Chapter 726

"Did Lucia go to every place in the Demon Continent to investigate the people's sentiments?" Yuan Feiwu asked.

"Nonsense, I have to inspect it almost every year..."

"Is it as a prince?"

"Of course...don't worry, even so, you can still clearly see the sufferings of the people in various parts of the Demon Race, there is no difference."

Lucia immediately understood Yuan Feiwu's meaning.

He felt that he was patrolling as a prince, and he couldn't see many real situations clearly.

But Yuan Feiwu was too worried, these city lords didn't want to cover up the signs of decline in their city at all, for them they didn't bother to use lies to cover up the facts, as the high-ranking people of the demon clan all had arrogant self-esteem.

"Seeing with your eyes is worse than feeling the truth yourself."


Lucia didn't speak for a while, and after a while, she took out a cloak from the storage space and covered herself, only the lower half of her face was exposed, which was unreal.

After doing all this, Lucia still looked at Yuan Feiwu: "Don't you think you don't need to cover up? As far as I know, many high-ranking officials and nobles have a hobby of raising male pets. With your appearance, let's say It is qualified to be spotted and brought back for training."

Lucia's words are really not a source of intimidation. Most people on the Demon Race side have dark element physiques. Many people are not strong-willed but are affected by dark element physiques. They are more irritable, greedy, and aggressive than ordinary people. sex.If it is the people of the demon race at the bottom, they are limited by their own strength, and they dare not act recklessly when they are suppressed by the strong.But those demons with higher status are different, and all kinds of uncontrollable desires have conditions to be realized.

Yuan Feiwu's appearance does not have the characteristics that the demon royal family should have. He is not afraid of revealing their identities, but the charm of black hair and black pupils on the side of the demons who advocate darkness is indescribable.

"I don't have a cloak, and I haven't had time to go out and buy one since I've been staying at your house. How about going to the city to buy one later?" Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.


If you wait until you enter the city to buy it, you may have already caused a lot of trouble!Why don't you buy a fart at that time, I have to take off my cloak to help him clean up, okay?
Lucia was too lazy to talk nonsense, and threw a set of cloaks to Yuan Feiwu neatly. Anyway, they are about the same size, so this set will be given to him.

Yuan Feiwu naturally didn't care, but after taking over the cloak, he tore a few holes before putting it on.

Lucia looked upset, but with his intelligence, how could he not understand Yuan Feiwu's meaning, his two sets of cloaks are worth a lot of money, how could ordinary people get such a good thing, broke it? To be unnoticed.

Then he also tore a few holes in his cloak, looking miserable.

"All ready, let's go!" "Let us open the way ahead!"

"and many more."

Lucia and Yuan Feiwu stretched out a hand in a very tacit understanding, and grabbed the twins who were enthusiastically leading the way and didn't realize it at all, one by one by the collar, and pulled them back.

These two are the guys who should hide their appearance the most, okay?He didn't have any self-awareness at all, what was in his head, was it all grass!These two guys who can turn heads [-]% don't hide it, it's useless for them to disguise themselves as trash cans! !

The north gate of Mutoya is already the northernmost area of ​​the Demon Continent. Outside is a barren mountain and wasteland with few people, and a little further away is the endless ocean.Since there are no traces of people, there are still many raptors and beasts haunting the nearby mountains. Ordinary people will die if they encounter them, and almost no one wants to go north.

A few demon soldiers at the city gate drooped their heads listlessly, sitting in the shade under the city gate, playing a gambling game that was circulated by the demons using some crystals, and entertained themselves.

Normally speaking, there are not many people coming and going at the North City Gate, and it should be the most leisurely place. They should be happy that they have taken a leisurely job.

In fact, it is not the case, just because there are no people coming and going at the North City Gate, there is not much money to fish for, and few soldiers are willing to come to this ghostly place.Let them rank. Taking all the positions of guarding the city gates in the entire Demon Race Continent, this is the worst position, not one of them.

I thought today was another ordinary day where I couldn't even see a single fly, but I didn't expect four people in cloaks to walk over slowly.

It's really strange, people who came in from the north gate in the past, of course they all went out from the north gate, but they didn't remember seeing these four.Could it be the person who was released by the soldiers on duty before?

"I'm going!" shouted one of the defeated soldiers, without even wearing a helmet, he swaggered to the door and stopped them, "You guys, stop and don't move."

"I'm in a hurry and want to run away?" "I want to get some books back." "How much can I get from these rags? Let him go." The other companions laughed shamelessly, gloating beyond words.

Seeing a soldier blocking their way, the four people in cloaks immediately took a few steps forward, and an unknown momentum quietly pushed the soldier back a few steps.

"What do you want to do, want to break into our city gate?" The soldier broke out in a cold sweat and shouted hastily.

When the other soldiers heard what he said, they ran over reluctantly and surrounded the four of them.

"I just want to ask you what you want to do!" "I really don't know how to live or die..."

Just as the two tall men were about to move forward, a hand behind each grabbed them.

Faced with such a situation, Yuan Feiwu couldn't laugh or cry, because he felt more and more direct-looking when he brought two erhas out for shopping, and he couldn't let go of his hands for a moment!

"Patric...forget it, calm down, you all. They are doing their job, going in and out of the city gates, and paying taxes." It was Patreon who grabbed the back collar, but because the twins were long A ghostly Lucia who didn't know whether she was catching Patreon or Partridge whispered to them.

All the cities in the Demon Continent are self-made by the city owner. Each city may have many different rules and regulations, but one thing is absolutely the same - that is, you have to pay to enter and exit the city.

The tax on entering and exiting the city gate is also one of the main incomes of each city.

As the prince who started to deal with all the affairs of the entire Demon Race Continent early in the morning, Lucia certainly knew that there was such a tax, which can be said to be common sense.But this common sense is an exception for some people, such as those with royal blood.

When the soldiers guarding the city gate saw the purple-eyed people from a distance, they saluted in advance, so how dare they collect taxes from them.

And Partridge and Patreon not only have purple eyes, but also are fallen angels, and they are also fallen angels of the fallen angel elite team. Wherever they go, they don't fly directly to the destination, so there is no chance to go through the city gate.In addition, they belonged to the royal family, and soldiers wherever they went would pay homage when they saw them, and they didn't need to manage chores, they only needed to concentrate on their cultivation, and they didn't know that they needed to pay money to enter and exit the city gate.

"Want to pay?" "Dare to ask us for money?"

The twins' faces hidden under the cloak and hood were confused, and they turned their heads and said to Lucia and Yuan Feiwu in disbelief, as if they had encountered a great grievance.

"If you ask you to hand it over, you can do it, even I plan to hand it over, so what do you have to resist." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Even the Lord Demon King said that, the twins don't have tempers, so naturally the Lord Demon King can do whatever he says!
But the expression is still surprised: "Fuck, Patreon, do you have any money?" "Damn, of course not! When do we need money?"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at Yuan Feiwu pitifully together.

As a royal family, as a fallen angel, there is really no need to pay for anything in the demon clan, even if you go to a restaurant to eat the king's meal, no one dares to ask them for any cents.What's more, they don't need to use money to trade anything. All kinds of resources are continuously supplied to them, the leaders with the highest status in the demon race. What do they need to buy with money?
I didn't expect to be stumped by the money at this moment, it was very embarrassing, if it wasn't for Lucifer's thousand and ten thousand instructions to listen to Lord Demon King, they wouldn't care if these soldiers were doing their job or not, and they would kill them in a second. All shredded.

Facing the gaze of the twins, Yuan Feiwu smiled slightly, and turned to look at Lucia.

"My lord, you know, as your personal bodyguard, you have never paid me a salary..."

It is no exaggeration for the twins to be called Yuan Feiwu's followers, and they immediately followed Yuan Feiwu and focused their attention on Lucia, as if Lucia also owed them their wages.

You belong to the Fallen Angels elite team, isn't the prince handing out money over there, okay?Put away your eyes like looking at a black-hearted boss!

"..." Lucia sighed weakly.

I heard that he personally came to help Yuan Feiwu for the sake of the helpless Yuan Feiwu. Why does he feel that he is the most helpless one now?
(End of this chapter)

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