Chapter 753 Official use!
"It's so boring to always use violence to solve problems, especially if you still want to rely on other people's violence, then it shouldn't be." Yuan Feiwu had to preach again.

"It makes sense! Solving it with violence is too low for Mr. Yuan Feiwu!" "That's right, it's not fun at all!" It seems that Yuan Feiwu said something super amazing, which made the twins excited, and Lucia looked at it. Shake your head straight.

It seems that they can solve the current problem with violence!

He is King Beamon!Even if it is not the same as King Beamon, this is the capital of the orcs. The orcs live in the way that each race forms a tribe. Other races will also appear in a tribe for many reasons, but they must be in the minority.The Beamon tribe is the ruling family of the orc tribe, which means that the capital is a big tribe of the Beamon tribe!In the tribe, there are Bibi Bibi!

Want to escape?It would be strange not to be surrounded by a large group of Behemoth giants immediately after going out!
Then come one or two Beamon giants who have cultivated to the gold level at random, and they can even beat them out of shit!

"So what's your solution, don't keep it up." Lucia asked angrily and continued to watch the twins play tricks.

Since being amazed by Yuan Feiwu's series of advanced ideas, Lucia's psychology has also been stimulated. When encountering problems, she always likes to think more, and secretly competes with Yuan Feiwu.

Not long ago, Yuan Feiwu proposed that the city of Lierier should be developed in the direction of a large trade city. This very far-sighted idea made Lucia feel frustrated again.But Lucia has always refused to admit defeat and would only get more courageous after setbacks. This time, he made persistent efforts and tried hard to think of a way out of being trapped in the high-level prison of the orcs.But apart from the few methods that Yuan Feiwu thought of just now, he has no other options.

The best way at present is to use dragging formulas like Yuan Feiwu, and then pass the news of being trapped here to the father or uncle during the period, and they will naturally be able to rescue them from the dire straits.

However, it was a little difficult for them to pass the news back. Not to mention that the sound transmission was not enough for them to pass it as far as the level, and the isolation circle was set up in this cell alone, so it was impossible for the sound transmission to get out.I can only pray that City Lord Newman, who was the last to meet them on the other side of the Demon Race, waited for them to wait for many days before they found anyone, and then he would notice something wrong, and then inform his father.

But now that Yuan Feiwu actually said that he still had a way, Lucia felt hit again.

I have nothing to do, but he still has a way!

Could it be that I really can't compare to this person?
Yuan Feiwu smiled, took out some things from the storage space, and threw them on the ground.

"You, you, you pervert!" Lucia's face suddenly became hot, seeing Yuan Feiwu's innocent smiling face that couldn't be harmoniously put together with the things he took out, his head was in a mess.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, I didn't expect your way to be more wild!" "As expected of Mr. Yuan Feiwu, the taste is so spicy!" The twins were excited again, anyway, even if Yuan Feiwu throws a pile of shit now, they probably It will also be this kind of brain-dead cheerfulness.

However, Lucia felt that her body was so hot that she could hardly breathe, and her snow-white face turned red from her forehead to her neck.

His eyes wandered around, looking at the things Yuan Feiwu threw out from time to time as if unintentionally: three animal ear headbands, and a set of collar strings.

As the prince of the Demon Race, he certainly knows what these things are, they are all common things among nobles.

Many of the Royal Wan Kua's children have collected such things, they are used to train and play with those adopted ones, to improve their taste, in short, I can't describe it anymore, otherwise they will be sealed again... Especially that set of collars , The gameplay that I have seen can make Lucia feel even more unsightly.But as he is also part of the royal family, he can't show disdain, because they are the group of people who are superior, and it's strange to raise some things that exist to satisfy their own desires. Can't fault anything.Besides, for those captive playthings, in a barren place like the demons, this kind of life is a way of life, even more nourishing than ordinary untouchables.One is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure, there is nothing to struggle with.

"This doesn't seem to be useful." Yuan Feiwu calmly put away the set of collar ropes like a normal person, shrugged and said, "I confiscated these from another pervert, I didn't expect to be able to distribute them today." In fact, I would rather not have a chance to make them useful, if it wasn’t for the pitiful entrustment of that person at that time, I would have burned them.”

"You, you and that pervert, often play with these things?!" Lucia felt that his mind was so hot that fog hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes.

Who plays whom?How to play?It's not like he hasn't seen a beautiful boy being taken in and played with like that!I can't help but think about it in my mind!
"Your forehead is so hot that you can't hear clearly?" Yuan Feiwu touched Lucia's red forehead helplessly, it was horribly hot, "I said 'confiscated', not 'often Play 'ah...'

When Lucia was touched by Yuan Feiwu, it was like getting an electric shock, and her body softened halfway. Fortunately, Yuan Feiwu gave him a gentlemanly support to stand still, and hurriedly backed away a few steps.However, Yuan Feiwu couldn't look away from that flushed and unbelievably beautiful face, and he didn't even notice it.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, what are you going to do with these perverted things now?" "Did your perverted force suddenly awaken?" the twins asked curiously.

"Don't talk about them like that, as long as you use them in the right place, you won't feel abnormal at all." Yuan Feiwu's sometimes crazy words when dealing with the twins usually follow the principle of three nos, regardless of whether they are ignored or ignored.

Otherwise, if you have to entangle with the twins about what is the abnormal force, you will probably be brought into a wonderful world of neurosis.

"Do they have a special usage?" Lucia finally calmed down, the flush on her face subsided a little, and she planned to listen patiently to Yuan Feiwu's explanation.

Maybe he still has some fantastic ways to use it, which is definitely not as nasty as he thought, such as...

"Yes, for example, on the head..."

"Get out! It's not that perverted usage!" Lucia was so angry that he pulled out his long staff.

This thing has the same principle as the temptation of uniforms, isn't it worn on the head, can it be used as slippers!
"Wearing this thing, you can pretend to be orcs, and then look for opportunities to get out." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "Judging from the IQ and face blindness of the Beamons, the difference between us and the orcs is the lack of this It's a thing. When I take the opportunity to find Princess Luobosi and help you guys who wear this thing get out, I guess it will let you escape."

Lucia thought about it carefully when she heard it, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that what Yuan Feiwu said was indeed reasonable... But after thinking about it, her face turned red again, indicating what the hell she was thinking just now!It makes it hard to breathe!

Blame the twins, where ghosts and wolves howl with rhythm!

If the twins knew that Lucia had thrown the blame on them, they would definitely not want to take the blame. Obviously they had screamed at Lucia before they screamed, and they were really led by Lucia.

"'re right." Lucia retracted her long staff, tried not to imagine in a strange direction, and randomly picked up a headband with animal ears.

It was a pair of white rabbit ears, soft, long, furry, very delicate and lovely.Lucia originally just wanted to see how the workmanship was. Unexpectedly, the feel and workmanship were surprisingly good, but these were not the reasons why he couldn't look away after holding it in his hand for a long time.

Instead, the position where he picked it up happened to coincide with the head of the smiling Yuan Feiwu in front of him, and he blushed inexplicably.

It seems to see him wearing it!
What the hell is this!Why did I become the heir to the king of the demon clan in the future, so obsessed with this thing here!He suddenly began to think about those royal disciples whom he despised at the beginning. Their hobbies don’t seem to be so deformed... No, this kind of thinking is very dangerous, Lucia!If this continues, a terrible taboo door will open!
"Oh, you like that one! It suits you quite well, I'll give it to you, you can try it on." Yuan Feiwu saw Lucia staring at the rabbit ear headband in his hand in a daze, and happened to look at himself, so he was very He smiled understandingly.

"Suitable for your sister!"

In the next second, the rabbit ear headband was thrown on him, Yuan Feiwu just followed it lightly, thinking that young people are really easy to be shy these days.

(End of this chapter)

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