Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 741 Demons Can't Save People?

Chapter 741 Demons Can't Save People?

Patreon didn't have time to appreciate Partridge's masterpiece, a living heart is nothing new.He turned around and jumped, but he didn't see how he flapped his wings. He had already flown to the back of the village, leaving a faintly visible S-shaped black afterimage in the village, and pieces of meat flying all over the sky.

The screams sounded slowly now, but those who screamed were all bandits who hadn't suffered any damage. After all, the living things caught in that black afterimage were basically turned into pieces, and there was no way to do it See.Facing such a terrifying monster and the bleak death of their companions, they were completely unable to develop the mentality of resistance.Anyone who has the will to survive will unconsciously scream, tremble, and run away.

For a moment, all the bandits who were plundering the house put down their things and retreated desperately.

They don't want things anymore, compared to their own lives, nothing can compare to their own lives!
"What are you running for? Can you still beat me?"

Partridge on the other side rolled his eyes when he saw this scene. The hearts in his hands had long been replaced by the heads of the two subordinates who had thrown the torch just now beside the bandit leader, and the background behind him was already a bloody mess. branch.These thieves are relatively stupid. They were so smart before, they knelt down and surrendered immediately, so they don't have to die.

After rolling his eyes, he flew into the sky and chased after the fleeing bandits.The agility of the Fallen Angel is really overkill for chasing bandits. He keeps spilling blood on this barren land, and all kinds of screams are used as interludes of the ensemble, completing a shocking post-modern art work.

Patreon stopped, slightly lowered his head and looked down at the front, in front of him were the villagers who shrank back.

They are different from bandits, and no one screamed.They were already in despair, and Patreon's presence in front of them only increased their fear.

Patreon looked at an old man with a goat beard in front of him, tilting his head to the left and right, and kept looking at him. Those purple eyes were so charming that the villagers kept moving back subconsciously.

"You guys, are you bandits?"

Patreon stretched out five fingers and bent slightly, a black energy ball gathered inside, the spread of energy made the villagers unable to lift their heads, and only had the urge to kneel down.

"Don't hurt the village chief, we are not bandits!" A little orc girl with a pair of cute horns rushed out, her parents couldn't stop her.

She stood in front of the old goat, her feet were trembling, and her pupils were trembling with fear.She looked up at the demon in front of her. At such a young age, she was already mentally prepared to be destroyed, but her stubborn little face was unwilling to give in at all.

"Didn't the bandit tell you earlier, Lord Demon King will be angry if you kill the wrong person." The energy ball in Patreon's hand dissipated instantly, and waved his hand back angrily, "Everything is gone, if you find the bandit, immediately Tell my uncle, don't delay my work."

After the energy ball dissipated, the old goat man dared to take a deep breath, reacted and protected the little girl behind him.

The little girl had mustered up her courage just now, but she was not afraid anymore, and went around the old goat again.

"Mr. Fallen Angel, are you here to save us?!"

"Save you? Does it look like I have so much time to waste? We are just ordered to wipe out the bandits in this area, and your life and death are not in the task."

Patreon looked at this little orc girl from the cow clan in surprise. It was a bit bold that the little pariah dared to come over to obstruct him.

It was the first time he was stopped by a pariah, and it felt a little fresh and a little irritated.

When did the prestige of their fallen angels get so low that any little girl dared to stop them?The name of the fallen angel should be something that the pariahs look up to on any continent!
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, the child's ignorance has delayed the work of Lord Fallen Angel, please don't take it for granted!" This time the old goat and the little girl's parents came over to drag the little girl back. The old goat knelt down and said quickly, "We I really can't afford to trouble Lord Fallen Angel to save me. But... Lord Fallen Angel, the bandits you were ordered to clean up...are they from the Beast Race Continent?"

"Huh? It's none of my business in the Orc Continent?"

"But this is already the Beast Continent, and it's quite far from the Demon Continent..." The old goat seemed to have noticed something, and he was a little dumbfounded.

It just so happened that Partridge had already wiped out all the escaped bandits and flew back. Seeing Patreon pondering over there, he leaned over and asked what was wrong.

"We seem to have run too far. This is not the outskirts of Lielier City, but it's inside the Orc Continent." Patreon flipped his hands over, with a helpless expression on his face, "Look at you, how did you lead the way? It's wasted work !"

"It's the direction that idiot pointed at before..." Partridge was very determined not to take the blame, "Besides, we didn't fly very far just now, did we?"

"That means we have crossed the border at the cottage just now." Patreon concluded.

"Master Demon King said that the suppression of bandits and rogues did not count as being in the Orc Continent. I don't think it is a waste of work." Partridge thought for a while, and suddenly said happily.

"It makes sense!" Patreon expressed his approval. In short, there is a reason for him to believe that this is not useless work, and that is a good reason!

"The one at your feet is also a bandit? The bandits are so young now, is it because of the younger age in the rebellious period?" Partridge pointed and touched Patreon again. The little orc girl at her feet looked surprised.

"This little one is not, these are civilians." Patreon rolled his eyes helplessly, complaining about Partridge's poor eyesight and dull mind, "You fucking rebelled at such a young age! How did you rebel? Steal me milk?"

But he didn't recall that he almost killed people just now.

The surviving villagers saw that the two fallen angels really had no intention of attacking them, and even slaughtered the invading bandits. At this time, they all had the courage to step forward a little, and all fell to their knees on the ground, feeling relieved. Excited.

"Thanks to the two fallen angels for saving their lives!"

At this time, they didn't care about the cruel legends about the fallen angels, they only knew that these two fallen angels saved their village!There was no way to repay the grace of saving their lives, so they could only lie down on the ground and worship them again and again.

"Again, it's all gone, don't get in the way." Patreon waved his hand impatiently, his eyes suddenly became sharper, motioned to Partridge, and flew out of the village again, "Come again, Send it away by the way."

"Quick battle, it seems a bit far from here to the meeting point." Partridge also became more murderous.

This kind of time still comes, isn't it intentional to make them late!
Not long after the twins flew away, a surviving villager ran back from the periphery and shouted in panic to the other villagers who were in a panic: there is another wave of people coming from afar. They look a little scary, and they are probably even more powerful A bandit!
Panic emotions quickly infected everyone, and everyone looked at each other in a panic.

"Lord Fallen Angel will definitely save us! They must be the messengers sent by the beast god!" The little beast girl suddenly shouted.

It feels so weird to pin your hopes on a fallen angel.But because of this sentence, everyone felt more at ease, and they all ran to the entrance of the village to check the situation.

On the wasteland in the distance, there is indeed a large group of people advancing at high speed, but there is almost no dust brought up by them advancing at high speed, and there is no sound at all.

"Report to the commander, the village on the opposite side was attacked by bandits." A group of people who rushed over heard the news from the sentinel, and quickened their pace again.

When the village could be clearly seen in the field of vision, two black shadows flew over in a very high-profile way, with blood on their hands.

"Damn fallen angel!" The leader in charge stood up straight when he saw this, his strong chest heaved up and down with anger, his eyes turned red instantly, "absolutely can't be forgiven!"

(End of this chapter)

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