Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 749 Finally reunited, but Lucia couldn't be happy at all

Chapter 749 Finally reunited, but Lucia is not happy at all

"we are coming!"

A heavy iron door was kicked open, and Lucia, who looked indifferent but unbelievably beautiful, took the lead. On his left was the blond Patreon with aristocratic temperament, and on the right was Yuan Feiwu with a smile on his face. .Let's rush in together, handsome and compelling!

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu! I knew Patreon would bring you to save me!"

In the spacious house they broke into, the floor was covered with all kinds of precious animal skins, and even the sofas in the house were made of beautiful and soft fur, which made people feel extremely luxurious at first glance.

Partridge was lying on one of the sofas, holding an unknown fruit in his mouth. When he saw the three handsome men entering, he stood up excitedly to greet him.

"Of course, I won't leave you alone!" Patreon said proudly.

"Hahaha, you guys are so handsome!" Just like looking in a mirror, Partridge put on the same look as Patreon and became proud, as if he had accomplished something great.

The background sound was the roar of the heavy iron door being shut behind them again.

They are indeed twins of fools, both of them are in a state where there is no cure, and they are indistinguishable...

Save you bastards!They were caught here, okay?

The big iron gate is closed, you still have a dead head!

Lucia covered her head helplessly.

Flying aggressively with them before, he thought that the two of them were going to make a mess, but in the end they just flew to the central tribe of the beast clan, and when they saw people, they said they wanted to meet the king of the beast clan, Beamon King Fu Longo, save their little friend.

How many random people, including fallen angels, can meet the king of the beast clan in such a random way?

If you can really see it, then Flonge doesn't have to mess around. If he is so useless, it is estimated that the demons could wipe out the orcs hundreds of years ago.

So before I saw other people's palaces, I was stopped by a group of Beamon giants. The feeling of being surrounded by a bunch of giant Beamon giants made Lucia feel terrible, and then she was surrounded by a group of Beamon giants. Throwing it in like a cat, it seemed stupid to even resist.

The only good news is that they seemed to see that Patreon was also a fallen angel, so they threw them into the place where Partridge was imprisoned, and finally reunited.Let's not talk about the meeting place, and no matter how big Lucia's brain was, he would never have thought that Yuan Feiwu would take him to find the twins and eventually find him in the orc's high-end prison.

Unbelievable feeling of sadness, how helpless is this?

"Partridge, how's your injury? It seems like nothing happened!" Patreon suddenly seemed to remember something, and walked around Partridge for a few days.

The twins have almost never been separated, and the relationship can no longer be described as deep. As long as you can't see each other, it's like losing half of your soul.Before Patreon and Partridge parted ways, Partridge was beaten to the point where he couldn't take care of himself, and Patreon was always very worried.

"I don't know. I just woke up yesterday. The wounds on my body have been treated, and my body is much better." Partridge said with a silly smile. Although the injury is not completely healed, at least I can run and jump. After all, the injuries he suffered before were very serious, and it is already quite good to be able to recover like this in a short time.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, you are amazing!" Patreon ran back to Yuan Feiwu with admiration and said to him, "Mr. Yuan Feiwu, how do you know that nothing will happen to Partridge?"

That's not easy.

Lucia shook his head. For the twins, this question may be beyond the outline, but it is not a problem at all for a normal person like him.

Because the three warriors of the orc clan knew later that it was a misunderstanding, and they were slipped away by Patreon. If they didn't treat Partridge well, there would be a war between the two clans.So after he learned about the twins' conflict and misunderstanding from the village, he immediately guessed that Partridge must be fine, and the orcs had to heal him well.

"Because I have always believed in the truth that stupid people have stupid blessings, so Partridge must be fine." Yuan Feiwu happily explained to the twins.

After hearing this explanation, Lucia couldn't take it anymore and put her head against the wall.

"As expected of Mr. Yuan Feiwu! Amazing plan!" The twins sighed together, "Ahahaha..."

Worthy of a ghost!Where did the magic trick come from? !Stupid people have stupid blessings, this is metaphysics, okay!

And you were scolded for being stupid, didn't you notice it at all!Absolutely ill-advised insults!Yuan Feiwu, if you bully them like this, won't the idiot Baitian collapse? !

Lucia suddenly felt that being out of tune with them didn't seem to be something unworthy of joy.

After a while, the heavy iron door was opened again. The iron door made of special materials, even Partridge couldn't break it unless it was opened from the outside.Not to mention the surroundings of the house, I don't know what special method the orcs used, Partridge can leave a trace even if he goes all out.

Seeing that the iron door was opened again, Partridge was a little eager to do something.

But as soon as he saw the people coming in, he immediately looked like a hedgehog whose fur had exploded, and his eyes started to bloodshot.

When a muscular and beautiful wolf orc comes in first, the scar left by one eye on the face is like an embellished existence, which sets off those radiant eyes, making it even more unforgettable to see.

Then two people came in, a strong but calm-looking goat orc, his dead goat eyes seemed to be staring at you from any angle, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

The other is a big tiger orc with a height of more than two meters. With a tall body and two small feline ears that are out of balance, the contradiction that makes people want to poke their eyes blind makes people prefer to face the bleak dead eye.

"It's them! Mo... Yuan Feiwu Da... sir, they are the ones who did it!" Partridge looked at the enemy he was thinking of, and almost called Yuan Feiwu the wrong name in his desperation.

At the beginning, I was so depressed that I wanted to commit suicide just looking at those godless dead sheep eyes and then being punched hard.

"Guests from the Demon Race, my name is Baluru. We didn't have any malicious intentions when we came here. The previous conflicts were all misunderstandings. I believe you should have understood the whole story, so we gave this fallen angel treatment. We didn’t dare to delay at all. I heard that the fallen angel we brought back woke up yesterday, and we made a special trip to visit today, but we didn’t expect to hear the news from the guards that the prince of the Demon Race had also come, so we were even more anxious to come over and explain.” Baluru's voice was relatively rough, but he was not rude, and it was really a face and sincerity for the pride of the orc to put down his body and say such a thing.

You must know that if the two races of the demons and beasts go to war, Baluru has the qualifications and the courage to directly challenge Lu Kaiser to the existence, whether he can win or not, but the unruly arrogance in his heart is enough to make people look at him differently.

Baluru is not a prophet, the reason why he knew that the prince came in person was because of what Lucia had told him before.

At that time, they foolishly flew directly towards the Beast Race Palace and were intercepted. He knew at a glance that they must be treated as assassins or spies, and when he turned around, he found that Yuan Feiwu was still there happily so that Patreon would not resist Xin Dao's request. Too bad, I had no choice but to report my identity and ask them to notify Flonge, the king of the orcs, so as to save my group from suffering needlessly.

It was also because of this that Lucia felt such a headache seeing the three of them gathered together in this high-grade prison and still happily.It can be seen how stupid they are this trip?Why did he believe in the evil Yuan Feiwu, and followed him straight to the Beast Palace without any precautions?If it were a palace with orcs flying directly to the capital, it would be strange not to be beaten into a useless person and then put in a prison for torture and strict interrogation, regardless of whether you have ulterior motives or not!It is conceivable that the Beast Race is of course the same, which shows how stupid this move is!
With Lucia's sense of mission to save these three people, Sanyong of the orc clan who happened to come over knew of his existence.

"Since you know that I am the prince, how dare you lock us up here? Your hospitality is really polite." Lucia said coldly.

Even though he knew that he had done a stupid thing with Yuan Feiwu, as a demon prince, he still had to show what he should do.

"This is the palace of the king of the beast tribe. If it is in our wolf tribe, then it must not be..."

"His Royal Highness Prince Lucia, my Majesty Moses. The matter of trespassing in the palace is very abrupt. Even if you have the qualifications, Your Royal Highness, to meet directly with King Flongbeimeng, for the sake of safety, King Flongbeimeng must always verify several people." The real identity of the honored guest? If it is in the palace of the demons, it must at least do the same, and it is impossible to ignore trespassers. This is a closed room transformed from the best guest room of the orcs. The distinguished guest room is poor, sending you here is actually considered the supreme treatment, presumably His Royal Highness should be considerate if he compares his heart with his heart."

Halfway through Baluru's words, the sheep orcs interrupted suddenly.Baluru immediately realized that what he said seemed to offend King Beamon here, so he wisely shut up.

Lucia turned his head and looked at the dead sheep eyes of this goat orc. Although he felt inexplicably that these eyes seemed to be contemptuous of others, but he saw the brilliance of wisdom in them.

Just based on the expressions of the few of them, this person immediately guessed that he was the prince, at least not like ordinary orcs who owed their IQ, so it deserves more attention.It's not unusual to call out his name clearly, he is the only direct prince of the current demon king in the demon clan, and anyone who has a little knowledge of the demon clan's situation should know that.

"It turns out that Moshiduo, the number one expert of the goat family, is worse than being famous. Well, then you should also understand the anger of our innocent people being severely injured by you? Are you ready to accept our anger?" Lucia The murderous look in the eyes is full, and the demons are famous for protecting their weaknesses. They can spoil their own things at will, but if others dare to touch them, they will not die!
Even if you are in a different place, wouldn't you be looked down upon as the future king of the demon clan if you don't show your presence in anger?

(End of this chapter)

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