Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 744 The other party looks like a bad guy, blame me?

Chapter 744 The other party looks like a bad guy, blame me?
In fact, the sheep woman is the most grateful person in the whole village to Patrich and Patreon. After all, her husband was killed right in front of her, and she is about to be robbed. Under the circumstances, it was the appearance of these two fallen angels who dug out the enemy's heart in front of her and saved herself and the whole village.

Seeing that the person who came was not a bandit but the most respected first warrior of the goat orcs, that is, the number one expert of the goat clan, Moses, the goat woman rushed out and knelt down on the ground to intercede for Patreon.

Naturally, Moshido would not do anything to his own people, and patiently persuaded the goat woman who ran out and was incoherent in agitation to go away. If he wanted to be grateful, he would wait until he killed the fallen angel.

Seeing that the situation seemed to be different from what they had imagined, the other villagers also gathered together, rushing to supplement the incoherent words of the sheep woman.

After understanding the situation, Moses and the wolf orc looked at each other depressedly.

Damn it, there was a big oolong!
These two fallen angels actually saved the village?What's even more funny is that they regarded them as bandits who happened to receive the news nearby, and ran out to fight them for the sake of the villagers. How deep must this misunderstanding be!
I really can't blame both of them. On the one hand, the villagers and the fallen angels have just exterminated a group of bandits. It is not surprising that they also treat the strange and ferocious ones as bandits; There was blood around the village, and the notorious fallen angels flew out with blood on their hands, no wonder they slaughtered the village.

"Oops, even if it's a misunderstanding, you can't let him go!"

Moses was the quickest to react from his depression. His first thought was to control this fallen angel first, and then think of a solution slowly, otherwise they would be too passive to just let him go back.

But it was too late for him to rush over to the wall, and the fallen angels had already disappeared. They must have taken the opportunity to run away when they were distracted by the villagers.The innate dark element physique of fallen angels makes them all masters of concealing aura and concealing traces. After a fallen angel sneaks away at some point, it is even more difficult to chase him.

If he ran away, the matter would be even more complicated. When he returns to the Demon Race to pass on the news here, the army of the Demon Race will probably come over by then!
But at this time when the internal troubles were still unresolved and the external troubles were revealed, Moses could only sigh deeply, good fortune tricks people, does God want to destroy their beast race?Can't even the beast god protect them?

"It's late, it's too late, I was ran away." The wolf orc put down the little girl and ran over, glanced at the hole in the wall, and couldn't help feeling that the fallen angel was quite strong, so he couldn't be disabled. He was still able to run away, "Mosedo, are we in trouble?"

After the wolf orc realized that he had beaten the wrong person, all his murderous aura disappeared. He has a strong body and well-defined muscles, but he no longer bulged up as if he was about to explode during the battle just now. The scar on his eye was no longer congested and looked less He was vicious, and he looked like a big brother with a lot of energy.

"It is indeed causing trouble, but strictly speaking, they should have asked for it themselves. After all, they ran into our Beast Race Continent by themselves. The root cause was their problem from the beginning, but I don't know that these two depraved Did the angel take the wrong medicine to save a village here? If it wasn't for the fact that it had black wings, I would suspect it was a fake." Moses shook his head helplessly.

Although they entered the territory illegally, they probably didn't have time to do bad things. After all, they only did one good thing for the time being. A few of them beat the two fallen angels to death without saying a word. They also have to review themselves.But what is even more frightening now is the diplomatic issue between the two races. If the demons really want to ask for an explanation, they can't shirk it. After all, they saved your village, and you beat him to death with your backhand.

"What should we do now?"

The wolf orc scratched his head, he was good at fighting, but he was not good at dealing with tedious chores.

It seems that their entire wolf clan is not good at it.

"It was easier to deal with it if you didn't do anything and kept silent, but now it can't be done. Let's go, Baluru, and bring back the fallen angel in Jerez's hands. There should be a chance for a peaceful settlement." Moses said.

Baruru? !Jerrys? !
The other villagers gasped when they heard these two names, because in the orc race, these two names are as great as Moses!They are the number one warrior of the wolf clan and the number one warrior of the tiger clan respectively!In particular, Baluru, the number one warrior of the wolf tribe, is said to have fought against King Beamon, but he was only narrowly defeated. What a powerful existence that is!

Although each race has the number one warrior of each race, these three are different, their strength is particularly strong, and they firmly occupy the top three on the ladder list, known as the three brave warriors of the orc race.If the few Jin Bimengs who are the strongest of the Beamon tribe are removed, it can be said without a doubt that these three are the strongest existences of the Beast tribe.But compared to Kim Beamon, they are on par in strength.

The status of the Beamon tribe in the Beast tribe is a bit like the fallen angels of the demon tribe. The Beamon tribe is proud, not very smart, and has a rude and domineering personality. It is stronger than any other race in terms of strength. Compared with the three masters who are more friendly to the people, they are far worse than that.

Hearing that this time it was actually three well-respected masters attacking together, no, they shot together, the villagers thought to themselves that it is no wonder that the two fallen angels were beaten to the ground.

"Has the other fallen angel been arrested by you? I want you to let him go, after all, he saved our village." Seeing that the two masters were about to leave, and hearing their conversation, the goat woman hurriedly begged .

"It's inconvenient to send him back to the Devil's Continent for the time being, don't worry, we won't do anything to him." Moses comforted the sheep woman, and then flew to the village with Baluru.

Moshi didn't want to take this hot taro back, but he was seriously injured by himself, wouldn't it be worse to send it back like this, no matter how you explain it, there is no truth to the intuitive situation!

In short, this time it was a disaster, and Moshido's godless dead sheep eyes became even more lifeless.

A small village on the edge of the city of Lelier is also being attacked by a small group of bandits.

The small villages near the border of the Mozu are actually quite impoverished, and the bandits can hardly grab anything when they come here, but they can still take away some labor.

The city lord Newman watched some of the thieves running towards them, and when he saw his purple pupils, he immediately ran away in panic, and glanced at Lucia and Yuan Feiwu next to him with embarrassment.

Because these two had already greeted him earlier, and asked him to clean up the bandits near the city before coming to teach farming techniques, and sent Patreon and Partridge to help.

Although it is said that their city guards are mainly responsible for maintaining stability, and the twins are responsible for going out to sweep, but Nima, a small village, is in the countryside near the city. When they brought His Royal Highness and Yuan Feiwu, they happened to be robbed by bandits. ah!They have been robbed so recently, how stable is this!

However, it can also be seen from this that the law and order near the border is really bad, and such things can still happen after being mopped up by the twins.

"Ahem, I think those two idiots can be scolded with just such grades. Usually, you are too protective of them." Lucia turned her head, coughed twice, and flew towards the source in a very upright tone. Said.

It's definitely not that he has always been dissatisfied with Yuan Feiwu's too much doting on the twins in his heart, absolutely not!
"I will talk about the criticism later, and solve the matter here first."

Yuan Feiwu didn't respond positively to Lucia's words, which made Lucia unhappy in his heart. He felt as if his status in his heart was lower than those two idiots. He didn't miss a bit when he corrected and preached himself, but he treated them in every possible way. maintain.

But soon he put aside this unhappy thought, he saw Yuan Feiwu suddenly raised his white onion-like fingers, with a warm smile on his face, letting his hands intertwine and dance in front of him.This wasn't Yuan Feiwu's talent. As a magister, Lucia was of course very sensitive to dark elements. He immediately discovered the countless almost invisible filaments wrapped around Yuan Feiwu's fingertips.

That is a pure energy filament made of dark element magic energy!Seeing the cheerful rhythm of the energy filaments clearly, Lucia was even more intoxicated by it. This man is so detached and graceful even in battle!
The bandits who were running away were immediately decapitated and fell into a pool of blood.And farther away, from time to time, there were muffled hums of surprise or despair, letting Lucia know that the other bandits were also experiencing the tragedy of dying silently and unexpectedly.

With just a few gestures, he can refine the dark element magic energy into silk, and control such a slender energy thread like an arm and a finger. Not to mention the power, just this kind of delicate and extreme control level, Lucia is sure that even if it is his own Even my father can't do it!

If Yuan Feiwu had used this method to sneak attack on him when they met for the first time, he might have died for no apparent reason!

The most frightening thing is that this person still maintains a smile like a spring breeze during the killing. That penetrating feeling is even more terrifying than the vicious killing god who dismembers the enemy.

At this time, Lucia found that she seemed to have lost all intuition for this person, and could not see through this person at all.

(End of this chapter)

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