Chapter 747

The three of them landed in the orc village where Patreon last stayed, two in front and one behind, and the one behind was naturally Lucia.

The speed of the two people in front didn't slow down at all, and they obviously didn't intend to let him follow, it was really hard work for him to catch up, if they flew any farther, they would definitely be thrown away.

"Hey, what are you doing here, His Royal Highness?" Patreon shouted after seeing Lucia landed.

It was like this again, this feeling of being excluded made him extremely unhappy!
He is the prince!Your boss's boss!

How come you act like an outsider, and you get disgusted frequently!

Before Lucia showed the majesty of the prince to Patreon, Yuan Feiwu suddenly interjected.

"You... are you flying to the territory of the Beast Race?"

Yuan Feiwu was a little helpless, he also never guessed that the twins who were asked to clean up the bandits near Lielier City actually came to the Orc Continent.

And he took a brief look, although the dividing line between the two races is extremely blurred, and the two races have their own opinions, but he can still be sure that their current location is definitely within the territory of the beast race, and after a long time. The world is not a star and a half.

"Accidentally flew here, I guess it should be God's arrangement, the traction of fate." Patreon said with a silly smile.

Destiny to your family!Are you stupid?You're so stupid that you don't even know where you're going? !
Lucia only needs to get here to guess why this guy ran back with serious injuries all over his body for help!

It would be no wonder if the two Beamons of the Beast Race were not beaten to death wandering around in the Demon Race Continent!
"What are you bringing me here for? What about the others?"

Or Yuan Feiwu has a really big heart, so he can hold back and get back to business without complaining.

"We met a group of very powerful bandits, and this is the last place I escaped. But..." Patreon looked at the villagers who were gradually gathering, and scratched his head, "Why is there nothing wrong here?"

"Benefactor!" The goat woman also gathered around, seeing Patreon and immediately jumped out of the crowd happily, "It's good that you're fine!"


What, benefactor?
Not only Lucia, but even Yuan Feiwu showed a little surprised expression, which shows how unexpected this matter was.

After all, words like benefactor are associated with brainless guys like twins. I feel that the word benefactor has dropped in value!
"Why are you all alright? Where are the bandits? Where's my brother? I brought the rescuers here, let's see if I don't tear them apart!"

Patreon looked around, his killing intent getting stronger.

"Benefactor, you misunderstood!" The goat woman glanced at the companions brought by Patreon. For their orc tribe, these two people seemed to be a little weak. Bring such rescuers to find Baba. The Lulu Warriors are in trouble, wouldn't the end be even worse, "They are not bandits..."

The people of the orc race are actually very simple. Seeing the misunderstanding and conflict between the fallen angel who saved their village and the warrior of their orc race, they were all very anxious.Now that Patreon came back, the villagers who saw him immediately put down their work and ran over, cooperating with the sheep woman to add what happened.

Yuan Feiwu listened attentively to the side, and suddenly realized after listening: These two people were not beaten up as Mozu spies, but some misunderstandings.

And the twins did a good job.Although it is obviously a coincidence and not intentional, after all, these two are typical fallen angels, if it is not for my order, I would never bother to care about the life and death of these ordinary people, but it is still a meaningful thing for the orcs. .

This fight was really boring.

Of course Lucia also understood, and quietly glanced at Yuan Feiwu, only to see that the frost in his eyes gradually dissipated, and it seemed that he had returned to the calm and watery Yuan Feiwu before.Lucia is now more and more fond of observing Yuan Feiwu's tiny and hard-to-find emotional changes. Every time she finds something, she can't help but jump for joy.

It was as if he was getting closer to this person's heart.

"The three great warriors of the orc clan? No wonder they are so powerful... Where are they now? Whether he misunderstood or not, I will tear them apart!" Patreon said angrily.

"No! Benefactor, thank you very much for avenging my husband, so I can't just watch you go to die! Don't provoke the three warriors anymore!" the sheep woman said anxiously.

At this time, a childish voice interrupted abruptly: "Aunt Osu, he is not the fallen angel who avenged your husband!"

As soon as Patreon heard the voice, his heart was agitated, and he hurriedly looked over, and it was indeed the little girl from the cow clan, with a sleepy look on his face.

"Isn't it?" Aunt Osu was taken aback. Did she recognize the wrong person?
"That's right, it's another Lord Fallen Angel who looks very similar to him." The little girl of the cow tribe said firmly, the animal ears on both sides of the horns were small and exquisite, trembling with her tone is cute.

"Hey, I didn't expect that you, who are humble, can distinguish between us two brothers, even our fathers can't distinguish us, you are not simple!"

Patreon didn't notice that after the little girl ran out, the arc of the corner of her mouth was raised a lot.

"Indeed, it's really powerful." Lucia murmured.

This little orc girl can actually tell who the twins are, it's incredible!After all, it seemed that even Yuan Feiwu, who he thought was divine and divine, couldn't do it!
"Okay, I know where he went without asking anyone else. Don't worry, I can assure you that he is fine now." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, so that Patreon didn't need to keep asking him.

Aunt Osu is not only unwilling to say, even if she is willing to say, she doesn't know where he is going. For ordinary people like them, how could the three great warriors of the family report their whereabouts to them.It's useless to embarrass others.

Lucia didn't question Yuan Feiwu's words, because he was sure that the orcs would not dare to do anything to the twin, otherwise they would bear the wrath of the demons.

Patreon nodded towards Yuan Feiwu, and then glanced at the little girl from the Niu family. Yuan Feiwu couldn't help being amused by the weird appearance of hesitating to speak.

"What's the matter? If you tell me that you have any bold ideas about this little loli, I will beat you to death with my own hands without hesitation."

Yuan Feiwu said such words with a gentle smile, which made Lucia feel extremely contradictory. Is this called a black smile?What if this kind of warning made him want to commit a crime even more!It's not that he doesn't know how cute he looks when he smiles!
"This commoner saved my life before. Well, I want to repay her, but I don't know how to do it, so I want to ask Mr. Yuan Feiwu for advice."

Lucia usually thinks that the twins are either cool and handsome or two, of course, since close contact, he thinks that the two make up about 99.5%...but this is the first time seeing him look a little embarrassed.

Lucia unconsciously took a few more glances at the little girl from the cow tribe. It was quite surprising that the fallen angel had taken a fancy to a lowly orc tribe.

"I saved you, of course I have to thank you very much."

Yuan Feiwu squatted down while talking, this action actually frightened the little girl from the cow tribe to hide back, and even hid behind Patreon's feet.

Yuan Feiwu found it very interesting that this little girl was actually afraid of him and not of fallen angels, for the first time in history.

In fact, he didn't know that when Patreon was beaten, he kept saying that he wanted to call the Lord Demon King to come back for revenge, and the little girl listened to it.The devil is of course a terrible thing. These two handsome guys were brought here by Patreon and respected them very much (how can I respect me??? Lucia’s question mark face), so I drew these two and the devil equal sign.

"What's your name?" Yuan Feiwu asked with a smile.

The little girl flinched even more.

"Bold, Mr. Yuan Feiwu asked you something, why didn't you answer!" Patreon yelled at the little girl with his hips akimbo.

What he said sounded fine, but Lucia could tell that Patreon was really different to this little girl. If it were someone else, he would have rushed forward like a muscle to get her to kneel down and sing. conquered.

"Bi Ni, my name is Bi Ni, how about you, Lord Fallen Angel?"

The little girl finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Patreon calling him Mr. Yuan Feiwu. It turns out that this is not the Lord Demon King!Then the other one... She shrank carefully in another direction, away from Lucia.

"Patrion, my name is Patreon, please remember my name carefully." Patreon nodded in satisfaction.

"So you are Patreon. Fortunately, I refrained from calling you by your name, or I would have called you wrong." Yuan Feiwu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said something that made people laugh and cry.

Yuanyuan Feiwu didn't know which of the twins he was for a long time, alas, Patreon's proud face with his hips akimbo immediately collapsed, like a bitter woman.

Sure enough, Lucia said that this person had a heart-to-heart with her, and what she was thinking was really similar...but she couldn't say it out.

But this person is so unbelievable, obviously it should be a very embarrassing thing, but it will be someone else who feels ashamed after saying it.

And for some reason, it made Lucia feel that the victim's face was ridiculous, and most importantly, he didn't feel any guilt at all.


(End of this chapter)

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