Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 732 Done Thoroughly

Chapter 732 Done Thoroughly
Hearing the distribution of rations for half a year, those demons were excited and boiling!
Not to mention that if there is no harvest in half a year, their heads will fall to the ground. Many of them are now facing death due to hunger at any time. If they can guarantee to live for half a year, they will not lose money!
"Wait! I didn't promise you to open a warehouse to release grain!" Needham became angry when he heard it. Did he release his city's grain at will?
His willingness to take a step back and distribute the soil and seeds to Lucia is already the bottom line. After all, he doesn't want to confront the prince who has wings.But when it comes to his own interests, he doesn't allow others to step on his head!

"You guys, lead the way and open the warehouse to release the grain." Lucia ignored Needham, and instead pointed to the soldiers guarding here just now.

Those soldiers looked at each other and looked at Needham. They would not dare to move without Needham's order.

"Don't let it go! Lucia, I'll give you some noodles, don't push yourself..."

Two black shadows flashed past, and the soldiers who received the order from the city lord were about to refute Lucia, when they were suddenly swept up into the air, with several black shadows interspersed among them, Remnant Branch (a typo on purpose, for fear of not being able to pass shenhe) and As they swayed, blood was continuously thrown down from the sky!
Those demon civilians who are already living on the front line of life and death every day, no matter how numb they are, they are scared back again and again by the bloody scene!This is the power of the fallen angels, the power that mortals cannot contend with, and the power that the demons are proud of!
When the two black shadows fell again, one of them was holding a hand and pressing on the ground.

"Kneel down and apologize!" "Sing Conquer to Mr. Yuan Feiwu!"

Only after this pressing did I realize that Nima only has one hand in her hand, press it!
Of course, they attacked these ordinary soldiers with the same force as they used to deal with the two lieutenants. A casual touch was enough to tear them apart. How could those soldiers stand their toss.

"Hey, it's so careless!" "Sorry, Mr. Yuan Feiwu, it's not that we are too hard, it's because they are too careless."

The twins threw away their hands and looked aggrieved.

Lucia really wanted to cover her face and act as if she didn't know these two guys. Although she borrowed their prestige to make her act a little more aggressively, the performance of her anxious IQ always showed that her level of being the boss was not high, didn't she?The only thing that made him feel relieved was that the two guys kept calling Yuan Feiwu, which made him not so ashamed, and the problem of poor discipline was Yuan Feiwu.

Also, it was he, the prince, who was treated in a harsh tone just now!What does it mean for Nima to ask Yuan Feiwu to apologize again!Now Lucia has realized a little bit, they regard themselves as an accessory of Yuan Feiwu, right?You have to apologize to Yuan Feiwu for being disrespectful to Yuan Feiwu's accessories, right?
It's really true to have such a cognition, I really feel aggrieved for myself!
It is only natural for the two fallen angels to tear the soldiers into pieces.But Needham was so surprised by this situation that he couldn't speak. The movements of the two fallen angels wearing cloaks coordinated perfectly with each other. For normal people, that kind of perfect fit is not casual. It can be displayed.

The identities of these two men, Needham, can already be ascertained, they are the younger generation of fallen angel masters, the twins Patridge and Patreon of the elite fallen angel team!

These two represent the most powerful group of people among the fallen angels. Although Needham is quite an experienced figure, his status is much higher than these young people, but the demons are a group of people who respect their strength. In other places, he called out all the fallen angels in his own power, and they may not necessarily be the opponents of these two people.In such a comparison, even if he is the lord of a city, he will still be a bit shorter when talking to the people in the fallen angel elite team.

"I agree! Open the granary and put the grain in. You, go and count the granary, and if there is any trouble, put the head on my table!" Needham pointed to the civil servant and explained a few words, then left with a dark face.

He was going to find out what was going on. Could it be that the Fallen Angel Elite Team had accepted Lucia?If this is the case, then any resistance by him is courting death.

"Have you heard clearly? Are you still not opening the warehouse to release the grain?" Lucia sneered at the civil official.

"Yes!" Wen Chen tremblingly led people to the granary.

Lucia knew that there should be no chaos in arranging the distribution, and immediately waved a hand, and a dark flame ignited the stumped branches on the ground, and burned them to ashes in a short while.This move immediately made those demon civilians re-attract their attention to themselves.

"Get the soil seeds here first, and take the seeds to the granary to get rations and the land you have allocated. Those who get the good ones go to the north city to listen to Mr. Yuan's teaching about the use of seeds and soil. Those who have received the seeds and soil take them One certificate, you don’t need to pay the city gate tax to enter and exit the city, and I’ve been in the city recently, who dares to charge you and I’ll let their heads hang on the city wall!” Lucia shouted at the demons underground, but she was thinking in her heart, It is time to intervene in the taxation of entering and exiting the city gate.

Otherwise, in a few days, the demon clan will probably return to the days when the people are living in poverty under all kinds of exorbitant taxes, and everything today is for nothing.

"Yes! Thank you Prince Lucia!" "Yes!" "Long live Prince Lucia!"

After Lucia finished speaking, the surrounding Demon Race civilians fell on the ground and kowtowed in unison.

Just the fact that Lucia forced the city lord to open a warehouse to release food for them is enough for these demon civilians to bow their heads and thank them.

"You're welcome!" "This is what Mr. Yuan Feiwu should do!"

"Enough! Shut up!"

On the other side, Needham flew directly to the capital without even returning to the castle.

Flying to the capital a few days later, he went directly to the palace and told the Demon King what Lucia had done in his city.

In fact, the main thing he wanted to confirm was whether what Lucia did was what Lucaesar meant.If so, then he would really like to know whether Lucia was recognized by the Fallen Angel Elite Team based on his own strength, or whether Lucia ordered it forcibly.

If Lu Kaiser intervened, then he would not approve of such an approach!
"I didn't give the order, it was purely Lucia's own actions." Lucesa sat on his throne with a majestic expression on his face, but he was in a good mood.

As the future emperor of the demon clan, it is only reasonable to have a bit of courage in doing things!He will not blame this matter, nor will he help. Will there be fewer things that he did when he won the throne?The throne of the demon clan must be won by one's own strength. This is also a way to show one's strength. Only such an emperor of the demon clan can convince the public!Otherwise, what good will happen to the greenhouse flowers cultivated only by his protection when he is gone?

"Son, did you send someone to support Lucia? All right, you did a good job." Lu Likai turned his head and patted Lu Xiaoling on the shoulder hard.

"..." Lu Xiaoling didn't know how to answer.

He did send people to Lucia, but the people he sent were not to back him up, they were doing things, right?He didn't understand how it turned out like this!

Are the twins stupid?

"Didn't Lord Lukaiser really order it?" Needham was a little unbelievable. A few years ago, the prince who could only be taken out by Lulikai to pretend to be a tiger had already made two masters of the fallen angel elite team willingly work hard. ?
You must know that the Fallen Angel Elite Team has only eight people!

"Do I need to lie to you?" Lu Kaiser said indifferently, and the arrogance in his tone made Needham take a few steps back.

"Of course not. Since this is the choice made by Prince Lucia himself, he has to be mentally prepared to bear the consequences." Needham said.

"I don't need you to remind me too much. As the future emperor of the demon clan, I have no responsibility for this. I will abolish him before you have any opinions."

"The subordinate understands, so don't bother me if there is nothing else." Needham patted his chest one by one and saluted the fallen angel himself, and then hurriedly retreated.

"This guy, judging by his appearance, he must be looking for other city lords to form an alliance, right? He is the weakest, but he is very good at making things happen. Lucia dares to fight Needham. It is quite bloody, but it is just Isn’t it a little unwise to make such a choice for the common people? There is only one Yuan Feiwu and the twins by my side, and I won’t gain any advantage in arguing with the city lords.” Lu Likai waited for Needham to leave, and walked on the road with some worries Caesar said, "How about I ask Lu Xiaoling to bring some people to help him?"

"No! You are pampering him too much. If he wants to become the emperor of the demon race, he must be recognized by most of the fallen angels by his own strength. How can you secretly support him behind the scenes? To be honest, Partridge and Patreon Did you secretly send him over to help him, suddenly there is such a master helping him to work hard, you see, even Needham doesn’t believe it.”

"Absolutely not, I can swear in the name of Lord Lucifer!" Seeing that Lucifer was dissatisfied, Lulikai quickly spoke up for Lucia, "Although Lucia said that his strength is not very good, his brain is still much faster than ours. , he might have his way!"

"After all, you have to improve your own strength, otherwise you will still be unable to suppress the people below. In the Demon Race, relying on that little cleverness is not enough. This is not the Star Luo Continent. I still don't understand that the king of the human race is no more than the cultivation base of an earth warrior , How can you suppress the people below. The lower races are really lower races, and I don’t know where the servility to submit to the weak comes from.” Lu Kaiser shook his head worriedly.

Lucia's stabbing this time was on the side of the common people, and she was stabbing the authority of all the nobles.From a long-term perspective, Lucia may have made a choice that is conducive to the rapid development of the Demon Race, but from a close-up perspective, it disrupted the Demon Race's long-standing rules of high-ranking interests, and the chaos caused may actually set the Demon Race back a few steps. century.Even take your own life.

When Lu Kaiser stabbed things back then, he also stabbed other high-ranking people from the side of the high-ranking person. How could Lucia offend all the high-ranking people like Lucia.

"He still has such a confidant, Yuan Feiwu can be regarded as someone he recruited, and his strength is not bad..."

"Uncle Lucia, my lord father, I have to say that it is because this source is flying beside Lucia that I feel bad. Lucia had conflicts with Needham for no reason, but I think it is because of this source. Feiwu is related. After all, he is a person from Star Luo Continent. If he wants to make troubles for the demons, it is best to start with the prince. And the mud is just a trick to make us believe in him. If Lucia brainwashes Lucia with false rumors, it is hard to guarantee that the demons will not be torn apart..."

Because of Lu Xiaoling's words, Lu Kaiser and Lu Likai frowned and were full of thoughts.

What they were worried about was not without reason. Yuan Feiwu's strategy was really not a joke. If Lucia couldn't subdue this person, it would be a catastrophe for the demons in the future. This is what they said a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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