Chapter 731
From the very beginning, Lucia didn't regard the twins as his own. The people sent by Lu Xiaoling, if there was a fight, it would be good if the two of them didn't stab Yuan Feiwu in the back. It's just acting.

When faced with the power of the superior in the true sense, these two people will never make a move, because they represent the elite team of fallen angels, and also represent the forces headed by Lu Xiaoling and Lu Likai.


Well, before Lucia thought about it, the twins were done. They pressed Needham's two lieutenants to the ground, and arrogantly stepped on the shoulders of the two lieutenants, making them unable to move.A pair of black wings grew out of the back, and the cloak was more than half broken. If the hat was not covering the face, one could see the arrogant expression on the twins' faces.

Those two lieutenants were only the first-level fallen angels with two wings, so how could they be the opponents of these twins, not to mention that even if the city lord said to do something, they didn't dare to be too presumptuous to the prince.And the twins have already held back a lot of energy, I am the pawn of the Lord Demon King, how can you allow you trash to be arrogant here!Under the ebb and flow, the two lieutenants were won within two rounds.

Fuck, damn, this is cheating, right?It was clearly calling "Yuan Feiwu", no matter how it sounded, it should be the name of one person, but in the end it was two people who came out, it's so treacherous!
Needham was depressed but also a little shocked. Since when did Prince Lucia have a fallen angel's cronies?In the past, when Lucia inspected the cities of the Demon Continent, Lulikai personally led the elite team of fallen angels to escort her. Obviously, it was because Lucia did not have her own team.To be honest, he doesn't pay much attention to this kind of prince who is still under the shadow of the older generation.

This time Lucia not only has his own team, but also very strong!In the Demon Race, most of the fallen angels are only at the low level of the two wings. It is not easy to become a fallen angel, and it takes hard work, talent, and opportunities to achieve it at the next level.Therefore, the middle-level fallen angels of the two wings are already at the level that can enter the elite team of fallen angels.And the two who appeared behind Lucia could subdue two of their lieutenants in an instant, and their strength, needless to say, must be above the middle level of the second wing. It is something not to be underestimated to have such fierce men.

If the demons are not strong enough and get beaten up, even if he is the prince, Lu Kaiser will not come back in person to find a place for his son.The opposite is also the same, his Needham's strength is not as good as being beaten, and no one will find a place for him.If Lucia could have such power, Needham would never dare to be so rampant.

He was thinking quickly in his mind, facing Lucia who seemed to be completely different from before, he began to suspect that this was a signal sent by Luca Caesar to let Lucia take over.If the new Emperor of the Demon Race wants to take the throne, he naturally has to establish his own prestige. Finding trouble with some powerful people and then eradicating them is the fastest way.

Could it be that he was picked because he was so pitiful?
It's normal to think about it. He was assigned to the northernmost place, which is not a shit. Of course, it is because his strength is not good. It is most sensible to find someone with a low level like him to trouble him.

"Don't move around, I'm moving around and I'll take your hand off!" "Quickly, apologize to Mr. Yuan Feiwu! Kneel down and sing Conquer!"

"What, what?" "Who is Yuan Feiwu?"

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu's name is what you can call it! It's called Yuan Feiwu!"

"I'm sorry!" "Although I don't know who you are, Mr. Yuan Feiwu, I'm really sorry!"

The twins started to go crazy again, not only the two lieutenant generals who were pinned to the ground were scolded, but even Needham was baffled again.

Inexplicably, why did he apologize to Yuan Feiwu?Shouldn't the subordinates of the two princes let them apologize to the prince?Why do you have to apologize to Yuan Feiwu?Most importantly, who is this name that keeps appearing!
Lucia was even speechless. It was indeed his fault for treating these two as his own for a moment just now, but at this moment, you should stop torturing the two lieutenants on the ground. Do you know who Yuan Feiwu is!They haven't had time to be disrespectful to Yuan Feiwu, they have always been disrespectful to themselves!

It's just a disrespectful attitude towards him, the prince!Ever since Yuan Feiwu came, why does he feel that this prince can't be any more!

"I don't know if Needham is willing to listen to my suggestion?"

Lucia herself admired her thick skin. When everyone was led astray by the twins, and when she was depressed, she was still able to bring the topic back calmly.

"Your suggestion is actually very good, but if they can't grow anything, wouldn't I lose all my money? Prince Lucia, I don't want you to cheat your Uncle Needham like this." Needham's face returned to smiling It looks like a kind elder, "Uncle Needham's side is poor enough, if you want to cheat you, you should first look for those in the central area. How can you sell as much as these soil seeds, even rotten in the A warehouse is better than nothing, right?"

The demons with the blood of fallen angels, studying blood relationship with each other, how can they have such a small relationship. Needham has the cheek to say that he is Lucia's uncle, but there is no problem.

As soon as Lucia heard it, she knew that Needham had given in, and she snorted coldly in her heart, what Uncle Needham, the hideous look on his face just now is still vivid in his memory.However, he understood one thing more clearly. With the strength, many things are really much easier to handle.

Before the twins were done being stupid, Lucia quickly took advantage of this aura to look at Needham majestically.

"I didn't bring a technician to help Mutoya City solve such a problem, so don't worry, Lord Needham."

Lucia stretched out her hand and patted it twice, attracting Yuan Feiwu. Yuan Feiwu didn't forget to whisper a few words into his ear when he passed by him, and asked him to call back the twins like mad dogs.

Lucia is very smart, he knows that the possibility of him coming to call the twins ignoring him is too high, and he cannot lose face.

Sure enough, Yuan Feiwu beckoned Patridge and Patreon and flew back, and Yuan Feiwu ordered dog food, which turned out to be two well-trained loyal dogs. Seeing that, Lucia burst into tears in her heart.He has lived in the Mozu for decades, and he is not as powerful as Yuan Feiwu has recruited here in the past two years...

"Can he guarantee that everything will be all right?"

Needham didn't want to go head-to-head, and began to think about Lucia's suggestion in his head. If all the soil and seeds can really work, he can consider this plan.

At least not down the drain ah.

"I can assure him." Lucia smiled.

"Okay! Prince Lucia, I will believe what you say!" Needham led the two generals back a few steps, and gave the soldiers guarding the warehouse a wink, signaling them to obey.

Yuan Feiwu walked over quickly, and a series of orders were shouted out with the dark element magic power, and they were accurately transmitted to the ears of everyone in the city.

Including receiving soil and seeds, population arrangement of the land, introduction of the use of soil and seeds.

More and more demon civilians gathered after hearing the news, and looked suspiciously at the cloaked man standing on the table outside the warehouse.After all, the fact that the demons have never been able to farm has become their common sense.

When Needham heard Yuan Feiwu's words, he became more and more convinced that Lucia had come prepared, and even planned the land arrangement.Even he, the city lord, didn't expect this step. The clerk behind him who was in charge of management was still flipping through the scroll to check the topographic map of Mutoya City. His forehead was full of sweat.But obviously no such thing happened, Needham knew from the increasingly admiring expression of the civil servant.

Lucia knew that Yuan Feiwu hadn't prepared well in advance, but he walked slowly around the surrounding terrain when he came. It turned out that he was planning a reasonable allocation of land at that time.The more Lucia thought about it, the faster his heart beat. For the first time, he was not excited because the other party had admiration for his powerful force. It turns out that the powerful planning ability can also exude such admirable charm!

"Everything I said will become a reality. All this is the benefit that the prince Lucia has won for everyone." Yuan Feiwu looked at Lucia in the audience.

Lucia nodded, floated onto the stage and stood with Yuan Feiwu.In order to convince the civilians at this time, it is necessary for him to come forward.At the same time, he also understood that this was Yuan Feiwu helping him gain popularity.

The upper class dignitaries must use strength to conquer; the lower class civilians must use construction to win them over.With him making arrangements step by step, it is not difficult at all to be a pioneer.

Lucia finally understood what the Grand Master had said when he recommended such a boy from Star Luo Continent to them: winning this one is like winning the world!They all felt that the Great Master's words were exaggerated.

Now he has to admire the precise vision of the Great Master!
With the help of this person, if he still can't bring the demons back on the right track, then he is a prince for nothing!
"In order to let everyone focus on this matter, I decided to open a warehouse to release grain. Those who are willing to receive soil and seeds to cultivate the land can get half a year's ration! But if there is no harvest after receiving the soil and seeds for half a year , shoot to kill!"

What to do with the rest, Lucia doesn't need Yuan Feiwu to remind, the matter has already reached this point, and everything to be done next will focus on farming and fully cooperate.

Now that you have become the pioneers, why are you afraid of offending others?

(End of this chapter)

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