Chapter 734

"My lord, my lord. Mr. Yuan Feiwu is calling you, how can you not answer!" "If you continue to be crazy about Yuan Feiwu like this, I will tell Mr. Yuan Feiwu!"

The twins woke up Lucia from left to right.

Hearing what they said, Lucia's feeling just now disappeared in an instant.

From what point did they realize that they were infatuated?Telling them that I was actually worried about the development and changes of the demons just now, and I was touched by them, these two people must not understand!
Lucia looked at the twins seriously and had a new understanding in her heart.

Those who inherit the blood of fallen angels are not beautiful and who are not handsome. Those who have special mirror image bonuses like twins are even more handsome suitors.However, Lucia didn't feel anything in his eyes, including the big beauties whom the previous city lords had found and wanted him to be the imperial concubine. Her appearance was already impeccable, but he just couldn't produce any sense of beauty.

However, the guy below who got himself dirty in the mud with deep kicks and shallow kicks was the only one who could make Lucia admit that he had a special feeling for appearance in his mind.

Because of the connotation!
What's the use of a creature with a showy air? !

The twins didn't know that in Lucia's eyes, they automatically added the words "fairy" on their heads, which was all kinds of ridiculous, and they were still slamming their mouths at Lucia with cold eyebrows, like Lu Xi Ya seemed to be rude to Yuan Feiwu.

"You come up and talk about something."

Lucia stood up and passed the sound down coolly on the city wall, and the twins beside him began to grin their teeth.

He is the prince, and he is also Yuan Feiwu's immediate superior!The arrogance that belongs to the prince can be ignored even if it is twins!

"I won't come up when I'm dirty. I'm asking if you're bored. You can go back to the palace to deal with some official business. It will take a while for me to leave. Oh, if you go back, take the handkerchief Take Trich and Patreon away, thank you very much." Yuan Feiwu smiled and waved to the other side of the city wall, and came back via voice transmission.

Yuan Feiwu seldom uses sound transmission, his voice can be heard even if it is far away, and Lucia is quite sure that the reason why he uses sound transmission is not to let the twins hear that he dislikes them.

This person Yuan Feiwu... is really the person in the entire demon race, or the entire mortal world, who he would most want to go with.But letting him take them away is to throw the burden on himself, so that he can be happy and quiet!Even thinking of such a purposeful idea with myself is really a tacit understanding!
"Why do you still have to stay here? The demons are not just such a small place. When you have completely dealt with one place before going to the next one, when will the entire demons start producing food?" Lucia jumped forward, Xu Xufei In front of Yuan Feiwu, the elegant figure and beautiful appearance suddenly attracted all the demon civilians to look around secretly.

Two months, Lucia felt that it was over in a hurry. Although he didn't feel impatient, his reason told him that it was a very unwise choice to delay here for so long.Now Yuan Feiwu said that he would spend time here, but Lucia objected.

"It's so hard to go head-to-head to persuade each other in every place. If it's done well here, many things can be easily solved." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Lucia turned her head quickly when she heard it, thinking about Yuan Feiwu's words in her heart, and fell to the ground unconsciously while thinking.

Suddenly feeling that someone was hugging her waist, Lucia woke up from her contemplation, and was so frightened that she was about to struggle. As soon as she lowered her head, suddenly the face that he often took time to face in a daze recently protruded from his ribs, and was so close to him. outrageous.At that moment, Lucia's heart seemed to be jumping out of his mouth, and he spent energy to stabilize the heartbeat, but found that time seemed to be frozen, and the heart didn't seem to be able to beat at all.

This feeling, actually feel a little exciting?

"Don't you think it's dirty? It almost fell off."

Yuan Feiwu didn't seem to think much about it. He was afraid that Lucia would move out of control and fall, so he quickly put his head on Lucia's waist and clamped him tightly. The front of the wrist of the arm holding Lucia was too dirty. Touch Lucia with that part.

Lucia didn't realize why Yuan Feiwu hugged him suddenly when he was told this. When he inspected Yuan Feiwu's work for the first time, Yuan Feiwu asked him if he wanted to come down and try it. He thought the mud was dirty.How could he, the prince of the demon clan, go down in the mud and get dirty with the common people, right?

It was only later that he changed his mind a bit. Seeing the new shoots and green shoots in the field several times, he felt like walking into the field to have a look, but because of the ostentation at the beginning, he couldn't hold back his face.This Yuan Feiwu really has nothing to say, and I don't know how many times to invite him, how much respect he has for the prince...

"Ahem. Are you not afraid of gossiping when you hug other people casually like this?" Lucia forced herself to be calm, and said to Yuan Feiwu with a cold face.

"Gossip? It's fine if you are sorry for yourself. Xue Yue used to carry me around the market like this. Although I always feel that something extraordinary happened every time... But it doesn't matter, we are all buddies."

"Xueyue is your... good brother?"



Lucia was a little upset when she heard this, but she couldn't figure out whether it was because this guy was once carried around affectionately, or because she was upset that she was classified as a "good brother".

"Let me down, since the things here are not over yet, I also want to experience it." Lucia said lightly.

"it is good."

Lucia's feet finally stood on the soil. Although the tactile sensation from his feet was not sufficient, this feeling made his heart feel extremely full.Accompanied by the fresh smell of earth and green leaves, Lucia's depressed mood just now disappeared immediately.

"What do I... what should I do to them? Is this too rude? Are they going to die?"

Lucia squatted down, and reached out to touch the twigs that emerged from the soil. The fact that this bright green color was within reach at any time made him a little excited, and his hands trembled a little.This kind of excitement was caused by the demons' inheritance for thousands of years. Even though he had seen the tree-lined scene in Xingluo Continent, that kind of feeling gave him a sense of unreality, but what he saw and touched now, But it is the bright green that is really on the land of the demons, the excitement is indescribable.

"Aren't you stupid? You're not that fragile. If I want to trample them to death, it takes a little effort!" Didn't learn anything!"

Lucia's brows twitched. He found that these two "masters" of the Fallen Angels Elite Team, apart from their high combat effectiveness, also had unmatched strength!

"If you dare to flap your wings again, I will tear off your wings and use them as fertilizer."

When Lucia was still furious and unable to look up, Yuan Feiwu happened to walk in front of him and smiled brightly at the two dangling in the sky.

Every time the wings on the back of those two in the sky flapped, the huge wind would blow the new green shoots on the ground to one side, looking like they were struggling in the strong wind, which was extremely miserable.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, put it away immediately!" "We can fly very stably without wings, haha, Mr. Yuan Feiwu, don't be angry!" The twins immediately touched their heads and put away their wings apologetically, floating slowly in the air, For fear of hurting the flowers and plants on the ground again.

"You can help with watering. The soil has been loosened before and there is no need to loosen it every day. With you watering, I just need to see if the soil is over-nutrient or under-nutrient. It is really helpful."

A hand was stretched out in front of Lucia, and Lucia put it on without hesitation, letting the owner of that hand pull herself up.

Regardless of whether it was a coincidence or on purpose, Lucia was quite moved when he stopped in front of her.

Because he has grown up so much, he has never experienced such a humiliating moment, because it is rare for him to have such a moment of true temperament.Being raised as a prince since childhood, there are too many "can'ts" and too many "musts", which become his mask.True temperament has long been restrained in many layers of protective shells, but once it is exposed, it is difficult to calm down.

"You haven't fully confirmed that the soil mix is ​​okay?"

Yuan Feiwu nodded with a smile. Lucia is indeed very smart, and he immediately pointed to the core of the problem. I feel a tacit understanding when talking with him. Comfortable.

"That's right, I have to observe it. It's the first time I've used these soils. Before that, I only had theoretical reasoning and mixing ratios. It's not a good thing if the soil minerals and nutrients are too rich or too poor. It seems that the mixed Although the situation is not perfect, it is already very good." Yuan Feiwu explained earnestly, and Lucia couldn't look away from the appearance of earnestness.

Want to... take a bite?
"Well, I can try watering."

With a strange expression on her face, Lucia hurriedly found a watering tool on the mud floor, asked some how to use it, and then started to work.

After a while, I realized that what I thought was a humble job was not so boring.

Yuan Feiwu continued to work on his more technically demanding work, and the heat wave on Lucia's face barely dissipated as he walked further and further away.

Suddenly the two shadows on the ground floated away, they were the shadows left by the twins blocking the sun, according to what he had learned about their urine behavior in the past two months, the twins running so fast must have happened to Yuan Feiwu.

Whether good or bad.

When I looked up, I saw Yuan Feiwu was stopped by the demon civilian I met before, and the twins were spinning around like two flies who found fresh poop...

Knew it……

Shouldn't he seriously ask Yuan Feiwu what kind of soup he gave these two idiots?
(End of this chapter)

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