her senses, she really thought that she would never be able to regain her senses for the rest of her life... So they are going to continue with these two guys with ulterior motives!Is it just a child's play to decide!

"Forget it." Lucia said "forget it" to himself. To be honest, he can't shout at these two guys from the Fallen Angel Elite Team. Even if he forcefully drives them away, they can ignore him at all. , What's the point of tearing apart the skin and tearing up the relationship, "You mean to start teaching farming from this city? Come on, let's go in."

After Lucia finished speaking, she impatiently walked towards the city gate.When he sees the three of them always sticking together, he feels bad, and thinking that the rhythm will still be like this in the future, he really can't generate any good emotions.

"Wait. Are you going to just go in like this?" Yuan Feiwu called Lucia to stop.

"Otherwise?" Lucia turned her head, her expression as if the word "unhappy" was directly printed on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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