Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 743 What is this chapter?

Chapter 743 What kind of rhythm is this?
The gap in strength between each other is really not small!
The big wings on Patreon's back flapped vigorously, and his feet plowed two deep grooves into the ground, only then did he stabilize his body.

A paw on the chest could not cause fatal injuries, Patreon could still continue to fight, but his manic eyes glanced at Partridge, his gums were bleeding from the bite, and he spat bitterly and flew back.

Because Partridge used the last bit of consciousness and strength to transmit a voice to himself: "Leave me alone, go to Lord Demon King!"

Patreon retreated quickly, his anxiety was not for revenge, but to find Lord Demon King to see if he could save Partridge!One more delay, Partridge will be more dangerous!
"I want to run if I can't beat it, how can it be so easy?"

The voice of the wolf orc immediately rang in Patreon's ears, Patreon had no choice but to turn around and hastily waved a few bursts of dark element magic energy.Patreon's judgment was very accurate, hearing that every attack hit the right direction, several black energy balls swished past from different angles, blocking all the opponent's dodging directions.

However, with this level of attack, the wolf orc smashed the dark element magic energy with a few casual punches, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

This guy is really strong!
Seeing that this master was even faster than him, Patreon felt too embarrassed when he ran away, and lost his concentration, but now he is concentrating.He had already lost his face and ran away. If he couldn't escape in the end, it would be a joke.

"Look at him, keep alive, I'll help."

On the other side, the sheep orcs stopped attacking, and the fallen angel in front of him had lost consciousness. Although the fallen angel was quite resistant to beatings, if he continued to fight, he would not be able to survive.

"With Baluru's strength, I don't need your help."

The orc of the tiger tribe lifted Partridge on his shoulder with one hand, and swayed around in front of his younger brothers proudly as if showing off some spoils.

"Be careful, let go of any fallen angel, and the information about our fight will be leaked. Even if we did nothing wrong, killing two fallen angels is enough to break the alliance between the orcs and the demons." Sheep The vibrato of the orcs drifted further and further away, because he had already flown into the air while speaking.

"Okay, then we'll stand by."

The tiger orcs shrugged helplessly, beckoning their men to clean up the battlefield.The fighting power of the fallen angels is quite astonishing. They brought all the elites of the wolf, sheep and tiger tribes, but they couldn't resist the fallen angels' random rush and killing.If it weren't for the three of them, these elites wouldn't be enough to put their teeth between them!

The villagers watching from a distance at the entrance of the village had to disperse at this moment, a black shadow and a gray shadow flew towards them at high speed, with no intention of slowing down at all.

Patreon also wanted to slow down, but being entangled by that wolf orc, he couldn't control his body anymore.

While moving at high speed, the wolves orcs couldn't defeat Patreon all at once, but his offensive never stopped. Although Patreon resisted all the attacks, his body was affected, and he flew lower and lower, unable to slow down. , as soon as it slows down, it will be intercepted by the announcement.

In the end, the two of them were like two huge cannonballs, hitting the gate of the village hard, sending up countless dust and gravel.

This level of battle is no longer something that ordinary people can participate in, and they can't even watch it. The villagers can only stay away from it.Fortunately, they hid early, otherwise the flying sand and gravel would be enough to shoot them riddled with holes.

But those who avoided them still paid attention to the battle that had spread to the village gate, and silently began to cheer for the fallen angels.If I had told them about this before yesterday, they would have thought that the person who said this was a psychopath. It would be unbelievable that they would cheer for the fallen angel one day.

Such incredible things are happening right now.

It's a pity that their silent cheering was about to disappoint them. The dust dispersed, and they only saw the fallen angel get up from the ground in disgrace, obviously at a disadvantage.

The wolf orc rushed out again, this time he would not give Patreon another chance to escape, he entangled Patreon and attacked violently, like a wild beast, leaving no chance for the prey to breathe .

At this time, Patreon has no way to resist the attack of the wolf orcs. After a few rounds, he becomes a sandbag who only knows how to be beaten. In a trance, he feels like a solitary boat in the wind and waves. , completely lost control of his body.

It wasn't until there was a bang that he was slapped into a nearby room by the paw of the wolf orc and embedded in the stone wall, and then he was able to breathe a little.

Looking up, it was the wolf orc who raised his claws high, shining with fighting spirit, exuding the momentum of violent eruption at any time.

It's a pity, I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see Lord Demon King rule the Three Realms, and I failed Lord Lucifer's entrustment... Patreon raised his head, even if he died, he must die with dignity.

"Don't kill him!"

An immature child's voice pierced Patreon's dignity, he quickly lowered his head, his eyes stained with blood and mud dimly saw the little bull orc girl rushing over at some point, and stopped him. In front of him, the petite figure trembled.

"Go away, little one!" Patreon didn't know whether he felt ashamed of being protected by the untouchables, or was annoyed by the little girl's life and death, and yelled angrily.

The wolf orc was a little stunned, he hadn't let the little girl get out of the way, but the fallen angel opened his mouth to chase people away first, are all the fallen angels such aboveboard guys?Judging from his previous dealings, this is not the case. It would be nice if he didn't take the opportunity to take the little girl hostage.

"I beg you, this wolf uncle, you can take everything from my house, please don't kill him." The little girl knelt on the ground and said sadly.

When the wolf orcs heard the little girl's plea, they didn't know what to do for a while, and all the fighting spirit in their hands dissipated.

He couldn't understand how people from the orc race would come to intercede for the fallen angels. He couldn't understand the logic.

"What rhythm is this? Get out of the way, that's a fallen angel." Afterwards, the sheep orcs who flew over also spoke, and even if he saw this scene, he couldn't figure it out even if he gave him two brains.

But if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. You can't just let this fallen angel go, right?
The wolf orcs quickly stretched out their paws towards the little girl of the cow tribe. Patreon rushed up and wanted to strike when he saw that he hadn't thought about anything. Unfortunately, his current condition was really bad, and he was immediately kicked deeper into the wall.

The Maverick girl closed her eyes in fright when she saw the claws coming, and suddenly felt a sense of flying, which made her wrap her hands and feet around herself like a football.Later, when I opened my eyes, I realized that I was picked up by the wolf orc with two paws, and walked back.Over there, two trembling cattle couples kowtowed uncomfortably to this side and begged for mercy. They were their parents.

The sheep orcs immediately understood what the wolf orcs meant, and took a few steps forward, intending to let him carry out the final blow.

"Oh no! They are not robbers! That lord is Moses, the number one warrior of the goat clan!"

Seeing the appearance of this goat orc, the goat woman who had her husband killed in front of her suddenly screamed loudly.

The other villagers looked at each other in dismay when they heard it. Many people have heard of the name of the number one master of the goat clan, Moses, but most of them have never seen it!However, many of the orcs of the goat clan were fortunate enough to meet once, and the goat woman only recognized Moshiduo when she got close.

The wolf orcs are actually very famous masters among the demons, but because these masters live in the main tribes of each tribe, orcs from other tribes rarely see each other.And the orcs in this village are a mixture of goat, deer, and cow orcs. There is no villager who has ever seen this wolf orc. Seeing his fierce appearance, it is strange not to immediately determine that he is a bad person.

"Stop fighting, Moses is more of a warrior! This is a misunderstanding!" The sheep woman reacted from her shock at this moment, and rushed out with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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