Chapter 745 Not Naive at All

The twenty or thirty violent bandits were burning, killing and looting, and all of them died suddenly, and all the villagers suddenly became a little dazed.But as long as it is a normal person, it is impossible for the bandits to suddenly die suddenly out of thin air.

Surprised, the villagers saw a few people with different temperaments standing at the entrance of the village, and some of them had purple eyes. They immediately understood who came to the rescue, and they all ran over and kowtowed in gratitude.

"Okay, okay." Newman cleared his throat, Lucia and Yuan Feiwu didn't seem to want to blame him for what happened here, he was naturally relieved, and spoke to these untouchables happily, "This is Prince Lucia, I have come here specially to teach you planting techniques. You should have received all the orders issued before, and those who receive the materials and have no harvest within half a year will be killed without mercy! So should you study hard and master the planting techniques so that you can do it yourself!"

The villagers were a little apprehensive. At first they thought it was just talk, how could food be grown in the soil of the Demon Continent.Now that even the prince has come, and the city lord has personally repeated the order again, then this may be true.

"Don't worry, the planting of Mutoya City has been successful. As long as you try hard, it will not be difficult." Lucia took a step forward and took out some melons and fruits brought from Mutoya City from the storage space. Vegetables and wheat, thrown to the crowd.

The villagers of the Mozu had never seen these fresh fruits and vegetables, but the refreshing smell came from a short distance after they got them, letting them know that they must be edible, and they are plants!Many of the demons who are usually hungry and scared are drooling. If there are rare big figures like Santo Newman and Prince Lucia in their lives, they may have rushed to grab them and stuff them in their mouths desperately.

Yuan Feiwu nodded. Lucia's persuasive trick is very effective. Nothing can be compared with facts to prove it. In addition, he has already disseminated the information about the bumper harvest in Mutoya City. The actual evidence is enough to explain the truth. .

It seems that Lucia is also thinking carefully about how to make use of the current conditions.

"Those who are willing to try, receive seeds and soil at the entrance of the village, as well as half a year's rations. Those who are not willing, are not forced, but if they do looting like those bandits, they will be killed without mercy."

As the prince, Lucia's arrogance is not weak at all. If you leave the words here, you don't need to explain anything nonsense. His arrival is the best proof.

Does he, a prince, want to kill a bunch of commoners like them, and still need to think of such a tortuous excuse, so that he can trick them into beheading them after half a year because they can't finish the harvest?
Facts have proved that Lucia's approach is correct. The royal families of the Demon Race are all extremely noble. It would make people suspicious if he explained it seriously.

Those villagers are used to being ordered to die by high-ranking people. When they heard that as long as they don't die, they will have a way to live, and there will be rations as a gift.Under the control of the soldiers brought by City Lord Newman, they lined up at the entrance of the village in an orderly manner, and even the corpses of the bandits strewn about on the ground were ignored for the time being.

"Prince Lucia, Mr. Yuan Feiwu, you didn't go back to the castle to take a good rest when you first arrived in Lielier City, but you came here to this small village, it seems that my way of hospitality is terrible."

City Lord Newman didn't take credit with Lucia either, he didn't care at all about this small favor to the common people.

He cared more about what kind of benefits the two of them could bring him, so he hurried to please them first.

"Let you settle the law and order issue first, and come here to see how it's doing first." Yuan Feiwu replied with a smile.

City Lord Newman was in a daze. It was obvious that the matter had passed just now. He didn't expect that he would return the matter after being polite. The feeling of being slapped in the face came to his heart again. The depression of being beaten again and again.

"Don't be discouraged, the number of bandits here is the result of long-term accumulation, and it will not be solved in a short while. First, control the security troubles to a low level, and wait for the food supply to solve the famine problem. Most of them will be helpless bandits. The people will naturally come back to be ordinary people. Of course, with the folk customs of the demons, some violence is still needed to help them change their ways."

City Lord Newman didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to comfort himself instead, "Damn it, I'm not sad because I worry about the country and the people at all, okay?"Are you upset because you were slapped in the face by bandits?
"That's that... I also want to ask Mr. Yuan Feiwu. There are also many wastelands near our city, and many abandoned dilapidated buildings and even civilian houses in the city can be demolished to make room for growing food. Come on, looking at it this way, it seems that the land we can cultivate in Lielier City is not much worse than that in Mutoya City. Our farmland should be able to grow as much food as theirs, right?" City Lord Newman simply refused to persuade the guest. That's it, let's go straight to the topic I've always wanted to ask.

Seeing a large piece of golden and green grain on Mutoya's side, his eyes were red with anxiety!
"Don't cultivate blindly. The city of Lelier is located on the border, and it seems to be a great unfavorable geographical location now. The security is chaotic and not very peaceful, but in the near future, it will have unique advantages that other cities do not have. Muto The food planted in the sub-city is enough to supply the basic needs of the Demon Race mainland, and it is almost enough to replenish some cultivated land in each city. Most of your so-called wasteland should be transformed into traffic arteries. In the future, when the food of the Demon Race can be exported to the Beast Race , Do you think the orcs will not accept it? Lielier City will become the most important import and export city, and your taxes will make other city owners jealous. What will happen between the two races? Good things and resources will mainly pass through your city, you said you are still afraid that you will not be able to find good things that are useful for your practice?"

"Ah! Really!" Newman couldn't help roaring excitedly. Yuan Feiwu's words really hit the weakness of the city lords.

They kept gathering wealth, cultivating troops and power, in order to consolidate their status as city lords.What is the purpose of consolidating the status of the city lord?Of course, it is to have a broader way to search for more resources that are useful to my own practice!Despite the barrenness of the Demon Continent, the energy spars stored in the energy of the ancient war are still discovered from time to time, and many of them are quite beneficial to the practice of fallen angels. Once they are made public, their value is very high.There are also spiritual herbs, miraculous medicines, and strange stones. As long as they are useful to oneself, exchanging them with other city lords or buying them everywhere requires huge financial resources and strength.

With these resources, they can achieve twice the result with half the effort, which is the core motivation of their desire for power.

To use the simplest analogy, among the eight main cities of the Demon Race, including the palace of the Demon City, which city lord's castle is not built in the place with the strongest aura?Those places are extremely useful for the cultivation of fallen angels, just like the holy objects are to the group of black magicians in the Molot Swamp Forest, becoming a holy place.

If they can't keep the position of the city lord, these good things won't be their turn.

So if there is no benefit at all, they don't care if their main city can become more prosperous.

Now being touched by Yuan Feiwu, Newman knew that he had been dazzled by the grains in Mutoya city and was short-sighted. The fog was cleared by this person, and he saw a future that was even more incredible and extremely surprising.

Lucia was even more stunned, as if she had seen it on the Star Luo Continent, the bustling and prosperous scene immediately appeared in front of her eyes, and the shock could not be calmed down for a long time.

If it is to become the most important trading town for the two clans of Warcraft, Lielier City really has the right time, place and people!He has always told himself to think further, and what Yuan Feiwu has done is the best example for him to learn from, but now when he hears Yuan Feiwu's words, he feels that he is many beats behind.

He had already thought of such a long-term plan!
The Beast Race and Demon Race have been doing some business since the alliance came. The supply of fur in the Beast Race Continent has always been in short supply for the Demon Race. Unfortunately, most of the Demon Race civilians are too poor to even afford food, and the trade market has not been thriving.

Now if the demons can grow high-yield food, they will reach a mutually beneficial trading chain with the demons, just around the corner!

Lucia suddenly remembered the words that impressed him when he passed by Yuan Feiwu when he was wearing a cloak under the Ropa City Hotel: In the future, when the human race and the demon race and the beast race make friends with each other for free trade, Northway The empire is the biggest beneficiary.

Freedom of trade between the human race and the demon orc race?How naive...

Compared with what he said now, compared to then, Lucia would not feel naive at all.

Because this person has the ability to change the world, the present is an example.

(End of this chapter)

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