Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 752 1 Willful Beamon King

Chapter 752

"What's the matter, shredded radish, are you shy?"

Seeing that the shredded radish was not moving, Flonge pushed the shredded radish again. He was obviously nervous. He didn't have any self-knowledge about the ugly faces of Lucia and the others, and he was still teasing his daughter.

shy?So if a huge monster dared to make shy movements, Lucia and the twins felt that they would fight Flonge even if they were desperate, and only hoped that their eyes would not be tortured.

Shredded radish was pushed forward a few steps, and immediately retreated. For Lucia and the others, they couldn't understand what the expression on her face meant. After all, she didn't look like a species.

Turnip shreds leaned into Flonge's ear and said: "I don't want to marry him, you see they are all ugly13, and short in stature, how can they match me?"

"Oh, daughter, don't judge people by their appearances. You are indeed wronged by the ugliness of marrying the Prince of the Demon Race, but it's not for the sake of the Beast Race..."

"I don't care, they are so ugly that I can't accept it! I don't want to marry ugly 13!"

"No nonsense!"


There was silence on Lucia's side, with black lines all over her face.

"We are all ugly 13, I don't think I can bear this sentence, especially when it comes out of their mouths..." "Mr. Yuan Feiwu, can you approve me to let them kneel down and sing conquest?" The twins have an opinion .

There is no way, after all, the Behemoth giants seem to not know how to control the volume of whispering whispers in their ears, and the voice of their speech is still too loud. If you want to pretend that you can’t hear the word ugly 13, it was smashed into your ears hard and stuck in your head. Roaring back and forth.

As the leaders of the first echelon with natural beauty, when did they suffer such insults!

"Maybe it's really a difference in species. We can't get used to their appearance, and they can't get used to our appearance either, hehehe..." Yuan Feiwu sent them a voice transmission, and seemed to think that this was a very interesting thing. Can't help but laugh out loud.

Lucia really wanted to roll her eyes, but this was the first time she heard Yuan Feiwu laughing. Normally, no matter what happened good or bad, that guy would only smile without making a sound. It can be seen that this time Yuan Feiwu really thought it was too interesting.That crisp laughter was so pleasant that Lucia suppressed the strong desire to roll her eyes and her heart was pounding non-stop. Lucia didn't know how to evaluate her current feelings, which was the mixture of extreme bitterness and bliss. Get mixed up.

"On behalf of the Demon Race, I would like to say hello to the king of the Beast Race, Flongge, the Behemoth King, and Princess Luobosi." Yuan Feiwu didn't forget to do business, and after the fun, he took a step forward and walked gracefully Mozu gift.

"Are you crazy? Flonge has seen me in person!" Lucia hastily sent a sound transmission to Yuan Feiwu.

"Prince Lucia, I haven't seen you for a long time, hahaha..." Flonge immediately turned his body in the direction of Yuan Feiwu, and stiffly assumed a familiar posture.

As Flonge laughed heartily, Lucia once again lowered her noble head with black lines all over her face.

Damn it, it turns out that this guy has never recognized who the prince is, he is face blind!Even if you are face-blind, you can still see the color of your pupils clearly. The demon royal family has purple pupils, but that guy has black pupils!Shouldn't he be colorblind too?
Lucia thought about it calmly, and understood why Yuan Feiwu dared to take such a bold risk to replace him.

Looking at the shredded radish now, he is actually the same as the other Behemoth giants who brought them here before. There is no difference in appearance at all, the whole length is the same, and he can't even tell whether it is male or female.As Yuan Feiwu said, we can't understand their appearance, and they can't understand our appearance either.In my own eyes, I can't see any difference in their looks, so in their eyes, I'm afraid that my group also looks the same.

In their eyes, they all look the same ugly 13.

After figuring this out, to be honest, Lucia didn't feel much better in her heart. There was even a sentence in her heart that MMP wanted to run to the top of the mountain and shout out loudly, it was too fucking depressing.

"You came to pick up your companions this time. I know what happened to Baruru and the others. It was just a misunderstanding. You can also see that the fallen angel is well taken care of." Flonge said .

"Balulu and the others have already explained the misunderstanding to us. We have already understood this matter, and we will not embarrass the friends of the orc race again." Yuan Feiwu answered generously, which is completely the standard for a decent prince to answer this matter. The answer made Lucia unable to imagine what kind of person this person is after seeing his performance. Sometimes he looks like a commoner, sometimes he looks like a scheming politician, sometimes he looks like a research and development personnel who studies technology hard, and sometimes he can show the essence of a prince. There is no flaw.

"These are my entourages, and I won't introduce them one by one if their identities are not on the stage. After chatting with the Baruru warriors, I see that you, King Beamon, have a lot of things to do. I think we came at the wrong time. Why don't we let us resign first, and wait until we find another suitable time, and then pay a visit at home. Regarding the marriage contract, we shouldn't be so hasty and let us talk to King Beamon with nothing, right?" Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Lucia couldn't help but want to laugh when she heard this tactic. For Flonge, this tactic is simply playing the piano against the cow.Do you think a few compliments on him are enough?
"We orcs don't need the same set of red tape as your demons. We can just deal with the marriage contract directly!"

As expected, Lucia guessed right, Flonge has always been the one who cares about you and does whatever comes to mind.I suddenly wanted to hold this wedding on a whim, so let's talk about it!
"Alright, how about I stay here to handle the marriage contract, and let my followers go back to the Demon Race to report my safety?" Yuan Feiwu changed the subject and obeyed Flonge's words.

Lucia was taken aback, Yuan Feiwu really planned to use herself as bait to rescue herself!Thinking of this, I couldn't help looking at Yuan Feiwu worriedly.

The twins didn't look worried at all. Their Lord Demon King can do whatever he wants. Anyway, no one can do anything about it. He has nothing to worry about.So he ran to the sofa and lay down very heartlessly to study what kind of fur was used on the sofa.

"What are you in a hurry for? Are you still afraid that I will treat my son-in-law badly? Let them attend the wedding banquet as representatives of the Demon Race. After the wedding banquet is over, go back and report the good news to that old devil Lu Kaiser! We have been fighting for so many years, but we never thought On the day you become in-laws, when you go back to visit him together, you will definitely surprise him! Hahaha..."

Yea, absolutely blown away and then going to fight you again.Lucia said with certainty in her heart.

Seeing that Yuan Feiwu's scheme of sacrificing himself to help him escape failed, Lucia was relieved for some reason.

"Since King Beamon is thoughtful, I can't say anything more. But I'm not in a hurry. It's better to let the princess and I develop a relationship for a while before we get married. This seems to be more satisfactory."

The two strategies of advancing as retreat and escaping the golden cicada's shell failed. Lucia looked at Yuan Feiwu and used another strategy of reinforcements, knowing that Yuan Feiwu was hopeless.

"That makes sense." Flonge glanced at his beloved daughter, and Luo Bosi's expression seemed very reluctant, and he immediately felt that it might be possible for them to communicate more with the young people, "Okay, then you two Rest here, if you want to meet the little girl and greet the guard directly, he will naturally take you there."

Flonge is very straightforward in doing things, and of course it has something to do with his temperament of doing whatever comes to mind. After making up his mind, he left with shredded radish.

The heavy door was locked again, clearly to eliminate the possibility of you delaying time to find a chance to escape.Putting the prince under house arrest lost the way of hospitality?As Flonge said, he doesn't pay so much red tape!
"Is there no way?" Lucia sat on the sofa, subconsciously brushed her hair, her beautiful face unconsciously exuded a sultry charm, and looked up at Yuan Feiwu.

He himself did not notice this subconscious action, because it came from the deep sense of security in his heart.Even if he was trapped in the high-level prison cell of the orcs, as long as he had Yuan Feiwu, he would be able to relax with that unconscious sense of security.

"Actually, I have another way. I wonder if you guys want to try it?" Yuan Feiwu continued because of Lucia's inexplicable pause.

He was also a little distracted just now.

"Oh, Mr. Yuan Feiwu, have you finally decided to use violent means!" "Haha, I suddenly feel my blood boil, although I have been passionate since I followed Mr. Yuan Feiwu!" Bearskin jumped out of the pinch, as always, cheering.

As the Lord Demon King, taking them out of here is just a matter of turning up the pinky!
(End of this chapter)

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