Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 733 The Feeling of Green Arrival

Chapter 733 The Feeling of Green Arrival

"This matter remains to be seen. Lu Xiaoling, after arranging the things at hand, you can concentrate on it. But Lucia's independent decision is not good enough to dispel his enthusiasm, otherwise there will be no prestige in the future to be the emperor of this demon clan .” Lulikai broke the silence and said.

"Of course, let's see what Lucia can do." Lu Kaiser also nodded, "Lu Xiaoling, if Yuan Feiwu disagrees, he will be killed. I will leave this matter to you."

"Yes!" Lu Xiaoling took the order, with a glint of complacency in his eyes.

The lord of Needham left the palace and flew towards several nearby cities as soon as he turned his head.

He was the one who was wronged in this matter, but he couldn't be the only one!He believes that he is not the only one who thinks there is a problem with Lucia's behavior of interfering in the city lord's internal affairs.

For those city lords who control the richer cities near the capital, there are big problems!
In the southeast-facing city of Hegeny, in the gorgeous castle, the lord of the city, Hudson, was lying on a noble long recliner made of precious animal skins. Lu Xiaoling.

"Is there something important for the captain to visit the humble house suddenly? The seeds and soil have already been delivered by you, so why do you make a special trip?" The elegant and slender posture of the Lord Hudson did not even move. The purple eyes are slightly opened, and there is a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

He stretched out his hand, waved it casually towards the door behind Lu Xiaoling, and then put it down: "The servants don't know where they went, and no one can see them. Let the captain read a joke, and the greeting is not good. Bad greeting."

"Ming people don't talk dark words, I didn't come here to beg for a drink. Needham just left, why do you have no idea what I want from you?" Lu Xiaoling stopped sitting down, leaned directly against the door, and said straight to the point .

"Why, you want me not to join forces with other city lords?" Hudson smiled, "I think you are too worried, Captain Lu Xiaoling, Your Royal Highness is the most extreme in the Northeast, can you come to my side? It's hard to say, you should first go to the city next to Needham to find other city lords to ventilate first, right?"

"No, I'm here to clarify with you that the Fallen Angel Elite Team did not participate in this matter, it is a private act of Partridge and Patreon, and you are not an enemy of the Fallen Angel Elite Team that you have worked so hard to manage .”

On the surface, Lu Xiaoling pretended not to care as he spoke, but from the corner of his eyes, he fixed on Hudson's expression, for fear of missing any change in him.

"I've already retired, so it's none of my business what the Fallen Angel Elite Team does... This matter is not that complicated. If His Royal Highness can get the approval of the Fallen Angel Elite Team, even if all the city owners add up, there is no way. But if His Royal Highness is strong Limited, I still say the same thing, I will probably be tossed to death before it reaches me, and the other city owners are not vegetarians. Therefore, I will not take the initiative to participate in this matter, and I don’t care about anything until it reaches me.”

There was a change on Hudson's face, a very distinct change, showing a look of impatience, as if he was extremely tired of this matter.

"Hahaha, with your attitude, it's no wonder that Needham's face was not very good-looking when he left. Lord Hudson, after all, you are the former captain of the Fallen Angel Elite Team. If I don't explain clearly to you, I'm afraid you will misunderstand What. I, and the fallen angel elite team behind me, will definitely advance and retreat with you, so we will not be enemies." Lu Xiaoling said with a happy smile.

It's okay to be impatient, if this person is full of joy or anger, Lu Xiaoling will be worried.As long as this person remains neutral, and doesn't stand on a united front with other city lords, let alone Lucia, that's fine.Of course, it would be even better if you could support him behind him.

Hudson's power is definitely the most powerful among the demons other than theirs!You know, before he took over the Fallen Angel Elite Team, the Hudson family had always been in charge of the position of the leader of the Fallen Angel Elite Team. The captain's position has not changed.This is not only a manifestation of personal strength, but also a manifestation of family strength. Of course, there is also a reason for why Needham ran here first.

It's just that in Hudson's generation, his son's level is not as good as that of the previous generation, and he has no strength to take over as the captain.And Hudson is not young, and under the pressure of Lu Likai, he reluctantly gave up the captain of the Fallen Angel Elite Team to Lu Xiaoling.He is old, and his personal level may not be comparable to the peak, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the power under his hands is still solid and cannot be underestimated.Lu Xiaoling's own ambition still needs the support of this person who might hate him for taking the position of captain, so Lu Xiaoling often runs here.

"Advance and retreat together? If His Royal Highness leads someone to step on my face and make me do this or that, can you and your fallen angel elite team also stand up for me?" Hudson sneered.

"As long as you stand up for me when I need it, of course I won't waste a word and stand in front of you and stand up for you."

"Captain Lu Xiaoling, it's better not to be so impulsive when you speak. You must know that your opponent will be the future king of the demon clan."

"Have you ever regarded him as the future emperor of the demon clan?" Lu Xiaoling looked up to the sky and laughed as if he had heard some funny joke, "As far as I am concerned, I am a hundred times more suitable to you than him, Isn't it?"

"Hey, the ambition is so big... But it's not impossible, you are already the most outstanding young person I have ever seen, and you are the son of Lulikai..." Hudson murmured, "In that case , my son who is not on the stage, I am grateful to take care of him."

"Of course, Lord Hudson, every generation of your family will be the captain of the fallen angel elite team. I will keep this history unchanged for you."

"Thank you for the captain's promotion."

"You're welcome!"

Lu Xiaoling got what he wanted and simply left.

Unexpectedly, Lucia's sudden behavior would put everyone in the major forces at risk, making them involuntarily put themselves on the opposite side of Lucia.Taking this opportunity, it is much easier for him to get the private approval of most of the city lords.

Lu Xiaoling felt complacent, and seemed to be one step closer to his dream.

"It's so boring!" "Mr. Yuan Feiwu goes down to busy things every day and refuses to help." "Also, if you didn't step on the soil as soon as you stepped on it, would Mr. Yuan Feiwu despise us!" "I remember that you laughed too exaggeratedly and your wings slapped the ground out of a hole, so we were kicked out!" "It's not your ridiculousness that made me crazy, made me crazy, and made me lose control! You must have pulled me down I have a good impression in Mr. Yuan Feiwu's heart!" "What a ghost! You don't even have a sense of existence in Mr. Yuan Feiwu's mind! Yuan Feiwu called 'Partridge' to you all day, obviously only Remember my name!" "Ah, don't think that you dare not beat you up just because you look like me! That day Yuan Feiwu didn't talk to you all day, are you sulking!" "Come on, come on, whoever is afraid of you !"

Faced with the twins' daily quarrel, Lucia didn't even move her eyelids, sitting sideways on the mottled city wall, looking at the black-haired figure laughing and working with other demons in the field.

Two months have passed, and Lucia thought that she would stay in Mutoya City for a while, but she didn't expect to stay here for such a long time.

Yuan Feiwu didn't say that he was going to leave, and he mixed with all kinds of demon civilians in the fields inside and outside the city every day. Seeing this, Lucia asked more questions, to see how long Yuan Feiwu could stay in such a place.Although farming would be much easier with his technical support, but this support has been too long. Lucia doesn't think farming is so difficult, and he can leave with peace of mind after teaching a few people.

What made Lucia feel even more unbelievable was that spending two months here should be something he couldn't bear, but he managed to bear it.

Or it should be said that he didn't feel impatient at all, and he enjoyed it a bit.

Watching the originally desolate land gradually become fertile, sprouting shoots, and green new leaves covering the wilderness, Lucia knew that it was this sense of expectation and satisfaction that supported her to stay here.

It's not support, it should be said that he is reluctant to leave here.

Faced with this never-before-seen scenery, Lucia has been looking forward to and fantasizing since getting the soil and seeds.However, unlike what I imagined, I didn't have the excitement and frenzy I imagined when I faced the scenery. Instead, my heart was calm, and there was a bitter touch in the calm.

This feeling has to be seen on the spot in order to feel it.

It's really great to let the green come to the Demon Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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