Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 727 One Comes in, There Will Be Trouble Finding Him

Chapter 727

"What are you babbling about? And you two, trying to disobey? Take off your cloaks!"

The aura of the twins dissipated early, and the soldiers lost the inexplicable pressure, and immediately became fierce.

"We'll pay the tariff." Lucia said to the soldiers.

This is a legal tax in the Demon Race. Since they have decided to use this method to enter the city, Lucia has no other choice.It's just that facing the three pairs of sparkling eyes, he felt like he was being taken advantage of, which made him very unhappy.

"I'll do it earlier!" The soldiers didn't look like soldiers, they were more like hooligans, and when they heard that the money was collected, they immediately showed a haughty look.

Lucia thought to herself that after all they were doing what they were supposed to do, and their attitude was almost too close, so bear with it!

"How much." Lucia said angrily.

"50 magic crystals per person."

so expensive?
Lucia frowned. Magic crystals are the common currency of the demons. 50 magic crystals are enough for ordinary people to live for a year or two, right?Is it that expensive to get in and out of the city gate?

Lucia still doesn't know enough about the lives of ordinary people. 50 magic crystals are actually enough for poor people to live for several years.

"We came from the next city. We thought it might be cheaper to go through the north city gate, so we made this long detour. Do you think we have that much money?" Yuan Feiwu said upon seeing this.

If Xueyue and Nangongfeng were here, they would definitely be moved to applaud, and their family's extravagant Feiwu would finally bargain!

In fact, although Yuan Feiwu doesn't bargain, it doesn't mean he is being taken advantage of. He doesn't care if ordinary people earn a little bit more from legitimate transactions, but it's okay to be hacked by others for nothing.

"I know it's a bunch of poor ghosts, 5 magic crystals alone! Hurry up and hand it in, don't waste my time here!" The soldier who took the lead ran fiercely.

50 magic crystals suddenly become 5 magic crystals, the gap is too big!
Lucia immediately understood that this was the price that the soldiers planned to fill their own pockets.After thinking about it, this five magic crystals may also have a lot of water...

But it was only 5 magic crystals alone, such a small amount, Lucia didn't bother to talk to these people anymore, so she quickly gave it and went to the city.

The magic crystal coins with smaller denominations are made of black ore, while those with larger denominations have a special magic crystal card record. Only large shops have the corresponding magic circle equipment to transfer accounts to the magic crystal card.Lucia would not be so stupid as to take out the magic crystal card to pay the bill. How could that thing have no status or financial resources? Taking it out must be asking for trouble.

He reached into the cloak, quietly took out a small black bag through the storage space, and threw a few magic crystal coins from it.

Several soldiers caught the magic crystal coin steadily, but they couldn't take their eyes off the black bag that made a rattling sound in Lucia's hand.

Partridge and Patreon didn't notice those greedy eyes. They paid the money and were about to leave, but they were stopped again.

"The cloak still has to be taken off, and it's a cover-up. Could it be that the most wanted criminal came from somewhere!"

Seeing that these people were not as poor as imagined, how could these soldiers let them go so easily.

"I'll give 5 more magic crystals as an additional fee for not taking off the cloak. I won't give any more. If you want to do it, do it." Lucia threw another magic crystal coin and said coldly.

Several soldiers glanced at each other, and wisely let them enter the city.

25 magic crystals can already match the total income of the gates of the most prosperous city with the most people in and out for a day. It can be seen how much they charge for the four of Lucia today.

They also really wanted to extract more oil and water, but the opponent was obviously not cooperating, and the opponent's two tall men seemed difficult to deal with, so they had to call for reinforcements.When things get serious and the superiors come to reinforce them, these 25 magic crystals will have nothing to do with the soldiers at all, and the gains outweigh the losses.

So even though they were very unwilling, they still sent people into the city.

After entering the city gate, Yuan Feiwu smiled and glanced at Lucia. Lucia felt Yuan Feiwu's gaze, but did not look back.He understood the meaning of Yuan Feiwu's gaze—appreciation, as long as he was quietly proud of this kind of thing in his heart.

Lucia did not misunderstand, Yuan Feiwu cast an admiring gaze.Lucia was able to quickly grasp the opponent's psychology, and at a relatively low cost completed the task of entering the city with a hidden identity, smart and rational.If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would not be uncommon to kill someone by taking off the cloak long ago.Like the twins, he would have torn everyone to shreds and swaggered into the city without him.

Lucia is indeed sensible.

What's the point of competing with these people?They were relieved by killing these people, but what they wanted to feel through Yuan Feiwu this time could not be realized.And the reassigned soldiers are still like this, can they still kill all the soldiers?If you can't see it and want to change all of this, Tao Yuan Feiwu's words are a long way to go...

At a glance, the city is full of messy wooden bungalows. There are no shops on the street, and it is extremely desolate.

Lucia took the lead for a few steps, and suddenly started to accelerate: "Someone is following..."

There was no answer for a long time, and when I turned around, I found that Nima and the other three were still walking leisurely and slowly, and suddenly became angry.

It's fine for him to be a prince who leads the way like a pawn, but the three are still slow like uncles. He doesn't believe that these three guys who are already fallen angels didn't realize that they were being followed!

"Crowd." "Mr. Yuan Feiwu, please rest assured."

The twins have a feeling that they have wiped out those "rabble" while talking and laughing.

Nima, the prince is alone in front, okay?Please pay attention to the safety of the prince, not the safety of the prince's personal bodyguard!
"Let's go this way." Yuan Feiwu seemed to have finished studying the characteristics of the buildings along the way, and then he caught up with Lucia, gave him a cheerful smile of "today's weather is fine", and pulled him suddenly to the other side. Alley ran.

"So you know what happened?" Lucia asked puzzled.

"I know, but I don't want to say it."

"Say!" Lucia felt that he was already irritable enough, this guy was still playing charades, I really wanted to slap him to death!
"You asked me to tell you." Yuan Feiwu turned into the alley and pulled Lucia to stand still, but this side was a dead end. Lucia looked back, and there were more than [-] people who appeared from the only exit, with emaciated faces Dressed in shabby clothes, all of them showed greedy eyes, "You shouldn't take out that black change bag, although you know that money should not be revealed so you didn't take out the magic crystal card, but in your opinion, the change bag that holds small money is here It’s enough to make people feel rich.”

Lucia was relieved as soon as he heard it, he thought he was smart enough to save the big money of the magic crystal card, but he was still not as careful as Yuan Feiwu. In this desolate place, it was indeed as he said, a clinking coin purse might be enough to make people crazy.

But he didn't understand how they were targeted so quickly, they had just entered the city.Could it be the accomplices of those soldiers?But even if those soldiers were going to ventilate, the opponent's people had to ambush near the city gate in advance if they wanted to arrive so quickly.

He was sure Yuan Feiwu figured out what he didn't understand, but there was no chance for Lucia to ask, those people rushed up like crazy.There is no weapon in hand, just barking teeth and claws.

"Don't do it, I'll come."

As soon as Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he had already rushed out without a sound, grabbed the arm of the person who rushed forward, and smashed it hard to the ground.There was a sound, and a hole had already been blasted in the ground!
"Knowing fighting spirit!" The mob scattered and ran away as if they had rushed over.

In addition to fallen angels in the Demon Race, of course there are also people who practice magic and battle qi.These people ran away as soon as they saw the fighting spirit being released, obviously knowing the difference between those who can fight and those who can't, and those who can't fight are basically ordinary people.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu is mighty!" "It's really killing everyone!"

Yuan Feiwu's figure was extremely fast, but the speed at which the twins followed up to flatter him was not at all inferior.

Lucia couldn't bear the fact that the masters of the fallen angel elite team were so greasy to flatter others, and her impression of the twins was once again discounted.These two masters really couldn't arouse the interest to win over.

Lucia's level is indeed far behind the twins. The twins' words are a bit exaggerated, but the worship is serious.Not to mention the fight, Lucia can use such power casually, but Yuan Feiwu's agility can be so silent and weird without using fighting energy, which makes the twins really feel terrible.If they fought against Yuan Feiwu, under the circumstance that the use of dark element magic energy was prohibited, Yuan Feiwu's single hand would be enough to beat them.

And I don't know if Yuan Feiwu will be faster and more secretive if he uses the dark element magic energy!

But they were not too surprised by Yuan Feiwu's exquisite movement skills, after all, this is the Lord Demon King, how can he be the Lord Demon King if he has no skills?
(End of this chapter)

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