Chapter 735

"What do you want from me?" Yuan Feiwu was stopped by the demons, and immediately asked kindly with a smile on his face.

"Master Yuan Feiwu, the untouchables have a merciless request!"

Most of the demons are violent, but it doesn't mean they are inhumane. Yuan Feiwu stayed here to help the demons in this area to reform the farmland day and night, and they have long been respected by them.

The demons didn't dare to meet Yuan Feiwu's eyes, so they wanted to kneel down before talking. They didn't know how to face the people they respected, so they went back to the previous practice of kneeling when they saw a high-ranking person.

"Say it directly."

Yuan Feiwu stretched out his hand, and the demon found that his body could no longer kneel down, so he had to give up.

"Master Yuan Feiwu, no matter whether our lives can be improved by relying on these plants in the future, your kindness to us is as great as Mount Tai and will not change. I can't repay you. Can you ask Master Yuan Feiwu to accept my two daughters as servants?" ? I see that there seems to be no maid around Mr. Yuan Feiwu, my two girls are quite flexible, and they will definitely help Mr. Yuan Feiwu sort out the small things around him!"

The demons are quite self-aware, people like Yuan Feiwu who are with the prince must have a prominent status, it would be nice if his daughter could be a maid in the past, but it is absolutely impossible to expect to be a concubine.But if Mr. Yuan Feiwu can take them up a bit, that would be better, who wouldn't want their daughter to have a better life.

He pushed his two daughters, who also came behind him to help with the farm work, in front of him. The older girl was about 14 years old, but the people on this side of the mortal world were not as fast as the earth, and their bodies grew fast, and they looked slim.However, due to malnutrition, the two girls were very thin, but they inherited the common blood of the demons, with big eyes and snow-white skin, and they looked pretty.

The two girls were pushed out with shy faces, looked up at Yuan Feiwu embarrassingly, found that Yuan Feiwu was also looking at them, and hurriedly lowered her head shyly.Based on Yuan Feiwu's appearance and approachable quality, the two girls had secretly promised that they could be accepted by Yuan Feiwu as maids, and they wished nothing more.

"This..." Yuan Feiwu smiled, it was the first time he had encountered the matter of being forced into a woman, and he didn't know how to respond.

Maid or something, what is he doing here?It's really not as good as the twins sent by brother Lucifer.

If these words of his heart were heard by the girls in Xingluo Continent, I don't know if it would make them sweat.If the readers hear about it, I don't know if they will say that he is gay and he is gay.

"No." A cold voice came from behind the demon.

The Mozu and the two girls quickly turned around, they were taken aback when they saw it, and quickly pulled their daughter to kneel down: "Meet Your Highness the Prince!"

Facing the prince, the shy smiles that the two girls had before immediately withdrew.Youyuan Feiwu made a comparison. Although the prince with a serious face was a little more handsome, he seemed a bit fierce, which made them feel reserved.

In their opinion, the prince is not as likable as the noisy twins.

The demon father also had the same idea. The prince's status is naturally more detached, but he seems more ruthless. He thinks that if he really wants his daughter's good, he should choose Yuan Feiwu.And he really wanted to thank Yuan Feiwu, of course the prince was also very grateful, but compared to Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Feiwu was more friendly to the people.

"Why not! It must be done!" "Mr. Yuan Feiwu should be admired by all people, and everyone should be his slaves!" The twins immediately had an opinion when they saw Lucia running out to prevent their boss from accepting a maid.

"To shut up!"

Lucia was really tired of those two guys who looked like flies and crows on the top of her head. When she got angry, she threw something up, and two black shadows swished out.

If Partridge and Patreon could be hit by something thrown only by human power, they wouldn't have to mess around in the circle of fallen angels.I saw that they didn't move much, and they all got out of the way with a quick shake, their movements were as elegant as two noble princes.

"Partridge, Patreon, how many times have I told you to respect the prince, you see, the prince's shoes are blown away, go find them quickly."

Yuan Feiwu spoke suddenly, and the twins quickly followed suit, turning into two black shadows and flying out.

But after hearing Yuan Feiwu's words, Lucia felt embarrassed. His bare white feet moved uneasily in the mud. It was useless to fly here just now to feel the touch of the mud, and he was afraid of getting his shoes dirty. Then he took the shoes in his hands and trotted over.As a result, I just threw it out when I was angry, and she acted like a shrew, really disgraced the big demon royal family!

"Uncle, you have also heard what the prince said, so forget it. They should find a life that is more suitable for them and the life they want to live."

"Yes, yes, the pariah understands, I hope the prince will make amends..."

Yuan Feiwu just rejected them politely, and when the demons walked away with their two disappointed daughters, he turned around and said to Lucia, "Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome. The important matter is not over yet, so how can you care about selfish desires. If you want maidservants, I'll give you as many as you want after food is all over the Demon Race Continent!" Lucia snorted coldly, and walked away swaggeringly with her hands behind her back .

Walking and kicking mud all the way, clearly showing his displeasure.

"Where's the selfish desire? I don't think it's necessary." Yuan Feiwu shrugged to express his helplessness.

For a wood of the ten-thousand-year-old level like him, he would never understand why Lucia suddenly sulked.

The twins, who were picking up a shoe in the distance, flew back slowly. Seeing this situation, they glanced at each other and whispered: "Tsk tsk, terrible possessiveness." "Mr. Yuan Feiwu is too magical. There is no way to break the prince." "Mr. Yuan Feiwu should have accepted both men and women in the harem when he was in the devil world, right? The prince is so handsome, Mr. Yuan Feiwu probably won't be able to hold it." "You are right But I think some things can be seen through, don't tell the truth, and cause death." "It makes sense... Do you think Mr. Yuan Feiwu can hear it? How about we use sound transmission?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just take your shoes to the edge of the field with your habit of gossiping, and don't send them to him, or you will have to pick them up several times."

"Yes! So you can hear me!" "Understood, Mr. Yuan Feiwu! Don't dare to talk nonsense!"

After that, Lucia took time to go to the fields every day, and he thought that he was not doing his job properly.But he couldn't stand his high level of comprehension, followed Yuan Feiwu's busy schedule, and actually learned a lot of planting knowledge, and the more he learned, the more interesting he found it. I really complied with the saying that learning makes me happy...

With this layer of fun, he can convince himself that he is not wasting his time. With the farming techniques he has learned during this period, he is confident that he can be on his own when he goes out.

What made Lucia feel strange was that they had been tossing around in Mutoya City for so long, yet City Lord Needham didn't respond at all. Lucia was still mentally prepared that Needham would find someone to come over to do something, so she stayed every day. What a god, it turned out not once, such a big city lord seems to have evaporated from the world.

Lucia didn't know how miserable Needham was. He also wanted to make trouble, but it didn't work out!
He ran to various cities to pull a united front, but he didn't expect that no one would pay attention to him.What made him even more depressed was that he received news later that the city lords of other cities knew what happened on his side and they formed an alliance themselves, and they didn't make up his number at all.

It's normal to think about it. Needham is the weakest, and now he has bowed to Lucia. At this time, they helped him in the past to help him prestige, which is tantamount to challenging Lucia in disguise.Although the Emperor of the Demon Race said that this matter has nothing to do with him, but deliberately troubled Lucia, that's another story.

Prince, prince, he is still the son of the emperor of the royal family!
But the other city lords of their alliance are of great benefit. When Lucia comes to his own city like Mutoya city, they can borrow some experts from the neighboring city to overwhelm the formation. No matter how everyone works together, only Pat Rich and Patreon's Lucia can't finish eating and walking around.

Needham was aggrieved by this, and sulked in his castle for a long time.

The number of fallen angels is very small, and there are only three branches of his family plus himself. This kind of power is enough to be the lord of a city, which shows how powerful and precious the fallen angels are.The last time the two lieutenants were brought together was already the strongest, but they all fell down in less than two seconds, so how else can they play?
If no one helped, he just took people out to make trouble by himself, that would be courting death, and the sum was not enough to give the twins a beating!
So I can only watch Lucia and the others torment.

Oh, it can't be said that he just opened his eyes, he didn't even want to look at it, he just closed the door and didn't care about anything.He is patient, and when Lucia and the others leave, his city will still be his city!

But this prince TM regards his own city as his home?What does it mean that Nima has not left!
Needham stayed behind closed doors for more than four months. Suddenly, one day, his subordinate civil servants came to report that the people under him had paid their rations.

"Have you paid the rations in just over four months? How much? I thought the prince would take away all the rations. He has a conscience."

"Report to the city lord, [-] catties of grain! I heard that what kind of vegetables and wheat are called, and my subordinates didn't understand, but they have everything!"

"Twenty thousand catties?! Grain, twenty thousand catties?!"

Nidam stood up abruptly. In this barren land of the demons, he had never heard of a unit that used "ten thousand catties" as food, except for a big war!
"Yes! The technician brought by the prince said that this is the first batch of production. It is used for experiments, so the production is low, and it should be able to increase production by 20% in the future..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Nima, take me to see him! This man is really a treasure!"

(End of this chapter)

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