Chapter 751

"It turns out that Prince Lucia actually has a marriage contract!" "Prince Lucia's path is quite wild. He even dabbled in the Orc Continent, tsk tsk..."

This kind of gossip has the ability to make Partridge full of energy in an instant, so let's ignore the depression of being beaten before, and be curious about the gossip in front of him first.

"No, it's a misunderstanding!" Lucia cast a sharp glance at the twins, and walked up to Yuan Feiwu anxiously, "I don't have such a marriage contract!"

"I'm in a hurry, he's in a hurry..." "I'm afraid that Mr. Yuan Feiwu will misunderstand, and he's stepping on two boats with one foot..." "I think it's just right, Mr. Yiyuan Feiwu's strength doesn't lack boyfriends, of course, if you can take the opportunity It's not bad to be able to find a girlfriend straight away..." "Yes, yes, let's break it up, Mr. Yuan Feiwu needs a bunch of beauties to wait on you..."

The twins whispered together, but the problem was that the volume was not the volume of whispering, which made Lucia blush with anger.

Angry at their nonsense, blushing at what they did.

That's right, I was subconsciously anxious to explain this to Yuan Feiwu!It seems like a guilty conscience!
Isn't it just that there is a marriage contract, the dignified prince has a marriage contract, why do you feel guilty... Ah bah, there is a fart marriage contract!
"I think this marriage contract is good. Marrying the princess of the orc clan will make your position as the future king of the demon clan more secure." Yuan Feiwu said rationally from an objective point of view.

Being objective is very objective, but Lucia just felt uncomfortable listening to it.

"I repeat, we don't have a marriage contract." Lucia followed her heart and continued calmly, "At the beginning of the alliance between the two races, Flonge proposed a marriage contract to the emperor and betrothed his only daughter to me. .But Father had already tactfully refused at that time. But now it seems that Flonge doesn't understand the tactful refusal!"

"Er... this seems to be a very possible thing." Yuan Feiwu said quite understandingly.

When the two clans fought, the demons couldn't keep up with food and grass. As long as the beasts prolong the war, the demons could be easily dragged to death.However, Lucasar saw that it was unfavorable and found an opportunity to propose an alliance to Flonge, suggesting that attacking the Star Luo Continent would be more suitable for each other's interests, and let the kings of the two races fight one-on-one, and the winner would be the leader.Flonge accepted such a suggestion arbitrarily without hesitation!
Because of this incident alone, Yuan Feiwu can tell what kind of person Flonge is, and it's not surprising that he can't understand and refuse.The orcs of the Beamon clan are naturally strong in combat power. As long as they are adults, even if they don't learn the fighting spirit of their Beamon clan, they can already fight with the earth warriors on the basis of physical strength, which shows how outstanding their physical talent for fighting is.The Creator is fair, he gave them a door and closed all the windows, so their brains are basically not very bright.

"What is your Royal Highness planning to do? How about taking the opportunity to decide on the marriage? With the beast race as your strong shield behind you, and when you become the king of the demon race, you will have enough power to convince the crowd. I think it is the best policy." Yuan Feiwu said laughingly.

"That's right, that's right!" "Support and support!" The twins never stopped calling wildly for the Lord Demon King. Of course, it was also part of the reason that they fell victim to Lucia who was always pointing fingers at the Lord Demon King.

"Do you think that Flonge wants to marry his daughter to me just to help me get in position? His main purpose is to find a breakthrough in the upper echelon of our demon clan. After all, the ruling class of the demon clan is all royal blood. There is no such thing as collusion with foreign races First of all, it is difficult for the orcs to infiltrate and buy, and it is very difficult to obtain high-level information, so I came up with the idea of ​​marrying a princess. In addition, I am the only prince, and his daughter can get in touch with a wide range of dignitaries. The identity issue is not easy to deal with, and this marriage will be a headache for the demons." Lucia explained carefully, with rare patience.

He really rejected this marriage, Yuan Feiwu really doesn't need to worry about him, okay?What's more, hasn't he touched it... Doesn't he know that he can't marry that princess!
"Then it will be troublesome. Judging from Flonge's temperament, he wants to take advantage of the opportunity when you deliver it to his door."

"Isn't it your fault that I delivered it to your door?" The word "delivered to your door" was extra harsh, and Lucia got angry when she saw Yuan Feiwu still smiling.

"I told you not to come."

Yuan Feiwu spread his hands, and the innocent smile made Lucia's teeth itch with anger.

"In the end, you also said that you would be responsible for my safety." Lucia gritted her teeth.

"Of course... But marriage is not within the safe range. But I can send you a congratulatory message on that day, so let's treat it as an extra service!"

"I'll give you an extra head! I'll give you a hanging rope, okay? I'm being forced into marriage, okay? It's not something that is forced to be done voluntarily by the subjective consciousness, don't talk about it like a happy event! You have to think that marriage is very Great, you tie it for me!"

Lucia didn't understand how many times he was so angry by Yuan Feiwu that his brain was hypoxic. He was obviously a prince, and he was used to being submissive to him. Since Yuan Feiwu came, everything changed.

Nima, Yuan Feiwu is like a high-ranking prince!Every word he said left him speechless and wanted to hit the wall with his head!

"If you decide not to end, then I will replace you."


Lucia was taken aback by Yuan Feiwu's words, and he said that asking Yuan Feiwu to replace him was of course just an angry statement.

"With Fulonge's temperament, he will definitely force you regardless of your wishes. I will stay and deal with them. You go back to the demons first, and I will find a way to escape and join you." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Of course not..." Lucia was about to veto Yuan Feiwu's proposal with righteous words, when the heavy iron door opened again.

Two Beamon giants nearly three meters tall walked in, and the first one was Beamon King Flonge!
Damn, it's here so soon, and he hasn't figured out a countermeasure yet!
Lucia was restless in her heart, but on the surface she had put on the proud smile of a prince.Before he was allowed to say hello in the elegant way of a demon prince, Flonge hastily made his thunderous voice first.

"Why didn't Prince Lucia notify you in advance when he came to be a guest? But it doesn't matter, a man should be so informal, I like it! Come on, you haven't met yet? This is the little girl, Radish! My father and I have been together for a long time. Let me say it first, let you unite and accomplish something unprecedented in the history of the beasts and demons!"

Flonge pushed the Beamon giant who was slightly shorter behind him a few steps forward, and suddenly his huge body covered the light stones on the ceiling as if covering the sky, casting shadows on Lucia and the others.

Shredded radish?Where does this figure look like silk!
"It's not good, what should I do, I think His Royal Highness may not be as good as her..." "Yeah, if you don't use your Royal Highness for three days, you will turn into a human being, right? It's so pitiful, I can't bear it, and I'm not kind I laughed..." The twins covered their mouths and took half a step back, not flattering the appearance of the Bimon princess.

What the twins said made Yuan Feiwu and Lucia dumbfounded, but I have to say that their words were really straightforward.

From the aesthetic point of view of normal people, the Beamon is also a race in the orc group, but it should be separated from the orc group and form a separate race!
There is a reason why orcs, even though they are called beasts, are finally classified as "people".The orcs of other races all have human bodies and facial features, the difference is that there are some symbols of their race on their heads, such as ox horns and goat horns and various furry animal ears.There are also the limbs of certain races of orcs, some with sheep's hoofs, or longer claws on the fingers like wolves, as well as racial characteristics such as long canine teeth and dead sheep's eyes.But in general, the "human" part accounts for the vast majority. It is said that there is no problem with human beings. If you see these orcs for the first time, you still feel a little cute.

But the Behemoth is different. The behemoth is nearly two meters tall since it was born, and it can shred level 2 monsters with its bare hands. It has been no different from a beast since birth.Not to mention the appearance, even the author Jun subconsciously wrote the giant Bimon as a giant "beast" and used the word "beast", which shows how out of tune his appearance is with humans.

They are thick-skinned and covered with tough down, which changes from light gray to dark gray as they grow, and back to light gray as they age.For example, Beamon King Flonge is very old, and the fluff on his body is light gray, while the fluff of shredded radish is dark gray.They are huge, their hands are longer than their feet, and their bodies are as thick as locomotives. They look very oppressive.The big head has a wrinkled orangutan face, and the canine teeth in the lower row grow wildly like no money, like two fangs protruding from the mouth and hanging upside down on the face.Except for the same eyes, ears, mouth and nose, the whole face really doesn't look like a human being.

From the appearance, they seem to be closer to the category of "beast".

"Ahem... After seeing the face of the Bimon princess, do you still dare to marry me?"

Lucia sent a sound transmission to Yuan Feiwu, his heart was broken, so he expected that Yuan Feiwu's heart should also be broken, so he just laughed at it.

"Actually, once I get used to this face, I think it's quite interesting... And I didn't say to marry you, I just pretended to be your identity and let you run away. Or do you want to fight hard with King Beamon? Don't say I didn't warn you in advance when the two clans start fighting." Yuan Feiwu echoed.

what...THE...X...!Lucia glanced at Yuan Feiwu in horror, could he get used to seeing such an ugly thing?And is the adjective "interesting" a compliment or a derogation to a person's appearance?
(End of this chapter)

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