Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 754 If you are bound, you will get hurt

Chapter 754 If you are bound, you will get hurt

"I will never wear this thing!"

After all, the scenes I have seen before are too unforgettable, and Lucia can't accept that she also wears this thing on her head, and there will be a sense of shame that she can't accept!
But he doesn't mind watching Yuan Feiwu wear it, ahem, it has no other abnormal meaning.

"Which one are you going to wear, I can check it for you, so that you don't look like an orc after wearing it, full of flaws." Lucia found a righteous explanation for her thoughts, and then began to look at Yuan Feiwu as if nothing had happened. Among the several animal ears thrown out, consider which one is more suitable for Yuan Feiwu.

Needless to say, the bunny ears must enter the top seed player in the expectation list. The combination of the snow-white and lovely innocent temperament and the black-haired and black-eyed Yuan Feiwu, that kind of indescribable sense of innocence will definitely instantly kill the old man's girlish heart!

There is also a dog ear with yellow stripes on the ground. Perhaps this loyal dog's full-bodied temperament is inexplicably suitable for Yuan Feiwu with particularly clear eyes!

Suddenly his eyes were tightly attracted by another black cat ear, it's amazing!Curiosity, mystery, silence, all the mysteries that make people want to pry into the truth are all concentrated here, these black ears seem to be tailor-made for Yuan Feiwu!
Lucia admired the owner who chose these animal ear headbands very much. The three selected animal ears were all so suitable for Yuan Feiwu, even though Yuan Feiwu, who never cursed, gave him (or her?) the name of pervert , then he must be a very sad character, but I still want to praise his (or her?) good vision from the bottom of my heart!

But being too discerning is not a good thing. For example, now, Lucia is struggling for the three championships. It is too difficult to choose which one Yuan Feiwu should wear.

Would it be considered a pervert for him to try on all three?It doesn't seem so good... If this continues, I'm afraid I will fall into a place where there is no end, even though it looks like heaven.

To Lucia's disappointment, the rabbit ear headband was thrown back in a second.

"I didn't say I'm going to hang out, it's the three of you who want to hang out." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "Patridge and Patreon, don't you want to wear it too?"

"Of course I would!" "It's just a trinket, so what's the point!"

Lucia never wanted the twins to say no to Yuan Feiwu, and this time was no exception.

"They are all willing, are you still not willing?" Yuan Feiwu motioned to Lucia.

Yuan Feiwu actually used the advantage of suppressing the number of people, it's abominable.

"Impossible! My majestic prince, how could I wear such an obscene and perverted thing!" But Lucia resolutely fought to the end, let him wear this thing, he would rather be imprisoned here for the rest of his life!

What's more, it is Yuan Feiwu who is restricted by the marriage contract now, not him!At worst, he won't go back until he's married!Playing such a perverted thing with others, he deserves to marry an orc princess in the end!
"How do you use them here? Even the word obscene is used." Yuan Feiwu shook his head with a wry smile, regretting that such a good method was rejected.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, they are quite safe here, he just does his job.

"Don't worry about this matter. I want to ask you, you said you didn't intend to leave here, what's your purpose here?" Lucia found something worth paying attention to, and it wasn't so easy to be forgotten.

He suddenly discovered that Yuan Feiwu's plan from beginning to end was to let them go first, and he planned to stay, which was very suspicious.

"I'm very interested in the fact that the three warriors of the orc clan appeared at the border together. I plan to learn more about it. Maybe it matches the message I want to convey. Then what I want to do will be more effective with less effort."

"It's your same fantasy as the king of the human race said again? What kind of chaos master is going to destroy the Three Realms, and everyone should cooperate to fight against it?" Lucia's face turned cold.

Now he deeply suspects that he came to the Demon Race because of another conspiracy.Why did he say the same thing as the king of the human race? Could it be... Lucia was terrified after thinking about it.

"The opportunity for cooperation and the help to strengthen the national power of the demons, I have brought them with your blessing. As for whether you believe it or not, it is your choice. I have said everything that needs to be said, and the rest , it’s up to you to make your own judgments.”

"You use me? So you approach me only to convey your 'meaning'?"

"It's not that I approach you, but that you need me to help you demons. But it is undeniable that I did tell you the truth with your help. Without you, this matter would have taken longer. "

Lucia felt a sharp pain in his chest. During this time, Yuan Feiwu had been working by his side, and it turned out that he had been using him.This feeling of being betrayed is really terrible.He thought that this person would eventually become the most trustworthy person around him, but he didn't expect that they were just using their relationship.

Yuan Feiwu is just telling the truth. As he said to the God King at the beginning, he does not intend to rely on a force stronger than the ordinary world to make the ordinary world submit. His help is only to tell them the truth and give them the conditions to improve their lives. As for the choice Whether they give up, fight on their own, or unite the front, he will not forcibly change their will.

However, he will not carry all the invasion of the Lord of Chaos on his shoulders. He will hand over the destroyers who are at the same level as the Mortal Realm to the Mortal Realm. Coveting comfort under the wings of the gods.In this way, if the various forces in the mortal world cannot cooperate with each other, they will be like a mess, and the possibility of destruction is very high, but the destruction is also their own fault.

To put it another way, when the destroyer who threatens the world in which they live arrives, they still wait for the blessing of the gods leisurely, so there is no meaning for the existence of such decadent and corrupt people.

Chuangshishen's strength is limited, and Yuan Feiwu understands that he intends to abandon his pawns, save his car and give up the mortal world.Yuan Feiwu is also willing to take over and give Mortal Realm hope, but everything depends on Mortal Realm's own choice.Whether everyone is united to fight side by side with him, or when the God of Destruction arrives, he still fights in a cunning nest, Yuan Feiwu will wait for them to give their own results.

But no matter what, Lucia felt that Yuan Feiwu had ulterior motives no matter whether the matter of the Lord of Chaos was true or not during the time he was with Yuan Feiwu.He couldn't accept this kind of ulterior motive, especially after he put more and more trust in Yuan Feiwu.

Seeing that Yuan Feiwu didn't explain anymore, instead he went to knock on the big iron door and shouted that he was going to find the princess. Lucia said to him heartbroken: "Now is the time to use the orc princess? We demons treat you I don't seem to be interested in your 'purpose', so I'm useless, right? Take off your mask, after all, you've made meaningful contributions to the demons, even if your hypocrisy makes me sick, I won't blame you Leave me here."

"Using the princess of the orc clan... It's not impossible for you to say that, but everyone gets what they need, and I can provide what she wants." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "My hypocrisy, didn't you come from Did you see through it from the beginning? Don't worry, I will let you return to the Demon Race safely. You are the most rational and intelligent one in the Demon Race, what should be done in the face of destruction, the Demon Race needs you to guide the direction."

Beneath the laughing smile, Yuan Feiwu's heart twitched slightly.He has heard this kind of hot ridicule and sarcasm countless times since he was a child. As long as he wraps his heart with layer after layer of indifference, no matter how scary people's words are, they will not hurt him at all.

But this time...

Yuan Feiwu carefully peeled off the quilt a little, revealing a little bit of the injured heart, and wrapped it in a cold diaphragm again.

The death of parents is like this, Wen Nian's betrayal is like this, and the cruel choice of rejecting Yuan Lao is like this, the more you care about it, the more unforgettable it will be.

Sure enough, if I am alone and live an ordinary life, my heart will not feel uncomfortable.

"I wish you 'success' in the orc princess."

"Thank you."

The door opened, and Yuan Feiwu was taken away by a gold-ranked Behemoth giant, and the heavy iron door was closed again heavily.

Not long after I came in today, the rotten iron door has been opened and closed countless times, but this time Lucia felt that the sound of closing the door was particularly harsh, as if she also heard the sound of some other strange things breaking.

Then he chose a guest room alone, went in, closed the door, covered his head and lay down on the luxurious big bed made of unknown animal skin, leaving Partridge and Patreon staring outside the door.

"Why does it feel like they are arguing? Are they arguing?" "The young couple fell out..." "Why?" "Aren't you watching here with me? You don't know how I know "Isn't it because the Lord Demon King was jealous that His Royal Highness had a marriage contract at the beginning?" "Later, the Lord Demon King took the engagement on himself, and ran out to find the orc princess again. As far as possessiveness is concerned, jealousy is inevitable." "That's right, that's why it became like this."

Silence for a while.

"Is this a good thing? The Lord Demon King went to find the orc princess, and he finally straightened it out!" "But the taste is too strong. Can you call that ugly 13 Mrs. Demon King?"" I can’t scream, your question makes me feel terrible, and I suddenly found that I can’t scream! After such a struggle, I think it’s better for the Lord Demon King to continue to have sex with His Royal Highness! After all, His Royal Highness’s good looks Only the Lord Demon King is worthy of it!" "I can't cry out, so what should I do? So why don't you try to stand by His Royal Highness this time?" "Okay, let's try to support His Royal Highness once, and look at the funeral he just broke up with. The same is quite pitiful..." "Okay, a consensus has been reached!"

The love of Lord Demon King, uh, even if it’s sex, let’s protect it!

The twins clapped their hands silently, and put on a proud face as if they had done something great.

(End of this chapter)

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