Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 750 Seems Even Worse

Chapter 750 Seems Even Worse
"Your Highness, although these two fallen angel brothers broke into our territory privately, they only did one great thing, so it is undeniable that this is our fault. But these are all misunderstandings, if because of this misunderstanding It will lead to mutual death, which will damage the current stable alliance between the two races. Especially now that the three human empires in the Star Luo Continent have been unified, and their strength is improving every day. If we can't make the misunderstanding smaller, I'm afraid It is not good for the interests of both parties, and it is even more worthless to let humans take advantage of the gap. As for the matter of injuring the two fallen angel friends, we will not shirk it. What kind of compensation is needed as long as the three of us can do it Yes, just mention it. I hope His Royal Highness think twice, everything is for the safety of the two clans."

Moshido's trembling sheep voice is uncomfortable to listen to, but what he said has a very convincing magic.

These things are something that a superior needs to consider, and Moshiduo just understands it.But it is very important to understand this point. You can neither lower your own identity, but also give enough steps to make the other party feel satisfied. If you pass any point, you will not get good results.

Moses did two more things just right.

There was no positive response on how to take over the anger pouring down from the Demon Race, only saying that it was not good for the interests of the two races, and tactfully stated that they would not silently bear the tough attitude of the other party's counterattack.On the other side, they admitted that the fault of this misunderstanding was on them, and they did not simply mention the problem of Partridge's intrusion into the country. They were very willing to bear the compensation with a higher upper limit, and gave the other party a perfect step. It can be retreated, and the other party's concession has been elevated not for such a vulgar reason as compensation, but for the great reason of the well-being of the two races.What's more, this reason is completely plausible, not artificial at all.

What Moses said made Lucia very surprised. As a prince, of course he had heard of the name of the master of the orc race, and the masters of the orc race were those who needed to pay attention to them from time to time.But he didn't know that this person was actually a master of diplomacy, and his mind was not simple. If Flonge, the king of the orcs, had sent this difficult person to negotiate an alliance treaty with them, their diplomats would have had a hard time thinking about it.

Baluru even smiled and cast admiring glances at Moses. He was not as smart as others. He really didn't want to worry about the fact that a disagreement could lead to race wars. Seeing what Moses had to say Lucia's murderous aura subsided, and she was so happy that she wanted to give him a big hug that could strangle his ribs to express his excitement and excitement.

Especially at the beginning, Moshi wanted to kill people to silence him, but when he found that the situation did not allow it, he immediately went to the other extreme, sincerely apologizing and making compensations. Baluru didn't think he had the courage to do so.Of course, with his brain, he couldn't think of being so rigorous and so far away.

Lucia looked at Yuan Feiwu, Moshido had done everything right, and he was somewhat persuaded, but he was still hesitating in his heart whether to choose to be cowardly or dry for the demons, or to sell these few to the orcs. In the face of a prestigious expert, I hope Yuan Feiwu can give some advice.

"Okay, I forgive you! As our boss said, everyone used violence to give the villagers hope. This is just a misunderstanding. If you are willing to apologize, it will be written off!" Yuan Feiwu did not speak, Pat Leon stood up instead.

Patreon was deeply touched by what Yuan Feiwu said to him before. He personally saw the admiration and respect from the eyes of those villagers, from Aunt Osu, from Bi Ni, and from their eyes. He had never felt the gratitude of being reborn after escaping.Regarding his noble status as a fallen angel, he has only seen fear and surrender from the eyes of the lowly people. Although this feeling is also very good, it is not as good as the new experience.The same is killing, but seeing the hopeful smiling faces of everyone reborn after the catastrophe is more comfortable than seeing people lying on the ground trembling.

Since the other party also caused the misunderstanding to give hope, then Patreon is already understandable.

Patreon Youyuan Feiwu has enlightened so he understands it, but Patrich can't understand it. No matter what the reason is, he is a noble fallen angel. If he is beaten up, of course he must be beaten back!

So he came out yelling with dissatisfaction, and was pushed back by Patreon covering his mouth, all kinds of depression, but the two brothers pinched each other rather ungraciously, and the elegance displayed by relying on the appearance was gone.

"Hahaha! Quite refreshing! I was very upset when they forced me to apologize to you, but I never thought that saving the villagers is giving them hope. I really changed my mind about you fallen angels. ! It’s not in vain that I fed you a precious special healing medicine made by Polygonum sativa!” The tiger orc laughed happily, “My name is Jerez, if you need any help in the future, just mention it, you two Brother Fallen Angel, I'm committed!"

Hey, Mutian Liao's special healing medicine or something, it probably only has a healing effect on you cats... Lucia suddenly cast some caring and sympathetic eyes on Partridge who was brought back from a coma. It's unimaginable how much the family has healed him, and he doesn't want to imagine it anymore.

Most of the orcs of the tiger tribe have such a carefree temper, Moshiduo and Baluru are no strangers to it.

The way of the wolf tribe is similar to that of the tiger tribe. They are cruel to the enemy and show loyalty to their own people. They also laughed and said: "If you need me for something, Baluru, you will never refuse!"

"Since they have no opinion, then I'll let it go." Seeing that Yuan Feiwu didn't express his opinion, Lucia reasoned according to the tacit understanding between himself and Yuan Feiwu. It is estimated that Yuan Feiwu knew that he could handle this matter well, so he didn't say much. In the end, Lucia chose the most beneficial choice for the demons, "I hope that the warriors of the orcs can remember their promises and compensate us for not wanting them, so they owe us a favor."

Partridge saw that both parties had reached this point, and the Lord Demon King seemed quite satisfied with the result, and he would look like a petty brat when he tangled up on the previous matter, so he could only accept this fact and draw circles on the side sadly.After being beaten and unable to fight back, he still couldn't get over this psychological hurdle.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding. I also believe that His Royal Highness, who is so sensible, will not make any unreasonable demands, so we must keep this favor in our hearts, and please mention it when His Highness needs it. We have a lot of things recently, so we will temporarily I will stay soon, I guess King Bimon will come to see you soon, I hope His Royal Highness will put the peace of the two clans as the most important thing, thank you." Moshido promised and did not forget to put a high hat on Lucia, by the way Increase the psychological pressure that the other party may make harsh demands that violate the principle in the future.

At the same time, it is also a statement. Ming people do not speak dark words, and they have their words first. Excessive demands for apologies will not be accompanied.

"Your words are enough." Lucia knew that this was Moses' biggest concession, and that these orc warriors made the most serious promises, and they would never turn their heads and fart what they said, so they didn't say any more. What.

Baluru and the others really have something to do. They were already dealing with difficult problems near the border. Because they accidentally injured Partridge this time, they were worried that it would become a war between the two clans, so they put it aside and rushed back. Now anxious to go back and deal with this again.

So he said goodbye immediately and left.

Before leaving, Baluru hesitated for a while, then turned his head and said to them: "Actually, we met King Bimon when we came here, and we learned that His Royal Highness heard what the guards said at that time. Then there is one thing The matter seems to be your private matter, I don't know if I should greet His Royal Highness in advance..."

"What's the matter, it's okay for the Baruru warrior to speak up." Now that the relationship has been settled, there is no need for Lucia to put on a high-ranking spectrum, and his attitude has eased a lot.

Lucia still has a good impression of Baluru.Moshido looks too shrewd to be on guard.Jeris seems to be too two, and there is already a particularly annoying combination called "[-]" beside him, that is, the two twins, the combination of two [-]s is very easy to make people feel irritated to the MAX, causing him to be irritated. People who are so stupid that it is difficult to communicate are difficult to develop a good impression of.A person like Baluru who is not rough and loyal can be a good guy if he can be a friend.

Baluru glanced at Moshido, but still seemed undecided.Moses nodded slightly. He felt that this matter was a sign of sincere friendship with the other party, and it did not harm the orcs in any way. It would not hurt to say it.

"That...King Bimon heard that the prince is coming, and is bringing his daughter to come... It is said that a long time ago, he made a marriage contract with the king of the demon clan for the princess and the prince. Since the prince happened to be here as a guest, let's I plan to organize this marriage together..."

After Baluru stammered, he glanced at Lucia with a guilty conscience.

He wanted to say that there was a reason for this. After all, King Behemoth was basically unreliable in doing things, and he was terribly nervous about everything.So whether this marriage contract was "discussed with the king of the demons" or "thought he negotiated with the king of the demons", Baluru had 1000 questions in his heart.

Don't ask why there are 1000 to 34 questions, because it was just written by the author.

"I hope this information will be useful to His Royal Highness, but we can't intervene in this kind of matter, so we will go to work first." Looking at Lucia's expression, Baluru knew that the matter was similar to his guess, and he was in a hurry to run away, dumbfounded.

If Lucia wanted to use the favor he owed on this matter, he would have a headache.

Baluru being able to tell this information and let Lucia prepare mentally has been a great help. Lucia knows that this kind of marriage contract between the royal family is a bit like a housework. These masters have no reason or excuse to intervene. If you want to help I can't help, I can only give some help like this.

"Thank you, Baluru." Lucia also understood the reason and didn't make things difficult for Baluru.

After sending the three of them away, Lucia suddenly felt that this trip might be even worse than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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