Chapter 738

Those fallen angels looked at me and looked at you. Just now, everyone thought it didn't matter. They were just asking for advice. It didn't matter who came first.But it's different now, the prince personally went to give advice, that's of course good, but his time is limited!In this way, they feel that each other is a competitor!
"Since the two city lords here are here in person, the need is naturally more urgent. Which city does Prince Lucia plan to visit first? I think it is enough to visit one city, and the other main cities are not far away. One of the main cities has become rich in food, and the people of the other city will definitely rush to move there. At that time, the population of the city will increase sharply, and the labor force will be strong. It can consider the development of industry and textile industry. It should be very good to build it as an industrial center... ..."

"What do you mean?"

The faces of the two city lords mentioned were expressionless, but they couldn't contain their joy in their hearts.

"It is the industrial chain that uses crops as raw materials, including food processing and manufacturing, textiles, sewing, etc. When the quality of life of all the demons improves, there will be a huge demand for these things, such as in the Star Luo Continent. The industry is already very developed. The Demon Continent is limited by the most basic problems of food and clothing, so it is not a little bit behind. Of course, with the establishment of these basic industries in your city, other cities may only be able to provide assistance around your city. Not to mention the taxes and benefits of your city."

Now the two city lords finally understand that their territory will become richer than ever!

Under the condition that the number of fallen angels is extremely difficult to increase, if you want to increase the strength of your own power, you naturally have to start with the soldiers under your hands and the population under your hands.

What Yuan Feiwu said is to provide all these!
I haven't seen the prince's strength yet, but he has already taken two members of the fallen angel elite team under his command. It is said that this Yuan Feiwu is also a powerful character who was dug back from the Star Luo Continent. Even these farming skills They were all brought over by him, which shows that the prince's own power has already taken shape.So is it worth supporting such a prince? After all, he is also the future king of the demons hand-picked by Lu Kaiser. If he approves this prince, Lu Kaiser will be very satisfied...

"I, Eric, swear in the name of Lord Lucifer that I am willing to serve His Highness the Prince."

Before the city lord could think it over clearly, the one over here had already half-kneeled to swear an oath!

The other city lord quickly knelt down too.

"I, Newman, also swear in the name of Lord Lucifer, and am willing to serve His Highness the Prince!"

He's not stupid, depending on the situation, Needham and the city lord have already surrendered to Lucia, and the prince's power has grown a bit stronger.He had already started thinking about the previous situation, but now that Lucia's power has grown stronger, he doesn't need to think about it anymore.In this way, it is impossible for Lucia not to provide some help to his city!

"This will be difficult...Fortunately, the two cities are adjacent to each other, so I will work harder to go back and forth between you and teach together." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Thank you very much!" the two city lords said happily.

Lucia was speechless from head to toe, so the two city lords expressed their surrender and approval to him?
It was really worth the four months!Among the eight main cities, apart from the fact that there is no city lord in the imperial capital of the Demon Race, there are already three major city lords who are leaning towards Lucia. This is unimaginable before Lucia has not cultivated into a fallen angel!
Lucia understood what Yuan Feiwu did. He didn't use his strength to make others submit, but he used his ability to make others stronger to make others submit!Lucia seems to have found a new avenue, a new way to become the king of the demons who convince others!

Needham was even more amazed. It turned out that what this guy said, "Who would not give face to His Royal Highness now" was not a fallacy of ignorance!After mastering the food production technology, His Royal Highness has become so sought-after!Damn, it's a good thing that I pledged my allegiance early, otherwise it would be hard to say whether the lord of my city would still belong to him!
The other fallen angels looked at each other in blank dismay. They were a little surprised to see the loyalty of the two city lords, but they weren't too surprised.After all, the power of the two city lords who came here is stronger than that of Needham, and they can be said to be almost the same level of troubled brothers.The main city of one city lord is in the south of Mutoya City, occupying a small and barren area; the other is in the southwest, occupying a large area, but its shape is long and most of the area is similar to the Orc Continent junction.This kind of junction is the most annoying, it is easy to break out conflicts between races, and it is difficult to manage law and order.

It is not difficult for these two city lords to choose their allegiance in order to get Lucia's assistance.The other fallen angels couldn't be such masters, so they had no choice but to leave angrily.

But Lucia's goal is that the entire Demon Continent can grow food. Yuan Feiwu is also working hard in this direction. He gave each of the fallen angels a copy of something similar to a textbook for them to go back and study.The basic planting knowledge is actually not difficult, and this textbook is almost enough, but the yield cannot be as high as Yuan Feiwu's on-site guidance.

Afterwards, Yuan Feiwu asked Needham to send some civilians with good farming skills in this city to other main cities to provide some technical support.Needham agreed without further ado. This handsome young man can do whatever he says, and he's right!

Needham took the initiative to send civilians with farming experience to assist the other main cities, which eased the relationship between him and other city owners a lot. Several city owners were looking at him unhappy.

The matter in Mutoya City has basically come to an end. When Lucia returned to the residence, she saw Yuan Feiwu giving orders to the twins. Yuan Feiwu found him coming and said to him: "Prince Lucia, we are going to leave for Aldinhard City and Lelier City, let's part here temporarily, and I'll go back to you after a while when things here are settled."

"Why, I can't go to the cities of Aldinhard and Lelier?"

Wait until things are done here?According to Yuan Feiwu's tune, it may take half a year if not a year!Thinking that there might be such a long separation, Lucia subconsciously rejected it from the bottom of her heart.

"No, it's just that if you don't go back, your house will be filled with memorials." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

If all city owners can follow the example of Mutoya City, there will be basically no problem with growing food, and soon the demons will no longer suffer from the survival problem of hunger.And what a joy to be directly recognized by the three city lords today.

Originally, he was in a very good mood because of this, but when he came back, he heard Yuan Feiwu's words that seemed to dislike him, and his heart was immediately covered with dust.

Although rationally told Lucia that Yuan Feiwu was only worried about their Demon Race's political affairs, emotionally Lucia didn't want to hear such words from Yuan Feiwu's mouth. Whether he wanted to leave or not was his business, and he didn't need Yuan Feiwu to remind him.

"You don't need to worry about this. I have already informed my father that I will not return to the capital for a while, so someone will be responsible for the political affairs. And if I go there with my ability, it won't be a disservice to you. What do you dislike?"

"You are a prince, with a prominent status and eye-catching appearance, many things that were originally simple will become complicated..."

"I'm not as troublesome as those two!" Lucia felt that she had suffered [-] points of damage, and pointed to the twins who were like melon-eating spectators, "What about them? Can I be as eye-catching and troublesome as them?! And , even if I go, I will never take them away, you are so determined!"

"Hey, we didn't talk this time!" "Mr. Yuan Feiwu, you can see clearly that it was Prince Lucia who did it!" Hearing that Lucia spoke ill of them in front of Yuan Feiwu, the two twins immediately became reluctant.

" about we each take one?" Yuan Feiwu asked in a negotiating tone.

"Not one!"

Is this something negotiable!Two are troublemakers, so bringing one is not a troublemaker!Why divide grief in two!Is this the meaning of "I'm uncomfortable and you don't want to feel better" to die together?

"Tsk tsk, to be disgusted by someone like the prince..." "I feel insulted, Mr. Yuan Feiwu please comfort me." The twins were upset and expressed that they needed to be comforted.

"Just kidding. I arranged for the two of them to do other things, and I also acted separately. So don't get me wrong, I just simply dislike your high profile, and there is no other meaning."

That's still disgusting!

I didn't misunderstand at all, I said from the beginning why you dislike it! !You yourself said very directly and definitely that you disliked it!

This feeling of having two arrows stuck in my heart is really fucking bad!

"I'm your boss, I have the final say on how to arrange it! Anyway, I have to watch you, don't keep trying to get rid of me!" Lucia stared, stretched out her finger, raised Yuan Feiwu's chin, and leaned forward. Go up and stare carefully at Yuan Feiwu's eyes, "And I always feel that you have another conspiracy to get rid of me."

"Maybe, I just yearn for a peaceful life and life."

Yuan Feiwu smiled, showing his white teeth, and easily broke free from Lucia's grasp in the next second.

Lucia didn't say anything more, she put down her hands and stood there for a long time.

From Yuan Feiwu's eyes, Lucia did not see "yearning"...

(End of this chapter)

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