Chapter 746

City Lord Newman is of course the one who is most anxious. Lucia does not have the awareness of yearning for the majestic blueprint between the races in his heart. He only cares about when Lelier City becomes the city of import and export that Yuan Feiwu said.

He waved his hand anxiously, and the civil servant behind him was considered smart, and quickly handed over the prepared detailed map of Lelier City and its surrounding area.

In the past, he thought that it would be enough to get a map and outline the main passages of the main buildings. Where it needs to be so complicated, whoever wants to see it.Now take it over and look at it, and immediately have a different idea.Damn it, why is this map so rough, where are the buildings, what kind of mountains and rivers are there, I can't fucking see it, okay?
I can't wait for someone to draw a new copy immediately, showing every brick and tile.

But now it's too late to draw a new copy, so he just handed the map to Yuan Feiwu, staring at Yuan Feiwu with expectation on his face.

"Well, do you want me to help you plan it?"

Yuan Feiwu glanced up and raised his head, startling Newman City Lord.

Damn, I watched it so fast, I thought Yuan Feiwu's next sentence was: There is no hope.

"Yeah yeah!"

Santo Newman wanted to roll his eyes, otherwise why would I hand you this thing?Wipe your nose!
"Shouldn't your people do this? I think the advice my people gave you has already provided great value. Do you want him to help you plan the entire city?" Lucia said suddenly.

Lucia didn't feel that he was being ignored and interjected to grab the presence. He simply felt that Yuan Feiwu still had to plan the city of Lelier for Newman City Lord bit by bit, which made him feel distressed.Shouldn't Newman's people do this kind of time-consuming and energy-consuming work? Could it be that his subordinates are all dry-cooked?
Lucia suddenly made a call to Newman City Lord to react, yes, His Royal Highness is still here, he has already made this person transparent without saying a word.This is the first time that he values ​​other people's little brother more than his master, and it's so much higher.

"I don't just want to ask Mr. Yuan Feiwu's advice, I just want to refer to it..." City Lord Newman complained about Lucia in his heart, but he could only laugh.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to refer to other people’s suggestions. Just a few words from others can make Liel City, a lousy place that no city lord wants, suddenly sprout into fragrant buns. Who wouldn’t like such an expert!If Yuan Feiwu hadn't been named under the name of His Royal Highness, it's hard to say whether he would have spent a huge price to rob someone.

"Since you attach great importance to my suggestion, let me take a look. Here is bordered by several main cities. If the traffic planning is not done well at the beginning, it will have an impact on the foreign trade of the entire Demon Race... In this way, you will only assign these for the time being. The places in a few areas are for everyone to cultivate, and the other places are put away first. Remember, the first task is to do a good job in the security part." Yuan Feiwu smiled, and circled a few locations on the map with his fingers, indicating to Newman City Lord to see .

Lucia stared unhappily at the side, she was trying to stand up for him, and he pretended to be a good guy, but it was a shame for him, the prince, as if what he said had no weight.

But after thinking about it, people have said that it will affect the foreign trade of the entire Demon Race, what a big deal!As the prince of the demon clan, shouldn't he want to force Yuan Feiwu to work hard and plan well?I feel sorry for his hard work, what kind of thought is this...

But this thought just lingers.

"You're right. Of course, you should take your time and do it step by step. Hahaha... But," City Lord Newman happily took over the map. Just as he was about to continue asking about further developments, he said slowly. Slow down, he is still very anxious, even if things have to be done step by step, he still wants to know in advance how to plan for the future.

According to the classification of people on earth, he is the kind of person who likes to watch mystery movies after spoiling the ending.

But suddenly a person flew over from a distance and interrupted his words, and the subordinates he brought even clattered and surrounded them for protection.

The man spread out a pair of black wings and flapped them quickly, but he still couldn't maintain the elegance that belonged to the fallen angel, and fell to the ground as if he lost his center of gravity.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yuan Feiwu threw out the invisible energy filaments and led the man into his arms. At this time, City Lord Newman and the others were surprised to find that this fallen angel turned out to be one of the twins!

His face and body were covered with lumps of dried blood mixed with mud, his clothes were even more tattered, and his exposed body was also full of scars.

"What happened?!" Lucia leaned over and said angrily.

Although Lucia really hated the twins at ordinary times, subconsciously he already regarded them as his wings, and he was very angry when his subordinates were beaten like this.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, hurry up... hurry up..."

"Don't talk yet, you are seriously injured, I will help you deal with it first..."

"There is no time, go and save them..."

Patreon was seriously injured. Although he didn't die, he still needed a long time to recuperate.He came over anxiously to find Yuan Feiwu to join him, and under the tremendous mental pressure, he didn't dare to rest for a second. He forced the dark element demon to fly back, and it was almost exhausted.He runs the Dark Element Demon to continuously impact his brain, so as not to lose consciousness, because he still needs to bring Yuan Feiwu to that place soberly, and save Partridge...and save that petite figure.

Even if this is done, it is likely to leave irreversible side effects afterwards.

"Simple processing, it won't take much time."

Yuan Feiwu patted Patreon lightly, and Patreon immediately understood after being stunned for a moment, and was helped by Yuan Feiwu into a small room, and Lucia's nose was almost pinched flat when the door was closed.

No plan to let him in?Damn it, he is Prince Lucia, your immediate superior!

This feeling of being treated as an outsider made Lucia very upset, but she was worried that rushing in now would disturb their healing, and she frowned at the door like a husband waiting for his wife to give birth.

It didn't take long for him to struggle, and the two came out of it.All the blood and mud clots on Patreon's body were cleaned up, all the haggardness on his face disappeared, and many bandages were tied on his body, but the whole person seemed to be in much better condition.

"His injury is done? Is it enough to spend all this time on bandages?"

Lucia felt something was wrong. There was only so little time, not even enough to tie a bandage. How could he heal the wound?

"I have special medicine, and my energy silk is also very effective in suturing wounds." Yuan Feiwu said while looking at Patreon, asking him to say a few words.

"Yes, yes, the medicine will cure the disease!"

With Patreon's IQ, he couldn't learn Yuan Feiwu's ability to turn unimaginable things into trivial things in daily life. He patted his bandage's chest vigorously with his bandaged hands. Violently put on an appearance of being well treated.

But it's okay for you to slap yourself like this, why don't you tie a hairy bandage?Originally, I planned to act as if he had healed a little, but it was still very serious, right?It's completely wrong!Nima saw that she was dancing.

The two entered the small room, of course, because Yuan Feiwu forcefully poured the dark element magic energy into Patreon's body, and forcibly helped him heal his wounds. Anyway, Patreon knew that he was not an ordinary person, so he didn't need to worry about revealing his identity.

Lucia guessed right, almost all the time spent in the small room was spent on bandaging, and the bandages were tied together by the two of them.If you let him know that he was deceived by Yuan Feiwu's lie again, I don't know if Lucia will be a little happier.

"You have hidden enough secrets." Lucia said with a sneer.

"Who doesn't have a little secret yet." Yuan Feiwu said cheerfully, and then said, "Go, take me there to have a look."

Suddenly Lucia shuddered, Yuan Feiwu's expression did not change, but Lucia's intuition towards him came back again, and he felt that Yuan Feiwu was a little different again.

Covered by a warm smile, there are extremely cold eyes!
This person must be angry.Or should I say, this person would actually be angry.

"Yes, Mr. Yuan Feiwu!"

Patreon's bluffing straps were of no use at all, and he shot into the air with a high-spirited whoosh, faster than usual, not like a sick patient at all.

Yuan Feiwu was about to follow, but Newman City Lord hurried over.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, where are you going? Looking at his injuries, I'm afraid that what happened is not simple, why don't I send someone to look at it, sir, don't put yourself in danger!"

On Lucia's side, she felt sour because Yuan Feiwu seemed to have a little secret with Patreon in the small room, and on the other side, she was pissed off by Newman.He was about to take off just now, but Newman held Yuan Feiwu with a worried look, what a mess!Wasn't the object of allegiance to me before!Mr. Yuan Feiwu is dangerous, so he doesn't care about his own safety, right?
In the past, no matter because of his appearance or status, he was the center of attention wherever he went, but during this time, he has tasted enough of being ignored all at once!
"My partner asked me for help, so I had to go." Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, and he decided to go.

Newman had no choice but to say, "I'll send someone to follow you!"

"No, I can take care of small things."

Damn, everyone in the Fallen Angel Elite Team was beaten up like this, could it be a trivial matter?
Usually laughing, pretending to be 13 is really crazy!Forget it, if someone is going to die, why don't you stop him from going?

But before dying...

"Then why don't you give me some pointers on what I'm planning before leaving?"

"You should first do a good job of law and order here, and I will talk about the rest when I come back."

This time Yuan Feiwu didn't stop, and flew up to chase Patreon with a swish.

Lucia frowned. When the man left, he didn't greet him and felt a sense of being left out of the matter, and quickly flew into the sky.

City Lord Newman watched them fly away, with only a helpless expression on his face, brother, do you have any other lines besides policing!
It wasn't until the deputy general came over to ask questions, saying that the villagers had divided the ration seeds and soil, how to arrange it next, that he came to his senses.

Damn, it’s not right, the business has not been done yet, all three of them ran away, who will teach them how to plant!
(End of this chapter)

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