Chapter 737

Only now did Lucia understand that there were so many reasons why Yuan Feiwu chose Mutoya as the first land to open up wasteland.Just like an unknown gift, Yuan Feiwu slowly peels off the cocoon, revealing a little surprise every time it is peeled off, you never know how many surprises are inside, and you don't know how long it will take Yuan Feiwu to reveal all the surprises.

This is the best place for Yuan Feiwu to try the soil mixing ratio for the first time. It is the granary of the future demons. It is the territory of animal husbandry that will take shape. Yuan Feiwu chose to come to Mutoya to open up wasteland this time, which is a choice that kills many birds with one stone!

He felt that there must be benefits of surprises in the future, but he was a little confused now and couldn't calm down and think.

"So what are we going to do next, Gen-san!"

Needham has already sold himself, so he must be regarded as Prince Lucia's own. He can seriously ask this expert what he should do next, and he is not afraid of Yuan Feiwu cheating him.

"The next work is urgent..."

"Hmm!" Needham knew it was time to be serious when he heard it.

"Mutoya city is located in the northernmost part, so there is a reason why it failed to become the economic center of the demons. Under normal circumstances, water is always indispensable for survival. Now the main cities near the capital of the demons are relatively prosperous, precisely because The largest river in the Demon Continent flows through that side. The water source of Mutoya City can only rely on the snow water or groundwater flowing down from the snow on the continuous high mountains in the north. The water source is relatively unstable. It is suggested to speed up the construction of a diversion canal to divert water to form an artificial river. In this way, there will be no problem with the irrigation of Mutoya City. In addition, the city owner can help establish a reasonable market transaction system, which is better than letting everyone slowly form it independently. The development will be much faster." (The start is all based on making up, don't think of equipment if you don't pay for it... make a mistake in the advertisement. The above are all made up, don't combine it with the real situation-.-)

"The situation is really urgent! Everything is up to you." Needham's face became more serious, because he didn't understand at all.

"Okay, I'll give you a plan draft later, you can refer to it."

"Thank you very much!" Needham nodded repeatedly, "And then?"

"Then? Let's do these first. The follow-up development needs to be done step by step. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Whenever Yuan Feiwu tried hard to teach others a lesson, Lucia wanted to laugh seeing his serious appearance, and felt inexplicably cute.But Lucia also understands that the subjects he taught won't be in the mood to appreciate Yuan Feiwu's expression, they are usually so depressed that they want to die.

Like Needham, now he is so depressed that he wants to die.

Who the fuck cares about the next urban planning and development!
What I f*ck want to ask is now that I choose to hug the prince's thigh tightly, how do you plan to help me protect my own interests in the hands of other city lords!What I want to ask is what to do if I get beaten up in the future. Do I have to ask such a shameful question?

"Mr. Yuan, what I want to ask is what should I do if other city lords come here to make trouble with jealousy, and don't give His Royal Highness face? His Royal Highness won't protect me here every day, right?" Needham had no choice but to ask the question Be more obvious.

"Don't give face to His Royal Highness? How come, who else would not give face to His Royal Highness now?"

Yuan Feiwu smiled, that reassuring smile seemed to have a reassuring magic power...Anni sister!Needham almost believed it!

Who would not give face to the prince?Not long ago, I didn't intend to give him face!To be honest, there are only two princes from the Fallen Angels elite team in hand, and they are not as good as those strong city masters!Face is not given by others, it is obtained by oneself with strength!
"That...Mr. Yuan, don't blame me for speaking bluntly, aren't you too whimsical..."

Needham's face became gloomy. He had just pledged his allegiance. This guy who he thought was a difficult character immediately acted like a pit. Can he feel better?You must know that he is now a person who has chosen to stand in line. It is completely different from the attitude that he has always been obsessed with everyone except for the emperor Lu Kaiser who is loyal to the demons. It is because his strength is weak but he can always keep it. One of the main reasons for coming down.Choosing a team is choosing a position, and the end of standing on the wrong team is extremely tragic.

He is very annoyed now, is it too impulsive to swear allegiance just now?

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flew in the distance, and it moved quickly but landed beside them silently and steadily.

To be able to move so lightly and accurately at such a high speed, no one else can do it except the fallen angel Needham!

Needham hurriedly took a big step back to keep a distance from the person who came, because this person was not just a fallen angel, he recognized that this person was actually a confidant of a certain city lord, with a very high status and terrifying strength!
I'm really worried about what will come, so someone will come soon!
Needham's worries were not over yet, and several black shadows swished over.Within a few minutes, there were nearly ten fallen angels standing in front of Needham, and two of them were city lords!
Well, he didn't have to panic anymore, his whole heart immediately became cold.

Sure enough, the other city lords knew how important this bumper harvest was!

Now that the speakers of six cities and six major powers have come down, what else does he need to worry about?If people come one by one, you can worry about it. If you come together, there is nothing to say. If you can't compromise, you will kneel immediately.

So simply choosing to stand in line is really too impulsive!

From getting a lot of food just now, to worrying about being bullied, to thinking that he has found a big backer, to facing despair, and after feeling ups and downs, now he wants to cry.

Lucia was extremely calm when facing this group of guys. Yuan Feiwu informed him a week before the crops would be harvested that he had spread the situation here, and he had expected such a day back then.

"See Prince Lucia!"

The group of fallen angels didn't care who came first, they all said hello to Lucia.Isn't the reason for each other's coming here obvious? There is nothing to argue about.

"The two city lords, as well as the other fallen angels, don't need to be too polite. If you have anything to say here, the city lord Needham and I are not outsiders."

Do you have to drag yourself into the water at this time!Can't you pretend you don't know yourself?
At this time, Lucia clicked on Needham's name, making Needham think of a drowning person, and before he died, he had to grab the grass and sink together.Needham felt that he was the grass now, and his heart was full of shit.

"No wonder the prince is here to fully support the Lord Needham in planting food." The two city lords looked at Needham with uncertain eyes, and finally sighed together.

I didn't expect to let this guy take advantage of it first!Earlier, he came to them like a victim and spread the false news that Prince Lucia robbed his granary. It turned out to be to paralyze them for a long time!When they were complacent and formed an alliance to resist Lucia's coming to cause trouble, the result was that the city was already full of food.

Later, after receiving the news from Yuan Feiwu, none of them was jealous. They were skeptical about the soil and seeds, and they weren't very optimistic about it. As a result, the harvest results were astonishing!The city lords immediately arranged according to the method of Mutoya City, but they didn't have any idea whether they could have a bumper harvest like Mutoya City.Asking the confidants of the civil servants around me, it turns out that none of them have this knowledge, and there is not even a single ancient book related to this matter. How can they know how to plant seeds, how much to water, how to take care of when to harvest, and roughly how much to harvest!According to their level, they have no idea at all, and they are jealous of the big harvest in Mutoya City, so they had to rush over to win the prince to help.

"We are here to ask the prince for help. The seeds and soil have been distributed, but the planting level is definitely not as high as the professionals brought by the prince. We don't want to waste those seeds. I hope the prince will come to teach!"

Lucia didn't expect that without having to go there in person, the cities would actually distribute the seeds in the same way as Mutoya City, without them needing to put pressure on each city, Yuan Feiwu really knew everything!

However, the other main cities actually sent people to ask for help, and the city owners of the other two main cities came here in person, which surprised Lucia very much.From this, we can also understand the state of the demons' lack of food. Although the city lords are not short of food or need food, they have raised a lot of soldiers, and food is needed to feed these soldiers.Also, no matter how lowly the civilians are, it doesn't make much sense to starve to death and leave an empty city.

"There is no way to harvest such a large amount of grain like Mutoya City. Your main city building system is relatively mature and stable, and there is not much open space available. But if you give some pointers, improving efficiency will have good results." Source Fei Wu interrupted suddenly, "However, His Royal Highness has limited time, so you can't go to every main city to sit in person. Then, who do you plan to go first?"

Uh... who comes first?
(End of this chapter)

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