Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 740 Was It A Devil?

Chapter 740 Was It A Devil?
"Okay, now you have two choices, surrender or die."

I don't know if it was Partridge or Patreon who nodded, expressing his satisfaction with the obedient cooperation of the crouching bandit on the ground.

The bandit raised his head, but his eyes were a little confused.

Is this Lord Fallen Angel sure that he gave him two paths to choose?Isn't there only one way?Who will choose to die?

No, it doesn't seem right either.

The path of surrender has already been chosen, otherwise, why would they lie on the ground? Could this act of surrender be the accumulation of energy before resistance?

Giving a choice is the same as not giving a choice. Does this mean that there is no way of life at all?

"Then...then can we choose to surrender again?" the bandit said tentatively.

"Okay, then you all go back to the city of Lelier and surrender yourself."

"Huh? We, can we go now?"

The bandit was stunned for a while before he realized it ignorantly. Talking to this fallen angel is really a bit of a brain-intensive thing. If you want to beat him, you can beat him, and you can leave as soon as you say, not serious at all.

"Yeah, what I say is what I say. Why are you talking so much nonsense, get out!" I don't know whether it was Partridge or Patreon said impatiently.

As a fallen angel, he actually ran out to exterminate these rogues himself, which is already enough to discredit him.If it wasn't for Yuan Feiwu's instructions, he wouldn't have done such a lowly job, come out all the way to find these garbage killers, and tarnish the nobility of his fallen angel.Now he still has to talk so much nonsense with this kind of rubbish, he can't control his desire to let the rubbish in front of him disappear and make himself quiet.

The bandit tried to get up, and took a few steps back. Seeing that the fallen angel ignored him, he excitedly waved to the other dumbfounded bandits, letting them run together.

The bandit was happy, how could there be such a fool, after they left, they would just change places and be bandits again, how could they foolishly run back to the city and surrender.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that we are the vanguard from Yuanfei... Prince Lucia, you are very lucky to have a chance to surrender when you meet us. Meeting our boss as a bandit, that’s the only end. The prince has already made up his mind to clean up this area, and you can go to Liel City to receive a ration, soil, and seeds to work for a living.”

I don't know if it was Partridge or Patreon, pointing to a lump of broken limbs beside him, it was the first bandit who rushed up to resist.

"Understood, thank you Fallen Angel!"

All the bandits who had just stood up knelt down to salute again, very pious.

They don't need to question whether this is fake.

Because they knew very well that a fallen angel would rather kill them all in one go than tell such a long lie to these pariahs. Their arrogance and self-esteem are more important than their lives.

"If you want to thank you, please thank Mr. Yuan Feiwu."

"Thank you... Master Xie Yuan Feiwu?"

All the thieves looked confused, why did they suddenly have to thank the character "Master Yuan Feiwu" who had never appeared before?Without cause and effect?Why don't you explain?Does ad placement have to be so hard?

Of course, the bandits didn't dare to ask any more questions. After thanking them, they hurried down the mountain, and the twins didn't even look at them.They didn't bother to care if they wanted to continue to occupy the mountains as bandits, defected to the orcs, or returned to the city of Lielil to be obedient.

Anyway, they are here only to complete the tasks assigned by Lord Demon King, they don't care whether these people are dead or alive.

"Patridge, did you see it? The direction he pointed just now, hurry up and finish this ticket and we are going to join the Lord Demon King." After saying this, I finally realized that it was Patreon facing the house. Partridge above said.

"I'm also going fast, but I didn't see the cottage. But I saw a village being attacked by bandits. Do you think we also killed a wave of bandits if we kill them?" Patreon scratched his head, thinking deeply Such a serious question.

"I think it counts. Mr. Yuan Feiwu is easy to talk to. He didn't designate the bandits who must stay in the den to be considered bandits!" Patreon said immediately.

"Then hurry up!"

The twins immediately turned into two black shadows and flew away like meteors.

This is a small village of the beast race, and it is in a mess and panic at this moment. Nearly fifty bandits are yelling and running around in it.

These rogues are also organized. It is estimated that they have had the idea of ​​attacking this village for a long time. They are quite familiar with the village's defense and terrain. They approached quietly and seized the loopholes to break through the defense.There are everyone in the gangsters, there are demons and beasts, with old knives and axes in their hands, they go in to grab things when they encounter houses, and they plan to snatch them when they encounter women, and suddenly there are cries and shouts in the village.

"Damn, dare to resist? Burn this place for me!"

The bandit leader stood in front of the largest house at the entrance of the village, shouted loudly, kicked away a goat orc who had given him a nail, stabbed him in the heart, and spat at him.Seeing this, the sheep orc's wife rushed over and hugged his head, crying and shouting, but was soon caught by other bandits and planned to take him away.

"Take away all the women and food! Burn the ones that can't be taken away! If you don't obediently accept your fate, then I will disappear for you!"

After the bandit leader gave his orders, the two companions beside him immediately lit torches and threw them towards the houses on both sides, which made him laugh out loud with satisfaction.

He has been fancying this village for a long time, because of it, he has had disputes with many bandits around him, and has driven off countless bandits who coveted here.Originally, he just planned to grab something and leave, but the people here were a little too stubborn, they dared to hurt him, so they burned everything in a fit of anger.

Anyway, after I snatch it this time, I won't cover it again, and then I have to face other bandits to snatch it round after round. It would be better to be burned all at once!
The villagers in the back of the village watched the houses made of hay and stones blaze when they touched the torches, and their hearts were ashamed.

The bravest warriors in their village had just been beheaded to the ground, their food and livestock were about to be robbed, and they were left with nothing but despair.The village chief waved them to run quickly, but their hearts were full of sadness. They were the bottom people, and they lost everything they had, so where could they go if they ran?
Suddenly, with a whoosh, two strong winds swept past like two tornadoes, and even blew out the flame that had burned up all of a sudden.

But the wind came and went quickly, and disappeared without a trace.

When the villagers waited for the blown sand to calm down, they realized what the wind was just now.

That was the wind pressure brought by the wings of two fallen angels flying here!That is not the wind of salvation guided by the beast god, but the evil wind blowing from the demons!

Facing the viciousness of the bandits, they were already very desperate, but seeing the fallen angel suddenly appear here, they were even more terrified in their hearts.

Obviously, the reputation of the fallen angels on the orc side is not very good. In their established impression, the fallen angels are a group of cold-blooded, arrogant, powerful demons who disregard human lives!Because wars between the orcs and the demons often broke out in the past, they are sure that every fallen angel has their blood on their hands!Every fallen angel is like a demon to the orcs!

"Fall, fallen angel?!"

When the bandits saw the two fallen angels falling from the sky, their hearts trembled, and their feet felt weak.

Why do you see fallen angels here? !Although fallen angels are not good things, and they are not good things, they are sure that these two creatures that are not good things will definitely not be together!

"Master Demon King seems to have said that you can kill people who look bad when you meet them. Patreon, does this count?" If I want to rob things, I will definitely not kill them." "It's different, you dislike their blood for staining your hands." "Anyway, the meaning is the same, always entangled in these boring little details, then you and the fussy prince What's the difference, Your Highness?"

"Oh, this is the worst criticism I've ever heard from you. So hurry up and do it, I'm really sorry to keep Lord Demon King waiting for so long."

After Partridge finished speaking, he had already appeared behind the bandit leader, with a bright red heart beating rapidly in his hand.

His speed was too fast for these ordinary people, so fast that their eyes couldn't catch it and their bodies couldn't react. They didn't know how Partridge got behind them.It was so fast that even the bandit leader looked back at the heart in Partridge's hand. Before he understood what it was, the blood hole in his chest spurted out a lot of blood, and all the pain returned to his body in the next second. On the ground, he collapsed on the ground, his eyes were wide open in disbelief, his face was full of fear, and he walked very uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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